/Philippe Talavera
Kapana is titled after grilled meat sold on the streets of Namibia. This charming romance is the first gay love story on film from Namibia, and tells the story of George, an openly gay office worker, and Simeon, a closeted kapana vendor. The men meet in a bar, flirt, and hook up. Both have differing views on being gay in a country with strict anti-gay laws. Simeon believes that his casual same-sex encounters do not make him gay. George, on the other hand, longs for something more than a one-night stand. Despite these differences, they start seeing each other, but it isn’t long before deep secrets put the men’s budding romance to the test. Don’t miss this one-of-a-kind love story that will give festival audiences a taste of queer life in Namibia.
/Jed Hart
Jasmine, a young teenage girl on the run, is taken in by Shane, a showman who works on a travelling fairground passing through town. As an unorthodox bond between the pair builds, their combined quest to evade the past pushes both characters closer together, and in turn, closer to danger.
/Piotr J. Lewandowski
A graduate of the Offenbach College of Design, Piotr J. Lewandowski has made his directorial debut with JONATHAN (working-title) based on an award-winning screenplay. The moving drama about family secrets and the obstacles to achieving one’s own happiness features Jannis Niewöhner, one of this year’s European Shooting Stars, in the title role of the 24-year-old Jonathan. The young man is caring unstintingly for his terminally-ill father Burghardt, but then sees his life in a new light after falling in love with Anka, who has come to nurse his father. However, the story takes another twist when Ron, Burghardt’s long-lost friend from his youth, re-appears — and a well-kept family secret is uncovered....
十六岁的少年亚里克斯(宝拉·比尔 Paula Beer 饰)一直生活在一个非常不和谐的家庭之中,父母整日争吵不休,终于有一天,亚里克斯忍无可忍爆发了,而爆发的结果就是,他被送入了青少年精神治疗应急中心。 在精神病院里,亚里克斯邂逅了另外三个小伙伴——拥有着非常悲惨的过去的17岁女孩劳拉(婕拉·海斯 Jella Haase 饰)、异常的内向害羞,曾经在学校里经历过校园暴力的费贾(莫里兹·雷由 Moritz Leu 饰)和有着暴力倾向的迪莫(杰尼斯·纽沃纳 Jannis Niewöhner 饰)。负责照顾他们的是名叫沃尔夫(克雷蒙斯·施伊克 Clemens Schick 饰)的年轻心理医生,在精神病院里,他们将度过一个非常特别的圣诞节。
事业有成、家庭幸福的女医生凯瑟琳(朱利安·摩尔 Julianne Moore 饰),总是被诊所楼下的一个应召女郎牵绊着目光。音乐教授戴维(连姆·尼森 Liam Neeson 饰)生日当晚错过凯瑟琳准备的惊喜派对,第二天凯瑟琳又看到丈夫手机里收到学生发给他的暧昧短信,一切似乎验证了凯瑟琳长期以来对于丈夫不忠的怀疑。为了证实自己的猜测,凯瑟琳雇佣应召女郎克洛伊(阿曼达·塞弗里德 Amanda Seyfried 饰)去考验丈夫。在克洛伊向凯瑟琳的汇报里,关于她与戴维的交往细节令凯瑟琳感觉到极度伤心,被背叛和失落的情绪笼罩的凯瑟琳和克洛伊发生一夜情。凯瑟琳在外过夜的事情令戴维极为不悦,在夫妻二人争吵的过程中,面对妻子对于自己不忠的指控,戴维坚决否认。三人之间的关系扑朔迷离,凯瑟琳的家庭遭受严重危机……
本片改编自劳伦斯·奥斯本同名小说,小说故事描绘了在摩洛哥沙漠中,一对英国夫妇和当地人在一个豪华别墅的周末聚会上相遇的悲剧。 Speeding through the Moroccan desert to attend an old friend’s lavish weekend party, wealthy Londoners David and Jo Henninger (Ralph Fiennes and Jessica Chastain) are involved in a tragic accident with a local teenage boy. Arriving late at the grand villa with the debauched party raging, the couple attempts to cover up the incident with the collusion of the local police. But when the boy’s father arrives seeking justice, the stage is set for a tension-filled culture clash in which David and Jo must come to terms with their fateful act and its shattering consequences.
/Renato Muro
Procida, a little Island in the gulf of Naples. Last days of summer. The adolescence of Domenico is coming to an end, just like his tormented relationship with Marcello. Domenico looks for hospitality at Antonios house, his best friend, but soon he finds himself alone with the thirteen years old Antonios brother Lallo. A journey of discovery starts, between adolescence and maturity. The meeting with Sara, a transsexual woman, will bring to light the desires of the two young boys.
艾莉擁有4個可愛小孩跟一個愛她、卻長期失業的老公。當經濟壓力都落到她肩上時,她每天早上得四點半起床,遠赴兩小時車程遠的咖啡店工作,卻總在晚上十點過後才能回到家。儘管每天只睡四個小時,艾莉卻總是面帶微笑,腳步如芭蕾舞者輕盈穿梭於地鐵站、愉快移動於餐檯間,宛若舞台表演般地華麗…。 瓦蕾是個現代舞者,卻在夜總會表演,有著模糊的性向與愛情。與艾莉不同,她違背母親期望,選擇追隨自己的熱情,即便工資過低、主管更常偷吃她豆腐,她仍然努力表演,在那無人理解藝術的地方,跳著屬於自己的舞步。 艾莉每晚下班回家時,瓦蕾的夜生活才正要開始。當她凌晨離家工作,又和剛下班的瓦蕾擦身而過。她們的人生宛若兩條地鐵線,永不停歇地向前行駛著。即使現實生活不會有超級英雄,任何夢想也都可能幻滅,但她們仍保持一顆樂觀進取的心,微笑面對殘酷現實,用力活出生命的每一刻…
/R.D. Womack II
R.D. Womack II's patiently paced thriller has been hailed, "as thrilling as it is beautiful" - Brian Corsetti, HollyScoop. Follow Lester; a privileged underachiever who awakes to find himself kidnapped and stranded in a snowbound cabin. Along with Viviana, another captive, the two must survive the brutal onslaught of winter and outsmart their kidnapper; a sniper calling himself "Wolf". With a blizzard bearing down on them the pair embarks on a deadly game of survival. Will the pair find a way through the winter storm to freedom, or will the mountain become their icy grave?
二十年前,科索沃山边的库许村,一场残酷的大屠杀夺走了当地许多男性的生命,至今仍有不少人下落不明。独力照顾两个孩子和老丈人的法莉一肩扛起家中生计,在丈夫失踪多年后,她决定和镇上一群有着相似境遇的妇女们一起创业,靠着自制的美味红椒酱争取经济独立。在这民风保守、充满父权意识形态的厌女社会,不怀好意的小镇居民总在背后闲言闲语,甚至恶行相向。揣怀着丈夫骤然消逝留下的情感真空,法莉是否能够坚持信念,与伙伴们一起实践自我、寻找继续活下去的意义? 以真实人物故事改编,科索沃新锐导演聚焦经历南斯拉夫内战伤痛的女性,面对生活所展现的坚韧与勇气。镜头细腻而写实地勾勒主角同时身为母亲、妻子、媳妇、创业家等不同社会角色之间的冲突与内心挣扎,面对身后沉痛的历史与前方未知的未来,展现出令人动容的女性力量。