/Simon Ludgate
This was the first of the videos that started a trend of sex education videos in the early 1990s . I guess the idea behind it was for liberated women to go into a high street store and buy it without any type of guilt or inhibition , but no doubt the main buyer market was teenage boys and dirty old men THE LOVERS GUIDE is groundbreaking in the fact that it publicised that the couples involved were real life partners but this is slightly dishonest , yes the main couple featured Wendy and her husband were indeed a real life couple who'd been married several years but there was some public controversy that at least one of the couples Kathryn ( The gorgeous brunette ) and Marino ( The well buffed geezer with a ponytail ) had never met one another until they appeared on set where they had unprotected sex for the camera . For a video that self righteously dedicates segments to safe sex it is rather hypocritical Seeing as it's for education purposes and not pornography as such there's limits as to what can be shown but as a sex education video it's not uninformative though I doubt if you'll be gasping " I never knew that " As a footnote the main couple featured became something of sexual problem agony aunts in the British press - Until it was revealed that Wendy's husband had a serious heart condition which put a stop to sex . I almost felt sorry for this couple who confessed that they used to make love as often as ten times a day but now couldn't make love once a day because it was too dangerous . My small amount of sympathy soon vanished when shortly afterwards the couple split up and raced off to the gutter press in order to dish the dirt on one another to the highest bidder .
/Catherine Reitman
加拿大CBC新喜剧《上班族妈妈》是一部典型的女性剧,女人是否能拥有想要的一切?对这些上班族妈妈来说,有些时候她们的确能心想事成,但有些时候……一事无成。该剧将深入剖析当代的「妈妈文化」,主人公Kate(Catherine Reitman)和Anne(Dani Kind)已经做了一辈子朋友。Kate是个温和、务实的公关经理,Anne则是个严肃的心理医生。她们在一个妈妈互助小组中遇到了可爱但胆怯的Jenny(Jessalyn Wanlim)和生活混乱的Frankie(Juno Rinaldi)。四个女人很快组成闺蜜小圈子,并且建立起不靠谱的友谊。该剧将展现这四个都市妈妈最原始、最真实的一面,展现她们的爱情、事业和为母之道。她们要面对讨厌的同事、永远不知满足的孩子、产后抑郁症,甚至性欲的「第二春」,但她们选择用幽默和尊严来度过每一天
/Catherine Reitman
加拿大CBC新喜剧《上班族妈妈》是一部典型的女性剧,女人是否能拥有想要的一切?对这些上班族妈妈来说,有些时候她们的确能心想事成,但有些时候……一事无成。该剧将深入剖析当代的「妈妈文化」,主人公Kate(Catherine Reitman)和Anne(Dani Kind)已经做了一辈子朋友。Kate是个温和、务实的公关经理,Anne则是个严肃的心理医生。她们在一个妈妈互助小组中遇到了可爱但胆怯的Jenny(Jessalyn Wanlim)和生活混乱的Frankie(Juno Rinaldi)。四个女人很快组成闺蜜小圈子,并且建立起不靠谱的友谊。该剧将展现这四个都市妈妈最原始、最真实的一面,展现她们的爱情、事业和为母之道。她们要面对讨厌的同事、永远不知满足的孩子、产后抑郁症,甚至性欲的「第二春」,但她们选择用幽默和尊严来度过每一天
/Mars Horodyski,Aleysa Young
加拿大CBC新喜剧《上班族妈妈》是一部典型的女性剧,女人是否能拥有想要的一切?对这些上班族妈妈来说,有些时候她们的确能心想事成,但有些时候……一事无成。 该剧将深入剖析当代的「妈妈文化」,主人公Kate(Catherine Reitman)和Anne(Dani Kind) 已经做了一辈子朋友。Kate是个温和、务实的公关经理,Anne则是个严肃的心理医生。她们在一个妈妈互助小组中遇到了可爱但胆怯的Jenny(Jessalyn Wanlim)和生活混乱的Frankie(Juno Rinaldi)。四个女人很快组成闺蜜小圈子,并且建立起不靠谱的友谊。该剧将展现这四个都市妈妈最原始、最真实的一面,展现她们的爱情、事业和为母之道。她们要面对讨厌的同事、永远不知满足的孩子、产后抑郁症,甚至性欲的「第二春」,但她们选择用幽默和尊严来度过每一天。
/Reetta Aalto,Alli Haapasalo,Anna Paavilainen,基尔西卡·萨里,Miia Tervo,Elli Toivoniemi,Jenni Toivoniemi
本片由六则性骚扰事件交织而成,透过7位女性导演的视角,道出现代女性无以名状的痛。席拉和丈夫的浪漫晚餐,因咸猪手事件而被破坏;艾美結束狂欢派对后,睡梦中房里来了不速之客;艾力克西是名菜鸟检察官,处理妮娜等待已久的性侵案件;少女米拉上学途中,在公车上遇到两名渣男,众目睽睽下的言语暴力竟成为她的噩梦;有野心的剧场演员安普,排练着被強暴的戏码;凯特则在公司的派对晚宴中,娓娓道出曾被公司男同事性侵的过去…… 此计划目的呈现后#MeToo 时代女性的处境。片中的每个故事都可能发生在每个各行各业女性的身上,所有女性观众都能深切体会。关于那些内化的性別意识形态与刻板印象,以及父权社会下被压迫的女性境遇,必须透过影像引起大众讨论,因为当性別平等的议题被广泛讨论且认可后,才有机会改变现状。曾获南非德班国际影展最佳影片,芬兰奥斯卡Jussi Awards北欧电影大奖。
