苏莹(王丽坤 饰)和程峰回(郑元畅 饰)是即将步入婚姻殿堂的恋人,就在苏莹沉浸在幸福之中时,一个神秘人的出现将她的生活搅得一团糟。根据神秘人提供的种种线索,苏莹震惊的发现,原来程峰回的真实身份是苏莹曾经的同学林强,而可怕的是,在苏莹的记忆里,林强早已在一场大火中丧生。 曾经的青葱岁月中,苏莹和名叫江重云(金泛 饰)的男孩之间有过一段甜蜜青涩的感情。江重云总是在背后默默保护着苏莹,而他本人却不愿意承认,这让苏莹十分感动,两人计划考上同一所大学,携手步入美好的未来。化学实验室里一场突如其来的大火将苏莹和江重云的所有幻想都焚烧殆尽,火灾中的遇难者正是林强。
伟同(赵文瑄)是事业有成的男同志,与男友赛门(Mitchell Lichtenstein)在美国过着幸福的同居日子,烦恼来自要用各种招数应对远在台北的父(郎雄)母(归亚蕾)的一次次逼婚。伟同被逼以“乖乖仔”形象修书一封声称会在美国结婚,没料父母想亲眼见证。无奈,他只得拉上来自上海的不得志的女艺术家葳葳(金素梅)“假婚”,想逃过一劫。 父母对葳葳相当满意,却对伟同的草率态度不满,为让父母满意尽快返回台北,伟同犹如“拼命三郎”使出了浑身解数。但人算不如天算,不断的波折使得父母的返台日期一次次推迟,令他和赛门的感情亮起“红灯”,而葳葳又意外怀上了他的孩子。似乎,伟同在强大的父母(传统)面前,只能选择去做一个 “表面正常”的男人。
荒凉的美国西部,一条铁路正在修建中,由于铁路将穿过石脊镇,预感当地地价将大幅上涨的政客海德利(哈维•科曼 Harvey Korman 饰)计划将镇上居民尽数驱逐。居民方面担忧遭袭,寄希望于州政府为他们派遣一位强力的警长,岂料海德利背后运作,使州长任命史上首位黑人警长巴特(克力文•李托 Cleavon Little 饰)保卫石脊镇。巴特原是一名筑路工人,因殴打工程监工被处以死刑,谁知在被行刑前夕命运居然全然逆转,逃过一命的巴特并不能轻松,他还要面对石脊镇居民的白眼和海德利一方的匪徒,在镇上的昔日神枪手吉姆(吉恩•怀尔德 Gene Wilder 饰)帮助下,巴特连续挫败海德利的人手,但是真正的硬仗还在等待着他……
本片由5段故事组成。北漂屌丝男陈锋(陈思诚 饰)在好友(郭京飞 饰)的告别单身派对上对白领沈彦(佟丽娅 饰)一见钟情,随后两人开展了热恋,不料不久后两人未婚先孕,二人准备结婚但却遭到了沈彦母亲的反对,此时沈的有钱前男友洪江(耿乐 饰)又再次出现了。与此同时陈锋的老板 吴峥(王学兵 饰)由于出轨被老婆张蕾(余男 饰)发现,愤怒的张蕾深夜画着浓妆走出了家门……张蕾的老板刘辉(梁家辉 饰)与佳玲(刘嘉玲 饰)秘密来到希腊偷情,却不料两人因为意见不合险些吵翻。刘辉的女儿阳阳(欧阳娜娜 饰)发现隔壁班的男生(刘昊然 饰)经常跟自己搭乘同一辆车回家,意外认识后两人无话不谈,微妙的感情在两人心中产生。男孩的姥姥(斯琴高娃 饰)得了绝症,乐观的她决定给老伴(王庆祥 饰)找一个新的伴侣协助他走过余生,一名海归老太太(金燕玲 饰)走进了老两口的生活……
千里迢迢投奔外祖母的林黛玉(张艾嘉 饰)与表兄宝玉(林青霞 饰)相会,两小无猜,童言无忌,虽惹出摔玉的闹剧,却让他们彼此走得更紧。岁月流逝,兄妹俩两情相悦,心意相托。但他们的爱情为族人所不容,王熙凤献出偷梁换柱之计,令宝玉娶得薛宝钗(米雪 饰)。黛玉悲痛难忍,含恨而逝。得知真相的宝玉弃家出走,遁入空门。 本片荣获1978年亚太电影节和金马奖最佳美术执导奖项。 [背景] 台湾独闯江湖失败后的大导演李翰祥,重新回到香港邵氏电影公司。适值红楼之风盛行,然而市面上多为粗俗拙劣之作。如邵氏早先一无名导演拍摄的《红楼梦》,另一家公司的《红楼梦醒》,以及更加粗俗的《红楼春梦》和《红楼春上春》,其业余和粗糙实在是对曹公名著的侮辱。也因此饱受中国古典文学熏陶的李翰祥才决定拍出一部艺术水平可与之相匹配的作品出来。演员方面他大胆启用曾参加台湾影视培训班的无名小辈林青霞和张艾嘉。电影开拍之初,李翰祥临时将林青霞和张艾嘉的角色兑换,这个无心之举却使他成为林青霞反串角色的发掘者。
二战期间,卡萨布兰卡是欧洲逃往美国的必经之地,那里鱼龙混杂,局势紧张。里克(亨佛莱•鲍嘉 Humphrey Bogart 饰)是一个神秘的商人,他在卡萨布兰卡开了一家人气很旺的夜总会,并拥有两张宝贵的通行证。一天,反纳粹人士维克多和妻子伊尔莎(英格丽•褒曼 Ingrid Bergman 饰)来到夜总会,原来他们正在逃避纳粹的追捕。碰巧的是,里克发现,伊尔莎竟然是他的旧日情人。那段爱曾经刻骨铭心,却因为一个误会而终止。而当误会消解时,伊尔莎和里克的感情还是不可避免的重燃了。里克手上的两张通行证能帮助维克多度过难关,但这样一来,伊尔莎是决定留下,还是离去,他们的爱情在政治和伦理的推波逐流中走向何方。
电影导演寅成跟编剧允珠早就暗生情愫。美娜, 是现居日本的寅成的前女友,因為需要回韩国找新闻材料而主动联络寅成, 并希望安排一起去江陵,允珠却不知道。就在江陵的小村屋, 寅成尝试挽回美娜, 但她不想接受并选择离开。在只有寅成一人的小屋中, 寅成便叫允珠过来江陵陪他。可是, 当他在巴士总站见到美娜跟允珠一起出现, 他编了个谎话, 试图让两个女人分别都留在他身边。《颠倒靠近的两人》用一个轻松的喜剧方式, 来看这个男人如何在玩弄两段关系的过程中让自己陷入困境, 作茧自缚。导演曹圣奎, 曾拍过好几部爱情轻喜剧, 包括《美味人生》《圣巴巴拉》和《如果我告白的话》。
巴里斯(察合台·乌鲁索伊 Çağatay Ulusoy 饰)出生在一个非常民主和自由的家庭之中,他和父亲的关系亦师亦友,可谓是在非常宽容的环境和充足的亲情中长大。而芙孙(蕾拉·丽迪雅·吐古特鲁 Leyla Lidya Tuğutlu 饰)则恰恰相反,她一直生活在家人的铁腕控制之下,对自由非常的渴望。 这样两个成长环境大相径庭的人,但他们相遇的瞬间,爱火开始热烈的燃烧。很快,巴里斯和芙孙就决定携手步入婚姻的殿堂,他们都在彼此的身上找到了未曾体会过的激情和亮点,这段姻缘堪称天作之合。然而,随着时间的推移,巴里斯发现,自己对芙孙的爱,或许也是一种伤害。
在一个名为加特林的小地方,大男孩伊森·维特(阿尔登·埃伦瑞奇 Alden Ehrenreich 饰)生长于此,虽然长久以来被同一个噩梦困扰,但伊森从不打算离开此地。他习惯了小镇的安静与落后,也习惯了盘桓在这里上百年的各种灵异传说和被禁书籍。这一日,一名美丽女孩打破了加特林的宁静。她叫蕾娜·杜凯(爱丽丝·恩格勒特 Alice Englert 饰),继承了当地一幢传言闹鬼的别墅。伊森显然喜欢上了看似温柔可亲的蕾娜,但是随之而来的种种异状却让伊森的同学乃至当地人将女孩看作操练邪术的巫女。 无论怎样,伊森与蕾娜仍不可遏止地相互吸引,这是他们之间不被饶恕、深藏无数惊人秘密的禁忌之恋……
