美联储成立近 100 年后,其权力从未如此强大。 世界各地的市场和政府都屏住呼吸,期待美联储主席的每一句话。 然而,普通人对地球上最强大——也是最不了解的——金融机构知之甚少。 由 Liev Schreiber 讲述,Money For Nothing 是第一部将观众带入美联储并揭示美联储政策(过去、现在和未来)对我们生活的影响的电影。 加入现任和前任美联储官员的行列,与批评者以及彼此辩论,讨论导致全球金融体系在 2008 年濒临崩溃的决定。以及为什么我们可能会再次走向崩溃。
纪录片《曼联92班》讲述了曼联六位才华横溢的足球运动员(大卫·贝克汉姆、尼基·巴特、瑞恩·吉格斯、保罗·斯科尔斯、菲尔·内维尔以及加里·内维尔)成长为世界足坛的风云人物的故事。影片重点放在1992年到1999年,曼联登顶欧冠,伴随着英国的社会文化风云变迁,如史诗般的足球的浮沉兴衰。6个14岁的少年,不同的家庭背景,进入了同一家足球俱乐部,撑起了这支在世界足坛中最受称颂的球队的脊梁,即使功成名就后退役的他们依然还是无可取代的好朋友。影片的独特之处还在于破天荒的获得了近距离了解这6位球星的机会,对他们每个人有了新的和更深层的认识,还得到了关于英国足球文化史上那段特殊时期珍贵的档案资料。此外,影片中还有其它许许多多的引人瞩目的内容包括对齐内丁·齐达内、托尼·布莱尔、石玫瑰乐队(the Stone Roses)的Mani、埃里克、坎通纳以及丹尼·鲍尔的采访。
影片是纪录片导演 Zachary Heinzerling的首部长片。《小可爱与拳击手》讲述了来自日本的“行动派”画家Ushio Shinohara和他的妻子Noriko Shinohara四十多年的婚姻,他们常常需要不断学习和包容来自对方的种种个性和缺点。Ushio Shinohara现年已经73岁,他主要在纽约举行创作,戴着拳击手套上面包裹着海绵,蘸取墨汁在画布上作画,而他的妻子Noriko尽管一直被当成丈夫身边的助手,却也在试图实现自己存在的价值。
21世纪初,一个标榜着“实现真正的言论和文化传播自由”的网站横空出世。它就是日后大名鼎鼎并惹来无数争议的最大的档案分享网站海盗湾(Pirate Bay)。该网站由高特弗里德·萨特霍姆·瓦格、弗雷德里克·内伊以及彼得·桑德三个瑞典人创立,他们的精神和魄力得到来自全世界复制派(海盗党)的热烈支持,与此同时也遭到号称损失高达61亿美金的版权方的嫉恨。2008年,以好莱坞为首的巨头向海盗湾提起诉讼,三位创始人不得不“离开键盘”,与检方展开一连串的周旋。 一方以法律为手段,一方以技术为武器。这不仅是一场来自不同价值观阵营的战争……
2012年二月,在篮球场上刮起的一股“林来疯”席卷全球。整个赛季都表现不佳的纽约尼克斯队,出人意料的给了替补控卫林书豪一个证明自己的机会。林书豪抓住时机,不辱使命,以惊艳的表现成为当代NBA首发五场得分最多的球员,在全世界造成了极强的轰动。然而在“林来疯”现象之前,林书 豪的职业篮球之路却四处碰壁。不仅在申请大学时未能得到奖学金,还在NBA选秀中失望落选。 华裔导演梁伊丹早在林书豪的名号尽人皆知以前就发现了他。他们跟随并拍摄下了林书豪作为亚裔球员,在NBA打拼的艰辛,并最终成为巨星的旅程。《林来疯》不只是一部为篮球迷拍摄的纪录片,更是一部激励人心的追梦记和奋斗史。
大卫·爱登堡 Simon Blakeney Bill Rudolph Mark Deeble Martyn Colbeck Kevin Flay 马修·怀特 Justine Evans Hugh Miller Kate Broome Mike Fox James Aldred Hugh Pearson Justin Maguire Mark MacEwen Warwick Sloss Mohame
《非洲》由《Life》原班人马打造,是一部大型原生态纪录片。镜头将跟随主持人David Attenborough一起穿越神奇的非洲大陆,探索那些从未被发现、被记录的生物物种和壮观的非洲奇迹。
记录中国装备制造业创新发展历史的国内首部大型高清工业电视纪录片《大国重器》开播式5日在河北唐山举行。该片由工业和信息化部委托中央电视台拍摄,将于11月6日在中央电视台财经频道晚上黄金时段首播,连续六天播放。 作为建国以来第一部记录中国装备制造业振兴发展历程的大型高清电视纪录片,《大国重器》将镜头对准了普通的产业工人和装备制造业企业转型升级、创新中的关键人物,真实记录了他们的智慧、生活和梦想,通过人物故事和制造细节,鲜活地讲述了充满中国智慧的机器制造故事,再现了中国装备制造业从小到大,到赶超世界先进水平背后的艰辛历程。 据了解,《大国重器》6集片名分别为《国家博弈》、《国之砝码》、《赶超之路》、《智慧转型》、《创新驱动》和《制造强国》
记录中国装备制造业创新发展历史的国内首部大型高清工业电视纪录片《大国重器》开播式5日在河北唐山举行。该片由工业和信息化部委托中央电视台拍摄,将于11月6日在中央电视台财经频道晚上黄金时段首播,连续六天播放。 作为建国以来第一部记录中国装备制造业振兴发展历程的大型高清电视纪录片,《大国重器》将镜头对准了普通的产业工人和装备制造业企业转型升级、创新中的关键人物,真实记录了他们的智慧、生活和梦想,通过人物故事和制造细节,鲜活地讲述了充满中国智慧的机器制造故事,再现了中国装备制造业从小到大,到赶超世界先进水平背后的艰辛历程。 据了解,《大国重器》6集片名分别为《国家博弈》、《国之砝码》、《赶超之路》、《智慧转型》、《创新驱动》和《制造强国》
Discovery频道即将独家播出全新系列节目,缔造金氏世界纪录的冒险家兼求生高手艾德史塔佛再度登场,这次他要在《单挑荒野》展开一场全新的人体耐力终极考验。在共分九集的节目中,艾德每一集将受困在不同的偏远地点长达十天:婆罗洲、泰国、澳洲、波札那、委内瑞拉与罗马尼亚等地,他身上没有食物、没有饮用水,甚至连一把刀子也没有。艾德身边只有摄影设备可用来记录他对付极端环境的实况,且看他的身心灵极限与应变能力如何通过大自然的考验。 在Discovery频道系列节目WALKING THE AMAZON中,艾德完成了860天穿越丛林的壮举;接着他又在《只身在荒岛》中,身上只带了一部摄影机独自在荒岛上存活六十天。这次艾德又要在《单挑荒野》节目中再次挑战,证明自己不但能够在最险恶的环境中生存,更能在其中过得从容自得,这次他再度只带着一部摄影机出发。《单挑荒野》节目中艾德所面临的精采挑战包括: 《单挑荒野》各集简介 婆罗洲 《单挑荒野》首先来到婆罗洲,这是世上第三大、也是亚洲最大的岛屿,艾德在这里对抗毕生面临最困难的考验。这里食物稀少,丛林潮湿的气候让生火难上加难。在无法生火的情况下,他只能生吃几只捉到的虾子跟螃蟹。这里的气候也开始对他的身体产生影响,脚上长出痛苦难熬的热带溃疡。但是艾德不会被击垮,最后他终于用原始的弓钻成功生火。他慢慢征服了险恶环境,透过特殊的方式捕鱼,艾德在离开婆罗洲丛林时充满自信,他相信如果有必要,他可以长期居住在这里。 罗马尼亚 艾德史塔佛史塔福被困在喀尔巴仟山脉,这是欧洲仅存少数的天然荒野之一,也是数百头凶猛棕熊的猎场。艾德一边小心警戒,一边对抗接近零度的严寒,还要跟严重的脱水症状搏斗。艾德用一个原始陷阱补到一头鹿,并且用鹿皮制作基本的衣物。艾德善用森林资源,像石器时代住在这些山区的人类祖先一样慢慢演化。在短短十天内,艾德慢慢累积衣服、生火、栖身之所以及充足的食物。 澳大利亚 场景拉到澳洲西部危险的海岸,在这里气温可以飙升到超过华氏100度,艾德努力对抗炙热气候,用粘土保护自己不被太阳晒伤,还发挥创意做了一个水桶,让他可以把营地建在靠近海岸与主要的食物来源附近,他的主食是贝类与甲壳类。他的双脚承受不了严峻环境的折磨,长期脱水甚至让他出现幻觉。艾德必须时时提防被巨大湾鳄攻击,因此他试着捉鱼来补充营养。 波札那 《单挑荒野》接着出征到波札那的奥卡凡哥三角洲,艾德要正面迎击非洲野生动物。艾德在一小块乾地上扎营,四周的水道里充满鳄鱼。随时都有狮子、花豹、大象跟河马的声音传来,因此艾德的首要之务就是生火自保。他的营地被狒狒入侵,它们想把艾德赶出自己的地盘;此外艾德还跟河马正面交锋。一场非洲风暴来袭,宣告雨季即将到来。当打猎徒劳无功时,他采取冒险的作法,挑战自非洲蜂巢中取出蜂蜜。
一連十集的《情迷越南》,陳潔玲(Christy)和林泳淘(Wingto)兩位2012年度港姐參選佳麗,聯袂飛到越南嘆世界,遊走擁有「小巴黎」之稱的胡志明市、到感受世界文化遺產重地順化及會安,以及到新興旅遊度假區峴港,以嶄新角角度欣賞這個歷史悠久的國度。 兩位俏主持又把女生喜愛的shopping、Spa、dinning、romantic view、high quality resort等至潮、至好玩、至好味的一面帶到大家眼前!大膽愛嘗新的Wingto化身cooking mama炮製越南美食;在會安古城「夜蒲」Pub;在超人氣雜貨專賣店搜挖寶藏;示範以最快速度往來世界級Resort的四大區域等等。而動靜皆宜的Christy會教大家簡單越南語。
