/马修·纳斯奇克,肖恩·卡什曼,鲍勃·安德森,斯蒂文·迪恩·摩尔,尼尔·阿弗莱克,马克·柯克兰,吉姆·里尔顿,迈克尔·玻尔奇诺,兰斯·克雷默,迈克·B·安德森,Jen Kamerman,Michael Marcantel,南茜·克鲁斯,劳伦·麦克穆伦,查克·希茨
辛普森一家》(The Simpsons)是美国福克斯广播公司的一部动画情景喜剧,由马特·格勒宁创作。该剧通过展现霍默、玛琦、巴特、莉萨和玛吉一家五口的生活,讽刺性地勾勒出了居住在美国心脏地带人们的生活方式。空间设定于虚构小镇春田镇的《辛普森一家》,从许多角度对美国的文化与社会、人的条件和电视本身进行了幽默的嘲讽。 为了给制片人詹姆斯·L·布鲁克斯制作一出动画短剧,马特·格勒宁构思出了辛普森一家人的形象。格勒宁用自己家族成员的名字逐一地给他们命名,而自己的名字则用“巴特”替代。1987年4月19日,短剧成为了《特蕾西·厄尔曼秀》的一部分。在播映三季后,《辛普森一家》得以转正进入半小时的黄金时段,并成为了福克斯在早期达成的成功之一。
/Matthew Dyas
For thousands of years, humans have believed that there were once flying monsters. But did they really exist beyond our nightmares? 220 million years ago dinosaurs were beginning their domination of Earth. But another group of reptiles was about to make an extraordinary leap: pterosaurs were taking control of the skies. The story of how and why these mysterious creatures took to the air is more fantastical than any fiction. In Flying Monsters, David Attenborough the worlds leading naturalist, sets out to uncover the truth about the enigmatic pterosaurs, whose wingspans of up to 40 feet were equal to that of a modern day jet plane. Attenborough works with scientists to understand the incredible story of the evolution of the pterosaurs, a story that unfolds in such stunning locations as New Mexico, the Jurassic Coast of Lyme Regis in Britain, an ancient pterosaur landing site in Southern France and a fossil pit in Germany where near perfect pterosaur specimens have been found. The central question and one of the greatest mysteries in palaeontology is: how and why did pterosaurs fly? How did lizards the size of giraffes defy gravity and soar through prehistoric skies? Driven by the information he finds as he attempts to answer these questions, Attenborough starts to unravel one of sciences more enduring mysteries, discovering that the marvel of pterosaur flight has evolutionary echoes that resonate even today. Flying Monsters is a groundbreaking film that uses cutting-edge 3D technology and CGI to bring the story of giant flying monsters and their prehistoric world to life. Audiences of all ages will be in awe as they enter the world and experience, as never before, REAL Flying Monsters in HD.
/马克·柯克兰,瑞奇·摩尔,吉姆·里尔顿,韦斯利·阿彻,大卫·西尔弗曼,鲍勃·安德森,Jeffrey Lynch,Carlos Baeza,Susie Dietter
《辛普森一家》(The Simpsons)是美国福克斯广播公司的一部动画情景喜剧,由马特·格勒宁创作。该剧通过展现霍默、玛琦、巴特、莉萨和玛吉一家五口的生活,讽刺性地勾勒出了居住在美国心脏地带人们的生活方式。空间设定于虚构小镇春田镇的《辛普森一家》,从许多角度对美国的文化与社会、人的条件和电视本身进行了幽默的嘲讽。 为了给制片人詹姆斯·L·布鲁克斯制作一出动画短剧,马特·格勒宁构思出了辛普森一家人的形象。格勒宁用自己家族成员的名字逐一地给他们命名,而自己的名字则用“巴特”替代。1987年4月19日,短剧成为了《特蕾西·厄尔曼秀》的一部分。在播映三季后,《辛普森一家》得以转正进入半小时的黄金时段,并成为了福克斯在早期达成的成功之一。 自1989年12月17日的首次播出开始,2007年5月20日播出的第18季末集,是这部动画的第400集;同时,2007年亦是该剧播出的20周年纪念。于2007年7月26日和7月27日在全球上映的《辛普森一家大电影》,至今已获得约 5.253亿美元的票房收入。 从作为一部电视剧制播以来,《辛普森一家》赢取了大量的奖项;其中包括23次艾美奖、24次安妮奖和1次皮博迪奖。1999年12月31日期的《时代》杂志将其评为20世纪最优秀的电视剧作;2000年1月14日,《辛普森一家》的星星被刻在了好莱坞星光大道上。作为美国历史上最长寿的情景喜剧及动画节目,《辛普森一家》对流行文化产生了极大的影响:譬如霍默·辛普森懊恼时的咕哝声“D'oh!”便被英语词典所收录;同时此剧亦对许多面向成人的动画情景喜剧产生了影响。
/Mark Rosman
1983年,某学校的女子联谊会。凯蒂•罗斯(Kate McNeil 饰)等一众青春女孩即将毕业,她们和宿舍的管理员斯雷特夫人(Lois Kelso Hunt 饰)夫人的关系不是很好。借此机会,她们决定戏弄一下这个古怪的老太婆,然而却无意中将其杀害。女孩们并未选择报警,在维姬(Eileen Davidson 饰)的提议下,她们将斯雷特夫人的尸体沉入游泳池池底。 次日,联谊会如期举行,女孩们强颜欢笑,试图忘记前一天发生的一切。然而错误的选择扭转了命运的走向。斯雷特夫人的怨念并未散去,就在当晚,恐怖的杀戮接二连三发生了……
