Tyrese Gibson, John Malkovich and Michael Jai White will star in Red 48, an indie action thriller from Yale Productions. Jon Keeyes (The Harrowing) is directing the feature, which has an original script by Mickey Solis and is wrapping production this week in and around the Tri-State area. Gibson will play Kyle Snowden, a troubled former Marine turned child protective service officer who must save an immigrant child from a dangerous criminal who has trapped them and other hostages inside a convenience store. Adding more power to the keg: The store is owned by the Snowden's stepfather, Sam Safty, being played by Malkovich. White plays Sparks, the Safty's no-nonsense bodyguard and confidant. Gibson is also producing the project along with Keeyes. Jordan Yale Levine and Jordan Beckerman are producing via their Yale Productions banner.
1864 After a huge battle and the brutal shelling of the population of Atlanta, Federal troops ("Yanks") take control of the city. Their plan is to use all of the goods remaining in the warehouse district of Atlanta to outfit their army for the upcoming March to the Sea, which they hope will end the War Between the States. Confederate spies move into the warehouse district, disguised as Yanks, to take stock of what is still there that might be of use to the army of the north. They find a lot. The word comes down from Confederate command to burn the entire district, destroying vast quantities of goods and uprooting hundreds of families that have been in the area for decades. "The Burning of Atlanta" is the story of the destruction of a major city near the end of the war, and the desperation and terror this causes in the lives of those who watch their entire society collapse around them.
/Brendan Kyle Cochrane
An off-duty New York City Police Detective gets caught in an inner-city brawl between undercover cops convinced that he is a local street thug. The melee ends in a tragic death followed by an uproar within gangs and cops in neighboring communities and across the city.
/罗布·托马斯,Mairzee Almas
就读于某医学院的奥利维娅·“丽芙”·摩尔(罗丝·麦克莱弗 Rose McIver 饰)学业精进,甜美可人,她原本拥有美好光明的人生,谁知一个反常的决定彻底颠覆了她既定的命运。经不住同侪的劝说,她参加了一个在轮船上举行的狂欢派对。可是派对上一种神秘的药物令所有人变成了嗜血如命的狂暴丧尸。次日一早,奥莉维娅从裹尸袋中坐起,她明明已经死去,如今则以丧尸的身份复活。外貌和气质的巨大转变以及可怕的遭遇令家人手足无措,而身体内对脑子的渴望也让她焦灼不堪。为此奥莉维娅在西雅图验尸官办公室谋得一份职业,从此她有了稳定的食物来源,与此同时她发现自己也顺势拥有了死者的记忆…… 本片根据CW电视台与DC漫画合作的同名漫画改编。
/艾迪·沃克,Oliver Driver,迈克尔·赫斯特,Murray Keane
In THE SLEEPY TOWN OF BROKENWOOD, New Zealand, the affable residents may seem harmless, but killers, blackmailers, and thieves lurk in every picturesque corner. To quell the community's alarming murder rate, Detective Mike Shepherd (Neill Rea) uses an unconventional style that contrasts with the methodical approach of his partner, Detective Kristin Sims (Fern Sutherland), and the eager assistance of DC Sam Breen (Nic Sampson). In Series 6, Shepherd and his team face a deadly explosion at a steampunk festival; a bestselling crime author killed in the same manner as a murder in his book; the shooting of an animal rights activist protesting a duck hunt; and a suspicious suicide inside the local women's prison, that pits them against convicts they've put away in the past. Full of dry wit and twisty plotlines, these mysteries are as compelling as they are quirky.
