When Rosa is expected to hand her boss the suntan lotion on a deer hunt, this feels like a sign. Don Reynaldo’s ranch is about to celebrate its farm anniversary, but this passionate hunter’s image is built on a lie. And so, here in the countryside, where men are men, employees are grateful subjects and women diligently and docilely hold it all together, cracks begin to appear in the social life of this microcosm. Ordered around day in and day out, unnoticed by those in her class-conscious surroundings, the menial Rosa gradually becomes an agent of change. While Don Reynaldo’s extended family contorts itself in a bid to save the old order, men begin to arrive at the farm in pickup trucks. Their appearance at the feast and a threat are enough to make the ageing patriarch fear for his life and his family – and force him to act. All that passes is observed by the animals who, either as trophies on the wall or as livestock out to pasture, seem to sense the end of an old hegemony. With a keen sense of how to deploy omens that herald change, Alejandra Márquez Abella portrays an epochal shift in rural Mexico – as seen by characters who are usually relegated to passive supporting roles.
传奇狙击手托马斯·贝克特之子、美国海军陆战队布兰登·贝克特中士受命与战友们从阿富汗前往非洲刚果,对那里的政府军进行培训以使其能够反击叛军。上峰为了撤出滞留刚果边境的白人植物园主,派遣贝克特等人深入叛军盘踞的边境,贝克特一行在见到植物园主后遭遇叛军狙击手袭击,战友全部阵亡,贝克特被猎人马丁救出,侥幸逃生。贝克特携植物园主女儿凯莉返回营地,岂料半路昏厥……当他醒来时,父亲的好友米勒(比利·赞恩 Billy Zane 饰)要对他进行狙击训练,使他拥有复仇的能力,然而陆战队出身的贝克特不齿狙击手的“猥琐”,拒绝训练,但这是他唯一的复仇机会,况且他身上流淌着狙击手的血液……
故事发生在车水马龙的繁华大都市阿姆斯特丹,运河之中接连浮现的尸体让市民们陷入了恐慌的情绪之中,种种蛛丝马迹显示,这是一起由同一人所犯下的连环杀人案。案件的负责人是艾里克警探(休伯·史塔普 Huub Stapel 饰),心中的正义感让他决心定要找出隐藏在幕后的凶手。 在朋友约翰(Wim Zomer 饰)的协助下,艾里克将怀疑的目标放在了当地的潜水员圈子之中,他也因此结识了美丽善良的劳拉(莫妮卡·梵·德·冯 Monique van de Ven 饰)。功夫不负有心人,随着调查的深入,嫌疑人的身影终于浮出了水面,然而,在艾里克逐渐接近真相的同时,危险也慢慢地来到了他的身后。
/Garrett Batty
1989年,西非利比里亚爆发了一场残酷的内战,政府通过不正当选举方式维护自己的权益,并对克拉恩民族的部落偏爱有加,国内反对派通过搜查和屠杀克拉恩人来表达反对,借机报复政府。部落间暴力升级引发国家内战,爱好和平的人士不得不远离故土。 六个利比里亚蒙罗维亚的传教士已经无法在祖国继续传教生活下去了,他们决定逃往邻国塞拉利昂的首都弗里敦。在逃离祖国的时候遭遇反对派暴力追杀。在当地教会领袖菲利普阿布巴卡尔(亨利·Adofo)的帮助下,传教士们充满信念乐观勇敢地踏上困难重重的旅程…… 基于真实事件改编,展示是一个令人激动、 鼓舞人心的希望和生存的故事。
Set in 1978, the film marks the fourth joint effort between Monzón and Jorge Guerricaechevarría, and tells the action-packed, adrenaline-fuelled story of 17-year-old Nacho Cañas, an introverted student who lives in Girona and who is something of a misfit. When he meets El Zarco and Tere, young delinquents from the city’s Chinatown district, he gets caught up in a love triangle that leads him to indulge in an unrelenting onslaught of thievery, burglary and hold-ups that will change his life forever. The film is the chronicle of the summer during which Nacho experienced his first love and came of age, constantly crossing the boundary between two worlds, and overstepping the line that exists between right and wrong, between justice and injustice.
