The film's plot centers on rival lion dance troupes in Singapore -- a liberal-looking faction of a traditional troupe, Tiger Crane (led by Wang Wei Liang), breaks away from it to form a new one called Storm Riders (led by Tosh Zhang), which advocates a new style of lion dance with more modern influences of hip hop dance and more flashy acrobatics. Meanwhile, the male stars of the show clash with a third rival troupe called Black Hawk, competing in wushu, love triangles and of course, lion dance. Five of the well-loved "Ah Boys To Men" cast headline the film, joined by 23 "unknowns".
Gwyneth Hayden has it all. A top-notch career, killer wardrobe, dream apartment, and great friends - she thinks the only thing missing is a man. In a moment of inspired desperation, she fills out a profile on the dating website ChristianMingle.com hoping to find Mr. Right. However, Gwyneth's Christianity is a little rusty and her attempts at impressing her dream guy end in disaster when he calls her out on her "faux faith." In an honest realization, she sees her superficial life for what it really is, and is driven to create a personal relationship with God.
身形健硕的德里克·汤普森(巨石·强森 Dwayne Johnson 饰)是一个作风粗暴的职业冰球手,由于经常打掉别人的牙齿,因此他在场上得了“牙仙”的绰号。正所谓风云变幻,时代更迭,随着才俊新秀的涌现,德里克也渐渐成为一名过气的板凳选手。狂放自负的他必定心情极度失落,故而经常用冰冷的语言打碎别人的梦想。 德里克的女友卡莉(艾什莉·贾德 Ashley Judd 饰)有一双可爱的儿女,小女儿刚好处在换牙期,对神秘的牙仙还充满遐想。此时德里克的老毛病又犯了,一心希望向女孩讲述牙仙并不存在的真相。他的粗暴做法惹来了麻烦,牙仙大陆的负责人莉莉(朱丽·安德鲁斯 Julie Andrews 饰)将他变为一个身长翅膀、手持魔杖、衣着短裙的牙仙女,在接下来的两周里,他将被迫以这身装扮为孩子们带去祝福……
/Gabriel Lichtmann
/Soundarya Rajinikanth
几百年前,在印度南部,有笱太巴羝南和卡林迦布里这两个国家,世代纠葛,双方不仅几经血战,也发生了一桩离奇复杂的阴谋案…… 考吉德扬,是笱太巴羝南一个风采非凡的勇士,战功累累,人们爱他胜过国王,但也招来国王的记恨。 拉纳,形、神、勇兼似考吉德扬,亦来自笱太巴羝南,在卡林迦布里卧薪尝胆巧胜敌国,成为大功臣也赢得公主芳心,却突然夜袭国王…… 考吉德扬和拉纳之间关系为何?两人又与笱太巴羝南国王有什么情仇纠葛呢? 本片是印度第一部以真人表演捕捉的电影,影片音乐由印度著名的音乐大师AR·拉曼编曲制作,投资成本高达12.5亿印度卢比。
/Jim Wilson
A misfit group of New Mexico cowboys find themselves on the journey of a lifetime when their crooked-footed racehorse qualifies for the Kentucky Derby. Based on the inspiring true story of Mine That Bird, the cowboys face a series of mishaps on their way to Churchill Downs, becoming the ultimate underdogs in a final showdown with the world's racing elite.