148Series 19, Episode 127 January 2013Damian Lewis Review: Richard reviews the Pagani Huayra, the latest supercar from the Italian manufacturer. The car is capable of savage acceleration, with a lot of attention placed into the bodywork, interior and utilizing cutting edge technology. Despite the massive twin-turbo engine and horsepower, thanks to its sophisticated aerodynamic package, the car can easily be driven hard without the risk of spinning. The Huayra also set the fastest time on the Top Gear Test Track in the hands of The Stig, 1:13.8, beating the previous record, set by the Ariel Atom V8. News: The Dacia Sandero is now on sale in the UK. The Mercedes-Benz SLS AMG Black has been updated to produce extra horsepower, but the handling is still challenging. Jeremy claims that he has found a male equivalent version of Fifty Shades of Grey, presenting a kid's book about tractors. The new Chevrolet Stingray is announced. James May turned fifty the previous week. Also, the rally team composed of war amputees (previously mentioned in series 17, episode 6) finally completed their challenge of finishing the 2013 Dakar Rally. Review: James reviews the new Bentley Continental GT, and notes the new engine and subtle ride characteristics. Believing that the Bentley, with four wheel drive system and a big, powerful engine, can handle things worse than a Welsh countryside road, James takes the car onto a Welsh stage of the World Rally Championship, with Kris Meeke behind the wheel, and James being the co-driver. Despite the car having less grip, more weight, an electronic handbrake (unsuitable for usage on a rally stage) and James not being proficient at giving pace notes, the Bentley was actually faster than one of the full WRC cars. Star In A Reasonably Priced Car: Damian Lewis takes his turn in the car, and drifts the Kia Cee'd around the snow-coated test track and crosses the finish line sideways, setting the slowest ever time of 2:09.1. Jeremy cheers Damian up by making a separate board for snow (he justs put the time underneath and to the side of the fastest lap time on that board) and says that he is the fastest driver ever on their "snow board". Challenge: Jeremy attempts to build a car smaller than the Peel P50, naming his creation the P45. It was based on a quad bike, with bodywork fitted, designed to wrap around the driver. He then presented his idea to the 'Dragons' in a Dragons' Den style format. All of the dragons declare themselves "out" and back in the studio, Richard concludes that for the P45 to be put in production, Jeremy would have to be dead. 149Series 19, Episode 23 February 2013Mick Fleetwood Challenge, Part 1: In another challenge, the presenters picked three super cars to take on an epic race. Since it was Hammond's turn to select the challenge location, the team went to the Western United States. Jeremy selected the Lexus LFA, James chose the new Aston Martin Vanquish, and Richard took the SRT Viper. After a brief drive in the Nevada desert, the trio headed to Las Vegas Motor Speedway, specifically the drag strip, to compete in drag races organized by the Las Vegas Police Department; whom organized it with the theory that allowing people to drag race, legally, at a closed circuit, would prevent street racing. Despite the high performance of their cars, the trio were beaten by modified production cars, and 4WD cars, in each of their drag races. News: Jeremy comes up with a solution on how to solve the crisis affecting Britain's town centres: sacking all traffic wardens and removing double yellow lines. The trio then review a Chinese product designed to stop drowsiness behind the wheel, before they took a first look at the 2013 Jaguar F-Type. They praised its styling, but criticized its high price tag of £60,000, as well as its target audience. James mentions Peugeot Citroen's car intended to run on compressed air; Jeremy attempted to use a fire extinguisher to demonstrate, but failed after only causing himself to turn slowly around. Challenge, Part 2.: After leaving Las Vegas, James and Richard make fun of Jeremy's LFA for lacking not only Bluetooth connection and iPod connectors, but cup holders, despite being the most expensive car. They are then tasked to head to Willow Springs International Motorsports Park, but they instead stop on a grooved road, where each car drives over the grooves and produces notes. When they reach Willow Springs, they are forced to play an aerial version of Laser Quest, where they would drive 5 laps around the track, whilst being chased by two Aermacchi SF.260 armed with laser guns. In the end, James won the challenge by being hit only 17 times. Star in a Reasonably