加里布埃尔(玛丽昂·歌迪亚 Marion Cotillard 饰)出生在法国南部的一个资产阶级家庭之中,父母做主将她嫁给了一个名为何塞(阿莱克斯·布伦德穆尔 Alex Brendemühl 饰)西班牙农场工人,虽然何塞性格老实又善良,对待加里布埃尔非常的体贴,可是加里布埃尔对他却没有任何的感情,她和何塞的关系并不是她心目中渴求的那种爱情。 加里布埃尔被查出患上了肾结石,于是前往温泉疗养地休养,在那里,加里布埃尔邂逅了名为安德烈(路易斯·加瑞尔 Louis Garrel 饰)的中威,他因为在印度战争中受伤也在此地疗养。加里布埃尔和安德烈之间的爱火在瞬间雄心燃烧起来,两人决定私奔。
Cameras are rolling on the French Caribbean island of Guadeloupe for the tenth anniversary series of BBC One’s hugely popular Death In Paradise, making it one of the first BBC single camera dramas to start filming since lockdown. Red Planet Pictures have worked closely with industry bodies, other production companies and the BBC to develop a detailed Covid-19 protocol policy, implementing various safety measures including social distancing, face coverings and temperature and Covid-19 testing to minimise any risk of infection. There is also a full-time Covid-19 Supervisor on set to make sure the protocols are being implemented correctly and the latest guidance is incorporated into the policy. The health and safety of our cast and crew is paramount and production is working in line with the Guadeloupe advice as well as the industry guidelines. Returning to the sun-soaked island to reprise their roles are Ralf Little as D.I. Neville Parker, Don Warrington as Commissioner Selwyn Patterson, Tobi Bakare as D.S. JP Hooper and Elizabeth Bourgine as Mayor Catherine Bordey. As well as the usual baffling murders, intriguing puzzles and famous guest stars, viewers can expect some huge surprises as the show celebrates a decade as one of the most loved British dramas - and these surprises begin with the return of D.S. Florence Cassell, played by audience favourite Josephine Jobert. Florence thinks she’s ready to get back to work after her fiancé’s death two years ago - but she hasn’t banked on her new boss, Neville. As she tries to understand his peculiarities, sparks are bound to fly… Neville soon realises he is existing in the Caribbean, rather than embracing life there. With Florence’s help, he determines to seize the day and finds himself starting to reveal some of his secrets - including of a romantic nature. But is Neville really built for a life in the tropics? And is a romantic relationship ever going to be possible for him? After two series bringing law, order, and joy to the streets of Saint Marie, we’re sad to say goodbye to Ruby Patterson who made such a massive impact in such a short time! DS Madeleine Dumas will also be departing Saint Marie’s sunny shores and we would like to thank Shyko Amos and Aude Legastelois-Bidé for bringing Ruby and Madeleine to life and wish them all the very best for the future. We are excited to welcome a brand-new face to the team, in the shape of Tahj Miles. His