汽车世界中,一年一度的活塞杯再次拉开序幕。红色跑车“闪电”麦坤和“冠军”、“路霸”是冠军最有力的竞争者。作为新人,麦坤具有极高的天赋,同时也是一个目空一切的家伙。经过紧张激烈的对抗,这三辆车同时冲过终点线。由于无法判定最终优胜者,组委会决定一个月后在加州洛杉矶召开一次只有这三辆车参加的殊死战,只有最后的胜者才能捧得活塞杯。 信心满满麦坤和搭档拖车麦大叔早早启程。但是长时间的疲劳驾驶,令麦大叔不慎将麦坤丢在半路。麦坤东闯西撞,无意间来到了被众车遗忘的油车水镇。因躲避警长的追捕,麦坤毁坏了小镇的马路。在法官哈迪逊韩大夫和律师保时捷莎莉的裁决下,他被迫留在这里修路。短短几天相处,麦坤和小镇的居民渐渐融洽起来,同时他也爱上了美丽的莎莉。只不过,路终有修完的时候,未完的比赛仍在等待着他……
开发出新能源的迈尔斯伯爵召开世界杯赛车大奖赛,各路好手纷纷云集,独独缺了活塞杯霸主闪电麦昆(黄磊 配音)。原来他刚好回到温泉镇,与好哥们板牙(范伟 配音)、女友莎莉享受快乐的假期。由于意大利方程式赛车法拉斯·高的挑衅,当然也有吃醋的原因,麦昆最终同意参加世界杯,并带着板 牙等好友一同周游世界。在日本站比赛的前一天,板牙偶然结识了英国特工迈克飞弹和霍莉(姚晨 配音),他们正在追查一支犯罪团伙的新动向。板牙阴差阳错被霍莉当作美国来的接头特工,由此卷入了麻烦之中。在次日的比赛中,麦昆与法拉斯·高竞争激烈,与此同时不断有选手意外爆缸,板牙则撞见迈克和神秘组织火并的场面。 因这一连串意外,麦昆和板牙的友情受到动摇,而这一切的幕后老板也渐渐露出真实面目……
/Alfred Gimeno,Jeff Gordon,Charles Visser,Tom Warburton
The series takes place in the whimsical world of Jollywood, where Queen Delightful relies on the 7D - Happy, Bashful, Sleepy, Sneezy, Dopey, Grumpy and Doc - to keep the kingdom in order. Standing in their way are two laughably evil villains, Grim and Hildy Gloom, who plot to take over the kingdom by stealing the magical jewels in the 7D's mine. With seven very distinct personalities, the 7D always manage to save the day and send Grim and Hildy running back to their evil lair to try another day.
The story of a young group of siblings pretty much abandoned by their parents, surviving by their wits - and humor - on a rough Manchester council estate. Whilst they won't admit it, they need help and find it in Steve, a young middle class lad who falls for Fiona, the oldest sibling, and increasingly finds himself drawn to this unconventional and unique family. Anarchic family life seen through the eyes of an exceptionally bright fifteen year old, who struggles to come of age in the context of his belligerent father, closeted brother, psychotic sister and internet porn star neighbors.
Mike Epps reflects on his career success and personal struggles, touching on financial issues, relationships, and his signature comedic takes on life in the streets.
水、土、火、气。四个国家曾经和睦相处,四种元素的主宰降世神通维持着他们之间的和平。但是当烈火国进攻并消灭了气和牧族之后,一切都改变了 — 这是烈火国征服世界的第一步。由于目前的神通化身尚未出现,世界已经失去了希望。但是,当年轻的气和牧族安昂(戈登·科米尔饰演)重新觉醒,成为下一个转世神通后,就像黑暗中的一道光,希望出现了。安昂是他同类中的最后一人,与他的新朋友索卡(伊恩·欧斯利饰演)和卡塔拉(齐亚文提奥饰演)这对兄妹,以及南方水族部落一起开始了一场奇幻而惊心动魄的探索之旅,拯救世界,反击烈火国国王奥赛(金大贤饰演)的可怕攻击。但王子祖科(达拉斯·刘饰演)决心抓捕他们,让他们的任务变得格外艰巨。一行人沿途会遇到许多盟友和丰富多彩的角色,并需要向他们寻求帮助。艾伯特·金(《沉睡谷》《妮基塔》)担任剧集主管、监制和编剧。贾巴尔·赖萨尼(《迷失太空》《怪奇物语》)和迈克尔·戈伊担任监制和导演,罗丝安妮·梁(同时担任联合监制)和杰特·威尔金森也担任导演。Rideback 的丹·林(《乐高大电影》《阿拉丁》)和琳赛·利贝拉托雷(《德州巡警》)担任监制。
/Hans-Bruno Kammertöns,Michael Wech
一部关于传奇F1车神迈克尔·舒马赫的纪录片《舒马赫》将推出。该片已在后期制作中,据称获得了舒马赫家人的全力支持,将有此前从未曝光的视频和资料、与其家人的采访、亲近的赛车伙伴和对手的采访等。德国导演Michael Wech(《Resistance Fighters》)和Hanns-Bruno Kammertöns执导,Rocket Science公司执行制片和做国际发行,DCM做德语区发行,将在#戛纳电影节#卖片。 如今,距离舒马赫拿到第一个世界冠军已25年,他被认为是F1成就最卓著的车手之一,唯一一个拿到7次F1世界冠军的人,跟红色的法拉利合作让许多车迷印象深刻。2012年退役后,舒马赫在2013年滑雪受伤,脑补受到损害,一度昏迷不醒,苏醒后到如今仍在接受治疗。
自从赢得世界大赛之后,农用飞机“尘土”已经成为尽人皆知的草根冠军。可是有一天在练习时,他的身体发现异样。经检查后得知他的变速箱出了问题,该型号变速箱由于老旧已经停产,这也意味着尘土再也无法参加激烈的比赛。一天夜里,不甘失败的尘土继续挑战极限,结果引发弯角服务站机场加油站的大火。虽然侥幸扑灭火灾,但是由于机场安全消防措施不过关,面临着被关闭的命运。眼看就到了机场玉米节狂欢,在场的每一个人都提心吊胆。感觉负主要责任的尘土主动要求参加消防员的培训,在此之后他结识了有着丰富丛林火灾扑灭经验的刀锋、乘风者、北斗星等新伙伴。 一切从零开始,命运发生转折的尘土迎难而上……
/Michael Hamilton
His passion for combat sports wasn't keeping him alive so survival mode kicked in for Michael and he was forced to take normal jobs, including working in factories, slaughterhouses, demolition companies; in addition to working as an upholsterer, postman, tiler, plasterer, and salesman. In his later years though, Michael's career as a UFC fighter would take off and he would become one of the sports fan favorites, but with any combat sport comes the shrapnel of getting kicked and punched in the face on a nightly basis. In a controversial fight against the steroid-induced Victor Belfort, the unthinkable would happen to change the course of Bisping's life forever. He would suffer a detached retina from a blow and kick to the head that would disfigure and scar the fighter forever, threatening to end a career he has sacrificed everything for. With a wife and kids that love him, they plead for the battered and bruised fighter to hang up the gloves, as they feel he has nothing left to prove. But in the end that decision is left to only one man: Michael Bisping.