幸运是个不起眼的罪犯,一直以来他的幸运日子还算过得去,直到他同意帮一个深陷法律纠纷的朋友照看一笔假钞... 他的朋友两个月来一句交代都没给,于是幸运为了避免麻烦缠身就烧了那些“好玩的钱”,结果却导致火灾被送去了急诊室,在那儿他邂逅了布里奇特,并深深的被其吸引,同时对方也愿意跟他一起出去,他们的约会还算顺利,直到被蒙面人五花大绑蒙塞进车后备箱中,似乎他们想要回从幸运朋友那买的那些假钞,不然幸运就会和他的朋友有相同的下场死掉。 于是幸运的幸运与昔日旧友策划了打劫赌场的方案,与他们搭伙的还有一对夫妇,而这对夫妇竟是帮赌场主人“大先生”收取保护费的手下,想捞点外快。 抢劫计划万事俱备只欠东风:只有少量的现金,而其余的都是债券.....
After the loss of his wife, BILL PONDER (Simmons) and his 17-year-old son WES move out of their small town into the big city in an attempt to have a fresh start. As they each begin to adjust to their new life and seek ways to heal their wounds, they both find comfort in newfound romance. Wes meets LACY, an introverted but fierce girl whose enigmatic personality captivates Wes' attention, and Bill meets CARINE, a compassionate and elegant teacher whose own past heartaches resonate with his. As relationships are tested, Bill and Wes grow apart and back together again while discovering their true selves in the process. Written by Cameron West