美国中情局干员杰克·雷恩(哈里森·福特 Harrison Ford 饰)再次卷入一场错综复杂的贩毒战争之中。因前任陆军上将罹患癌症,雷恩被任命为CIA副局长一职,奉命调查美国总统友人遭毒贩谋杀事件。总统好友及其家人在睡梦中惨遭贩毒集团毒害,为查明真相,雷恩开始追查。然而,雷恩发现其好友居然与哥伦比亚贩毒团有染,不仅如此,总统也派出了一支秘密突击小组对付毒贩集团,并已前往消灭贩毒集团。不明真相的雷恩,不仅置身于利益纷争的国际政治阴谋之中,更陷入敌友难辨的两难之境。事态演变得愈发扑朔迷离,被蒙在鼓里的雷恩势要以身试险,一探究竟。 本片根据汤姆·克兰西的畅销小说改编而成,是《爱国者游戏》的续集。
海湾战争中,坦克部队军官沙林(丹泽尔•华盛顿 Denzel Washington 饰)一次判断失误下令击毁了己军的坦克,令到好友鲍德温意外死亡了。虽然军事法庭判他不需承担责任,然而他还是日夜受着良心的煎熬,一直想找鲍德温的父母说明此事,却也一直没有勇气。 上司为了给沙林授勋,派他调查战争中一起机械师勇救士兵牺牲的事件。沙林调查中发现勇救士兵而英勇牺牲的竟然是卡伦(梅格•瑞安 Meg Ryan 饰)竟然是个女人!但现场的几名士兵的供词自相矛盾、漏洞百出。在沙林对其中一名士兵墨菲逼问后,墨菲竟然自杀了。随着墨菲的自杀,事件的真相慢慢浮出水面……
肯尼迪总统的遇刺让身为他贴身保镖的弗兰克(克林特·伊斯特伍德 Clint Eastwood 饰)陷入了自责的情绪中不能自拔。即使多年过去,但只要一想到此时,弗兰克总觉得是自己的失职和大意造成了这一悲剧。某一日,一个神秘的电话引起了他的警觉。打电话的男人名叫米奇(约翰·马尔科维奇 John Malkovich 饰),他告诉弗兰克,自己准备暗杀现任总统,并邀请弗兰克玩一个所谓的“游戏”,这个游戏的成败将直接影响总统的命运。 往事重演,这一次,弗兰克决定无论如何都要保护总统的安全。这个米奇到底是谁?他这么做的目的何在?在一连串的疑问面前,一场激烈而又危险的追杀游戏逐渐展开。
/Sutton Roley
A group of diverse individuals are suddenly taken from their homes and flown via helicopter to a futuristic bomb shelter in the desert, one-third of a mile below the surface of the Earth. There, they learn that a nuclear holocaust is taking place and that they've been "chosen" by computer to survive in the shelter in order to continue the human race. The shelter is designed to allow the people to exist underground comfortably for years, but they are faced with a threat nobody could have predicted: a colony of thousands of bloodthirsty vampire bats finds a way into the shelter and launches a series of vicious attacks where they claim the humans one by one.
一位科学家在一次试验中,发现用脑波可以使一只铅笔穿透铜板,不过,他的实验室在一次大火中毁灭,这位科学家不得不投靠他的哥哥。他的哥哥也在进行着另一项实验,他发现重新组合原子结构可以产生巨大能量。他与弟弟合作,利用弟弟的脑波和实验心得,改变任何物质结构,形成“四度空间人”。 不过,“四度空间人”使用一次均会失去时间而老化,必须不断增加能源,而每次吸取能量,就会将老化转移他人,于是他不断杀人以维持青春。究竟四度空间人会不会最终被消灭,请观众自己品味。 本片构思新颖,运用高科技手段拍摄,是观众有身临高科技时代的感觉,当然,这指的是身在影片所属的年代!
