This early 70's giallo by Umberto Lenzi is certainly among the best in his filmography and also in the whole genre. Personally I think Lenzi's best films are the funny cartoon-turned-film Kriminal, the stylish giallo Seven Blood-Stained Orchids, the explosive Napoli violenta and this. In the eighties he did plenty of film trash in form of Eaten Alive, Hitcher in the Dark or Black Demons, all of which are ripping something off and/or very dull and slow moving. Knife of Ice came when the giallo boom was at its hottest and the result is convincing. Technically the film is superb, containing great cinematography in the beginning when we learn about the main character's trauma towards trains. From this point on, Lenzi shows us his ability to benefit the widescreen and, for example, the bicycle ride near the forest is genuinely beautiful! This scene also shows Lenzi's ability to build suspense, very slowly but meaningfully. After all, there aren't so many murders in the whole film, only the suspense circulating around the murderer's identity. One suspect is a devil worshipper which brings new aspects to the mystery. Since the final scene takes place in a church, one can wonder if Lenzi wanted to comment on something, maybe the hypocritical morale of church and superstition. The main character (Carrol Baker) is mute which demands a lot from her face and eyes. The actress works very well, giving us a believable performance circulating around the emotions of fear and mental pain. The other actors are good, too. The finally, however, may not give too positive a sight about female sex since they all are expressed rather negatively in the film, one way or another. Still this is easily among the most noteworthy in the genre, not as bloody as the Argento films, for example, but equally suspenseful and visually also interesting.
/Andrés Carrión,Laura Gallego
Ashran the necromancer has taken power in Idhún and enabled the reign of terror of the flying serpents. The first battle for Idhún's freedom will take place on Earth, where Jack and Victoria fight to stop Kirtash, the assassin sent by Ashran to destroy the Idhudites who flew from his tyranny.-微博@摆渡字幕组 整理
CBS All Access过去预订两季份的成人向动画剧《星际迷航:下层舰员 Star Trek: Lower Decks》,该动画由《瑞克和莫蒂 Rick and Morty》主编剧Mike McMahan负责,剧中讲述一艘重要性不高星舰里的支援组舰员。 Jerry O’Connell﹑Tawny Newsome﹑Jack Quaid﹑Noel Wells﹑Eugene Cordero﹑Fred Tatasciore﹑Dawnn Lewis﹑Gillian Vigman加盟剧组,Jerry O’Connell的角色是中校Ransom﹑Tawny Newsome角色是性格严肃的Mariner少尉﹑Jack Quaid的是Boimler,与Mariner个性刚好相反,这使得他们经常发生冲突。 Noel Wells的Tendi少尉是星舰迷,对于自己终于能登舰是感到兴奋﹑Eugene Cordero的是Rutherford少尉,他是个技术很好的工程师,不过经常没有解决问题。Fred Tatasciore的是Shaxs上尉﹑Dawnn Lewis是Freeman上校﹑Gillian Vigman则是T’ana博士。 10集首季预定2020年上线。
理查德(詹姆斯·伍兹 James Woods 饰)是一位职业摄影师,每日,他穿梭于世界各地,寻找能够为他带来经济效益的摄影题材。在行业里浸淫已久的他明白,那些美好的,善良的事物无法吸引人们的注意,唯有暴力、恐怖和灾难能够为他带来机遇。 就这样,理查德和朋友们来到了烽火连天的萨尔瓦多,让理查德没有想到的是,展现在他眼前的,竟然完全是一副人间地狱的惨象。纵使是阅历丰富的理查德,也无法忍受这里发生的点点滴滴,心灰意冷的他决定离开。就在这个节骨眼上,一位名叫玛利亚(艾尔皮迪娅·卡里洛 Elpidia Carrillo 饰)的美丽女子出现在了理查德的生命力,在爱情和事业之间,理查德会做出怎样的选择?
Salomé (1923), a silent film directed by Charles Bryant and starring Alla Nazimova, is a film adaptation of the Oscar Wilde play of the same name. The play itself is a loose retelling of the biblical story of King Herod and his execution of John the Baptist (here, as in Wilde's play, called Jokaanan) at the request of his stepdaughter, Salomé, whom he lusts after. Salomé is often called one of the first art films to be made in the U.S.[citation needed] The highly stylized costumes, exaggerated acting (even for the period), minimal sets, and absence of all but the most necessary props make for a screen image much more focused on atmosphere and on conveying a sense of the characters' individual heightened desires than on conventional plot development. Despite the film being only a little over an hour in length and having no real action to speak of, it cost over $350,000 to make. All the sets were constructed indoors to be able to have complete control over the lighting. The film was shot completely in black and white, matching the illustrations done by Aubrey Beardsley in the printed edition of Wilde's play. The costumes, designed by Natacha Rambova, used material only from Maison Lewis of Paris, such as the real silver lamé loincloths worn by the guards. No major studio would be associated with the film, and it was years after its completion before it was released, by a minor independent distributor. It was a complete failure at the time and marked the end of Nazimova's producing career. A longstanding rumor, which seems to have started while the film was still in production, suggests that its cast is comprised entirely of gay and bisexual actors in an homage to Oscar Wilde, as per star and producer Nazimova's demand. It is, of course, impossible to say, but one of the extras in Salomé reported that a number of the cast members—both featured and extras—were indeed gay, but not an unusual percentage of them, and certainly not all of them. What can be said is that Nazimova herself was a lesbian, the two guard characters (who, next to Salomé, have the most screen time) are at least played very stereotypically gay, and several of the female courtiers are men in drag. Salomé was screened in 1989 at the New York International Festival of Lesbian and Gay films and in 1990 at the New York Gay Experimental Film Festival. In 2000, the United States Library of Congress deemed the film "culturally significant" and selected it for preservation in the National Film Registry.
