莎士比亚的爱情悲剧《罗密欧与朱丽叶》自1595年问世以来已被搬上银幕12次,其中,1968年由弗兰克·杰弗瑞里导演的版本,自问世以来就一直被视为典范之作。 在十五世纪意大利的维罗纳城住有二家声望很高而彼此尖锐对立的望族。他们之间不断的发生血腥的争执。蒙达犹家族的罗密欧(莱昂纳德·怀廷 Leonard Whiting 饰)与卡普雷特家族的朱丽叶(奥丽维娅·赫西 Olivia Hussey 饰)。却一见钟情,私自结婚。朱丽叶的表兄挑衅罗密欧而被误杀,罗密欧因此被流放到城外。为了躲避家人逼婚,朱丽叶在神父的帮助下假死,当罗密欧知道后,赶了回来看到墓穴中熟睡的朱丽叶,绝望之余喝下毒药自杀,当醒来的朱丽叶看到爱人死后也绝望的用短剑刺入了自已的胸部殉情而死。
本部电影讲述身处硝烟弥漫的战争年代,一对热恋中男女青年的悲情爱情故事。薇罗尼卡(塔吉娅娜·萨莫依洛娃 Tatyana Samojlova饰)和鲍里斯(阿勒克塞·巴塔洛夫 Aleksey Batalov饰)本是沉浸在甜蜜热恋中的幸福情侣,可随着战争的爆发,这一切的美好即将 破灭。鲍里斯参军,薇罗尼卡的父母在敌机的轰炸中双亡,悲痛欲绝的她只能寄宿在鲍里斯父亲的家中。鲍里斯的表弟趁机占有了她,薇罗尼卡受到众人指责。双重打击下的薇罗尼卡本想一死了之,可心中仍苦苦等待着鲍里斯的归来。当得知鲍里斯牺牲的消息后,薇罗尼卡彻底绝望了。战争结束,当所有人都在庆祝胜利的时候,薇罗尼卡也双手捧着鲜花来到广场上。这时,一行大雁在空中飞过,就像当初的美好时光一样。 本片一经问世,就轰动了整个世界影坛,以其绝美的光影对比,绝佳的镜头运用,一举荣获1958年戛纳国际电影节金棕榈奖和摄影大奖。
“我不在乎你是否完全属于我……只要我爱的人一直在我身旁,即使他爱的是别人。” 1942年巴黎,Jean(杰瑞米·雷乃 Jérémie Renier 饰)和Philippe(布鲁诺·托德契尼 Bruno Todeschini 饰)这两位青年同志恋人冒着生命危险,庇护一个孩童时的犹太朋友-Sarah / Yvonne(露易丝·莫诺特 Louise Monot 饰),她的家人都被盖世太保杀害了。他们三人挣扎求存,在这个没有怜悯的社会组成一个临时家庭。Jean的不肖兄弟Jacques(尼古拉斯·高布 Nicolas Gob 饰)是个盖世太保的走狗,他出现后,他们三人的关系受到威胁。当Jean的同志身份被暴露,并且被指控与一名纳粹分子有染之时,一场悲剧正在徐徐展开……
未来的2163年。人类的40名成员驾驶超光速宇宙飞船飞出太阳系,他们的目的地是阿尔法星人马座。在那里找寻是否有和人类一样的生命存在。完成任务后,将经过15年的飞行返回地球。 但是旅程中却碰到了意想不到的情况…… 《Ikarie XB 1》拍摄于1963年。当时库布里克没有拍出《2001:太空漫游》,人类还没有登上月球。富有想象力的东欧电影人就对宇宙中是否存在除人类以外的生命的问题作出了大胆假想,并在实践中寻找了。本片是捷克斯洛伐克的第一部科幻电影,影片改编自波兰著名的科幻作家 斯坦尼斯拉夫·莱姆的小说《麦哲伦星云》(“Magellan Cloud” )。
帕克斯顿(杰伊·赫尔南德兹 Jay Hernandez饰)和乔什(德里克·理查德森 Derek Richardson饰)是大学同窗好友,二人为了摆脱枯燥的校园生活,决定前往东欧进行一次刺激的旅行。两人于是当起了背包族,还遇上了同道中人奥利(艾瑟·古庄森Eythor Gudjonsson饰)结伴同行,寻欢作乐。 听到斯洛伐克有一个小镇,是个香艳的天堂,美女秀色可餐,几个年轻人就糊里糊涂踏上了火车,来到这个想象中的乐园。在这里,美女让他们一夜销魂,然而可怕的事情却接二连三。他们将会发现,此处并不是他们的游乐场,而是一个难逃生天的地狱。奥利的失踪,更让胆小的乔什意识到,恐怖的事件拉开帷幕了。
一九八八年十二月七日于苏俄亚美尼亚(Armenia)西北部斯皮塔克(Spitak)发生芮氏规模六点九级大地震。50岁的俄罗斯人Konstantin Berezhnoy和28岁的亚美尼亚人Robert Melkonyan一起拯救绝望的幸存者。
Jacek Lazar(米罗斯洛·巴卡 Miroslaw Baka 饰)是一个二十一岁的男子,他在街上游荡,吓走广场上的鸽子,在天桥上朝底下的汽车扔石头,在照相店让人将他口袋里那张已经出现了折痕的照片放大,是一个小女孩的照片。Waldemar Rekowski(Jan Tesarz 饰)是一个普通的的士司机,调戏年轻女子,捉弄乘客,故意按喇叭惊吓动物,他的下一个乘客是Jacek。Piotr Balicki(Krzysztof Globisz 饰)是一个年轻的律师,认为刑罚并不能防止犯罪,而防止犯罪正是法律的目的,他刚刚通过律师考试,他为杀人犯Jacek辩护。Jacek坐上了Waldemar的的士,他们开车到野外,Jacek用一条绳子勒死了司机。Balicki极力为Jacek辩护,希望避免死刑,但Jacek最后还是被判处了死刑。临终前,Jacek和Balicki长谈,说起因为他和一个卡车司机喝酒,致使卡车司机开车碾死他妹妹的事情......
从小失去父亲的女孩凯瑟琳(安娜索菲亚·罗伯 AnnaSophia Robb 饰),在青春期时无比叛逆,她糟糕的行为令学校、母亲、继父头痛不已。于是,不管凯瑟琳同意与否,母亲坚持将她送到了由杜雷伊特小姐(乌玛·瑟曼 Uma Thurman 饰)经营的布莱克伍德寄宿学校。该学校地处偏远乡村,限制学生与外界通话,拒绝网络使用,其创办初衷专门是为了教育矫正那些有着严重问题的女孩子。次日,另外四名劣迹斑斑的女孩子也来到了该学校,她们将跟随数学、文学、音乐、艺术老师学习,再造一个全新的自己。短时间内,少女们各方面的才华陆续得到激发,仿佛她们重新得到命运之神的眷顾。 然而,一切似乎又发生的如此之诡异……
