《黑鸽》是一部以圣诞节的伦敦为背景的动作剧,讲述了一个关于友情与牺牲的尖锐又感人肺腑的故事。剧集的主角是海伦·韦布(凯拉·奈特莉饰),她是一位机智、务实且尽职尽责的妻子和母亲,也是一名职业间谍。10 年来,她一直将政治家丈夫的秘密传递给她为之效命的神秘组织:黑鸽。当她的秘密情人贾森(安德鲁·浩二饰)被暗杀后,她的间谍上司、神秘的里德(莎拉·兰卡夏尔饰)指派她的老朋友萨姆(本·卫肖饰)来保护她。海伦和萨姆联手展开调查,试图查明杀害杰森的凶手及其背后的动机。而他们的调查逐渐揭开了一个庞大而错综复杂的阴谋,这个阴谋将伦敦阴暗的地下世界与迫在眉睫的地缘政治危机联系在一起。
/Daniel Reisinger
A funny, touching exploration of fidelity, strength, and the lengths we go to honour our commitments. When Gemma’s (BAFTA winner Aisling Bea) American fiancé (Emmy nominee Colin Hanks) dies shortly before their wedding day, she decides to marry him anyway, facing public opinion, legal challenges, and family objections. With funny and moving performances, Daniel Reisinger’s romantic comedy is an unconventional celebration of love ‘till death do us part’.
因为一双运动鞋,斯坦利(Shia LaBeouf 饰)被关进了德克萨斯州的拘留所之中,尽管斯坦利实则无辜,但他祖上遗留下来的坏运气让他毫无疑问地遭受到了并不公正的审判。为了逃脱牢狱之灾,斯坦利选择了前往德州绿湖营进行劳动改造,然而,着却正是他噩梦的开始。 绿湖营位于一片 茫茫的沙漠之中,这里的管理员将来这里劳动改造的孩子们视为奴隶,处处苛责刁难,甚至布置了一个看似毫无意义的任务——在已经干涸的河床上挖洞。很快,斯坦利便开始怀疑,管理员的这一要求背后隐藏着某些不可告人的秘密,一批传说中埋在河床里的宝藏随之浮出了水面,而这批宝藏和斯坦利的家族亦有着千丝万缕的关联。
“Douglas Is Cancelled” will see Hugh Bonneville play a middle aged and widely-respected news anchor called Douglas Bellowes while Gillan stars as his canny sidekick Madeline. Douglas lives a perfect life. He enjoys his privileged status as national treasure and host of current affairs show “Live at Six” while off-air he shares a harmonious home with wife Sheila, a newspaper editor. But their world is turned upside down when, at a family wedding, he’s overheard making an “ill-advised joke.” As a guest threatens to expose Douglas on social media the rumor mill goes into overdrive and sparks off a digital storm that quickly upends his life and career. With her 2 million social media followers, tech-savvy co-anchor Madeline could throw Douglas a lifeline by posting in his defense … but will she?
この世とあの世の間、三途の川に棲む妖怪、外道衆。代々外道衆と戦ってきた侍・志葉家の当主、シンケンレッドこと志葉丈瑠は、日々外道衆の尖兵・ナナシ連中と戦いを繰り広げていた。外道衆の更なる侵攻の気配を感じ取った志葉家の従者・日下部彦馬は、丈瑠に対し外道衆と戦うための家臣を集めることを進言するが、丈瑠は現代の世に殿様として他者の上に立つことへの不快感から、これを拒絶する。 そんなある日、ついに外道衆の幹部たちが目覚め、この世への本格的な襲撃が始まる。機が熟したと見た彦馬は、独断で志葉家家臣が育て上げた4人の若者を招集。丈瑠も渋々ながら彼らを仲間にすることを承諾し、シンケンジャーと外道衆の永き戦いが始まった。
Melody Brooks is navigating sixth grade as a nonverbal wheelchair user who has cerebral palsy. With the help of some assistive technology and her devoted, exuberant allies, Melody shows that what she has to say is more important than how she says it. Out of My Mind presents a sincere experience of teenage girlhood through the lenses of disability and belonging. Director Amber Sealey crafts a world around Melody that is all too familiar; at once full of love, fun, and opportunity, yet systemically unfair to those who are different. Actress Phoebe-Rae Taylor, who similarly lives with cerebral palsy, embodies Melody from a place of authenticity and heart. Melody’s wants courageously steer this narrative — her desires to prove her intelligence, befriend girls her age, and, ultimately, break free from the limiting preconceptions of others, are both unique and deeply universal. This is a powerful story about finding one’s voice, bolstered by the collective passion and advocacy of those who are willing to really listen.—CA