为了这部影片,艾玛·斯通推掉了《守望者》导演扎克·施奈德的《美少女特工队》。 平凡的高中女生奥利芙(艾玛·斯通 Emma Stone 饰)生活在一个普通家庭,却也幸福美满。可在学校一直籍籍无名,甚至频繁被当成受气包。一次派对,她为了帮助死党布兰登摆脱同志嫌疑,自编自 导了 一处“破处戏”,从而一举成名成为学校的风云人物,再也没有人来欺负她。而众多平凡的男生慕名而来,希望奥利弗可以帮助他们成为学校的风云人物。从此,乖乖女摇身一变,成了一个处事随便的辣妹,而奥利芙在同学之间名声却彻底臭了。在拜读了霍桑的小说《红字》后,奥利芙觉得故事中女主人公的经历和自己简直太过相似,于是,她招摇地在胸口贴上了一个鲜红的“A”,小女生的高中生活彻底改变……
1920年,英国总督斯科特和他的妻子凯瑟琳访问阿迪拉巴德的一个部落,并强行带走了部落里歌唱天赋异禀的小女孩玛莉,部落的保护者比姆(小老虎 饰演)为了救回玛莉,伪装成穆斯林。斯科特得知消息后,总督府的底层卫兵拉朱(拉姆·查兰·特哈 饰演)为了升职也同时为了完成他父亲遗愿和他对部落承诺,主动请愿自己可以将比姆逮捕。 比姆和拉朱因共同拯救了一个差点葬身火海的小男孩而巧遇,他们并不认识对方,然而两人也隐藏了自己的真实身份,相互联系,成为挚友。拉朱在一次调查中发现自己的挚友就是总督要逮捕的比姆,他一边是承载了父亲的遗愿和整个部落的承诺,一边是自己的挚友,他该如何抉择…..
年近六旬的本·卡尔曼(迈克尔·道格拉斯 Michael Douglas 饰)曾经是一个腰缠万贯的纽约汽车经销商,然而现在围绕他的却只有心脏病药物、桃色绯闻和糟糕的商业决策,他那才貌双全的爱人南希(苏珊·萨兰登 Susan Sarandon 饰)也离开了他,破产的他已经沦落到要向自己的女儿苏珊(珍娜·费舍 Jenna Fischer 饰)借钱的地步。虽然老头子坚持不看医生,并且拉拢各方势力,试图东山再起。然而另一方面,他还是管不住对美女的渴望,依然不加节制地勾搭女孩,甚至还与苏珊的好朋友发生了关系,这更使他众叛亲离。面对着生命余下不多的残羹,卡尔曼忽然发现自己原来竟已变得如此孤独,未来还留给了他怎样的选择?
/Angel Gracia
影片是简·奥斯汀的经典小说《理智与情感》的拉丁版本。故事背景为现代的洛杉矶。 姐姐诺拉·多米格兹(卡米拉·贝尔 Camilla Belle 饰)是一家法学院的学生,妹妹玛丽(阿丽夏·维加 Alexa Vega 饰)肄业在家,惟一在乎的就是购物和参加派对找乐子,她们和父亲一起在比佛利山过着极度奢华享受的生活。玛丽拒绝承认与生俱来的墨西哥血统当父亲突然过世之后,豪华的生活方式也就随之消失了。姐妹俩不仅变成了穷人,还被迫搬离现在的居所,搬到关系疏远的姑姑奥莉娅(阿德里安娜·芭拉扎 Adriana Barraza 饰)家中——位于洛杉矶东部博伊尔高地的一个以拉丁美洲人为主的社区。姐妹二人都感到非常地惊恐,她们既不会说西班牙语,也缺少应该具备的责任感,但是她们别无选择,只能慢慢地改变自己去适合一个全新的生活环境,把高档的跑车变卖掉,和普通人一样去搭乘公共汽车…… 最终诺拉和玛丽是否可完全融入到了这个一直以来都被她们拒绝接受的文化根源?
/Mikkel Nørgaard
弗兰克一步踏错,导致妻子的哥哥摔下梯子,他不得不照顾侄儿博,并把他带去参加和好兄弟卡斯伯计划好的漂流旅行。 旅行中,弗兰克和卡斯伯被照顾小孩的重任压得喘不过气来,他们决定终止水上活动,转而去参加斯坎讷堡音乐节,在那里,有酷爽饮料和火辣美女。
对于高中生诺瓦(艾米·缇加登 Aimee Teegarden 饰)来说,目前人生中最重要的事情就是即将到来的班级舞会,在舞会上成为光彩夺目的舞会王后几乎是所有女孩共同的梦想。对于杰西(托马斯·麦克唐纳 Thomas McDonell 饰)的邀请,诺瓦不知答应与否,他既不是最差的那个,却也不是最好的那个。 对于梅(Yin Chang 饰)和泰勒(德沃恩·尼克松 DeVaughn Nixon 饰)来说,空气中同样充满了紧张的气氛,一个小小的秘密的存在点缀了他们平静的生活。一个夜晚,即将改变众多年轻人的命运,有人快乐,有人悲伤,有人如获至宝,有人形单影只,唯一不变的,是属于他们的坚固的友谊,和青涩的爱情。