Priced Car: Fleetwood Mac's Mick Fleetwood drove the Kia Cee'd around the Test Track with a lap of 1:45.4. Challenge, Part 3: Departing Willow Springs, the group headed for Los Angeles, California. In order to do "real world" testing, Richard devised a challenge to see who could burn the best elevens. The three instead ended up drawing a phallus and left LA. The team then stayed for a night in Palm Springs. However, the producers gave them a final challenge. The three would drive from Palm Springs to the Mexican border at Calexico the following morning, and the last to make it to the Mexican border would have to travel into the country itself to drive the Mastretta MXT, a Mexican sports car made fun of by the presenters in an earlier series, for a later segment on the show. In revenge for taking them to America, Jeremy and James sabotaged Hammond's Viper, causing him to lose 10 minutes in the race. Despite making a stop for fuel, Jeremy made it to the finish line first, with James in second. Richard then walked to the border being the last person to arrive. At the studio, James and Jeremy end by saying that the Viper was awful and that the Vanquish and LFA were amazing. 150Series 19, Episode 310 February 2013Amy Macdonald Review: Jeremy reviews the Toyota GT86 and the Subaru BRZ. The cars are almost identical, but Jeremy prefers the Toyota GT86. The Stig then completed a lap of the Test Track in 1:31:3. News: They discuss the new Subaru Impreza, which is not coming to UK, and they then talk about the new Maserati Quattroporte. Challenge, Part 1: The producers have reserved a single ticket to a football match at the San Siro in Milan, Northern Italy. The trio have a race from Wembley Stadium to the San Siro. Jeremy drives the Shelby Mustang GT500 and Richard and James travel on public transport. Similar to the previous race to Monte Carlo, Richard and James are not allowed to use any cars, and Jeremy is not allowed to use any trains. According to Jeremy, since the last epic race, the trains have become faster and boats have become slower. Richard and James opened up a big lead whilst travelling on the Eurostar, and arrive in Paris while Jeremy was still crossing the English Channel on a ferry. After reaching France, Jeremy discovers that the Mustang only holds 50 litres in its fuel tank. After leaving Paris, Richard and James discuss what to do upon arriving in Milan — as there are two of them but only one ticket. Hundreds of miles behind, Jeremy ends part 1 of the challenge stating out loud, "I'm gonna lose!" Star in a Reasonably Priced Car: Amy Macdonald drove the Kia Cee'd around the Test Track in 1:44.4. During one of her practice runs, Amy accidentally destroyed one of the runway lights, which Jeremy gives to her after revealing the lap time. Challenge, Part 2: The high speed TGV slowed down as it approached the mountains that surround Northern Italy. Jeremy began to catch up and was nearly neck and neck with the train, until road works at the Mont Blanc Tunnel slow him down. The train starts to accelerate again and reaches Northern Italy ahead of Jeremy. Richard and James use a tube network to get to the streets near the finish line. James maintains his opposition to run on television and Richard runs off alone to find the finish line, which is at a bar in the IM Villa Veuve Cliequot. James then assembled a bike which he had hidden in one of his bags and rides to the bar, only to find that Richard is already there and has won the race and the ticket to the football match. Moments later, Jeremy arrived and accepted defeat for the first time ever in an epic race of all the series. 