故事发生在1994年的纽约,和大多数叛逆青年一样,卢克(乔希·佩克 Josh Peck 饰)和家人之间的关系跌落到了冰点,终日无所事事的他整日在街头徘徊,靠着贩卖大麻赚点零花钱。和大多数心理医生一样,斯奎尔斯(本·金斯利 Ben Kingsley 饰)自己也有一大堆剪不断理还乱的麻烦事,他和卢克之间唯一的枢纽就是大麻——斯奎尔为卢克提供心理诊疗,而卢克则用大麻来回报他。同是江湖沦落人,随着时间的推移,卢克和斯奎尔斯之间产生了一种奇妙的信任和友谊。 卢克一直暗恋着同班同学斯蒂芬妮(奥莉薇·瑟尔比 Olivia Thirlby 饰),同时,外表开朗乐观的斯蒂芬妮也对卢克情有独钟。令卢克没有想到的是,斯蒂芬妮那没有血缘关系的父亲不是别人,正是他的“老主顾”斯奎尔斯,一段有笑有泪的混乱关系就此展开。
/Florian Schwarz
受真实犯罪案件的启发,这部虚构的六集电视剧《德国犯罪故事:格菲瑟尔特》讲述了德国最臭名昭著的连环杀手之一——所谓的“酸桶杀手”的故事。上世纪八九十年代初,赖克·多尔曼(Raik Doormann)在自己的核掩体里绑架、折磨并残忍杀害女性,这让汉堡地区充满了恐惧。直到受害者顾问、后来成为凶杀案侦探的内拉·兰根贝克(Nela Langenbeck)发现了他行为的线索。但在那个时候,警察部门的女性更像是秘书,而不是调查人员,所以她最初的做法只得到了摇头。尽管困难重重,她最终找到了Doormann和他可怕的行为的踪迹。
/Laurent Bouhnik
《巴黎Q娘》(QSexual Desire)是由导演罗虹布尼克执导,黛柏哈·海薇主演的一部限制级电影,于2011年9月14日在法国上映的。该片讲述了关于一名妓女的故事。一位身材姣好的妙龄女子赛西堪称欲望的化身,犹如帕索里尼经典《定理》中的访客般席卷众人,所到之处皆令人为之疯狂,一群被社会困境吞噬的迷惘年轻人,为她倾倒,奉她为“女神”,女人为之著迷,视她为“启蒙者”。背负丧父之痛的赛西,与好姐妹们徜徉在欲念横流的都市丛林,藉放浪形骸来检视自我,以性启蒙者之姿带领姐妹淘寻欢纵欲,然而抚慰自身的同时,她也释放众人心底蠢蠢欲动的灵魂,默默凑合一对对旷男怨女。渴望着爱或被爱、放纵与激情。然而他们所浑然不知的是,在浪掷虚度的鱼水交欢中,每个人的命运已逐渐改变…。导演透过大胆的情欲场面,探讨**、激情与爱情之间的关系,透过女主角对**的「坦诚」,表达人性对情欲最自然的渴望。片中的激情场面全都为演员真实**演出,游走于创作与真实之间的尺度限界,堪称大胆挑战电影艺术尺度的宣言。此外长相酷似茱儿芭莉摩的女主角黛柏哈海薇在片中大胆自然的演技也备受注目。《爱就爱到渗透肌肤,直达体内灵魂深处》导演挑战影坛情欲尺度的极限,游走在艺术与异色之间,大胆呈现都会男女迷失在肉欲激情的迷宫之中,堪称法国近代影史上最受争议的异色电影。性是爱情故事中最美丽的结晶。性是向亲密情人表达爱意的媒介。性不只是为了享受欢愉感,而是有更深层的存在意义。《巴黎Q娘》是探讨爱的故事,关于情感联结和生理上的种种快感,进而与爱人的肌肤、汗水融为一体。彼此二合为一的默契,逐渐成为肉体兼柏拉图式的享受,达到最终超脱世俗的心灵境界。《巴黎Q娘》毫不掩饰的坦裎相见在所有探讨**电影中独树一格,尤其在片中不加修饰的大胆**桥段,全都是演员真枪实弹上场,绝无造假之嫌,写实呈现香汗淋漓的**体验,挑起观众七情六欲之余,也令人沉思角色背后的情感、动机与心理状态。电影巧妙结合艺术性的口吻与情色的肢体语言,开创最禁忌动人的**旅程,让观众不费吹灰之力,就能搭上这班法国情爱列车,在体内最深处寻找自己最赤裸的一面。
在法保罗夫航空展上,一架最先进的幻影2000战机在飞行表演之时无故失踪。安东尼(伯努瓦·马吉梅 Benoît Magimel 饰)和塞巴斯蒂安上尉(科洛维斯·科尔尼拉 Clovis Cornillac 饰)奉命追踪飞机的下落,并最终找到了飞机,没想到幻影2000竟然向两人发起了攻击,无奈之中,为了自保,安东尼将其击落。 之后,安东尼和塞巴斯蒂安因为违抗军令而遭到了撤职,法国军方找到两人,举荐他们参加一场秘密的战机竞赛,他们的对手是美国方面,赢得了比赛的那一方即可获得大笔的军火订单,而安东尼和塞巴斯蒂安亦可因此官复原职。就这样,两人接收了任务,哪知道等待着他们的,竟是恐怖分子冷酷的枪口。
/Joseph Tosconi
"ADDICTED TO SEXTING"| a compelling (and sometimes humorous) look at the rise and proliferation of this social phenomenon from several varying perspectives and how the lives of those engaged in it are affected. Throughout the course of the film| we examine nearly every aspect of what has become a national and international pastime. A vast range of opinions give their input about this delicate subject and| as such| discussions with notable figures in the entertainment| political and medical fields (among others) are included. The film touches on the many high profile scandals surrounding public officials and the resulting consequences of their actions. In stark contrast| an honest look at the possibility of sexting as a positive development within the framework of healthy relationships is also presented. Sexting exists and is not likely to disappear anytime soon. "ADDICTED TO SEXTING" shows the why| how and what possible purpose it serves.
