Set in Ålesund, A Human Position is a slow-paced film that unfolds in successive tableaux, to form a complete picture of the subtle changes and events that make up one's life. It explores the persistence of memory and trauma, the definition of one's moral values, and the possibility of joy. Asta is a journalist in Ålesund who seems plunged in a melancholic state, for a reason we discover bit by bit. Her supportive girlfriend refurbishes design chairs and plays the keyboard, while their kitten wanders around the house. One day, Asta reads a story in a newspaper about an asylum-seeker who is being forcefully evicted from Norway after having lived and worked a decade in the country. Gradually, Asta becomes more involved in learning about the case, and she has to find her position - both in her work and in her personal life. This beautifully-crafted film, bathed in soft colours, is a meticulous observation of Asta's life after an unnamed trauma, and as external events invite her to reconsider her own relationship to reality. One newspaper article she reads is entitled, "Confronting our social conscience", which is one of the topics of A Human Position. It's also a low-key love story, with its routines and ups-and-downs, which feels very real.
/Paul Gibson
The Duke of Frome John Langton with his wife, their baby born after complications during childbirth, a domineering nanny, nursery maid and valet arrive at Montague Hall for Lady Felicia's Yuletide ball. During the evening the baby is taken from his cot. Inspector Mallory suspects an inside job by the valet when his secret wife arrives while Brown is more interested in the birth of the baby at a home for unmarried mothers. Mrs McCarthy under pressure from the diocese to provide a Christmas service fit for a Duke receives unexpected help from a vagrant she finds in the confessional.
Dom and Yas’ paths collide at the least opportune time: when Dom (David Jonsson) is ugly-crying in a toilet stall, steeling himself for an awkward meal with his ex, who cheated on him with his best friend. Nursing her own breakup wounds, freewheeling Yas decides to jump headfirst into the fray to lessen the sting as Dom’s date. What follows is a day of impulsive and joyous mayhem, as these two twenty-something Londoners roam Peckham through karaoke bars and playgrounds, all the while inching towards the possibility of opening their hearts again. For her visually inventive feature debut, director Raine Allen-Miller launches us into a playful and vibrant world, shaping a romantic comedy that celebrates meeting the right person at the wrong time. Nathan Byron and Tom Melia’s fresh characters leap off the page at breakneck speed in the hands of Oparah and Jonsson, channeling all the frustrations of swiping fatigue while holding onto the hope of finding the real deal. Much like its namesake in the beating heart of South London, Rye Lane is irresistible.
/Cliff Owen
The crooks in London know how it works. No one carries guns and no one resists the police. Then a new gang appears that go one better. They dress as police and steal from the crooks. This upset's the natural order of the police/criminal relationship and the police and the crooks join forces to catch the IPOs (Impersonating Police Officers), including an armored car robbery in which the police must help the gangs to set a trap.
/Chad Archibald
A cult kidnaps a young girl and sacrifices themselves by the locust moon. The girl awakes, surrounded by corpses. Years later, the locust moon rises again and the girl is captured by a surviving cult member, informing her demon is growing inside all these years.
本片是一出剧中剧:相貌平平的婷(Pitchanart Sakakorn 饰)渴望成为万人瞩目的大明星,为此她在表演进修班刻苦学习。某个夜晚,她受警方邀请成为一名还原凶案过程的演示者。虽然这份工作实在有点阴森奇怪,不过婷却离她的明星梦越来越近。在这一过程中,婷的身边也开始出现诡异现象。某天,泰国选美佳丽敏(Apasiri Nitibhon 饰)遭人杀害,婷意识到这是一个令自己一跃成名的良机,她仔细研究敏的生平和案情,准备全心演好这个角色,不过却因此经历了更多离奇的事件,婷开始更为深入地探究敏被害的秘密。 饰演婷的女孩梅在这部恐怖片拍摄过程中也经历了许多怪事,她甚至在现场神秘晕倒。似乎虚幻总与现实相关联,围绕这出根据真实事件改编的恐怖片,更多怪事层出不穷……
U.S. Marine Richard “Mac” McKinney had planned to return home to Muncie, Indiana as a hero – in an American flag-draped coffin. But that didn’t happen. Instead, after 25 years of service, he returns alive and filled with an all-consuming rage. Still fueled by his desire to die for his country, he plans to bomb the local mosque. But when he comes face to face with the community of Afghan refugees and others of Muslim faith that he seeks to kill, his plan takes an unexpected turn.