151Series 19, Episode 417 February 2013Lewis Hamilton Review: Jeremy reviews the Vauxhall Astra VXR, Ford Focus ST and Renault Megane Renault Sport Cup. The Stig did laps of each car, the Focus being the slowest at 1:29.6, the Astra VXR at 1:28.3, and the Megane in 1:27.7. Despite this, Jeremy chose the Astra VXR as the best overall car of the three. News: They discuss the newest cars, such as the Alfa Romeo 4C, the next generation Ford Mustang would be sold in Great Britain, but the UK version would come with a 2.0 EcoBoost engine, and the importance of the handbrake turn in "male development". Review: Jeremy tests the all new Kia Cee'd, putting it through a myriad of strange road tests. Including Matt LeBlanc doing a lap with both the old and new Cee'd, Bruce Willis (in character as John McClane) testing the horn of the Cee'd, Eric Clapton testing its auxiliary input jack, and Jeremy testing the Cee'd's self parallel parking feature. Star in a Reasonably Priced Car: Lewis Hamilton opens up about his move from McLaren to Mercedes AMG and takes the old Suzuki Liana around the Test Track, setting the fastest F1 time, a 1:42.9. Review: As punishment for losing the previous race, Richard is forced to review the Mastretta MXT in Mexico. Minding his words, he states that the MXT was an ambitious undertaking for the first-time manufacturer, but that it had its share of flaws. Challenge: Jeremy and James play car rugby using Kia Cee'ds and Kia Sportages at Twickenham Stadium and Stig in Vauxhall Astra Police car as the referee. Jeremy's team wins. 152Series 19, Episode 524 February 2013James McAvoy Challenge, Part 1: Jeremy and Richard attempt to design a car targeted at elderly people. Jeremy demonstrates the complexity of modern cars' dshboard. Richard brings a Fiat Multipla and both modify it. Jeremy breaks the dashboard and replaces it considering it to be too complicated for elders. Richard asks for the airbags saying that it is dangerous for the elderly who are as delicate as children, and that he needs it for a safety feature. Jeremy makes a speedometer which reads 20 mph at the top speed, he also uses an old design switch for rear fog light which does nothing. Jeremy installs a pet-cage and replaces the back seat with high seat chairs and the Fiat badge with a Rover one. They paint it in beige after observing the shade of a hearing aid. Richard uses water-resistant fabric as seat covers, and while stitching hurts his eye. They complete the car and end the part 1 with Richard wearing heavy bandages over his left eye. News: Volkswagen will launch GTI version of the new Golf and GT version of Up will be launched. Kia will launch the Pro Cee'd GT. The Mini Paceman is launched, and the trio mock the front end of the car, claiming that it looks depressing. The trio agree that the British are the best drivers. Alfa-Romeo releases photographs of the Gloria, in which the trio make fun of it's name. Richard had arrived late so James and Jeremy had attempted to play tennis with cars (which has a lot of editing). Review: James reviews the new Range Rover in London. The new car is completely redesigned, 400 kg lighter due to Aluminium body, has active suspension, new gearbox, minimalist dashboard and offers better comfort. James then races it against TerraMax at Nevada Automotive Test Centre, Nevada. The race was to a hill 10 mile across, passing through rocky terrain, hillock, mud, river and sand-tracks. TerraMax was switched to drone mode during the race to deflate the tyres and take a short-cut. The Range Rover's automatic Terrain Response System is demonstrated. James takes a longer route to ascend the hill but still wins the race. At the studio, the trio consider the driverless cars to be not very practical. Star In A Reasonably Priced Car: James McAvoy drove the Kia Cee'd around the Test Track with a lap of 1:43.6 despite having less experience of driving cars. He drove over grassy patch in the last corner but manages to keep the car under control. Challenge, Part 2: Jeremy and Richard road-test their car at Christchurch, Dorset. The car has large front bumpers made up of foam, large rear-view mirrors, squeaking ball under the brake-pedal, large magnifying-glass on the dashboard, sat nav (voiced by Richard Briers) with only four destinatons. The car has an artificial cat on the roof which later fell over on the way of Bingo hall. Richard later shows his system to find the location of parked car (the car activates a flare and then releases a balloon). Jeremy shows that the radio only plays Horse of the Year Show theme on a loop, which both later find to be irresistible to clap along. The name of the car is revealed to be The James. They pick up three elderly ladies from a pensioners' home for road-testing and drive them to a bowling club where it is shown that Richard fitted