/Michelle MacLaren
第四季开始,艾美奖得主Uzo Aduba饰演新主角,治疗专家Brooke Taylor医生。她将在诊疗中面对多元化的三位病人,与此同时也在与自己的问题作斗争。 Joel Kinnaman将饰演Adam。他是主角医生Brooke时分时合的男友,现在再次出现,让Brooke的生活变得更加复杂。 Anthony Ramos饰演Eladio,病人之一。他是一个有钱人家里成年儿子的家庭护理。 Liza Colón-Zayas饰演Rita。她是Brooke结交已久的知心朋友,给了Brooke很多支持。但Rita在经历了一场改变人生的损失后,也在抗争着自己的心魔。 John Benjamin Hickey饰演Colin。原本是魅力十足的富豪,后来成了一名白领罪犯,最近刚出狱的他需要面对自己生活中方方面面的变化。 Quintessa Swindell饰演Laila。Brooke的客户之一,多疑又叛逆的一名青少年,竭力想要在家人的殷切期盼中找到属于自己的身份。
康沃尔渔村的风景明信片田园诗误导了人们。虽然过去钓鱼是一种养家糊口的方式,但如今富有的伦敦游客纷纷下山,取代了当地人,当地人的生计因此受到威胁。史蒂文和马丁兄弟的关系也很紧张。马丁是一个没有船的渔夫,因为史蒂文开始用它来为一整天的游客提供更赚钱的旅游。他们卖掉了这座家庭别墅,现在看来,最后一场战斗是和新主人在海边的停车位上展开。然而,情况很快就失控了,而不仅仅是因为车轮夹钳。 Bait是一种黑白,手工制作,16毫米胶片制作的电影。许多关于鱼、网、龙虾、长靴、绳结和渔篮的特写镜头让人想起了蒙太奇景点的理论。对不同社会阶层的描述——可以说是阶级关系——也让人想起了英国电影中的社会现实主义传统。然而,最重要的是,在影像中不同层次的电影历史参考文献之下,当前许多政治关联正在等待被发现。 The picture-postcard idyll of the Cornwall fishing village is misleading. While fishing used to be a way of supporting oneself, wealthy London tourists have now descended and are displacing the locals, whose livelihood is thus threatened. The relationship between brothers Steven and Martin is also strained. Martin is a fisherman without a boat, since Steven started using it for far more lucrative tours for all the day-trippers. They’ve sold the family cottage and now it seems that the final battle to be fought is that with the new owners over the parking space next to the sea. Yet the situation soon gets out of hand, and not just because of the wheel clamp. Bait is a black-and-white film shot on hand-processed 16mm. Numerous close-ups of fish, nets, lobsters, wellington boots, knots and catch baskets bring to mind the theory of a montage of attractions. The depiction of the different social strata – one could speak of class relations – is also reminiscent of the tradition of social realism in British cinema. Above all, however, a whole lot of current political relevance is waiting to be discovered beneath the different layers of film historical references contained in the images.
/Curtis Graham
Benjamin Bernard has lived his life in the shadow of his brother. Torn between jealousy and loyalty, Benjamin takes out his aggression as a mixed martial arts (MMA) fighter. After an event nearly shatters the life of his brother, Benjamin must face his overwhelming feelings of anger and resentment as he discovers the truth about his family. As one brother fights for his life, the other must fight for reconciliation and redemption inside and outside the cage. This family film explores love, forgiveness, loss, healed relationship and, ultimately, the realization that we are all God's Favorite.
