在 Netflix 动作大片《惊天营救》的续集《惊天营救 2》中,克里斯·海姆斯沃斯将继续饰演泰勒·雷克。在第一部电影的惊险情节中侥幸逃生后,雷克又卷土重来。作为澳大利亚的黑市雇佣兵,雷克接下了又一项致命任务:从监狱中解救一个被格鲁吉亚黑帮残忍虐待的家庭。 海姆斯沃斯与导演山姆·哈格雷夫再度合作,乔·罗素和安东尼·罗素的 AGBO 负责制作,乔·罗素担任编剧。格什菲·法拉哈尼将继续出演其在第一部电影中的角色,亚当·贝萨、欧嘉·柯瑞兰寇、丹尼尔·伯哈特和蒂娜婷·达拉齐施维利也将出演该片。 本片是第一部电影的续集,改编自安德·帕克斯的图画小说《Ciudad》,故事由安德·帕克斯、乔·罗素和安东尼·罗素共同创作,插图由费尔南多·莱昂·冈萨雷斯绘制。《惊天营救 2》由安东尼·罗素、乔·罗素、迈克·拉罗卡、安杰拉·拉索-奥茨特、克里斯·海姆斯沃斯、帕特里克·纽厄尔和山姆·哈格雷夫共同制作,杰克·奥斯特、本杰明·格雷森、史蒂文·斯卡韦利、克里斯托弗·马库斯和斯蒂芬·麦克菲利担任监制。
由《绯闻女孩》两位主创Josh Schwartz和Stephanie Savage在Apple TV+开发的新剧《焰火之城》(City On Fire)定档5月12日开播。这部八集组成的剧集将在首播周更新三集,此后逢周五更新一集,于6月16日季终。 这是Josh和Stephanie早前与该流媒体签订优先合作条约的首个项目。与《绯闻女孩》相似,故事同样改编自同名小说,Garth Risk Hallberg所著的小说讲述了在2003年的7月4日,年轻女孩“Samantha Cicciaro”在纽约中央公园被枪击,当时所有人都在观看烟火,所以没有证人也没有太多物证。 而事发前她正在她最爱的夜店看着她朋友乐队的表演,临时出去见朋友却再也没有回来。随着警方调查的深入,所有人都惊讶的发现她不仅连接着纽约下城的音乐圈子,还和上东区的富有的地产家族有着紧密联系。 在《性 教育》完成“Hope”演出的Jemima Kirke饰演“Regan”,她是曼哈顿地产大亨的女儿,但努力想要靠自己取得成功;而《继承之战》“Nate” Ashley Zukerman饰演她的丈夫“Keith”,他的魅力帮助他失败后重新站起来。 《年轻一代》“Josh” Nico Tortorella饰演“William”,才华横溢、但却自我毁灭的艺术家;而Xavier Clyde则饰演他的男朋友“Mercer”,从乔治亚州农村来到纽约的他,写下了一本杰出的小说,并拥抱真实的自己。 歌手,出演了《劣迹斑斑》的Max Milner饰演“Nicky Chaos”,一个充满魅力的活动家,也和一群朋友致力于同精英主义进行斗争;而《实习医生格蕾》十六季做短暂演出的“Cindy”Alexandra Doke饰演的“Sewer Girl”,就是这个团队的主力成员。 《曼达洛人》“Dr.Pershing” Omid Abtahi饰演的“Ali Parsa”,是负责调查Samantha遇害的侦探;而《港湾》“Audrey” Kathleen Munroe则是与他搭档的“PJ McFadden”;至于此前在《乔对决卡萝尔》完成“Joe Exotic”演出的John Cameron Mitchell则饰演“Amory”,是曼哈顿一名具有影响力和权势的高管,他为人无情但也同样迷人。
Rusty Wittenburg is a Navy SEAL struggling to balance his family life and his job. He fights daily to maintain the line between reality and the nightmares his PTSD conjures up for him. Dedicated to his team and his mission, he is willing to give the ultimate sacrifice for his fellow brothers and teammates.
/Ara Paiaya
A vicious gang war for drug dominance draws in a disturbed Special Forces veteran John Bradley. Trying to adjust to normal life and haunted by inner demons of a violent past, the underworld's retribution on his last connection to humanity, a daughter and grandchild leads to a descent of fury and violence that not even the brutality of gangland is prepared for.
下岗恐怕不仅仅是中国工人面对的问题,下岗了怎么办?英国人用他们的幽默给我们上了一课。这天,刚下岗的钢铁工人盖茨(罗伯特•卡莱尔 Robert Carlyle 饰)和戴夫(马克•艾迪 Mark Addy 饰)遇上了一个同病相怜的兄弟――正在自杀的龙珀(史提夫•惠森 Ste ve Huison 饰),二人慌忙救下了他。为了今后的出路,三人绞尽脑汁。最终,他们想出了一个近乎疯狂的主意。 他们找到了已经转业在舞厅当演员的前工头杰拉尔,于是,当地第一个专门的男人脱衣舞团成立了!随后,黑人霍斯和小伙子盖伊也闻风加入了这个团体。在一连串爆笑的场面下,这个脱衣舞团第一次演出就获得了空前的成功,虽然因为涉嫌色情遭到了警察调查,却为这个团体增加了更加多人气,很多人出于好奇心而来观看演出。在获得了家庭成员的理解后,这个团体开始了他们的终极演出。
/Daron Niemerow
1999年12月31日和2000年临近,世界安全系统正处于全面崩溃的边缘。 被称为2000年恐慌的美国政府通过在两个驱动器上备份最高机密文件采取了预防措施。 从美国财政部记录到军事计划,这些驱动器都应由中央情报局、国家安全局以及总统加以保护,这些文件的丢失都可能对美国国家安全造成毁灭性的破坏。十年后,一个小镇警察(Douglas Rouillard扮演)调查了一系列谋杀案,发现这些被害者都是从某监狱放出来的当年被囚禁的士兵,并迅速得知这起谋杀案背后,是美国政府将这几个参与国家机密文件存储的士兵关押并杀害的阴谋。接着,其中一个驱动器丢失。问题是,谁拿走了,为什么? 随着死亡人数的增加,他求助于他的兄弟,发现真实并揭露真相。
1864 After a huge battle and the brutal shelling of the population of Atlanta, Federal troops ("Yanks") take control of the city. Their plan is to use all of the goods remaining in the warehouse district of Atlanta to outfit their army for the upcoming March to the Sea, which they hope will end the War Between the States. Confederate spies move into the warehouse district, disguised as Yanks, to take stock of what is still there that might be of use to the army of the north. They find a lot. The word comes down from Confederate command to burn the entire district, destroying vast quantities of goods and uprooting hundreds of families that have been in the area for decades. "The Burning of Atlanta" is the story of the destruction of a major city near the end of the war, and the desperation and terror this causes in the lives of those who watch their entire society collapse around them.