the airbag at the rear for parking assist which inflates the airbag on close proximity. Jeremy and Richard buy food for picnic, choosing only British foods. They attach the shopping trolley to Tow hitch and head for picnic. The roof of the car leaks as it rains. Jeremy and Richard end up choosing a picnic spot on roadside where they find the trolley to be damaged during reversing and the food to be soaked, however they ate the food which was not ruined. The next day both leave Christchurch and Jeremy shows his system to prevent the car from being driven on the wrong side of the road, the car initially sounds alarm and later the tyres, doors and other parts of the car explode which stops the car and renders it immobile. At the studio, James considers the heater to be complicated, the trio thank Richard Briers and announce the Africa special. 153Series 19, Episode 63 March 2013No Guest First of the two-episode Africa Special, taking place in Africa. The episode was shot in 2012. Challenge, Part 1: Buy used estate cars for up to £1,500 in Britain and report at a small village in rural Uganda. Jeremy arrives in a BMW 528i Touring, Richard in a Subaru Impreza WRX Estate and James in a Volvo 850R Wagon. The challenge is to find the true source of the river Nile. They set off an discover that exploring isn't as difficult as first thought when they go on a nice easy drive and find Lake Victoria, of whom the Victorian Explorers thought was the source of the Nile. However they are then told that it is not the actual source of the Nile and there were two other disputed locations for it, one in Rwanda and one in Burundi. However, Jeremy Clarkson insisted that both of these locations were wrong and decided to head west towards Lake Edward to see whether there was a link between that lake and Lake Kivu in Rwanda. In their journey west, where they visit the Entebbe Airport and from there see the Ford Scorpio Estate back-up car. They continue into Kampala, Uganda's Capital City where they get held up in a traffic jam overnight, the most hurrendous traffic they'd ever seen. They continue on well-maintained highways west finding their trip incredibly easy before reaching the town of Mbarara in the southwest of the country, via a stop in Jezza, a village in Mpigi District. Here they stay in a disgusting hotel, after driving through tea plantations in an attempt to discover a lovely teahouse hotel, which in the mind of Richard, was bound to found due to tea programmes he'd seen. In Mbarara they stayed in the Economic Lodge with Jeremy having a bed with faeces on it. They left the hotel disgusted before Richard has the idea to make the cars 'hotels'. James modifies his Volvo by adding a library, Richard adds a cooker and Jeremy adds a coffin. The coffin he uses to put his clothes in, he sleeps on Egyptian Cotton. They leave for Lake Edward, camping overnight there because of its beauty before heading in search of the river heading for Lake Kivu. None of the rivers connect the lake as they all head east rather than south. They give up, leaving them disappointed. Then Jeremy looks at a map and discovers the source of the Nile must be on the other side of Lake Victoria. His reasoning is that the Mediterranean Sea is effectively an inland sea and so Gibraltar is the true mouth of the Nile, rather than Alexandria in Egypt. After discovering this they decide that they must drive straight to the other side of Lake Victoria to get to the southeast coast in Tanzania near the Serengeti. They start this journey by heading south into the Rwenzori Mountains, finding the going hard and most of the time getting their vehicles stuck in mud.
Jeremy, Richard and James talk about everything car-related. From new cars to how they're fueled, this show has it all.
自从工业革命以来,每次技术革新产生的新岗位,都不会少于革新技术而淘汰的岗位,然而,这一趋势会继续下去吗? 生命,首先在于生存,继而繁荣。我们永远不可能知道,我们还能在这颗星球度过多少岁月,因此我们的任务就是坚持不懈的努力生存,并且抗击可能存在的所有威胁。 当下最大的威胁并不是疾病、恐怖主义、自然灾难,而是已经无法继续可持续发展的政经体系。 法律、医学、会计、建筑、广告、工程、咨询、翻译,无论你学什么专业,你的学位和准备都将是徒劳无功。 也许在未来,有工作的人才是贵族,赡养着全世界的无用之人。 也许在未来,没有人需要赚钱糊口,你可以专心钻研任何你喜欢的课题。
A man travels around the vast wilderness hunting various animals. He hunts everything from birds to bears. Once the animal is bagged he demonstrates how to process the game and cook it.
