The series follows smart, capable and by the book Grace Narayan (Anjli Mohindra), who was flying high as an inner-city police sergeant before being forced into a 'punishment posting' on the small, antiquated island of St. Jory. Confronted by the forgotten and unsolved case of missing teenage boy Cai, Grace quickly discovers that she must overcome scarce evidence, extraordinary local characters, and the island's strange cult history to uncover the truth.
故事发生在19世纪的英国,贝姬(奥利维亚·库克 Olivia Cooke 饰)出生在贫寒的家庭之中,长大后,她和同样出生平凡的夏普先生结为了夫妻,尽管前途渺茫,但在贝姬的内心里,她从未放弃过进入上流社会的幻想。 一次偶然中,贝姬进入了考利爵士(马丁·克鲁勒斯 Martin Clunes 饰)家中,在那里,天资聪慧的她不仅得到了孩子们的喜爱,还获得了严苛的玛蒂尔达姑妈(弗朗西斯·德·拉·图瓦 Frances de la Tour 饰)的赏识,这让贝姬看到了一丝希望。之后,贝姬遇见了久违的好友艾米利亚(克劳迪亚·杰西 Claudia Jessie 饰),并和考利家的继承人罗顿(汤姆·巴特曼 Tom Bateman 饰)之间产生了感情。战争爆发了,罗顿和艾米利亚的丈夫乔治(查理·罗 Charlie Rowe 饰)共同走上了战场,留下艾米利亚和贝姬,在乱世之中,两个女人又会经历怎样的人生呢?
In series one, Barbara from Blackpool realised her dream and became TV comedy star, Sophie Straw, the nation’s favourite. In series two, Sophie finds out that ‘having a voice’ doesn’t mean it will be heard and that fame is a fickle friend. Fed up with being the comic muse in old school comedy shows, Sophie tries her hand at arthouse cinema hoping it will be more progressive – it isn’t! Undeterred, Sophie decides to create her own comedy show where she can tell authentic stories in all their messy and hilarious glory. She’s found her voice, and no one can stop her using it! She learns that the power is in the word. Funny Woman is produced by Potboiler and Rebel Park Productions, in association with Sky Studios. Executive produced by Nick Hornby, Gemma Arterton, Andrea Calderwood, Gail Egan, Jessica Parker and Jessica Malik.
莉莉丝(凯特·布兰切特 Cate Blanchett 饰)是一个有着神秘过去的赏金猎人,她被迫回到家乡——银河系中最混乱的潘多拉星球,任务是找到阿特拉斯(埃德加·拉米雷兹 Édgar Ramírez 饰)失踪的女儿。莉莉丝与一群不合群的人组成了一个意想不到的联盟,他们是:雇佣兵罗兰(凯文·哈特 Kevin Hart 饰)、爆破专家小蒂娜(阿丽亚娜·格林布拉特 Ariana Greenblatt 饰)、小蒂娜的保护人克里格(弗罗里安·穆特鲁 Florian Munteanu 饰)、古怪的科学家坦尼斯博士(杰米·李·柯蒂斯 Jamie Lee Curtis 饰)和聪明的机器人克拉普特(杰克·布莱克 Jack Black 配音)。这些不可思议的英雄们必须一起与外星生命和危险的强盗战斗,以揭开潘多拉最具爆炸性的秘密。