根据英国商人葛雷维尔韦恩(Greville Wynne)的真实故事改编。 《信使》描述葛雷维尔(本尼迪克特·康伯巴奇 饰)在冷战期间与苏联线人欧列格潘科夫斯基(Oleg Penkovsky),暗中协助中情局渗透苏联的核子计划,并提供了成功阻止古巴导弹危机的重要情报。
苏联版的“侠盗罗宾汉”的故事。因为可以接触到客户的财务数据,在保险公司供职的主人公可以推断出哪些客户是诈骗犯或腐败分子。他白天是朝九晚五的公司职员,晚上是“偷车大盗”。 他“抢劫和敲诈”那些坏人的汽车,并把获得的钱都匿名捐给慈善机构。他很快遇到了一个麻烦,他最好的朋友是个警察,正在竭力抓捕那个窃车贼... 目前看过梁赞诺夫最好的作品,一个俄版都市侠盗的故事,简单而精巧,情节紧凑人物丰富,喜剧桥段大都能够跨越语言的界限,之后几部著名作品中使用的的手法也基本成熟,尤其是其中追逐的桥段对空间的立体运用十分独特,效果超越同时期好莱坞公路电影。
两名科学家马克思(Jerzy Stuhr 饰)和阿尔伯特(Olgierd Lukaszewicz 饰)志愿参加一个科学试验,他们将被放入密闭的容器中,以半死的状态度过三年时光。然而实验才刚开始,第三次世界大战爆发,地球上的国家均被卷入战争。这两个倒霉的科学家一睡就是五十年,醒来后赫然发现自己身处一个奇异的地下社会:在这里,女性是绝对的领导者,而且他们俩很可能就是现存的仅有的男性。 对于喜欢拈花惹草的马克思来说,这里无疑就是天堂;而古板木讷的阿尔伯特则百思不得其解,他要想办法摆脱女人帝国的控制,逃脱出去……
诺亚(多米尼克·威斯特 Dominic West 饰)和妻子海伦(毛拉·蒂尔内 Maura Tierney 饰)结婚多年,两人育有四个可爱活泼的孩子,长久以来婚姻十分幸福美满,诺亚自认为是一位称职的丈夫和负责任的父亲,他和海伦都以为,平静的生活会持续的永远。某日,一位名叫艾莉森(露丝·威尔森 Ruth Wilson 饰)的美丽女子出现在了诺亚的身边,她的美丽和聪慧让诺亚陷入了一段背德的恋情中无法自拔。 艾莉森亦是有夫之妇,她的丈夫科尔(乔舒亚·杰克逊 Joshua Jackson 饰)是一名牛仔,经营着一座农场。艾莉森和科尔之间的关系本来就问题多多,再加上她和诺亚之间的意外之恋,将两个家庭推入了万劫不复的境地。
In the time of Counter-Reformation, a miller and his son come under investigation by a priest of the Inquisition, when rumors spread that their prosperity comes from working with the Devil. The Devil's Trap is a film directed by František Vlá?il, based on a novel by Alfréd Technik, adapted by František A. Dvorák and Miloš Kratochvíl. It was the first of three historical dramas that Vlá?il made during the Czech New Wave (technically he isn't really a part of the New Wave, however these films were made during the same era of artistic freedom), preceding his more well known Marketa Lazarová (1967) and Valley of the Bees (1968). Set in the late 16th Century during the Catholic Reformation, in the Moravian Karst, situated in what is now the Eastern Czech Republic, it tells the tale of a miller (Vítezslav Vejrazka), and his son Jan (Vít Olmer), who come under suspicion and are investigated by a Jesuit priest of the Inquisition (Miroslav Macháchek), when rumors of witchcraft are spread by the local regent (Cestmír Randa), who is jealous of the miller's prosperity and degree of respect among the local populace. As expected from Vlá?il, this film is a stunning experience all the way through. From the opening shot, an ominous manipulation of perspective with a close up of a mangled figure of Christ dominating the foreground against a tiny figure in black walking along the horizon, to