《空中浩劫》(Air Crash Investigation)是一个由加拿大的Cineflix公司所制作的纪录片节目。此节目主要介绍1970年代黑盒子发明之后所发生的近代重大航空事故。在第三季时,有三集穿插铁道事故及航海事故。 此节目在不同频道播出有不同的英文名称,于加拿大的Discovery频道播出时称为“Mayday”,在美国播出时称为“Air Emergency”,而在英国、法国和其他国家播出时称为“Air Crash Investigation”。 《空中浩劫》会以模拟演出的方式,分别以乘客、机师等不同人的视角,从一开始旅客登机、起飞,一直到事故发生、后续善后及调查为止,重现整个过程。在片中会穿插对于乘客及机师的访谈(若有生还者且其愿意受访时),另外也会访问空难调查人员、目击者等。取材以事故调查报告及相关新闻报道为主;若因调查单位不公开报告以致无法取得事故调查报告时,则会征询相关专家的说法以拼凑出全貌。 此节目对于飞机外观、空服员制服、机场等制作考究,但也并非100%做到与当时完全一样,偶有不相符之处,如波音737驾驶室变成空中客车A320驾驶室。模拟演出时,会找与当事人相貌近似的的演员参与。
Seven days, more than 1,000 miles, 20 cars, two boats, a motorbike and one dream...The Perfect Road Trip. The aim: to select the ideal mode of transport for each leg of a pilgrimage from Venice, Italy to Pau in France – home to a legendary street circuit and the origins of Grand Prix racing. On the way we prepare by taking to the track at Monza – the home of Italian Formula One. We try to get noticed on the road course in Monaco in a Bugatti, a Lamborghini and a Model T Ford. After cruising the canals in Venice we take to the tarmac and things look good - thanks to the Ferrari F12 Berlinetta and Mercedes SLS Black. Throw in a Pagani Huayra, Porsche Cayman S and a GT3 as well as the Aston Martin Vanquish centenary edition, Bentley V8 convertible, Rolls Royce Phantom coupe and the face-bending BAC Mono all seems pretty perfect to us. There’s culture too. An all-out effort to get the Birmingham burger-boy to savour the culinary delights of Italy and France – including octopus and an old balcony. Then it’s time to turn up the heat even more with a Top Gear race... and the worst forfeit in television history. Finally we head to the historic road course in Pau. Surely nothing could spoil our Perfect Road Trip... Enjoy...! Jeremy Clarkson & Richard Hammond
第六季 (播出目录) (2013) Season 06 S06E01 三的力量 The Power of Three (2013年09月30日首播); S06E02 水晶头骨 The Crystal Skulls (2013年10月07日首播); S06E03 连线阿努那奇 The Anunnaki Connection (2013年10月14日首播); S06E04 上帝的魔法 Magic of the Gods (2013年10月21日首播); S06E05 撒旦的阴谋 The Satan Conspiracy (2013年10月28日首播); S06E06 外星手术 Alien Operations (2013年11月01日首播); S06E07 皇帝,国王和法老 Emperors, Kings and Pharaohs (2013年11月08日首播); S06E08 神秘文物 Mysterious Relics (2013年11月15日首播); S06E09 外星人与紫禁城群岛 Aliens and Forbidden Islands (2013年11月29日首播); S06E10 外星人与失落的方舟 Aliens and The Lost Ark (2013年12月06日首播); S06E11 外星人与神秘山脉 Aliens and Mysterious Mountains (2013年12月13日首播);
为了惑敌, 英美军史中有不少根本不存在的幽灵部队,规模最大的是1944年在英格兰东南部的多佛尔虚设的一个由巴顿中将任司令的“美军第1集团军司令部”。 二战时美国幽灵部队把希特勒耍的团团转,而他一定想不到,部队的大部份成员都是精心挑选的艺术家。 战争靠的不仅仅是实力,还有智力。第二次世界大战期间,盟军就使用各种战争策略来混淆视听,误导或恐吓德国军队,比如降落假的伞兵、伪造军官William Martin的死亡、掩盖一个军用飞机厂等等。最近曝光的是被称为〝幽灵部队〞(Ghost Army)的计策。 〝幽灵部队〞被官方称为〝美军第23司令部直属特战团〞,一个拥有1100人的部队。他们的任务就是负责迷惑纳粹。该部队的成员并不是普通的士兵,而是从纽约和费城艺术学院精心挑选出来的艺术家、插画家和音效师。他们利用充气坦克和扬声器等作为〝武器〞对付敌军。 他们总共发起了20多次行动,拯救了上万士兵的生命,但是他们的英雄壮举没什么人知道。因为〝幽灵部队〞的存在和行动一直被高度保密,直到1996年有关文件被解密,他们才为世人所知。部队中有人负责创建虚假的交通网路,有的打扮成士兵,出没在当地的咖啡馆,向间谍散播一些假故事,还有的扮演成军官,开着吉普车从一个小镇至另一个小镇。有的时候,部队还会开着几辆卡车营造出步兵被运送的错觉。通常情况下,他们可以制造出2万到4万人的推进场景。为了创造出一个庞大的军队,部队会使用充气的坦克、卡车、大炮和飞机,并通过巨型扬声器播放预先录制好的装甲和步兵的声音,而这声音在15英里(约24公里)开外的地方都能听到。 他们最壮观的行动之一是在战争即将结束的时候。1945年3月,当第九军准备横渡莱茵河进入德国时,〝幽灵部队〞在不同的地方试图吸引德军部队的注意。他们设立了超过600个充气坦克和大炮,晚上播放坦克前进的声音,而白天则使用大型工程建造的声音。他们成功骗过了德国军队,让真正的部队在没什么威胁的情况下成功登陆德国。 战争结束后,部队里的许多人都继续他们的艺术生涯,其中有的还出了名,比如著名时装设计师Bill Blass、画家Ellsworth Kelly和摄影师Art Kane。现在1100名成员依然健在的只剩下不到50人。