巴哈尔(歌什菲·法拉哈尼 Golshifteh Farahani 饰)是一名年轻的律师,她的家乡遭到了恐怖分子的袭击,在战火中,巴哈尔失去了丈夫,儿子也被恐怖分子囚禁成为了人质。而巴哈尔自己,同数千名和她经历一样的妇女一起被关进了监狱。依靠着自己的智慧和勇气,巴哈尔带领女人们从监狱里逃了出来,并且组织了名为“太阳的女人”的女子军队,她们向恐怖分子宣战,发誓要夺回属于她们的家园。 马蒂尔德(艾玛纽尔·贝克特 Emmanuelle Bercot 饰)是一名经验丰富的战地记者,在巴哈尔进行着属于她的战争的同时,马蒂尔德一直紧紧地跟随在她身后,用镜头记录着这支军队令人动容的奋斗的姿态。
/Iván Fernández de Córdoba
Alonso is a skater who goes across Spain with the skate as his only means of transport. The road will force him to cross with characters that will change his life and they will discover the reason why Alonso does this curious and strange trip.
Young Ivan Drago's newfound love of board games catapults him into the fantastical and competitive world of game invention, and pits him against the inventor Morodian, who has long desired to destroy the city of Zyl, founded by Ivan's grandfather. To save his family and defeat Morodian, Ivan must come to know what it is to be a true Games Maker.
/James Widdoes,Jon Cryer,Jeffrey Melman
本剧是美国CBS电视台的金牌喜剧,目前已获得1项艾美奖,7项其他各类大奖,包括2项金球奖提名在内的18项各类提名。 Charlie是一个潇洒自由的单身汉,但离婚后被前妻剥夺了几乎一切财产的弟弟Alan带着儿子Jake的突然来访完全打乱了Charlie悠然自得的生活,三个男人一台戏,这下可有得乐了,在全美情景喜剧收视一片低迷的大背景下《Two and aHalfMen》强势出击,夺下该类剧集收视全国第二的骄人战果,不得不让人刮目相看。 好汉两个半的“半个:是因为Jake年纪太小,只能算半个。 主角是兄弟俩,哥哥Charlie是典型的花花公子,非常有女人缘,职业是给广告配乐,很少工作,却能赚大把的钱,穿梭不断的美女和音乐就是他生活的全部。可是Alan的出现打破了他平静的单身汉生活。 Alan离婚后被前妻赶了出来,和兄弟Charlie住在一起。职业是指压按摩师。他的事业一直停滞不前,很喜欢被人称为“医生”,尽管他算不上… Alan的儿子Jake,胖胖的很可爱,虽然年纪小小,也有点好色,无论多少东西都吃得下。大智若愚的性格,让他成为本剧的一大亮点,一点不输给两个成年的男主角。和蜡笔小新有得拼。 几个黄金配角同样不可忽视,让兄弟两个对女人产生阴影的魔鬼老妈,刻薄的前妻,拽得要死的清洁女佣,还有和Charlie共渡一夜之后就跟踪了他两三年的邻居Rose。 故事就在这三个主角和他们周围的女人中发生,很多的客串嘉宾哦,有Sing in the rain里面的女演员,绝望主妇苏珊,Charlie生活中的妻子,Charlie的爸爸老戏骨Martin Sheen...众多名人美女穿梭其间。
《最后的探戈》由杰门·克拉尔执导,讲述了阿根廷最著名的探戈舞者玛利亚(Maria Nieves Rego)和胡安(Juan Carlos Copes)的生平和爱情故事。 他们在少年时代相遇并一起跳舞了近五十年,直到痛苦的分离将他们撕裂。他们的故事传递给一群来自布宜诺斯艾利斯的年轻探戈舞者和编舞者,二人之间的激情、憎恶、背叛、隐瞒、共情,最终化为令人难忘的探戈编舞。