the breathtaking confrontational finale inside the vast stalactite filled Karst caverns, it is a wonderful display of visual mastery. Maybe not quite as impressive as Marketa Lazarová, but still full of astonishing imagery. As seen from unique angles and distinct points of view which highlight the director's remarkable sense of awareness of framing, motion, and positioning on the emotional and dramatic tone of the scene. The most memorable being a repeated shot where the camera is suspended and launched with speed through the air towards the miller's door. The story here is a simple one and I would say more accessible than his later works. With a conventional structure emphasized as much by its plot and characters, than by its expressionistic cinematography or authentic historical detail. The events play out without much surprise, and there is a strong underlying, almost supernatural, mysterious aspect that is left unresolved, in fact barely explored, which is slightly disappointing, but only because it's so fascinating that I wish there was more. Acting is great all around. Particularly the villains: Miroslav Macháchek as the priest, casting a sinister and imposing shadow wherever he goes, and Cestmír Randa as the weasel like regent behind all the persecution. While Vít Olmer brings a charismatic leading man presence in his role as the miller's son Jan, in love with the lovely orphan girl Martina (Karla Chadimová), who becomes a dangerous object of rivalry between Jan and other young men of the village. The film also features the evocative music of Zden?k Liška (perhaps the most prolific composer of the Czech New Wave). In this his second of eleven collaborations with Vlá?il, his compositions are used sparingly, but to great effect, complimenting but never overpowering a scene. The best example of which can be heard in an amazingly shot celebration and dance sequence at the end of the second act. The Devil's Trap might not be a masterpiece, but it is still a strong effort, with a fascinating straightforward story and a glorious historical setting captured beautifully by Vlá?il's unmistakable visual prowess. A fine work that would also be the perfect starter plate to prepare yourself for the challenging feast of Marketa Lazarová or The Valley of the Bees. It even has an easy to digest running time. It's therefore puzzling why this gem remains largely overlooked and ignored.