克里斯汀·斯图尔特将主演政治惊悚新片《四面受敌》(Against All Enemies),饰演美国影星、法国新浪潮的短发女神珍·茜宝。杰克·奥康奈尔、安东尼·麦凯、玛格丽特·库里、科尔姆·米尼参演,本尼迪克特·安德鲁斯(《乌娜》)执导。 讲述1960年代晚期,茜宝因同情和支持黑豹党(美国左翼黑人民权组织),并与其成员有来往,与民权运动家Hakim Jamal(麦凯饰演)也有情愫。她引起了美国联邦调查局的注意,一位年轻探员(奥康奈尔饰演)对其展开调查。 由Automatik Entertainment制作,Fred Berger(《爱乐之城》《远山恋人》)、Brian Kavanaugh-Jones(《潜伏4》《午夜逃亡》)、Kate Garwood、Stephen Hopkins任制片人,Joe Shrapnel&Anna Waterhouse(《弗兰基与爱丽丝》)编写剧本,夏天开拍。
/Nick Holt
该剧以真实事件为基础,分为两个时间段,讲述了导致谋杀和审判的事件。雷(巴勒特饰)和他23岁的弟弟内森(塔皮饰)在刺伤母亲的伴侣后被捕。无论什么情况下导致孩子杀人,法律是明确的:刑事责任的年龄是10岁,12岁时,雷必须在成人法庭接受审判。 搬到他母亲维罗妮卡的家和他23岁的哥哥内森在一起,雷目睹了一场争吵,升级为他母亲的伴侣斯科特对他的兄弟进行的暴力斧头攻击。 虽然被逮捕和审判,斯科特被无罪释放,并很快返回住在家里。家庭生活开始恶化,内森变得孤僻,不关心自己的健康和外表,而雷越来越承担起照顾的角色——为了内森,为了他的母亲,为了他的兄弟姐妹,维罗妮卡和斯科特的年幼的孩子。一天晚上,当男孩们听说斯科特威胁要再拿斧头时,兄弟俩对他发动了袭击,残忍地杀死了他。 谋杀发生后,两兄弟被逮捕,并被指控犯有谋杀罪。内森和雷是分开的,因为他们进入司法系统,并满足各自的法律团队。Ray的团队由辩护律师Kerry Stephens领导,负责Ray在寄养家庭的安置(由于他的年龄和“被照顾的孩子”的身份),等待他和他的兄弟一起在成人法庭受审。 克里和她的团队准备了雷的辩护——他们会争辩说,雷在袭击当晚失去了控制,应该被判过失杀人罪而不是谋杀罪。随着审判的开始,他们发现内森的辩护团队已经决定内森不应该作证,让雷独自站在证人席上,为自己的辩护提供证据。
The Girl Before tells the story of Jane (Gugu Mbatha-Raw), who gets the chance to move into a beautiful, ultra-minimalist house designed by an enigmatic architect (David Oyelowo). There’s just one catch: occupants have to abide by his list of exacting rules. Jane starts to feel the house changing her in unexpected ways, but when she makes the shocking discovery that her predecessor Emma died in the house, she’s forced to confront unnerving similarities. As the two women’s timelines interweave, Jane begins to question if her fate will be the same as the girl before…
罗素·克劳、尼古拉斯·霍尔特、乔治·麦凯、艾斯·戴维斯加盟传记犯罪剧情新片《凯利帮的真实历史》(The True History of the Kelly Gang),贾斯汀·库泽尔(《麦克白》《刺客信条》)执导,明年三月澳大利亚开拍。 肖恩·格兰特(《贾斯珀·琼斯》《柏林综合症》)编写剧本,基于Peter Carey所著同名布克奖获奖小说,讲述澳大利亚绿林好汉Edward "Ned" Kelly传奇的一生。凯利被公认为是最后一个,也是最著名的绿林好汉。因家庭遭遇变故而流亡澳大利亚,他和弟弟以及好友一起建立了“凯利帮”,反抗暴警和政府,在此期间谋杀了数名警官。他在人生中的最后大战中穿着防弹装甲与警察展开了激烈的枪战,身受重伤,成为唯一生还者,被关进墨尔本的监狱,于1880年被处以绞刑,年仅25岁。 崔维斯·费米尔、肖恩·基南、达克雷·蒙特戈梅里(《怪奇物语》《恐龙战队》)、哈利·格林伍德、Thomasin McKenzie、Earl Cave等参演,Liz Watts、Hal Vogel、Brad Feinstein制片。