/罗伯特·昆宁,Isher Sahota,Ian Aryeh,Sasha Ransome
Filming has begun on the third series of popular detective drama McDonald & Dodds starring Tala Gouveia and Jason Watkins in the lead roles. The latest series sees Claire Skinner (Outnumbered) join the cast as Chief Superintendent Ormond. Reuniting DCI McDonald, played by Tala Gouveia, and DS Dodds, played by BAFTA award winner actor Jason Watkins, season three of the Bath set detective series consists of four standalone films. Lily Sacofsky returns as DC Milena Pachiowski with Danyal Ismail joining the cast as DC Martin Malik Speaking about her role in the new series, Claire Skinner, said: "I'm a huge fan of McDonald & Dodds so I'm delighted to be joining the cast as Chief Superintendent Ormond. Ormond is a quietly intimidating character so she'll be keeping McDonald & Dodds on their toes throughout this new series." In the first film, Belvedere, a young woman is found dead sitting in a deckchair in broad daylight in one of Bath’s most beautiful and populated parks. Why did this woman die with a smile on her face? Guest cast members starring in the first film include Alan Davies (Jonathan Creek), Holly Aird (Waking The Dead), , Catherine Tyldesley (Coronation Street) and Dame Siân Phillips (I, Claudius). The series was commissioned for ITV by Polly Hill and Huw Kennair Jones and will be produced by Rebecca Davies. Executive producers are Damien Timmer and creator and lead writer Robert Murphy. Robert Murphy has written films one and four, Robert Drummond has written film two and Kam Odedra has written film three. Directors are Robert Quinn, Isher Sahota, Ian Aryeh and Sasha Ransome. McDonald & Dodds is produced by leading independent production company Mammoth Screen, co-produced by BritBox North America, and created by Robert Murphy. Series two achieved consolidated ratings of 6.7m. The first and second series are available to view via streaming platform Britbox North America. ITV Studios will distribute the drama internationally. Mammoth Screen is one of the UK’s leading production companies. Past and forthcoming shows include The Serpent for BBC/Netflix, Noughts + Crosses, World on Fire and Grime Kids for the BBC, Why Didn’t They Ask Evans for Britbox and Endeavour and The Tower for ITV. Mammoth Screen is an ITV Studios Company.