/Benjamin Ross Hayden
In the year 2961, the time is after humanity and nature has recovered the land. A hunter named Cygnus is called to rise above his duty. He provides for Last Arc, a once nomadic band of survivors in need of food and water that is now growing scarce. The answer must be found before a group of outlandish Heretics descend upon them. Cygnus must voyage across the treacherous landscape to defend his people. Sent by Nova, the matriarch of the band, she acts based on her vision for Cygnus to find a seed of hope. The future of Last Arc is for him to discover, Cygnus ventures into a hostile landscape in search of an answer for his people. On this journey of encountering many traps and dangers, Cygnus discovers what has been hunting him is his identity.
西蒙(杰里米•艾恩斯 饰)是个头脑慎密,心狠手毒的恐怖分子。为了实现一场惊天大阴谋,他先是制造了一起爆炸案。在警方紧张破案之际,他又给警长约翰•麦卡伦(布鲁斯•威利斯 饰)打电话,声称警方必须听从他的一系列指令,否则他将继续在全市搞爆炸活动。 在杂货店老板宙斯(塞缪尔•杰克逊 饰)的帮助下,麦卡伦完成了西蒙的一系列指令,多次死里逃生。然而意犹未尽的西蒙,命令麦克莱恩去拆除街心花园的炸弹,又宣称在纽约市一所小学校内安放了炸弹。警方和市政官员几乎全部出动,去各小学疏散学生,搜寻炸弹。 麦卡伦逐渐对西蒙一个又一个的指令产生疑虑,他终于发现西蒙调动全市警力背后的真相……
故事发生在1870年的英国,传闻中海怪的出没的消息惹得人心惶惶,各国政府都排遣除了军舰在大海上巡逻,哪知道这些军舰均被海怪给击沉了。阿龙纳斯教授(Dan Hanlon 饰)和他的助手康赛尔成为了海难中的幸存者,同时保住了小命的还有鱼叉手尼德(Curtis Benton 饰),一行人被鹦鹉螺号潜艇救起,他们也就此认识了潜艇的主人尼莫船长。 尼莫船长久仰阿龙纳斯的大名,把他当做上宾接待。但是船长暴躁的个性和激进的手段让阿龙纳斯明白,此地不宜久留。尼莫船长向阿龙纳斯展示了自己多年来苦心钻研的研究成果,亦带他畅游神秘的海底世界,但阿龙纳斯的脑袋里只有一个念头,那就是逃走。
/Travis Taute
Theo Abrams is an ex-Cape Town fireman suffering from severe Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. Unable to return to work due to the psychological trauma sustained during a failed rescue mission, an increasingly frustrated and volatile Theo's world is rocked when one morning, he wakes up next to his wife's murdered corpse with no recollection of what transpired and all evidence suggesting that he's killed her. When the police label him as the prime suspect, Theo goes on the run, and is soon being hunted by Deputy Chief of Police, Alan Shard, a notoriously ruthless soldier of the law, who is hell-bent on catching Theo as one last act of service before he officially retires. However, when an unknown third party is thrown into the mix, Theo discovers an alarming connection between the sinister forces hunting him in an attempt to silence him permanently for a reason he can't comprehend; and a recent investigation his wife was conducting into a global armament contractor. When connecting the dots becomes a matter of life and death, Theo becomes embroiled in a desperate fight for survival and must figure out who really murdered his wife before a terrifying conspiracy changes the course of a nation forever.
/Mandla Dube
在执行一次破坏加油站的重大任务时,三名 Umkhonto weSizwe (MK) 自由战士意识到他们惨遭陷害,警察已经做好了随时逮捕他们的准备。警察对他们展开了激烈的殊死追捕,他们被迫躲在银行内避难。 这三人一致认为,有人 — 也许他们中的一人 — 是“Impimpi”,即出卖团队的警察间谍。问题是,这个人会是谁?在银行里,他们之间的压力和紧张感越来越强烈。所有参与其中的人都有一个共同点:为自由而战。三人意识到他们唯一的选择是被捕或死亡,他们决定就释放纳尔逊·曼德拉进行谈判。