卡希蒂(布蕾安娜·伊薇根 Briana Evigan 饰)、艾莉(卢默尔·威利斯 Rumer Willis 饰)、克莱尔(洁米·张 Jamie Chung 饰)、杰西卡(莉娅·派普斯 Leah Pipes 饰)、查格丝(Margo Harshman 饰)和梅根(奥德丽娜·帕特里奇 Audrina Patridge 饰)是某所高校的六个亲密无间的好姐妹,她们组成名为“西塔派”的姐妹联谊会,一起玩耍,同进同退。在庆祝大四新学年的狂欢派对上,姐妹们合伙戏耍了梅根的花心男友加勒特(Matt O'Leary 饰),结果却导致梅根被加勒特无意中杀害。为了掩盖罪行,这五个女孩将好友的尸体丢入废井,制造失踪的假象,并相约谨守这个秘密。 转眼8个月过去,少女们即将迎来毕业的时刻。梅根的惨剧让她们的心中渐生离析。与此同时,似乎有一个神秘之人正躲在暗处,伺机夺取她们的生命……
An alien starship crashes in a swamp in a U.S. National Park. Some mosquitos begin to feed from the alien's corpses, causing them to grow to the size of a vulture. These mutant insects became very agressive, killing every human being they find. Will the few survivors fight successfully against this nightmare...?
/Carl Lamac
A most pleasingly atmospheric rendition of the tale, noirishly photographed and moodily set, this is the version which probably would have delighted Conan Doyle the most. There is one important plot change which enables the beautiful Alice Brandt to enjoy both a larger role and a more intriguing part in the proceedings. This change also builds up the parts of Dr Mortimer and Lord Charles, yet at the same time provides a nice introduction to the is-he-sinister or is-he-a-good-guy Barrymore, deftly played here by Fritz Rasp. Despite the sting of its well-developed story, the spellbindingly atmospheric direction and the engrossing performances delivered by the entire cast, many fans may find this version somewhat disappointing. For at least three reasons: As in the novel, the part played in the narrative by Sherlock Holmes, though vital, is minimal. And in this version, not only has no attempt been made to enlarge his role, if anything both writer and director do their best to minimize it. Holmes does not even make his entrance for half-an-hour, and when he does finally appear, he has his back to the camera. It is Fritz Odemar, as Dr Watson, who receives the more favorable camera angles. And there is a purpose in this. It is Watson, not Holmes, who figures as the main protagonist of The Hound of the Baskervilles. For the bulk of the narrative, Holmes disappears. It is Watson and Lord Henry (Peter Voss) who take up the running. The movie is almost over, before Holmes closes in on the villain. And even so, this is not the obsessed, self-important Holmes we are accustomed to see taking charge. Another problem is that the title hound itself does not figure a great deal in the action, a downgrading which will undoubtedly rate as another major disappointment for fans. And finally, it could be argued that the script gives too much attention to Conan Doyle's red herring, the escaped convict, and not enough to the real villain. This said, it must surely be admitted by all, that Odemar's interpretation of Watson—intelligent, charming, level-headed, courageous and resourceful—is much closer to Conan Doyle's conception than either the bungling, inveterately stupid Nigel Bruce or the self-effacing Ian Fleming. One other player deserves special mention: Erich Ponto (Dr Winkel in The Third Man) who seems exactly right for Stapleton. A difficult part, superbly played. - JohnHowardReid, imdb
Anna is becoming lost in the loneliness of her own world when she discovers she can visit another, a house she has drawn herself and occupied by a young disabled boy. But as she discovers more of the links between her fantasy world and the mundane present, she is drawn only deeper into a dream...
