/Eli Holzman
《天桥骄子》由BRAVO电视台构思,超级名模Heidi Klum主持,ELLE杂志将其取名为《天桥骄子》,作为艾美奖提名真人秀《PROJECT GREENLIGHT》的衍生剧推出。《天桥骄子》是一部时装设计竞赛型真人秀,同时由于节目环节创艺不断,推陈出新。参赛选手水平高。倍受广大观众的好评。 节目每集淘汰1或2名选手,选手在每季中将会接到规定的一个设计题目,然后选手时而单枪匹马,时而组队参加。各自发挥自己的最大潜能,目的只为一个:做出最为美丽漂亮的时装。
/Eli Holzman
《天桥骄子》由BRAVO电视台构思,超级名模Heidi Klum主持,ELLE杂志将其取名为《天桥骄子》,作为艾美奖提名真人秀《PROJECT GREENLIGHT》的衍生剧推出。《天桥骄子》是一部时装设计竞赛型真人秀,同时由于节目环节创艺不断,推陈出新。参赛选手水平高。倍受广大观众的好评。 节目每集淘汰1或2名选手,选手在每季中将会接到规定的一个设计题目,然后选手时而单枪匹马,时而组队参加。各自发挥自己的最大潜能,目的只为一个:做出最为美丽漂亮的时装。
Bravo’s Emmy-winning competition series Project Runway returns for another season of high stakes and fierce fashions on Thursday, December 5 at 9:30/8:30c. Sixteen new hopefuls are ready to take the runway by storm and make fashion history. Host Karlie Kloss is back, along with Christian Siriano as the mentor and returning judges Nina Garcia, Brandon Maxwell, and Elaine Welteroth, to decide who has what it takes to make it in this industry. Each 90-minute episode will feature the return of some fan-favorite elements, including the “Siriano Save,” in which Christian has the opportunity to bring one eliminated designer back into the competition, and the pièce de résistance, a chance to present a final collection at New York Fashion Week. Gotham remains a main character for this fashion adventure for challenge reveals and runway shows with iconic locations such as the famous TWA Hotel at JFK, The Vessel at Hudson Yards, and Bergdorf Goodman. In addition, the groundbreaking series continues to shine a light on the evolution of fashion and inclusion by featuring a variety of sexual preferences, racial backgrounds and ages including a nonbinary model and a trans model, a “Dreamer,” and the oldest designer ever to compete on Project Runway. Challenging fashion norms, the designers are tasked with creating functional outfits for Olympians and Paralympians, as well as turning donated garments from Goodwill of NY into high fashion wear. In the premiere of Project Runway, the competition begins with some twists right out of the airport gate. With luggage still in tow, the designers are greeted at the iconic TWA Hotel at JFK airport ready to take flight with their first challenge: to create an innovative look inspired by humanity’s continued push into space exploration. In a Runway first, these unfamiliar designers have to pair up and collaborate to make cohesive pieces that blow away the judges or they are out. Fans will also get a chance to own a piece of the designer creations when they vote on the outfits they like best. Both the judges’ winning look and a fan-favorite look will be manufactured in the USA by Nineteenth Amendment, a production platform producing sustainable clothing on-demand, and sold on The guest judges this season who will help determine whether our designers are in or out are singer and actress Cyndi Lauper, actress and equal-rights advocate Laverne Cox, comedian and actress Leslie Jones, Olympic gold-medal downhill skier Lindsey Vonn, actress Rachel Brosnahan, fashion designer Thom Browne, legendary artists Ashley Longshore, Emmy-nominated fashion stylist Marni Senofonte, and more. Maybelline and TRESemmé return as the exclusive makeup and hair care partners to bring to life the glamorous looks that will define the runway. Brother will once again outfit the state-of-the-art workroom with its innovative sewing and embroidery machines for contestants to create their showstopping pieces. With the return of the inventive Pilot FriXion Erasable Gel Ink Pens, aspiring designers have the creative freedom to bring their sketches to life. To celebrate Universal Pictures' new film Cats (in theaters Dec. 20), designers will compete to create a chic street look that puts a new spin on the timeless trend of animal prints. Viewers who can't get enough of Project Runway can tune into the Project Runway After Show and Viewer Verdict, two digital series available on and brought to you by TRESemmé and Maybelline, respectively. The winning designer will take home a $250,000 grand prize courtesy of Bluprint, the digital destination for makers and the official DIY partner of Project Runway, a feature in ELLE magazine, the chance to be featured in a Bluprint digital series, $50,000 compliments of returning sponsor Pilot, and a career-changing mentorship with the CFDA (Council of Fashion Designers of America). Last season, Bluprint awarded the winning designer Sebastian Grey his own original digital series along with $50,000 to put toward a design studio. The series Fashion Sewing with Sebastian Grey will offer lessons on making a bespoke skirt and will stream on the Bluprint digital platform and app in conjunction with the Project Runway season premiere.
