/Karthik Kumar
65-year-old Ganeshan has completely lost the zest for life after his wife's passing. But the news of his 7-year-old grandson Aadith's visit to India gives him a new lease of life. When all attempts to bond with the superhero fanatic Aadith fail, Ganeshan and his retired friends join in the madness of pretending to be a superhero league. The idea works like a charm. Little Aadith's excitement knows no bounds when he witnesses a secret meeting of this 'league'. Ganeshan is elated to receive his grandson's genuine affection for the first time. But the happiness is short-lived. The very next day a small girl gets kidnapped from their apartment complex. As the police start a preliminary investigation, Aadith turns to his grandfather with a glint of excitement in his eyes. He knows, just like any superhero, his 'thaatha' will solve the case in no time. Left with no choice, the old man turns to his ageing cronies. And thus, with aching knees, weak eyesights and greying hairlines, this League of Super (senior) Heroes is set upon their first mission. 老伴儿去世后,他为了取悦孙子而组建了一个假扮的超级英雄联盟。当麻烦出现时,他们却不得不在毫无准备的情况下采取实际行动。
/Jayson Thiessen
故事将衔接TV版第三季结局紫悦(Twilight Sparkle)进化为天角兽(Alicorn)加冕成新公主之后的生活,此时水晶帝国的珍贵王冠被偷窃;为了寻回王冠,紫悦公主将接下重责大任,独自前往另一个平行世界;在那里,紫悦将发现平行世界中的穗龙(Spike)变成了一只狗,而自己则变成了有双手也能双腿站立的人类!身分将改为少女高中生,并重新相遇化身为人类版本的小马朋友们……
/玛高扎塔·施莫夫兹卡,Malgorzata Szumowska
亚努什并不是一个容易被惊吓的男人。作为一个法医他进行精密的研究,分析每分钟的犯罪场景。尽管这种极端的场面让他抗拒,但他仍然努力工作。也许太努力了。面对他患有厌食症的女儿,仍旧处于母逝悲痛之中的奥尔加,感到无能为力。因害怕女儿自杀,亚努什将她送到精神病医生安娜的诊所治疗。多年前,安娜失去了她的孩子,现在和他的狗独自住在一所偏远的公寓里,与世隔绝,并与逝去的亡灵沟通… 玛高扎塔•施莫夫兹卡以带有黑色喜剧元素的作品去讲述人们遭遇到的困难,在失去所爱人之后挣扎面对的痛苦。电影展示了人们对亲密关系的恐惧与渴望。因为精神上的痛苦,妄图从秘密中逃离的自我伤害。在理性和对超自然宇宙信仰之间的冲突,以及心在孤独之中纷繁的冥想。
Run-D.M.C.'s Rev Run brings us along for a hip-hop reimagining of The Nutcracker ballet set in New York City. It's the night of the annual New Year's Eve block party and Maria-Clara's (Caché Melvin) mom and pop (Allison Holker Boss and Stephen "tWitch' Boss) aren't getting along... and it's bringing her down. Maria-Clara embarks on a holiday adventure to bring her parents back together, finding help along the way from the magical toymaker, Drosselmeyer (Comfort Fedoke), and the Nutcracker (Du-Shant "Fik-shun" Stegall) whom she brings to life. Maria-Clara's journey takes her from the streets of New York to fantasy worlds where she battles with mice and toy soldiers (Viktor White, BDash, Kevin "Konkrete" Davis"), and back in time to the Land of Sweets in order to find the key to unlock her holiday wish. Will it be enough to rekindle her parents' lost love before the clock strikes midnight? The special features best-in-class dancers Mikhail Baryshnikov, Tiler Peck, KidaTheGreat AKA Kida Burns, the Jabbawockeez as magical snowflakes, and more.
