Best friends and lovers Miguel and Johnny have known each other since childhood. They spend their time skateboarding with their friends in throbbing Mexico City where they sell their own blood and get donors for the ER black market as a way to make money. But when an important transaction goes wrong, Miguel’s mother sends him out of the country. Away from Johnny, Miguel will find the path to his own destiny.
十六岁的黑人男孩詹姆·华莱士(罗伯·布朗 Rob Brown 饰)在篮球方面极富天赋,非常有潜力成为篮球界的明日之星。他常常与小伙伴们一起打篮球,他们注意到住在对面公寓顶层的沉默男人总是看着他们。这位神秘的隐士原来就是知名作家威廉·佛瑞斯特(肖恩·康纳利 Sean Connery 饰)。一次偶然的恶作剧让两人相互结识,威廉发现他在写作方面也很有天份。很快,詹姆凭借自己出色的篮球技术和优秀成绩,获得了一所著名私立学校的邀请。然而对于一所白人学校而言,詹姆却面临着艰难选择和种种质疑。威廉同意帮助詹姆提高他的写作水平。渐渐地,两人在交流中建立了深厚的友谊,循循善诱的威廉激发出詹姆潜藏的写作才能,而威廉自己也开始改变,终于走出避世多年的隐居公寓。
一九八八年十二月七日于苏俄亚美尼亚(Armenia)西北部斯皮塔克(Spitak)发生芮氏规模六点九级大地震。50岁的俄罗斯人Konstantin Berezhnoy和28岁的亚美尼亚人Robert Melkonyan一起拯救绝望的幸存者。
Faith(赛琳娜·戈麦斯 Selena Gomez 饰),Brit(艾什莉·本森 Ashley Benson 饰), Candy(瓦妮莎·哈金斯 Vanessa Hudgens 饰), Cotty(瑞秋·科林 Rachel Korine 饰)四个漂亮的女孩是同一所大学的学生。春假来临,学校里有钱的孩子都结伴出游了,只有这四个怎么也凑不够旅费的女孩被困在百无聊赖的校园里。青春荷尔蒙的刺激和对春假旅行疯狂的向往让女孩们产生了通过抢劫获取旅费的方法。抢劫过后,她们踏上了前往佛罗里达海滩的旅程。在疯狂的海滩派对上,几个女孩度过了纸醉金迷的几天,并在假期临近结束时结识了一个自称Alien(詹姆斯·弗兰科 James Franco 饰)的古怪男子。Alien对几个漂亮的女孩表示出极大的亲密和兴趣,虽然令人不安,却也让几个女孩着迷。可是几个女孩不曾想到,遇到Alien,才是她们春假真正的开始。
Several young girls were killed. Policeman Matthaei travels to the region where it happened and searches a child that looks similar to the ones that were murdered. He finds one and stays with her and her mother, not telling them that he is waiting for the killer to start his bloody work one more time ...
《让娜·迪尔曼》是一部怎样的电影呢?它是阿克曼1975年的一部长达三个半小时的电影,它又是一部著名的“女权主义”电影,它还是一部在形式与内容上都极富革命精神的电影。总之,阿克曼这位拍片数极少的比利时女导演凭借她二十出头拍出的这部电影,就足以让无数的影评人、电影史学家为她 树碑立传了。它的独特、先锋已远远超出了我们的想象,我相信,以前没有,以后也不会再有如此奇妙的观影体验了! 影片内容用一句话就可以概括:一个中年寡妇三天的日常生活(影片其实是从第一天下午到第三天的下午,仔细算下来也就两天多一点),影片的拍摄手法也十分“简单”——固定长镜头(影片中的机位选择非常严格,比如说厨房是正面、侧面两个机位,算下来全片也就只有十几个机位),影片场景同样十分“单调”——超过90%是在让娜?迪尔曼所住的公寓里拍摄的。
/Gabriel Range
Following the crisis in Ukraine and Russia’s involvement in Syria, the world is closer to super power confrontation than at any time since the end of the Cold War. Now a committee of senior former British military and diplomatic figures comes together to war game a hypothetical ‘hot war’ in Eastern Europe, including the unthinkable - nuclear confrontation. The War Room faces a scenario that has haunted western strategists since civil war broke out in Ukraine: potential Russian military involvement in the Baltic States of Latvia and Estonia. Like Ukraine these countries have sizable Russian speaking minorities, but unlike Ukraine they are members of NATO, whose founding treaty states that an attack on one ally is an attack on all of them. Because of this, western analysts regularly war game a situation where Russia seeks to exploit ethnic tensions in the Baltic and test the strength of the NATO Alliance.
/Stepan Burnashev
Gosha is a trucker; he delivers goods to remote Arctic parts of Yakutia. He is a monopolist and his services are expensive. His greed lures him into making a run without a backup-driver. His truck breaks down in the middle of the road. Gosha is trying to fix it when an accident occurs. Now he is face to face with ruthless Arctic wilderness and death is only one breath away.
