Created and narrated by René Redzepi, the esteemed chef and co-owner of world-renowned restaurant Noma, “Omnivore” takes viewers on an immersive journey into the world of food, exploring the profound beauty and intricate complexities of the human experience through the lens of the key ingredients that connect us all. Each episode of “Omnivore” celebrates the cultivation, transformation and consumption of eight of the world's most essential ingredients, including bananas, chilies, coffee, corn, pork, rice, salt and tuna, revealing how they serve as the cornerstones of global cultural heritage. Redzepi and Emmy Award-winning executive producer Matt Goulding (“Anthony Bourdain: Explore Parts Unknown”) guide audiences on a globe-spanning odyssey, unveiling intricate stories behind the ingredients that have shaped societies, cultures, beliefs and the course of human history. The series takes viewers to destinations around the world, including Denmark, Serbia, Thailand, Spain, Japan, Djibouti, Peru, South Korea, France, Colombia, India, Bali, Rwanda and Mexico, as well as locations throughout the United States. In each episode, Redzepi and various series contributors offer an intimate exploration of culinary traditions, showcasing local efforts to honor, conserve and protect Earth’s offerings.
在2015年1月,米其林双星荣誉与餐饮业界公认全世界排名第一,丹麦哥本哈根的「诺玛」(Noma)餐厅,在其神厨雷尼瑞哲匹 (René Rezepi)大胆尝试之下,暂时关闭5周,全体人马移师东京,在低调奢华的文华东方酒店,首度将东亚饮食美学,与诺玛经典之「在地有机」料理哲学,做了一次天人合一的完美尝试。 身为美国时代杂志 (Time Magazine) 尊为全球最具影响力之餐饮界人物之一,神厨雷尼以北欧严谨专注但直言不谓的性格著称。他点头允许荷兰裔美食电影导演Maurice Dekkers独家纪录这一段在异乡炉灶重启的过程。在他与团队人员跌撞摸索的过程中,如何将日本纯朴新鲜的在地食材,透过诺玛经典之极简精緻料理烹饪,最后呈现在14道风格多元,华丽明豔餐点裡,打造出东西合璧的平衡与美味。 「神厨东京壮游记」运用了细腻但流畅的手法,轻鬆却不戏谑的角度,生动捕捉住这段奇妙的美食盛宴之旅...
/John Kent Harrison
故事描述性格传统的高中女教师Trish Fahey对学生自由散漫、不思进取的行为十分不解,对家长听之任之的态度更是十分气愤。在她看来,学习成绩糟糕但是很会打篮球的Justin Kremer是「坏学生」的典型代表。Trish本想好好教育一下Justin不负责任的妈妈Cindy Cremer,但事情却出现了戏剧性的变化……Trish遇见了神秘女人Molly,对方极力劝说她换一个角度来看世界。一场车祸之后,Trish的意识在另一个女人体内醒来--不是别人,正是她一直指责的「坏妈妈」Cindy!这是怎么回事?Molly与这件事有何关系?Trish的命运如何?
帕斯卡(Bernhard Bulling 饰)和永健(吕聿来 饰)是漂在香港的两个年轻人。帕斯卡来自瑞士,靠做街头艺人和小偷小摸维持生活;永健来自北京,是一家烧腊店的外卖伙计。两个陌生人在陌生的城市不期而遇,发展出一段心动的爱情。然而快乐却是短暂而伤感的,最终因为帕斯卡的一场意外而化做泡沫。很多年后永健单身前往瑞士去追寻爱人走过的足迹,却遇到有着和帕斯卡相似面容的男子。正如风铃破碎的旋律,这段诗意爱情的秘密将在静静的来回插叙中逐步揭示...... 在中国传统文化中, 当微风吹起风铃声响,代表有先人或魂魄到访。这是一个信号,告诉在世的人「我」回来了,亦是再次提醒他们至亲至爱已经永隔的事实。 《无声风铃》是一部关于放手的电影,它紧凑地展现了东西方在生活哲学、看待死亡与来世上的区别,同时也模糊了爱情与种族的界线、呈现不同文化的融合与一致。本片是香港导演洪荣杰的第一部剧情长片。
/Irene Starewicz,拉迪斯洛夫·斯塔维奇
In the kingdom of animals, Master Fox is used to trick and fool everyone. So the King, the Lion, receives more and more complaints about him. He orders that Master Fox is arrested and brough to him... One of the first animation film with puppets. The story is taken from a from a French medieval fable.