/Oz Scott
《波士顿法律》是美国ABC电视台的重头戏《律师本色》(The Practice)的姐妹剧,它讲述 Alan Shore 为一家律师事务所工作期间发生的故事及案件。故事集中在波士顿的一家高级律师所里,主要以民事诉讼案件为主。这些聪明的代理人必须处理法律允许他们做和该如何对抗他们不能做的。 当基本上尝试的时候,他们将会面对社会的和道德的议题。 这难解幽默感的系列究竟把我们带到怎样的故事里? 《波士顿法律》不是那么传统的剧集,它是著名法律剧the practice的延伸,但却迅速找到了自己的位置。讲述律师事务所里的众生相以及审判室的诡计和兄弟会男孩的滑稽剧boston legal今年在金球奖最扬眉吐气的,首推以「Boston Legal」拿下影集类最佳男配角的威廉薛特纳,薛特纳过去最让人记得的角色就是《星际旅行:原初系列》(Star Trek:TOS)里的舰长Kirk。
/Jane Kavcic
This film takes place in Ljubljana, the capital of Slovenia. Matic lives in a large neighbourhood of concrete blocks of flats with his mother. As his father is temporarily working in Libya, they live alone. Matic's otherwise monotonous life changes dramatically when he is chosen to feature in a film. At the shooting he meets Milena, a girl his own age whom he begins to like. When the shooting is over, the film company gives him a present, a huge black Newfoundlander. Although his mother is not really pleased about it, Matic brings the dog home. And that is just the beginning of their adventures... - IMDb
Camila和Epifanio永远都在争权夺利。在他们相互争斗的日子里,权力就像一剂春药,让两人都极度亢奋。他们都欣赏彼此的野心,但又都想成为墨西哥的头号毒枭。Camila逐渐失去了耐性,她不甘心屈居人下。她从零开始辛辛苦苦打拼的事业,自己却只能当二把手,这不公平。她渴望独立的感觉,渴望摆脱Epifanio的控制,渴望自我满足,渴望不再活在丈夫的阴影中……但这意味着她要冒很大的风险。在贩毒这个行当中,她和Epifanio有足够的空间共存吗? 当第二季开始时,Camila收到了Epifanio送来的离婚协议书,Epifanio想要妻子退出,让他一个人不受干扰地继续操作贩毒业务。他愿意放Camila走,他也答应不再做Camila的拦路石。如果Camila要独立,他可以给她独立,前提条件是她不能继续干预他的生意——例如,不能继续挖他的墙角,不能继续逼迫他的手下转换阵营,不能公开妨碍他的毒品交易。Camila知道自己现在只是虚张声势,但Epifanio轻松地大获全胜,这还是让她颇为震惊。Epifanio手里还有很多王牌,而她手里什么都没有。Camila本该接受他的条件,人生中第一次真正地过自己想要的独立生活。没错,她和Epifanio仍在同一个行当中,她无法确认Epifanio会遵守诺言,但至少她看到了一丝希望——她终于能为自己创造生活,那太诱人了。可Camila对丈夫仍有一种挥之不去的感觉,而且依旧不信任他。更何况,贩毒生意固有的混乱感让她觉得刺激,而刺激又能给她安慰。摆在她面前有两个选项——离婚或者开战——她需要尽快做出决定。无论如何,她会毫不示弱地向所有人表明态度:她随时准备迎接战斗。与此同时,刚刚手握大权的Teresa试图与一名走私犯缔结协议,但这家伙的怪癖让双方的合作很难进行下去。Epifanio的新搭档可能不愿听命于他。
乔纳森·莱斯·梅耶斯、埃米尔·赫斯基、帕斯·贝加([对她说])、杰里米·皮文([明日边缘])将携手出演黑色惊悚片[美国之夜](American Night,暂译)。影片将是Alessio Jim Della Valle的导演处女作,Valle亲自撰写剧本。影片讲述迈克尔·鲁比诺(赫斯基饰)刚刚成为纽约黑手党的头目,但他最大的梦想是将自己的一生奉献给绘画,并成为伟大的艺术家。艺术品经销商约翰·卡普兰(梅耶斯饰)的生活似乎一片混乱,但他仍拥有最能发现世界各地假货的双眼。当安迪·沃霍尔的《粉红玛丽莲》被偷走时,陌生的两人有了交集,而这一切也将颠覆他们的生活。
Set in Ålesund, A Human Position is a slow-paced film that unfolds in successive tableaux, to form a complete picture of the subtle changes and events that make up one's life. It explores the persistence of memory and trauma, the definition of one's moral values, and the possibility of joy. Asta is a journalist in Ålesund who seems plunged in a melancholic state, for a reason we discover bit by bit. Her supportive girlfriend refurbishes design chairs and plays the keyboard, while their kitten wanders around the house. One day, Asta reads a story in a newspaper about an asylum-seeker who is being forcefully evicted from Norway after having lived and worked a decade in the country. Gradually, Asta becomes more involved in learning about the case, and she has to find her position - both in her work and in her personal life. This beautifully-crafted film, bathed in soft colours, is a meticulous observation of Asta's life after an unnamed trauma, and as external events invite her to reconsider her own relationship to reality. One newspaper article she reads is entitled, "Confronting our social conscience", which is one of the topics of A Human Position. It's also a low-key love story, with its routines and ups-and-downs, which feels very real.