电影《在勃艮第的一年》描绘了在2011年这个伟大的勃艮第酿酒年份,7个葡萄酒酿造商从葡萄萌芽到收获的整个酿酒历程。 Leroy家族的Lalou Bize-Leroy——罗曼尼康帝的合伙人之一(另一位庄主为Aubert de Villaine),与其他6名庄主共同出演。包括Domaine Perrot-Minot庄的Christophe Perrot-Minot,Morey-Coffinet庄的Michel Morey和Fabienne Coffinet,Vosne-Romanée庄的Bruno Clavelier。 英籍导演David Kennard是纪录片大师,几年前与著名演员制作了电影《Wine for the Confused(献给葡萄酒菜鸟)》,一部以幽默轻松的方式介绍葡萄酒入门知识的纪录片。David Kennard希望借助《在勃艮第的一年》“展示一个独具匠心的酿酒师的内心与灵魂”。 影片邀请了美国勃艮第进口商Martine Saunier作为顾问,她可以轻易接触到Bize-Leroy等明星酿造师。Kennard说:“Lalou Bize-Leroy是一个完美主义者,她要求所有事都按照她的意愿完成。她在影片中给出了非常精彩的评论。” 导演表示,他不会追随著名的反葡萄酒全球化纪录片《美酒家族(Mondovino)》的脚步。“和《美酒家族》正好相反,我在影片里没有强加我想传达的信息。《在勃艮第的一年》比较像2004年的葡萄酒浪漫喜剧片《杯酒人生》,只不过我是个纯粹的观察者。” 《在勃艮第的一年》暂行剪辑版于7月份在美国俄勒冈州的国际黑比诺庆典上映,《洛杉矶周刊》称其拍摄的镜头“奢华美丽”。 影片由某投资银行家赞助,他已经同意继续拍摄《在香槟的一年》。Kennard表示,他计划借助首部的成功,将其拍成系列影片。
该片由著名摄影师和纪录片导演焦波担任总导演,此前他的《俺爹俺娘》和《亲吻春天——俺和俺的地震孤儿》系列曾在中国社会引起巨大反响,尤其是《俺爹俺娘》系列曾感动了无数儿女。 这一次《乡村里的中国》焦波仍然把镜头对准了其老家——山东淄博,不过拍的不再是自己出生的村庄,而是沂蒙山革命老区沂源县杓峪村。影片以一个小村庄为切入点,展现了中国农村的巨大变迁、环境保护、农民的精神追求和物质追求等诸多社会现实话题,既生动有趣,又深刻感人。 焦波在接受记者采访时透露,拍摄这部纪录片,他和他的摄制组在杓峪村里呆了整整373天:“村里一共有167户人家,我们去了之后是第168户。”而焦波的摄制组,除了他一个人年龄较大(接近60岁),其它四名主创的平均年龄只有20出头:“所以我们这个片子展现的不仅是中国农村的社会现实,而且是站在年轻人的角度去展现的,我相信也会受到年轻人喜欢。” 最373天时间里,《乡村里的中国》摄制组和当地村民一起吃、一起住,成了一家人拍摄了近1000个小时的素材,最终剪辑出大约两个小时的精华。 曾多次执导央视春晚的金越认为,《乡村里的中国》直观鲜活地呈现了中国农民不同个体的喜怒哀乐、家庭关系和民俗民风,人物形象鲜明生动,影片结构充满张力,故事复杂,线索清晰,画面朴实,剪辑流畅,同期声音录制完美,“是这个时代有记录意义的、不可多得的中国农村生活标本。”
More action adventure than traditional documentary, Lion Ark follows the world's most ambitious and daring animal rescue, with a narrative meticulously compiled from film, interviews, conversations and the reactions of participants as events actually unfold. A shocking undercover investigation leads to a ban on animal circuses in Bolivia. But the circuses defy the law. The team behind the investigation return, track down the illegal circuses and save every animal. The confrontations, heartache and incredible risks the rescue team face are all captured before a joyous finale sees 25 lions airlifted to freedom in Colorado. An uplifting story of bravery, compassion, camaraderie and determination. How a poor but proud country said 'no' to cruelty and how attitudes to animals were changed across an entire continent. 狮子方舟是一部相比传统更加冒险的纪录片,记录了世界上最雄心勃勃,最大胆的动物救援,通过影像,采访,对话和参与者的反应精心展开叙事。一项令人震惊的秘密调查促成了玻利维亚马戏团禁用动物法案。但是马戏团无视法律。这支调查团队回到这片土地,追踪非法马戏团并拯救每一只动物。救援队面临了反抗,心痛和难以置信的风险,直至迎来美好的结局:25只狮子空运到科罗拉多州重获自由。 这是一个充满勇气,同情,友情和决心的令人振奋的故事。这是关于一个贫穷而骄傲的国家对残酷说不并改变了整个区域对动物的态度的故事。
Documentary telling the story of the world's craziest race. In 1977, French motorcyclist Thierry Sabine was in serious trouble, lost in the Libyan desert and dying from thirst. Whilst most men would weep and think back over their lives, Thierry thought about coming back - to do a rally across the Sahara Desert. The 9,000km Paris-Dakar rally was born. The rally became a beacon for eccentric adventurers battling the terrain in customised vehicles, seduced by the romance of the desert and the extreme challenge. It soon became a victim of its own rapid success. Caught up in controversy and with over 60 deaths, in 2008 this incredible event was brought to an end in Africa by terrorism. Featuring winners Cyril Neveu, Hubert Auriol, Jean-Louis Schlesser, Ari Vatanen, Stephane Peterhansel, Martine de Cortanze, former participant Sir Mark Thatcher and many more, this is the story of the biggest motorsport event the world has ever seen and one of the greatest challenges of human endeavour ever conceived, told by those who took part. How the west took on a landscape of incredible beauty and scale. And lost.