夏天快要来临的时候,巴黎女子戴尔芬(玛丽·瑞莱 Marie Rivière 饰)却陷入了忧伤与烦闷中。刚刚和前男友结束恋爱关系,本来约好与她一同度假的女友也放了她鸽子。尽管其它许多好心的亲友邀请她一同度假,但是她却一一拒绝了。每个人都有了自己的度假计划,只有她看似要独身 一人困在巴黎过冗长的夏天。她寻寻觅觅,终日游荡在各处,希望能够找到自己的情人,但是所遇之人皆不能触动她心。在马赛海边,她听说了关于绿光的传说:谁能看到绿光,谁就能得到幸福。落寞的她打算返回巴黎,在车站,一个男子对着正在阅读小说《白痴》的她微笑,戴尔芬似乎觉察到了什么,她主动邀请男子去海边看日落。在灿烂的光辉中,男子对她表白,而她却固执地等到绿光才给出答案。 本片获得第43届威尼斯电影节金狮奖。
休·杰克曼和劳拉·邓恩将主演新片《儿子》(The Son),是热门冲奥片《困在时间里的父亲》导演佛罗莱恩·泽勒执导,依旧改编自他创作的同名戏剧,并同克里斯托弗·汉普顿一起写剧本。泽勒的“家庭三部曲”目前已经有两部影视化。 《父亲》探索老年痴呆症对情感的毁灭性影响,《儿子》则聚焦青少年抑郁症,讲述彼得(杰克曼)和新的伴侣及刚出生不久的孩子过着忙碌的生活,当前妻凯特(邓恩)带着他们处于青春期、充满困扰和愤怒的儿子尼古拉斯出现后,一切变得混乱不堪。 彼得努力成为一个更好的父亲,用亲密的家庭幸福时刻来帮助儿子,但尼古拉斯的状态让这个家庭走上了一条危险的道路,他们必须尽一切努力来维系团结一致的纽带。
Morse finds himself the subject of a murder investigation when his friend, Beryl Newsome, is murdered at a rehearsal of the Magic Flute and he foolishly touches the murder weapon. Morse is suspended and DCI Bottomley, with DS Lewis assisting him, is put in charge of the case. Morse feels that he was set-up and looks to his past to see who, among the many criminals he arrested, might now be setting about seeking revenge. When someone scratches masonic symbols all over his car and he is reported for erratic driving, Morse wonders if Masons may somehow be involved. When a large number of his personal items are found in Beryl's apartment, Morse is placed under arrest.
The last year of life of the Italian-French painter Amedeo Modigliani (1884-1920) who died with 36 years, was played by Gérard Philipe, who was lethally sick during the shooting of this movie and died shortly after its release, 1959, with 36 years - on one of the two diseases that Modigliano had himself and exactly in his age. Further, this movie was directed by Jacques Becker - after the sudden death of Max Ophüls. Becker, too, died only 2 years after this movie.
/Ryan Zaragoza
A Mexican-American couple expecting their first child relocate to a migrant farming community in 1970's California. When the wife begins to experience strange symptoms and terrifying visions, she tries to determine if it's related to a legendary curse or something more nefarious.
Several young girls were killed. Policeman Matthaei travels to the region where it happened and searches a child that looks similar to the ones that were murdered. He finds one and stays with her and her mother, not telling them that he is waiting for the killer to start his bloody work one more time ...
After a momentous year at East High, the Wildcats head to Camp Shallow Lake for two weeks of fun in the sun. With a high-stakes production of "Frozen" looming and new campers threatening to shake up the Wildcats' dynamic, the campers are in for an unforgettable summer of highs, lows, and "Let It Go's."
Every year, 310 killings in France go unsolved, leaving the victims' crushed families in a state of endless grief. The French judicial system is implacable: there's no money to continue investigating cases that lead nowhere. Hunting down murderers to help bereaved families get justice is more than just a job, it's a duty for Thomas Bareski, a retired, hotshot police detective. A wandering, footloose, nature-loving soul who lives out of his van, Thomas Bareski isn't just a one-of-kind man, he's also an extraordinary police officer who's ready to upend his way of life to fulfill his mission.
/Robbie Snow
Nesting Dolls is a psychological thriller about the darker sides of us that can lie just beneath the surface. Tori, Britt, and Erica are sorority sisters who spend a week together at a river house. When near-catastrophe strikes, the three are forced against one another as sisters turn to enemies and their humanity and sanity spirals.
/Levan Bakhia,Beka Jguburia
晴朗的一天,三年前痛失男友的珍娜(丝柯·泰勒-考普顿 Scout Taylor-Compton 饰)与好友瑞妮(克里斯蒂娜·尤罗尔 Christina Ulloa 饰)、迈克(迈克尔·科彭 Michael Copon 饰)以及新结识的帅气青年伊安(特拉维斯·范·文克 Travis Van Winkle 饰)前往某个乡村,参加当地举行的五月节。湖畔小屋,笑语欢歌,青年男女们纵情欢乐,只有珍娜强颜欢笑,似乎久久无法从三年前的惨剧中走出。随着夜幕降临,四人走入桑拿室,体会无上的蒸汽享受,而危机也正一步步向他们迫近。在此期间,迈克和瑞妮突然爆发争吵,前者夺门而出,大发雷霆,而瑞妮和珍娜、伊安稍后却发现,他们三人却被意外锁在桑拿室中。 温度逐渐升高,而死神的脚步越来越近……
/Rene Perez
California gold rush, late 1800's: A gun slinging bounty hunter (Mortimer) travels deep into the mountains to find a deadly Apache warrior (Brother Wolf) who is wanted by the law. Along the way he passes through a gold mining Town. The miners help direct Mortimer to the Apache and send him on his way. Mortimer enters the forest and begins to track the Apache. Back in town, the miners un-earth an ancient meteor. They use their pick axes to crack it open. A section of the meteor splits apart and spores explode out of it. The spore surround and infect the entire population of the mining camp. They are transformed into ravenous mutants. After a vicious battle against the Apache warrior, Mortimer exits the forest with his prisoner in shackles. They hike back to the mining town to find them selves surrounded by a horde of blood thirsty mutants. Now Mortimer the gun slinger and Brother Wolf the Warrior must join together to survive the mutant hordes. What ensues is a bloodbath of horror for the Dead and the Damned.