故事发生在1980年的澳大利亚,迈克尔(山姆·尼尔 Sam Neill 饰)和妻子林迪(梅丽尔·斯特里普 Meryl Streep 饰)带着他们的三个孩子正在进行一场家庭旅行。某天夜里,夫妻两人将最小的孩子阿扎利亚留在襁褓之中外出访友,哪知道一场意外的发生夺走了阿扎利亚幼小的生命。 让迈克尔和林迪万万没有想到的是,他们除了要承受失去孩子的巨大悲痛之外,竟然还遭到了指控,指控夫妻两人正是幕后的凶手。随后,法庭开始了对于该案件的漫长的审判,尽管缺乏关键的证据,但林迪还是被判处了终身监禁。在狱中,林迪生下了第四个孩子,孩子被交由迈克尔抚养。漫长的牢狱岁月里,林迪不断的上诉,并最终为自己挣得了清白和自由。
薇薇安(艾玛·汤普森 Emma Thompson 饰)是一位学识渊博的博士,让年轻的她没有想到的是,上帝竟然给对生活和学术充满了热情的自己开了一个天大的玩笑,经过医生的确证,她患上了卵巢癌,病情已经发展到了末期,几乎没有治愈的可能。 从悲伤、抗拒到最后的接受,薇薇安的内心犹如踏过了千山万水。尽管康复的希望渺茫,但她还是积极地接受了可能令她形销骨立的化疗治疗。在身体逐渐枯萎,头发接连落光的过程中,这位睿智的女性也不忘对自己的前半生进行捉摸和思考,她在有限的生命中看到了无限,最终调整好了心态,以平静之姿态,面对必然到来之死亡。
故事发生在20世纪50年代的美国中西部,通过讲述一个典型的美国家庭故事表达了创作者对生命的看法。主人公是一名叫杰克(亨特·迈奎肯 Hunter McCracken 饰)的11岁男孩,他是家里三兄弟中的一个,父亲(布拉德·皮特 Brad Pitt 饰)严厉而粗暴,母亲(杰 西卡·查斯坦Jessica Chastain 饰)温柔却又无所作为,兄弟的死令他的家庭发生了改变。成年后的杰克(西恩·潘 Sean Penn 饰)生活得不顺利,当他思考自己的人生轨迹时重新面对了自己的记忆,开始站在不同的角度看待他的父母、家庭、童年,最后终于原谅了父亲,并且对生命和生活还有信仰有了更深的理解。 本片获得第64届戛纳电影节金棕榈大奖,并获得最佳影片、最佳导演、最佳摄影提名。
薇罗妮卡(莎拉·米歇尔·盖拉 Sarah Michelle Gellar 饰)是一名28岁的女青年。在旁人的眼中,她无疑是一名“成功人士”——有一张漂亮的面孔,一份稳定的工作和一处舒适的住所,这些许多人终其一生都无法得到的东西对于薇罗尼卡来说仿佛是与生俱来。可是,只有薇罗尼卡自己知道,她内心中的那个黑洞是再多的金钱和物质都无法填补的,在这个孤独而又冷漠的世界里,茕茕独立的她要忍受多少的痛苦才能安然的度过枯燥而又乏味的每一天。终于,忍无可忍的薇罗尼卡做出了决定,她决定去死。 似乎就连死神也对薇罗尼卡格外宽容似的,在鬼门关走了一遭的她终究还是被先进的医疗技术给救了回来,可是医生告诉薇罗尼卡,由于药物的缘故,她的心脏受到了极大的伤害,可能时日无多,而正是这离死亡越来越近的生活让薇罗尼卡对生命有了新的领悟。
年幼的弗兰基与家人生活在北爱尔兰恬静的小岛上,慈善的爸爸教导他捕鱼,然而一天晚饭时分,一名蒙面歹徒竟然闯进来枪杀了他父亲,仅仅因为他父亲透露了同情爱尔兰共和军的倾向。长大后的弗兰基(布拉德·皮特 Brad Pitt 饰)成为了一名爱尔兰共和军神枪手,然而英军始终武力强大,因此弗兰基等人决定购买毒刺式导弹。 五个月后,弗兰基隐藏了身份,同时被内线安排到了警察汤姆(哈里森·福特 Harrison Ford 饰)的家中暂时住下。一方面,富有魅力的他与汤姆一家人很快建立了友谊,并将大笔买金先藏于汤姆家中,一方面,弗兰基找到当地黑市军火商波克(特里特·威廉斯 Treat Williams 饰)购置导弹。然而军火商急于要钱,竟派蒙面人闯入汤姆家中,整个棋局全盘打乱,火力混乱之际,面对一边是身为警察的朋友,一边是爱尔兰的使命,弗兰基将如何选择……