在日本东京都小金井市的梶野町,有一个全世界动画迷都心驰神往的圣地。声名显赫的吉卜力工作室,在绿萝藤蔓的点缀下宛若圣境。70岁高龄的宫崎骏从未放下手中的画笔,此刻他将面对自身最大的矛盾——对飞行器的热爱和战斗机作为杀人武器的罪恶属性,极具私人情怀的《起风了》在斑斓的阳光辉映下静静诞生。与此同时,与宫先生相交超过三十多年的铃木敏夫,作为制作人细心周到地打理着工作室的大小事务。另一头的工作室,曾经因《我的邻居山田君》铩羽而归的高畑勋正在制作他的新片《辉夜姬物语》,只是不断拖延的进度看来很难赶上和《起风了》同期上映。 近距离的拍摄,展现了三位老人以及新时代年轻人对动画的执着与热爱……
导演本·斯塔森和摄影师肖恩·麦克劳德·菲利普斯回到非洲南部,开始了一次全新的冒险之旅。被称作“狮语者”的动物行为学家凯文·理查德森与从小与大象一起长大的玛拉·道格拉斯·汉密尔顿带领观众以旅行的方式穿过了地球上景色最壮丽的地方:从纳米比亚风景如画的海岸沙丘的沙漠,路过堪称自然奇观的火山口,到达叹为观止的维多利亚瀑布和乞力马扎罗之巅。 在这次旅程中,你能与狮子、猎豹、美洲豹、黑犀牛和大象们近距离的亲密接触。这是一辈子一次的旅行,所以让我们做好准备,一起进入真正的没有围墙保护的非洲原野。
2010年2月24日,美国弗洛里达海洋世界发生了一起令人始料未及的惨剧。资深驯鲸员道恩·布兰切(Dawn Brancheau)突然被一只名为提里库姆的雄性虎鲸拖入水池,短短几分钟内这位拥有灿烂笑容与和善感染力的女性便被朝夕相处的虎鲸伙伴杀死。此案震惊全国,但从案件关系人的口中,却发现这一切绝非偶然,一连串令人齿冷的证据揭示了施暴者和遇难者彼此的悲剧真相。原本在海洋中快乐游弋玩耍的虎鲸家族,遭到了受利益驱动的商人和渔民的围捕。母子情深的虎鲸宝宝被迫和家人分开,从此生活在逼仄的水池内,日复一日重复单调的训练和表演。20世纪90年代,提里库姆曾在太平洋海洋之地制造过类似惨剧。然而关于它的“罪行”最终被商人们有意无意隐瞒下来。移籍海洋世界后,它迎来了以道恩为首的一群热爱海洋动物同时被高层隐瞒了诸多事故真相的驯鲸员。 注定发生的终会发生,而类似悲剧难道还将继续?
地点:特莱西恩施塔特,一个独特的被阿道夫·艾希曼称为“模范集中营”而宣传的地方,隐藏着其真实面目——毒气室前的最后一步而误导着世界和犹太人民。一个男人:本杰明·穆勒斯坦因,特莱西恩施塔特犹太议会的最后一任主席,被流放的落难英雄,从1938年至战争结束期间被迫与艾希曼日复一日地谈判,而到了艾希曼被审判之日却甚至没有被传唤作证,尽管他无疑是最了解这位纳粹死刑执行者的人。距离《浩劫》超过二十五年,克劳德·朗兹曼的新作展现了纳粹大屠杀鲜为人知却意义重大的一面,并前所未有地揭示了“最终方案”的起源。 A place: Theresienstadt. A unique place of propaganda which Adolf Eichmann called the "model ghetto", designed to mislead the world and Jewish people regarding its real nature, to be the last step before the gas chamber. A man: Benjamin Murmelstein, last president of the Theresienstadt Jewish Council, a fallen hero condemned to exile, who was forced to negotiate day after day from 1938 until the end of the war with Eichmann, to whose trial Murmelstein wasn't even called to testify. Even though he was without a doubt the one who knew the Nazi executioner best. More than twenty-five years after Shoah, Claude Lanzmann's new film reveals a little-known yet fundamental aspect of the Holocaust, and sheds light on the origins of the "Final Solution" like never before.
通过对美国各行各业人群的访谈,本片《出柜名单》探讨了美国LGBT社群的身份认同。在这一系列的坦诚对话中,多位LGBT人士坦陈了自己对性别和性向认知的经历。这群先驱者凭借着智慧和勇气诠释了在平权道路上关于爱,失败,尝试和成功的种种抗争。 在本片中,您将看到社会活跃人士,运动员,演员,政治家,治安官和变装皇后等人分享他们独特的关于性向和自我认同的故事,揭示了形象和出柜的切肤之痛以及如何在现代社会为自己的社群最终觅得一片净土的故事。(翻译by考羊羊@悸花字幕组)