/汉娜·巴洛,Kane Senes
Cecilia and Emma were tween-age BFFs who were going to grow old together and never let anything come between them, until Alex arrived on the scene. Twelve years later, Cecilia is a successful social media influencer living the dream of an independent, modern millennial woman... until she runs into Emma for the first time in over a decade. Emma invites Cecilia away on her bachelorette weekend at a remote cabin in the mountains, where Alex proceeds to make Cecilia’s weekend a living hell. #triggered
商场保安保罗(凯文·詹姆斯 Kevin James 饰)的梦想是成为一名警察,但低血糖的体质让他在新泽西警察学校的考试中再次失败,保罗带着颓意返回家中,母亲和女儿给予安慰并劝说他再找一位爱人。保罗又开始了每天平淡的工作:指路或是被商场的孩子们捉弄,但今天,他的目光被假发柜台的艾米(杰玛·梅斯 Jayma Mays 饰)深深吸引,保罗希望在艾米面前彰显男儿本色,但无奈庞大的身躯和偏弱的体质总是令他的自尊受损。这天,一群匪徒占领了商场,计划对店面和银行进行暴劫,而躲在游戏厅中的保罗对这一切浑然不觉,当他赤手空拳面对劫匪时,剩下的只有逃跑,然而保罗意识到艾米被劫为人质时,他决定不顾一切返回商场……
This powerful western starring Peter Facinelli (Twilight franchise) shows what happens when you push a good man too far. Britt MacMasters, a U.S. Marshal, returns from a mission to find his father (Tom Skerritt) wounded and his son, Chad, kidnapped by the outlaw Jed Blake. Hot on their trail, Britt forms a posse with a gunslinging deputy and a stoic Pawnee tracker. But both Jed and Britt tread dangerously close to the Red Desert’s Sioux territory, which poses a menace far greater than either can imagine.
Russian operatives hijack a commercial American jet, planning to crash it into a nuclear power plant near Washington, D.C. resulting in fallout that will devastate the Eastern seaboard. With little time for Air Force fighters to shoot it down, the passengers and crew aboard the aircraft must rely on their own military and civilian training to stop the terrorists before it's too late.
平行宇宙中,任何事情都可能发生,即使是拥有同一个名字同一种能力的人,他们也可能分出善恶两面,甚至更复杂的特性。在我们熟悉的地球空间中,正义联盟的伙伴们超人(Mark Harmon 配音)、蝙蝠侠(William Baldwin 配音)、闪电侠、绿灯侠相互砥砺合作,共同维护这个世界的和平。而就在平凡的一个早晨,看起来有些不同寻常的莱克斯·卢瑟(Chris Noth 配音)突然出现在闹市中央。 这个卢瑟来自于另一个平行世界,在那个世界里,他和小丑作为正义战士出现,但是不久前他遭到了邪恶超人、闪电侠等组成的罪恶集团的残酷打击。侥幸逃到这个世界的卢瑟,只有求助于熟悉而又陌生的正义联盟……
Siskel and Ebert once ran a special show entitled "Movies I'm Embarrassed to Admit I Liked." I suppose that if I composed such a list of guilty pleasures, this one would be one of them . . . but upon reflection, it's really a lot better than that. Fifteen year-old science prodigy Mitch (Gabe Jarret) is recruited by ambitious college professor William Atherton (in yet another of his patented roles as a loathsome character) to work on the professor's prize laser project, not knowing that the prof is really developing a government weapon. Along the way, Mitch is befriended by Chris (Val Kilmer), another prodigy a few years his senior who teaches the Mitch how to loosen up. This could have degenerated into nothing more than just another teen revenge comedy, but there's so much more: the dialogue is laced with sharp wit; there are some lovely scenes that have nothing to do with the story yet are carefully set up, almost as blackouts (e.g., Mitch goes to a lecture at which a few students have left tape recorders instead of attending; later, at another lecture there are more tape recorders than students; and, in a final scene, one large tape recorder gives the lecture to a room populated by nothing but other small recorders!); and throw-away scenes that make you want to stop and back up the tape (e.g., Chris off-handedly cutting a slice off a bar of solid nitrogen to make a slug for the coffee machine). It's also one of the few movies to boast the presence of the memorable Michelle Meyerink -- as Jordan, the "girl-nerd" who made being smart and female something to be emulated. And there's Tears for Fears great song, "Everybody Wants to Rule the World" providing the perfect coda as the closing credits begin to roll . . . . Yes: really now, what's there to be embarrassed about?