/William Wesley
五名劫匪在作案后劫机试图飞往墨西哥边境,但其中一个为私吞赃物而带钱跳伞逃走,众人无奈只能追其而去。然而他们不知道现在所处的地方竟是一个被巫术诅咒已久的稻草人墓地,人们接连被复活的稻草人杀害。不过凡是在此被杀的死者都会变成活死人追杀其他幸存的人类,劫匪们被逼入了绝境…… 这是狮门影业经典的恐怖电影,被影迷誉为史上最棒的稻草人杀手电影。此片最大魔力在于,虽然剧情有点沉闷,但它还能使你饶有兴致地观看下去。电影气氛诡异,灯光效果设置绝佳,血腥的狗血镜头加上稻草人丧尸们那恐怖的外形绝对会给观众带来超级震撼的感受。
/Andy Hay,Jim Loach
Welcome to the official fan page for Hotel Babylon series 4! Check in here for the latest news, gossip and exclusive content courtesy of Carnival Film & Television Ltd. We hope you’ll enjoy your stay, and come back again soon - we’ll be posting exclusive new clips, photos and updates weekly, because whether you’re first-time visitor to Hotel Babylon or a regular guest, all our fans deserve five star treatment. The big news is Nigel Harman is Hotel Babylon’s new star this year. He plays Sam Franklin, a sexy suave and impulsive businessman, joining all your favourite returning characters; Anna, Tony, Gino, James, Ben, Emily and Tanya in the hit BBC One show which takes a tantalizing and seductive insight into the sexy world of the luxury five-star hotel industry. Hotel Babylon lifts the lid on the service industry. When people are paying upwards of three hundred pounds a night for a room, they’re prepared to leave real life at the door and play as hard as they want. Film directors rub shoulders with con-artists, child stars mingle with business billionaires and food gurus chat with glitterati. Weddings and Valentine’s Day, fashion shows and film shoots all combine to produce a heady, hedonistic cocktail where anything can, and does, happen.
/Ira Steven Behr,René Echevarria
"The 4400" tells the stories of 4,400 alien abductees after they are returned to earth. In the words of the executive producers, these are stories of people dealing with traumatic changes, driven by the mystery of what happened and why. Some of them have been affected in mysterious ways, and some will have certain abilities, both good and bad, so part of the drama will be watching them adjust to these changes within themselves. The series kicks off with a ball of light sailing toward Earth, but rather than the expected catastrophic event, thousands of returned abductees are left with no memory of their otherworldly experiences. Each has been gone anywhere from a few months to several decades but hasn't aged a day. 在海滩事件——4400人被未来世界的人带走又送回来,披露后一年,世界发生了巨大的变化。经过一段紧张的医疗观测后,Tom回到了国家技术援助中心,由于能力有限,被派做文书工作。他最终保护了儿子,使其免受一个类似的政府研究,而且也为有希望重新过上正常的生活而激动。在事业方面,他也渴望再次同Diana合作,重新回到这个领域。Diana,在同一连串无能的搭档合作之后,最终找到毁掉公文让Tom重回岗位的办法,在此期间,她还正式收养了Maia。 其间,Richard,Lily,和他们的孩子——一个六个月大,不同寻常的孩子,仍然住在远离Jordan Collier的山间小屋里,过着粗茶淡饭的日子。Collier已经关掉了Arcadia Estates ,还有他的住宅,为这4400人建起了避难所,同时准备开“4400人中心”,在这儿,其他人可以深入到这4400人当中,自己去发掘4400人(的奥秘)。Collier在接触Lily的腹部之后,出现了有害的反应,Shawn治愈了他,之后他们就发展出亲密的父子关系。Collier成了Shawn的监护人,并利用他医治4400人中心的重要赞助人。 世人对4400人甚感好奇,于是关于他们的神秘能力的流言四处传播,公众态度分为两种,一种是包容他们,一种是畏惧他们。当4400人努力重新开始他们“被打断的生活”时,每个人都会在即将发生的事件中扮演关键角色…那些决定人类命运的事件。
Angela, supposedly reformed and living under an assumed surname, is working at a summer camp. However, when the campers start misbehaving, she soon reverts to her old ways.