特工总部迪亚大厦新增添了一个神秘的保险柜,结果引来了坏小子吉米的注意。他在两名笨蛋手下的协助下,成功将保险柜盗走,还顺带把迪亚大厦弄得七扭八歪。特工局长恼羞成怒,于是命手下去找特工腓力门及其搭档莫特德罗。腓力门是一个混迹于特工界的笨蛋,他不仅令上司十分头疼,还饱受民众的苛责。在接到局长的命令后,腓力门与莫特德罗准备出征,谁知就在此时,当年被腓力门送入监狱的暴徒特龙其母拉斯出狱,他发誓要用拳头给腓力门爆菊。经过一连串的周折,腓力门总算用特工总部开发的神秘药水使这个暴徒变成了温顺的好孩子。 与此同时,吉米的罪恶勾当仍在继续……
/Daniel Benmayor
凯姆(泰勒·洛特纳 Taylor Lautner 饰)是一位正直善良的自行车快递员,然而,不幸的他却被卷入了巨大的黑帮债务之中无法脱身,为了抵债,凯姆不得不卖掉了自己心爱的自行车,然而,他的命运亦因为此举而发生了翻天覆地的变化。 一次偶然中,凯姆遇见了名为尼基(玛莉·艾格洛蒲露丝 Marie Avgeropoulos 饰)的神秘女子,性感火辣的尼基很快就吸引了凯姆的注意,之后,凯姆加入了尼基所在的跑酷圈子,一扇通往新世界的大门就此打开。然而,没过多久,凯姆便发现,这个跑酷团体的真实身份其实是依靠偷窃珠宝为生的职业盗窃团伙,在知道了这一真相之后,凯姆会做出怎样的选择呢?
卢(Leo Fafard 饰)是一位非常平凡的小镇警察,从事着这一职业,就注定了卢在工作中会遇到非常多的危险和不悦。有一天,卢在睡觉的时候梦见了自己被一种神秘而又恐怖的生物袭击了,哪知道梦醒之后,卢的身上竟然真的发生了一些细微的变化。这一切,究竟是梦境还是现实呢? 卢的无感变得比以前更加敏锐,而且身体上的毛发生长得逐渐茂盛起来。一天,卢在盛怒之中晕了过去,醒来时候,他才知道,在失去知觉的那段时间,他竟然变成了强壮而又残暴的狼人。对于一个正常人类来说,变成狼人并不是一件好事。可是对于整天要和危险的犯罪分子们打交道的卢来说,变身狼人似乎是个不错的选择。
/Fabien Garcia
由四名在少林寺受过武术训练的国外武术爱好者拍摄的《成功的代价》(Die Fighting),四人献上激情澎湃的功夫大餐。 剧情讲述成军于少林寺的武术团队Z-Team,刚刚获得一项电影节的大奖,团队的四名成员法比安、洛汉、迪迪埃与杰斯正踌躇满志憧憬着进军好莱坞,不料却卷入新的危机:一位自称“导演”的神秘人绑架了四人的爱人,逼迫他们在他的“功夫片”中,真刀真枪,以命相搏地进行武打。 四人的每一个动作,都被隐蔽处的摄像机记录下来,Z-Team被迫在洛杉矶黑暗的地下世界中打出一条血路,把抢劫犯、武装分子、毒枭、柔道馆、特警队和黑帮一一打了个遍,最终的结局出人意料,每个人都必须思索,为了成功究竟要付出多少代价。 影片可算是四人的“本色出演”,2000年,三位热爱中国功夫的年轻人雅尼克、法比安·加西亚、洛汉在少林寺结识,他们在寺中接受武术训练,2003年,洛汉的哥哥迪迪埃加盟,四人组成Z-Team和电影制作公司,专门拍摄中国功夫片。这是Z-Team的首支剧情长片。
/Christian Sesma
The Vigilante Diaries is a high octane action-adventure film featuring 90's movie heroes, explosive action, and international espionage. The film revolves around a team of black-ops agents turned crime-fighters, led by a brooding anti-hero, known only as "The Vigilante." These jam-packed missions of rescue and revenge take us from the mega-mansions and underbelly of Los Angeles to far away places like Iraq, Armenia, Russia, and The United Kingdom to introduce us to a cast of colorful, dangerous, and hilarious characters. From Beverly Hills filmmaker Mike Hanover, to a trio of Asian femme fatales, to ruthless Armenian mobsters, and at the top, a pair of deep cover super spies hell bent on throwing the world into chaos.