/Marius Holst
电影改编自真实事件。故事发生在挪威一座名为巴斯特瑞的小岛上,那里关押着许多年轻的犯人,他们的年龄最小的只有11岁,最大的也不过18岁。每一天,在这个封闭而又压抑的环境中,孩子们被迫做着超负荷的工作,因为只有这样,他们才能得到仅够果腹的食物。在这里,对犯人们的打骂是家常便饭,又是只因一个小小的失误,有时甚至连原因都没有。在这样糟糕的环境下,犯人们被驯化了,没有人想到反抗。 十七岁的厄令(本杰明·赫尔斯塔德 Benjamin Helstad 饰)刚刚抵达这座恶魔之岛,这里是他服刑的地方。岛上的残酷的生活让厄令感到绝望,当狱卒的压迫突破了临界点酿成悲剧之时,正是厄令带领着他的同伴们展开了暴力抵抗。就当厄令夺取了岛屿的统治权之时,挪威政府向岛上派出的150人的军队正在急速接近。
故事旁白从雷克斯·路瑟开始,描述超人所作的英雄事迹及形象。雷克斯描述超人作为一个地球上的神,但坚持说“该来的时候,甚至是神也必须要死”。 露易丝·莲恩和超人正在浪漫的约会,但露意丝对他们的关系安排并不满意。超人坚持认为,两人的关系只能隐密地在孤独堡垒中度过。他还没有向他透露自己真实身份是克拉克·肯特,尽管露意丝已经开始怀疑。 另一方面雷克斯公司挖掘到一艘太空船,当工人正在执行挖掘的工作时不小心将基因改造的凶残怪物末日杀手释放。末日杀手将工人们全数杀害后一步步走到了都市,一路上将鹿、狗、狗的主人全都杀死。横冲直撞的末日杀手到达大都市后随即被超人发现,两人并展开大战。最后超人全力抓着它从高空直落撞击地面,露易丝与同事吉米·奥尔森告诉受重伤的超人已成功打倒敌人,但超人也因受伤过重而断了气。 世界集体哀悼他们倒下的英雄,并在公园建立了超人的纪念碑。后来雷克斯将他的女助理一枪杀死以确保再也没人知道雷克斯公司和末日杀手的出现有关。后来吉米对超人的死相当难过,意外地到了其他大间的报社上班。超人死后,犯罪率增加,玩具人操控著巨大机械蜘蛛并挟持了一辆戴满小孩的校车在屋顶上,露易丝决定将人质救出,便独自前往,但在遇到危机时,超人意外地及时出现制伏了玩具人。露易丝开心地和复活的超人一吻,后来超人的养母玛莎感到质疑为什么他没有打电话回家,露易丝也认为超人有点奇怪。 后来透露其实复活的超人是雷克斯制造的克隆人,雷克斯在超人与末日杀手一战时采集了前者的血液,因此复制超人只听命于雷克斯。后来雷克斯将复制超人引到了一间有红色太阳光的房间,并戴上氪石的手套不断打击他藉以发泄。打完后雷克斯便前去看他私自挖出的超人本尊尸体。但实际上超人还活着,并偷偷地被超人的机器人助手移到孤独堡垒中恢复。 复制超人在看到逃狱后的玩具人杀死了一名4岁的女孩的报导时,性格突然变得灰暗,即刻前去把玩具人杀掉,此作法使得周遭的人感到奇怪,警察也开始追捕他,露易丝认为他不是真的超人。后来露意丝和吉米发现了雷克斯想要复制超人大军的计划,在雷克斯正打算将两人解决时,突然复制超人出面帮助了两人且还将所有的复制超人试管全数破坏,因为复制超人自行将自己体内含铅的氪石拿出使得雷克斯无法控制他。 另一方面真正的超人在机器人助手的帮助下渐渐恢复力量,但后来听到有关军队和复制超人开战的消息便即时前往,但因力量只恢复了六成,机器人给他穿上了黑色的太阳超人装并将氪石枪交给超人。后来超人便和复制超人展开对战,超人的氪石枪被打飞至远处,超人持续处于下风,露易丝将氪石枪捡起并打算射复制超人时被对方破坏了枪,但氪石罐掉了出来。复制超人在石油地打倒超人时将一旁的纪念碑举起打算了结对方,超人用热力射线将黏于复制超人胸口的氪石罐打破冒出了大量的氪气体,复制超人因此败北。临死前,他告诉超人要保护人民。露易丝确定了他是真正的超人并亲吻了他,同时也赢得大家的信赖。 超人在露易丝的公寓,发现她的文章“复活”拼错,并戴上眼镜证明自己就是克拉克,露易丝便高兴地拥抱他。在雷克斯公司,雷克斯先前被复制超人打成重伤,但仍活着叙述历史已经证明,神可以死,但他们还可以回到从死里复活。他对自己微笑、沉思,可能又再想要如何摧毁超人。