早上,虔诚的农场主陶尔(Max von Sydow 饰)夫妻做过了祷告,随后安排女儿卡琳骑马为教堂送一些蜡烛,卡琳穿上了新制的盛装,邀请家里的养女英格丽同行。有孕在身的英格丽性格放纵,并一直嫉妒卡琳的明媚人生,出行前,英格丽在食物中塞进了一只蛤蟆。行至一片森林前,英格丽让卡琳独自上路而自己尾随观察。林中的三个牧羊人看到孤身一人的卡琳顿起歹意,他们奸污后又打死了卡琳,掳走她的外套。傍晚,三名牧羊人投宿陶尔家中,向陶尔妻子兜售卡琳的衣物,惊慌的英格丽亦同时回到家中,她向陶尔忏悔了自己诅咒卡琳的罪行。陶尔沐浴更衣,以白桦树枝抽打自己后,决意用很双手为女儿报仇…… 本片获1961年奥斯卡最佳外语片奖,1960年戛纳电影节特别推荐奖。
Interweaving stories of four different women involved in the sex industry offers a glimpse into the dark underbelly of Los Angeles and the taboo lifestyle of a sex worker. A teen runaway, single mother and two career escorts interconnect through their own personal journeys filled with loss, betrayal and the struggle to survive.
/Larry A. McLean
With every Christian suddenly "vanished" from the world, headstrong 15-year-old Gabby is thrust into adulthood way too soon, along with her younger sister Claire and the two teen boys, Josh and Flynn, vying for Gabby's attention. Will the group be able to navigate a dangerous new world ruled by those who've been left behind? The next installment in the incredibly popular LEFT BEHIND franchise.
/Thitipan Raksasat
泉仙生于日本最著名的娱乐圈家庭之一——但当全世界都在等待他作为新星的首次亮相时,泉只想成为一名杰出的漫画艺术家,实现他的宅男梦!尽管他一生都被明星所包围,但10年前在一次商业拍摄中的创伤经历迫使他情感隐退,最终投入他最喜欢的小说的怀抱角色,魔法少女拉鲁鲁。然而,事实证明泉还不清楚。考虑到他远没有成为任何类型的漫画家,他加入了拍摄他过去那个可怕的广告的续集。更重要的是,他过去的搭档,也是被邀请来扮演他的角色,不是别人,正是著名演员一久良。泉不再喜欢穿裙子了——但龙马渴望看到10年前俘获他芳心的美丽“女孩”。这次宿命的重逢会变成怎样?~~改编自日本最热门漫画《爱情舞台!!"(ラブ ステージ)作者:Eiki Eiki(影木栄貴)和赵太师的插画(蔵王大志). Izumi Sena was born to one of the most well known showbiz families in Japan—but while the world waits for his debut as a new star, Izumi just wants to become a distinguished manga artist and fulfill his otaku dreams! Despite being surrounded by stardom his whole life, a traumatizing experience at a commercial shoot 10 years ago forced him into emotional recluse and eventually into the arms of his favorite fictional character, Magical Girl LalaLulu. However, it turns out that Izumi is not in the clear yet. Considering that he is far from becoming a manga artist of any sort, he joins a shooting for the sequel of that dreaded commercial from his past. What’s more, his co-star from the past, who is also invited to reprise his role, is none other than the famous actor Ryouma Ichijou. Izumi does not fancy wearing a dress again—but Ryouma is eager to see the beautiful "girl" who captured his heart 10 years ago. How will this fateful reunion turn out? ~~ Adapted from the manga "Love Stage!!" (ラブ ステージ) written by Eiki Eiki (影木栄貴) and illustrated by Zao Taishi (蔵王大志).
/Film Pawis Sowsrion
在法国生活后,西奥回到泰国,在他父亲的学校学习。住在泰国再次让他的环境焕然一新,但他确实交了一个朋友Ak。西奥在图书馆里找到一本欢迎他的书,作者签下了“Enchante”,法语的意思是“很高兴见到你”。西奥对这个迷人的家伙很好奇,并告诉了Ak这件事。Ak很快暴露了情况,四个家伙站出来声称他们是Enchante。西奥会成功猜出自称是他的4个家伙中谁是真的Enchante吗 After living in France, Theo comes back to Thailand to study at his father's school. Living in Thailand once again makes his surroundings new, but he does make one friend, Ak. Theo finds a book in the library that welcomes him, and the writer signs Enchanté, which means "nice to meet you" in French. Theo becomes curious about who this Enchanté guy is and tells Ak about it. Ak quickly exposes the situation, and four guys come forward claiming that they are Enchanté. Will Theo successfully guess who is the legit Enchanté among the 4 guys claiming to be him?