/James Wiseman
世界著名的特技车手本·科林斯, 带你来参加扣人心眩,肾上腺狂飙的刺激之旅。他在包括麦克拉伦650S,阿斯顿马丁Vanquish,阿约诺曼越野车,捷加F系列,以及福特野马在内的名车里,寻找一辆完美的特技车辆,在他的驾驶下,飙到极速,在汽车和坦克的狂野追逐中,与死神玩色子对赌,进行劲爆的好莱坞式的汽车追逐。
英国统治印度的后期,舍希德·汗以传奇人物苏丹那王的名义,打劫英国的火车,被驱逐出瓦塞浦。舍希德·汗逃亡到丹巴德,为煤矿主瑞马德哈·辛格工作,却因此结下了家族世仇。十年后,舍希德·汗的花心儿子沙达尔·汗发誓要为父报仇,成为了瓦塞浦的一方霸主。沙达尔·汗一面在丹巴德与杀父仇人煤矿主瑞马德哈·辛格斗智斗勇,一面又在瓦塞浦与之前的霸主苏丹王带领的库雷希族对抗。旧仇未报,新仇又结... 影片用类似纪录片的方式,在历史的背景下,讲述了三个黑帮集团之间错综复杂的关系。从1940年跨越到2004年,穿插了印度独立、巴印分治、以及印度的宗教派系之间的血腥残杀。瓦塞浦黑帮的所作所为全都印映着历史的痕迹。
越战期间,美军大量征兵。大批年轻人应征入伍,在新兵营接受“残忍”的训练。“傻瓜”比尔运动神经不发达,常常犯错而连累所有人一起受罚。“小丑”(马修•莫迪恩 Matthew Modine 饰)奉命帮助比尔,但比尔还是老犯错误,连累其他人。大家忍无可忍下打了他一顿,比尔从此变得精神恍惚,在新兵营毕业前夕枪杀教官后吞枪自杀。 “小丑”随后分到了军队新闻组。他在采访中看到了当时的同伴们都已经变得麻木、残忍。一次,“小丑”随“牛仔”执行任务时,遭到越共狙击手伏击,“牛仔”亦不幸中弹身亡。众人经过一番搜索,击伤了狙击手。“小丑”发现狙击手竟是一个年轻少女。有人提议留下她挣扎而死,“小丑”在少女“杀了我”的哀求声中,扣下了扳机。
/Vincent Lecrocq
Jake Lamar曾经是个好的警察。以NICK命名的波斯顿警察局以他的杰出谈判技巧为骄傲,现在Jake成为了他自己的影子。一个悲剧使他放弃了谈判家的工作,成为了新人培训员。 一天早晨,Jake起床的时候在自己的房子里发现自己脸对脸地面对2个持枪的歹徒。因为他的聋哑女儿在楼上睡觉,Jake尽全力保持镇静面对危险的境地。他迅速地认识到2个歹徒并没有乱翻他的屋子,并且对钱并不感兴趣。绑架者对他很了解,并精心地策划这次行动很长时间了。当Jake尽力找出他们的真实目的时,一个心理对抗发生了。2歹徒慢慢地揭露了他们的意图,为了揭露一个政治阴谋,Jake是他们达到目的的钥匙,利用他的专门技能和警察的门路去揭露藏在阴谋后面,徘徊在这所城市的人。 Jake利用他的谈判技巧想要去解决这个事态,并不伤及任何人生命。紧张的情况逐渐升级当Jake不能说服绑架者停止他的行为,并且决定反击。因为他的女儿和无辜人的生命掌握在他的手上,Jake会尽自己所能去阻止2个匪徒。
Seth Rogen和Evan Goldberg的Hulu新半小时喜剧《高玩救未来 Future Man》被预订13集,首季将在17年放出。《饥饿游戏 The Hunger Games》男主角Josh Hutcherson饰演主角Josh Futterman,白天他在一 间性病研究实验室当一个没前途可言的清洁工人,他日常不擅社交、自卑、无法接近女性。 但有一件事是他十分擅长的,就是晚上时他在款游戏《The Biotic Wars》中是一个世界级的游戏玩家(网上角色名正是标题 - Future Man);当他通关后,游戏中的角色突然从未来穿越来告诉他,游戏实际是训练教程,而成功通关的他是打败即将入侵的超级种族的关键所在,这之后他就肩负起了拯救人类灭绝的重任。 Eliza Coupe饰演从未来而来的战士Tiger,在Cybergeddon这游戏中是个强硬、性感而且疯狂的角色,她跟Wolf一同来找 Josh,要他拯救像地狱一般的未来。不过她自己有着一个秘密,可以真正的解释一切。Derek Wilson饰演从未来而来的Wolf,在Cybergeddon这游戏中是个发色已灰,但仍然十分致命的战士,经过多年的战争,他对暴力及情感都已经麻木。他实际只馀下兽性的一面,因此他充满破坏性及对个人卫生及人际关系都不在行,不过十分忠于Tiger。他对主角Josh毫无尊重,不认为他能完成任务。
本剧的主人公是有着10年经验的资深警员Angie Tribeca(Rashida Jones)。Angie是一头「独狼」,说话太直率,因此很难与人相处。她的顶头上司、严肃认真的老警长Chet Atkins(Jere Burns)要求每名警察都必须有一个搭档,Angie对此颇为反感……但她必须接受,于是她的新搭档(Hayes Macarthur)来了。 调查组其他成员包括:Monica Scholls医生(Andree Vermeulen)是这个团队中的法医,戴一副眼镜,足智多谋,为人古怪。DJ Tanner警官(Deon Cole)是K-9警犬队的负责人。笔迹鉴定专家Edelweiss博士(Alfred Molina)看起来非常严肃,实际上对各种玩具有着特殊的嗜好。