未来世界,为了赢得星际战争,政府从新生儿中严格挑选一批人,从小就进行杀人训练,这些人没有家庭、感情,他们眼中只有杀戮,称为兵人。特德(库尔特•拉塞尔 Kurt Russell 饰)就是这群人中的佼佼者,他经历了数场星际大战,依然屹立不倒。这次政府采用新的基因技术,让婴儿在母体中就接受战争基因的改造,制造了一批改良后的兵人。 为了测试效果,特德和另外两名伙伴被挑选和新兵人凯恩(贾森•斯科特•李 Jason Scott Lee 饰)进行一场较量,结果两名伙伴被打死,而特德因为昏迷被误认为死亡而逃过一劫。他和另外两个伙伴的尸体被扔到了一个垃圾星球。特德在那里遇到了被遗弃的平民,他麻木的心灵在这里滋生了友谊和爱情。当他准备在这里和心爱的女人幸福过活时,政府将这里当成了新兵人的训练场。新兵人们在这里的任务就是杀光所有生物。为心爱的人和伙伴们,特德毅然出战!
自从七原秋也与中川典子从新世纪教育法(简称BR)中逃出,两年转眼就过去了。人类社会进入了恐怖主义时代!首都在反BR国家的恐怖分子的袭击下,化为一片废墟。政府当局认定凶犯为七原秋也,开始了对其国际通缉。 七原作为反BR组织“wild seven”的精神领袖,对所有成人发出 了宣战通告。成人为了剿灭七原,发起了一个新游戏——BR2。又一个高中班被军队绑架到荒岛,他们无一例外地被勒令换上军队制服,稍有不从下场就只有死亡!又一场血腥、残忍、惨无人道的大逃杀开始了! 本片为《大逃杀》的续集,导演深作欣二在开机伊始便病倒,不久病故,其后的拍摄工作由他的儿子深作健太担任。
《质量效应:迷途英雄(Mass Effect: Paragon Lost)》是一部外传性质的《质量效应》剧场版动画。主要讲述了普洛仙的来龙去脉还有Prinze Junior的故事。 《质量效应:迷途英雄》是根据系列最新作《质量效应3》的前传进行改编,游戏中的新角色联盟陆战队的詹姆斯·维加(JamesVega)将成为本剧场版动画的主人公。他率领一支精英特种小队与神秘的外星威胁 The Collectors作战。在遥远星系的一个殖民星球上,外敌入侵捕捉大批平民用作未知目的,James Vega 和小队需要保护平民撤离......动画将于年内上映。 动画由享誉国际的知名日本动画公司Production I.G负责制作动画,监督由竹内敦志所担任。竹内敦志此前曾参与制作动画《GHOST IN THE SHELL》、《空中杀手》等作。
/Rajkumar Kohli
While hunting in the jungle, one day, Vijay save the life of a young man from the sudden attack of a wild hawk. There and then Vijay realizes that he have just save the life of a miraculous snake who have the powers to take the form of a human and who have been dating his beloved; also a miraculous female snake. Vijay browse this news to his five friends who immediately shoot the male snake to death. Enraged at the brutal killing of her beloved; the female snake begins to take revenge on the six friends, killing them one by one by taking the form of humans. Now the only one who can save the six friends is a sage but it certainly looks like the miraculous snake might as well do away with all her enemies before the sage lay hands on her.