While on a hunting trip in the isolated wilderness, a father and his adopted teenage son are turned into the prey of unknown assailants. They are unexpectedly joined in their fight for survival by a stranger who reveals the disturbing truth about the son's biological father, an international crime lord, and why that crime lord has sent trained assassins to kill the teenager.
/McKay Daines
Colonel Branson (Thomas Gibson), head of a secret and covert division of the NSA, keeps the Shadow Wolves operating albeit now independent and rogue. His anger after his daughter was killed in Afghanistan training civilians drives him to defend "his" America and her borders by all means legal or otherwise. When ISIS terrorists begin to sneak across the US Border into Arizona, Branson alerts the Shadow Wolves to track and stop them. Branson sends Eric Shaw (Cody Walker), his most deadly and effective agent, to join up with the Shadow Wolves. The Wolves are led by Nabahe (Graham Greene), a Navajo honored military veteran, and an old colleague of Branson's. At the same time in London Lady Milton-Simon (Louise Lombard), head of an MI6 anti-terrorist division, sends out her elite agent, Major McLaren (Tom Hutch), to track a terrorist named Khan (Solomon Shiv) who has a personal vendetta against the US and the Shadow Wolves. Lady Milton and McLaren learn Khan is heading to Mexico to be ...
/Vlad Petri
/Sebastian Niemann
杀手托尼(Rick Kavanian 饰)这次的行动目标是作家普佐(Reinhard Brock 饰),后者即将出版的一本书的内容惹恼了黑道上的大人物,作为行业内的资深元老,此次的任务对于托尼来说毫无难度,搞定收工仅在一瞬间。没想到,一个名叫茱莉亚(诺拉·茨切纳 Nora Tschirner 饰)的女人的出现却搅乱了托尼的计划,同时也搅乱了托尼心中的一池春水,托尼坠入了情网。 茱莉亚是一个职业生涯危在旦夕的小小编辑,拿下普佐的作品的出版权成为了她救命的稻草。眼看着心爱的女人即将因为自己的缘故丢掉工作,于心不忍的托尼将计就计成为了普佐的替身。没想到这一冲动的举动为两人惹来了无数的麻烦,在逃避同行追杀的同时,托尼还要想方设法让自己的谎言不至于露馅。
唯一由默片拍到現在的導演,迪‧奧利菲拉可說是活動電影博物館了。大師一百歲又生猛出招啦!這一招是個完美無瑕的道德故事,玩卡夫卡式的寓言不止,更曲筆擺出華麗古典版布紐爾格局。倒楣的馬加里奧一見鍾情對窗金髮女,但當美人被追到手,情卻隔了幾重山:叔父的反對、經濟的拮据,最後竟是金髮女的問題。生命果然是個謎。最精彩的是爐火純青的畫面,伺機同你暢遊葡萄牙文化藝術,文學金句、音樂、名畫……讓你飽覽而回。 O incansável Manoel de Oliveira, com mais de 100 anos, começou a sua carreira no tempo do cinema mudo. O seu filme mais recente, uma adaptação de um conto do século XIX, é, sem dúvida, um dos mais interessantes dos últimos anos. A premissa é simples: num comboio, um homem conta a sua história de amor e desilusão a uma atenta dama de meia-idade. O seu objecto de desejo? A rapariga loura que dá o nome ao filme. Embora em estilo de fábula, breve e divertida, o significado intelectual torna esta surpreendente estória tão moderna quanto anacrónica. The tireless Manoel de Oliveira, now over 100 years old, can trace his directorial career back to the silent era. His newest film, an adaptation of a 19th century short story, is easily one of his most enjoyable in recent times. The premise is simple: while on the train, a man recounts his tale of love and woe to a receptive middle-aged lady. His object of desire? The titular blond-haired girl. Though fable-like, droll and brief, the intellectual heft makes this surprising tale both modern and anachronistic.
/Angga Dwimas Sasongko
Since deciding to leave Filosofi Kopi, Ben (Chicco Jerikho) has lived in his hometown and has been actively defending farmer groups whose land has been taken over by the Company. At the same time, Jody (Rio Dewanto) is preparing a new concept of Philosophy of Coffee which will be launched soon. Ahead of the launch event, Ben who was scheduled to attend suddenly disappears. Jody sets out to find Ben. In order to save Ben, they face life and death adventures against gangs of illegal loggers led by Tubir (Yayan Ruhian), until their encounter with a traditional village group changes the map of their resistance.