/Arif Ali
Lekar Hum Deewana Dil (transl.Taking along our crazy hearts) is a 2014 Hindi language romantic drama film that stars Armaan Jain and Deeksha Seth. Jointly produced by Saif Ali Khan, Dinesh Vijan and Sunil Lulla under the banner of Eros International, Maddock Films and Illuminati Films, it is the debut directorial venture of Arif Ali, who was the assistant writer of the film Aahista Aahista, written by his brother Imtiaz Ali. The film has music scored by A. R. Rahman. The film was released on 4 July 2014
达吕(维果·莫腾森 Viggo Mortensen 饰)是一名在阿尔及利亚出生的法国人,如今,他在一处地处偏远的山区学校里担任着教师的职务。某日,一名警察出现在了达吕的面前,将一名五花大绑的犯人默罕默德(雷达·卡特布 Reda Kateb 饰)交给了达吕,这个男人被控告杀死了自己的堂兄,达吕要将他押往临近的村庄接受审判。 这门苦差事令达吕感到非常的头痛,因为他知道,只要默罕默德抵达了村庄,那么等待着他的就只有死亡,他不愿意做这样一个推手,但警察将默罕默德丢给达吕后就离开了,无奈之下,达吕只得带着默罕默德踏上了旅途。一路上,达吕不仅要提防默罕默德逃跑,还要保护他不受死者的亲属的袭击。
影片上翻拍自一部智利2005年的电影《在床上》,但是导演将原片中的一男一女的结构变成了两个女孩的相遇。 初夏的第一个夜晚,拥有两个孩子的西班牙母亲阿尔芭(埃琳纳·安娜亚 Elena Anaya 饰),一周后即将嫁人的俄罗斯女孩娜塔莎(娜塔莎·亚罗温科 Natasha Yarovenko 饰),在意大利那充满古韵的首都罗马相遇。两个女人的秘密,就这样绽放在一个罗马的房间。爱神的箭从天际射向了她们,欲望也为她们开拓了一个暧昧又趣味的时刻,使两人初相识的隐瞒与防卫心,竟开始逐一融。两个女人的心事,就这样交融在这样一个沁凉的初夏。这是一场持续了12个小时的爱欲盛宴,它穿过了深夜、一直到天亮。清晨的降临,预示着彼此的分离,她们要去面对现实生活与精神自由的考验。罗马这座城市终究会变成她们一个中转站,还是一个新的起点?
西门庆(林伟建 饰)是个长相俊美,家境殷实的公子哥。少年时期就跟随父亲(徐少强 饰)修习房中术,得父亲真传精通男女情爱之事。就在其学有所成之际,其父更是聘来了一名长相媚惑的女子紫烟(上原カエラ Kaera Uehara 饰)来让西门庆实践自己所学的房中术。就这样,在父亲的指导下,西门庆渐渐成了一个沉迷风月不问情事的男子。一次出门游历结识了尼姑明月(若菜光 Hikaru Wakana 饰),一夜云雨令明月春心大动,遂还俗与他结发为妻。西门庆不仅熟于男女之事,更是对人情世故得心应手。善于钻营,巴结权贵,贵族名人知县知府都和他往来。父亲死后,继承了满贯家财的西门庆生活的更是风生水起,过的纵欲放荡不受世俗牵绊。偶然的机会,他看上了长相俏丽的小媳妇潘金莲(早川濑里奈 Serina Hayakawa 饰),然而偷情的生活已然不能让他满足,于是他打起了毒害其夫武大郎的主意…该片改编自长篇世情小说《金瓶梅》。
Alex de Renzy (FEMMES DE SADE, PRETTY PEACHES) was one of the greatest directors of adult films ever, his career starting in the late 60's and preceeding well into the 90's. So saying that BABY FACE, stands as his crowning achievement is no small praise. This ranks as one skinflick that truly has it all, a complete storyline, fine production, and a couple of decent acting performances and some of the hottest sex scenes ever assembled in a single movie. Big, lumbering Dan Roberts stars as the hapless construction worker who has to go into hiding following his seduction of underage but willing Priscilla (Lyn Cuddles Malone) which incurs the wrath of her religious fanatic of a man. After a near-fatal accident leaves him unconsciously drifting in the bay, he is saved by fan favorites Amber Hunt (FIONA ON FIRE) and Linda Wong (SWEET CAKES) who clean him up and then some. Hunt comes up with the brilliant idea of taking him to the Training Camp, a brothel catering exclusively for rich women and run by her aunt, affectionately referred to as the Champ. This fancy cathouse provides the perfect backdrop for the movie's myriad sexual situations, nearly all of them handled with great style and enthusiasm by cast and filmmaker alike, shot through with a wickedly subversive humor. Standout scenes include gentle giant Roberts tender initiation of the eager Malone, their contrast in size providing an instant thrill all by itself, and the late great Kristine Heller taking on pretty much all the guys present in what has to stand as the single greatest gang bang sequence ever committed to film or video.