/Yuthana Lorphanpaiboon,Hathairat
帕拉恰克(杰西达邦·福尔迪 Tik Jesdaporn Pholdee 饰)尽管出生于名门望族,但他的家族正面临着日益衰落的窘境。帕拉恰克的弟弟是一个赌鬼,嗜赌成性的他欠下了大笔债务无力偿还,索性玩起了失踪。身为哥哥的帕拉恰克无奈之下只得亲自出面,收拾弟弟留下的烂摊子。 债主向帕拉恰克提出了一个可以令债务一笔勾销的条件,那就是让后者迎娶自己的女儿瓦妮达(泰莎昂·派索克乔纶 Taksaorn Paksukjaroen 饰),尽管此时帕拉恰克已经有了一个即将踏入婚姻殿堂的未婚妻,但迫于现实的无奈,他还是答应了这个条件。债主告诉瓦妮达,帕拉恰克是因为爱上了她才会娶她为妻,天真的瓦妮达相信了这个谎言,满心喜悦的等待着属于她的新婚之夜。
/Aor Wilawan
梅丽(婉娜拉·宋提查 Vill Wannarot Sonthichai 饰)是口含着金汤匙出生的千金大小姐,天使看不过她的刁蛮任性,决定好好教一教梅丽做人的道理。她给梅丽提出了三个条件——与人为善、先人后己、找到真爱,如果不能够达成这三个条件,那么梅丽将永远变作一只青鸟。 一次偶然中,梅丽邂逅了死对头狄波(普提查·克瑟辛 Put Puttichai 饰),梅丽开始怀疑狄波觊觎着自己的家产,而狄波却在往后的时间里慢慢爱上了梅丽。在狄波的帮助下,梅丽隐藏了真实身份,潜伏在公司中成为了一位普通的实习生,失去了身份的光环,梅丽遇见了各种各样的困难和麻烦,她能够在信守诺言的同时将他人的刁难一一化解吗?
本片改编自Joe Gores推理小说。故事关于一名侦探小说作家汉密特因为职业牵涉到一宗错综复杂的神秘案件中,而对他日后的工作影响深远,汉密特受人之托到旧金山寻找一名名叫“小晶”的失踪中国女孩,结果发现了一连串谋杀的“自杀”案件,在侦探过程中,汉密特几乎丧命,但到了最后,发现凶手居然是…… 1928年的美国旧金山,时年34岁的哈麦特仍是一个卑微而潦倒的低级杂志的雇佣文人,并饱受在一战的军队里染上肺病的折磨。哈麦特年轻时曾在平克顿私人侦探公司工作过一段时间,现在,他就以写侦破小说为生。那天晚上,就在他正在写侦破小说的最后一页时,小说中的主人公赖恩突然出现了。他要哈麦特帮他找一个叫克里斯泰·林的16岁的中国姑娘。哈麦特随身携带的小说稿在寻找林的过程中丢失了,而他同赖恩也失去了联系。回到公寓的哈麦特看到林正在那里,她自认:黑社会的头目方伟堂将她卖给了一个叫卡拉汉的人,而卡拉汉的老婆在嫉妒心的驱使下将丈夫杀掉。在方伟堂开的赌场里,哈麦特用钱买回了丢失的小说稿。他又在警察局看到了一具据说是林的尸体,尸体已被毁容,他同时还观看了一部关于林和六个男人鬼混的影片。原来,摄影师索尔特雇了赖恩去寻找林,卡拉汉的律师黑兹唐在打手企图打死哈麦特时救了他一命。哈麦特看到林和赖恩在码头上,他终于明白:这两人原来是一伙的。林打死了想告发她的赖恩。哈麦特的稿子掉进了水里,遂干脆以这几天的冒险经历为主体,重新创作了一部小说:《马耳他之鹰》。
1964年Mississippi(密西西比,我的印象中一直不太好,名字都那么怪)的Nioba,一个非常黑暗的夜晚,Eli MacCleary和Caroline夫妇的车子在路上抛了锚,Eli独自前往找救援,留下Caroline在车上,他回来时发现太太倒在路边的树林里,她被强奸了。不久,Caroline怀孕生下儿子Michael。 转眼十七年过去了,如今的Michael得了一种怪病,肿瘤压迫脑垂体使他经常发狂,不能自制,还有他那特殊的化学反应机制,这些都被医生认为是遗传病,但Eli和Caroline知道儿子不是他们的,为了找到真正的原因,他们又回到那个他们不愿提起的地方——Nioba,也从此揭开一个陈年的惊世奇案(或许叫做“奇冤”吧!)。原来,强奸Caroline的是Billy Connors,他与另一名在当地臭名昭著的Lionel Curwin的妻子通奸,被Lionel所在地窖里,饿极之下已失去理智,但Lionel有时会从表兄弟那里拿一些人的尸体回来喂他。后来,Lionel却不知被什么给撕碎吃掉了一部分,房子也给烧了,并成了墓地。知情的只有家族里的少数几人。在那个夜晚,Billy把仇恨种在了Caroline的身上。如今的Michael夜晚会四处寻找当年与Lionel有关的人,并把他们杀了,这种仇恨太可怕了·,一切已经不受控制……。 影评: 一部精神病和基因变异的的电影,故事讲得比较好,从科学理论上好像有点依据,只是时间上讲不过去。因为背景在密西西比的沼泽,使影片的气氛比较阴暗,但娱乐元素很丰富。电影里一直留有一个疑团到最后才揭晓,那就是Connors和Curwin家的那段仇恨的原因,可惜被我不小心在剧情里透露了出来。Ronny Cox曾在我们熟悉的《铁甲威龙》里饰演反面角色。总的来说,题材上是一部比较成功的B级制作电影。信鬼神的可认为是Michael被附了身,信科学的则......。