When a gruesomely staged body is found, propped up on a mountain pass in the Alps close to the German-Austrian border, two detectives are sent to investigate. For German detective Ellie, this is the first real challenge of her career; her Austrian counterpart Gedeon though seems to have lost any ambitions in his job. Very soon, they discover more crime scenes with symbolically posed victims, reminiscent of pagan rituals. It all seems to be part of a bigger, sinister plan. Ellie finds herself under increasing pressure to understand the deranged killer's motives so she can stop him. The hunt leads them ever deeper in the dark valleys and archaic Alpine
/Sam Hill
这里是迈阿密,这里是度假胜地,这里有阳光海滩,这里有热辣美女,但在如此美妙的天堂之下却潜藏着罪恶的地狱,小纠小纷、勾心斗角演化成一发不可收拾的杀人惨剧。 在这个热带城市,有着这样一个团队,他们严谨敬业,他们辛勤客观,他们由鉴证人员,验尸官,调查员等各方面的专家组成,出入各个案发现场,用锐利的眼神寻找蛛丝马迹,巧妙利用弹道学、犯罪危险因子学、法医毒理学、DNA鉴定、咬痕与血型分析、齿 、科学、昆虫学、痕迹学和犯罪变态心理学抽丝剥茧,将支离破碎的线索拼凑起来,还原出事实真相。 在这里,可以看到难以触及的专业技术在眼前真实的展示,可以看到CSI探员如何为死者沉冤昭雪,而在如此残酷的罪行背后又掩藏着怎样的故事和动机。这里不同于普通的罪案剧,所有推断均基于最尖端的高科技侦破技术,充满条理的分析让人在信服的同时不禁惊叹科技的神奇魅力。 在将罪犯绳之以法之外,团队成员的私人生活也充满了种种悬疑。Horatio和儿子的关系会有怎样的变化?Jesse的离开是否会影响团队成员的情绪?Eric的归来又是否能带来更高的破案技术?他和Calleigh的感情又将何去何从?其他成员又会遭遇怎样的新挑战? 尽请关注犯罪现场调查:迈阿密篇,让高科技席卷你的大脑。
/Eric Hordes
During building work in the city of Baden-Baden in 2015, an evil troll who was transformed into stone in the 15th century, is accidentally brought back to life. To prevent being unmasked, the Troll slips into the body of Vanessa Majer and enslaves. Meanwhile, Vanessa Troll is looking for Charlie, the virgin boyfriend of Vanessa's daughter. The Troll needs his blood to evoke a portal to a magical prison. All he needs now is a the great book of spells which he wants to find with the help of the ominous King of the Lake. Vanessa Troll's plans prove to be successful if it wasn't for the author, Dr. Fischer, and the curious neighbor, Béatrice, who eventually come after him.
奎萨(居伊·格罗索 Guy Grosso 饰)将自己的一生都献给了警察这份他深深热爱的职业,然而,再能干的警察也要面临退休的这一天。退休在家后的每一天对于奎萨来说都无异于是一场折磨,他深居简出脾气爆炸,情绪濒临抑郁的边缘。 就在这个节骨眼上,奎萨的老朋友热贝尔(路易·德·菲耐斯 Louis de Funès 饰)和托利威尔(米歇尔·莫多 Michel Modo 饰)出现在了奎萨的面前,他们带来了一个喜忧参半的消息——他们的老伙计福卡斯(让·勒费弗尔 Jean Lefebvre 饰)因为一场意外而丧失了记忆,能够让他回忆起过去的,只有他们这几个曾经生死与共的兄弟们了。这个消息让奎萨顿时来了精神,一行人浩浩荡荡的向着福卡斯所在的疗养院出发了。
该剧基于公共记录和Egil “Bud” Krogh、Matthew Krogh合著的《Integrity》一书创作。 故事讲述总统Richard Nixon自己的政治打手、“水门事件”主谋E. Howard Hunt(伍迪·哈里森 饰)和G. Gordon Liddy(贾斯汀·塞洛克斯 饰)如何意外推翻了他们本想竭力保护的总统职位。 Nixon有一支团队“水管工/ White House Plumbers”,专门为他收集政敌情报、抹黑对手、阻止内部人士爆料等,E. Howard Hunt和G. Gordon Liddy就是该团队的指挥人。