HBO剧《继承 Succession》由电影《大空头》编剧导演Adam McKay执导并监制﹑Jesse Armstrong(负责编剧)与Will Ferrell参与制作,现定于美国时间6月3日首播。该剧围绕国际媒体巨头Roy一家的家庭丑闻内幕,这虽是虚构的故事,不过主创表示剧集有影射媒体巨子Sumner Redstone。 剧中Logan Roy及他的四个孩子控制着全球最大的媒乐媒体集团之一,年迈的父亲(Brian Cox饰)开始退出公司,而他的孩子则思索如何抓紧机会继承这帝国。其余演员包括Jeremy Strong﹑Hiam Abbass﹑Sarah Snook﹑Kieran Culkin﹑Alan Ruck﹑Nicholas Braun﹑Matthew Macfadyen﹑Natalie Gold﹑Peter Friedman及Rob Yang。
Mannheim-Heidelberg International Filmfestival YearResultAwardCategory/Recipient(s) 1969 Won Grand Prize Dusan Hanák A government official in Czechoslovakia mistakenly believes he has cancer. He reasons his involvement in clandestine activities during the Stalin administration have fated him to die from a dreaded disease. He searches for inner peace as he feels the guilt of his past transgressions. This film tied for the Grand Prize at the Mannheim Film Festival in 1969. Slovak director Dusan Hanak was one of Czech cinema's brightest and best talents of the '60s and '70s, but because of censorship this was not manifest until the late '80s. Dusan made an impact on the film world with his auspicious debut 322 (1969). Though banned until 1988, when it was finally released, it earned international acclaim and the Grand Prix award at the Mannheim Film Festival. Hanak's sophomore effort, the documentary Obrazy Stareho Sveta/Image of an Old World (completed in 1972), was also not released until 1988 and neither was his 1980 film Ja Milujem, Ty Milujes/I Love You, You Love. Only Hanak's 1976 film Ruzove Sny/Rose-Tinted Dreams passed muster with censors and saw a timely release.
缉毒官员Newlyweds Miguel "Mike" Vargas(查尔登·海斯顿 Charlton Heston 饰)和他的妻子Susie(珍妮特·利 Janet Leigh 饰)来到了美国和墨西哥的边界。马路上发生了一起汽车爆炸事件,Vargas认为这起案件跟毒贩子有关,遂和当地的警察们一起展开了调查。Hank Quinlan(奥逊·威尔斯 Orson Welles 饰)是警察队长,在当地名声甚响。当地警方把嫌疑集中在一个叫Sanchez的人身上,Vargas却在Sanchez的家中发现了证明他不是犯人的证据。然而Quinlan执意认为Sanchez就是犯人。Vargas研究了以前Quinlan办过的案件,对这个赫赫有名的警察队长产生了不少疑问。而Vargas的妻子Susie在旅馆里却被一帮人所绑架并陷害,Vargas怀疑这一切的背后都是Quinlan在操纵。Vargas在和Quinlan的对抗中会有怎样的结局? 本片由执导了《公民凯恩》的奥逊·威尔斯自编自导自演,共有三个版本:1958年发行的版本,1976年的加长版,1998年发现的可能更符合威尔斯想法的版本。