character, 18-year-old petty criminal Marlon Pryce, is a ball of energy and thinks he knows it all. But when he runs into JP, his life takes an unexpected turn and he finds himself looking at a very different future to the one he expected. The arrival of twins is the least of JP’s challenges as he finds Marlon - and some shocking developments at work - testing him to his limits. Selwyn’s frustrations with his new detective take a back seat when he finds himself in the firing line and Catherine’s life is turned upside down when the death of a friend pulls her into grave danger. Executive Producer, Tim Key, says: “We are delighted to be able to start filming and can’t wait to celebrate our tenth series with our audience. It’s a joy to be working with Josephine Jobert again and we think the viewers will love watching her trying to get to grips with Neville. And we are very happy to welcome Tahj Miles to the show. Marlon is going to make real waves once he arrives in Saint Marie. We’ve got some real treats for our long-term viewers as the series progresses - including some major surprises and the possibility of another returning face or two. We are determined to make this our biggest and best series yet and can’t wait to take our viewers back to Saint Marie in 2021.” Red Planet Pictures' Joint Managing Director, Alex Jones, says: “Like every other production company, we have faced huge challenges to get to this point, so we are delighted to be up and running again and extremely grateful to everyone who has helped us get this far, not least the people of Deshaies and the region of Guadeloupe for their assistance. The safety of our cast and crew - as well as our friends in Guadeloupe - is the most important thing to us and our policies have been designed to protect everybody whilst still delivering an amazing series for our tenth year.” BBC Commissioning Editor, Tommy Bulfin, says: “We are so pleased that filming has started on this special tenth anniversary series of Death In Paradise. This series is packed-full of captivating cases and unexpected twists, as well as some really great surprises for fans of the show. Thanks so much to Red Planet Pictures for working so hard to make it happen.” Death In Paradise is a Red Planet Pictures production for BBC One made with the support of the region of Guadeloupe and internationally distributed by BBC Studios. Series ten is produced by Jim Poyser.
该剧讲述了不相信法律,用拳头解决的无法律师为了报母亲之仇,孤身一人站在正义的法庭之前,对抗以无所不能拥有权力之人的律师的故事。这是一部刻画只为了复仇奔跑的律师,描述他的复仇之路和成长之路的法庭动作剧。 李准基饰演对权力内部者们下刀的律师奉尚必,他小时候亲眼目睹母亲惨死,之后因为悲愤而把为母亲报仇视为人生目的和绝对任务。 徐睿知饰演做任何事情非常有主导性有主见的夏在伊一角,本是律师,因为对法官暴行成为了事务长,成为了事务长以后和奉尚必相识,成为了事件的中心人物。 李慧英饰演法律界受人尊敬的“Mother特蕾莎” 车文淑, 虽然是个绝对女王的存在,但是她是个独吞各种权力,欲望和恶的化身的人物。她的面前出现了奉尚必,她开始动摇了。 崔民秀饰演对权力和欲望充满野心的财阀会长安武周一角,他隐藏着自己无耻的过去和极其恶劣的本色,是个十足的心机男。