/Brett Sullivan
Filmed live on stage at the Pantages Theatre in Hollywood, CA, this not-to-be-missed high energy show stars Original Broadway cast members Jeremy Jordan as "Jack Kelly," Kara Lindsay as "Katherine," Ben Fankhauser as "Davey" and Andrew Keenan-Bolger as "Crutchie". They're joined by North American Tour stars Steve Blanchard as "Joseph Pulitzer," and Aisha de Haas as "Medda Larkin," and Ethan Steiner as "Les" along with members of both the Broadway and North American Tour ensembles, filling the stage with more "newsies" and more dancing than ever before. Set in New York City at the turn of the century and based on a true story, Newsies is the rousing tale of Jack Kelly, a charismatic newsboy and leader of a ragged band of teenaged 'newsies,' who dreams only of a better life far from the hardship of the streets. But when publishing titans Joseph Pulitzer and William Randolph Hearst raise distribution prices at the newsboys' expense, Jack finds a cause to fight for and rallies newsies from across the city to strike and take a stand for what's right.
这是一部现代风格的戏剧,介绍了生于维也纳,在剑桥读书的哲学家Ludwig Wittgenstein (1889-1951)的生平及思想。他的主要兴趣在于研究语言的本质与极限。 电影使用最简单的黑色背景,所有的投资都用在服装、演员以及灯光上,构图就像黑暗的启蒙主义绘画。Wittgenstein以一个小男孩的形象出现,他的少年时代很压抑,银幕上他的家人都身穿罗马人的宽外袍。一系列的小场景描述了他从小时候,到第一次世界大战,再到最终在剑桥当教授和Bertrand Russell以及John Maynard Keynes合作的生平。导演Derek Jarman使用了一些戏剧小品,还有富于想象力的小花招,比如出现了火星侏儒,来表现Wittgenstein的贵族举止,犹太背景,以及同性恋倾向。
电影提名09年度俄罗斯奥斯卡(尼卡奖)最佳电影。 Based on Vladimir Makanin's The Prisoner from the Caucasus CAPTIVE focuses on the folly of war in an intimate, startling way. In modern times, the Russian soldiers are trapped in the vast Chechen landscape, stifling in the heat, lost in hostile, alien surrounds. The handsome, laconic commander Rubakhin and the playful sniper Vovka need a guide to lead their convoy to safety. They seize a local, beautiful boy, who becomes their passport to safety, but must pay a terrible price. And his captors will not escape from the incident unscathed either....
/Jean Cayrol
Disney+动画剧集《奇奇与蒂蒂:公园生活》(Chip ‘N’ Dale: Park Life,暂译)释出首张剧照,并确定于7月23日开播。该剧由让·凯罗尔执导,讲述两个小捣蛋鬼试图在大城市公园里过上美好的生活,同时也在经历巨大的、天马行空的冒险。该剧共36集,每集7分钟。
Anniyan is the story of Ramanujam "Ambi" Iyengar (Vikram), a lawyer who suffers from Multiple Personality Disorder. Ambi is an innocent and honest lawyer. If he comes across anyone not obeying the rules he files cases against them but all his efforts go in vain. His constant habit to be perfect in rules and honesty leads him to develop a Multiple Personality Disorder in which a new character in him grows as Anniyan (Vikram) and starts a website called to hear people's complaints. The new character, Anniyan, is a violent man. When he is Ambi and comes across a person who does not obey rules he makes complaints in his website. When he is Anniyan, he goes and kills them by methods used for torturing people in hell. He apparently takes the definition of these methods from the Garuda Purana.
长久以来,小镇居民们对菲利克斯(罗伯特·杜瓦尔 Robert Duvall 饰)的猜测和怀疑从未停歇。有人觉得他生性孤僻是个怪胎,有人觉得他犯下了什么不可饶恕的残酷罪行,有人甚至信誓旦旦的说他将灵魂交予了魔鬼换来了可怕的能力,总而言之,所有的言论最终都以这样的一句话来结尾——“要不然他怎么会常年躲在森林里不愿露面呢?” 某一天,神秘的菲利克斯出现在了惊恐的居民们面前,他的出现除了带来恐慌外,还造就了大家茶余饭后的谈资,因为菲利克斯提出了一个非常奇怪的要求——举办一个他自己的葬礼。唯利是图的殡仪馆老板弗兰克(比尔·默瑞 Bill Murray 饰)看见了其中的商机并且揽下了这笔生意,但在葬礼的准备工作进行之际,弗兰克逐渐发现了菲利克斯那深藏于个人历史中的不为人知的秘密。
这是一个卡拉布里亚岛的小村子,依山傍海,从山麓间,你可以看到远处的伊奥尼亚海。这是一个好似时间停止的地方,这里的石头有权改变事件的发生,而山羊们则会停下来思考天空的由来。 这里住着一个已经时日不多的老牧羊人,他病了,他坚信他找到了续命的良药,他从教堂的地板上收集灰尘,每晚就水喝下。 在一个羊圈里的一小片黑土地上,一只山羊生下了一只小白山羊,生命最初的不适只持续了一小段时间,它的眼睛立刻便睁开了,它的蹄子已经可以支撑身体的重量。整个村子的生活都被这个新生命的到来而充满了希望。小羊在逐渐成长,它变得强壮起来,开始玩耍。 一次疏忽,它独自离开了在休息的羊群抛开,它在厚厚的植被中迷失了方向,直到精疲力尽,在一株雄伟的杉树下歇脚。 这棵巨大的树随着山间的微风摇摆。时间流逝,季节快速地更替,这棵巨大的杉树失去了枝叶摇摆的声音,取而代之的,是机械的轰鸣。 杉树倒在地上,他被砍倒了,被肢解,它白色的木材被用当地古老的技术转化为木炭。我们最后一次见它,是它随着烟雾和尘埃消逝…… 如诗般的电影语言讲述了生活和自然的联系,对于一个被遗忘的永恒之地的诠释,揭示了和谐的真谛。这是一部完全没有用到任何特殊效果的科幻电影,将人们带入了一个未知的奇幻世界,讲述了一个由四个生命互相交叠的奇妙故事。
为了寻找从未谋面但常常出现在梦中的爸爸,Alexandros(Michalis Zeke 饰)在与精神病人海鸥(Ilias Logothetis 饰)告别之后,跟着姐姐Voula(Tania Palaiologou 饰)混上了去德国的火车。他们被交给警察,在见了舅舅(Dimitris Kaberidis 饰)一面后,又趁着大雪从警局逃跑。他们看着一匹马在眼前死掉,Alexandros痛哭流涕。他们结识了演员Orestis(Stratos Tzortzoglou 饰)和他的剧团,度过了愉快的时光。在大雨中,他们搭上了一辆卡车,为此Voula付出了被司机(Vasilis Kolovos 饰)强奸的代价。重逢的Orestis将他们送至车站,Voula却不忍与其分离。但当看到Orestis与他人(Socrates Alafouzos 饰)勾搭时,Voula带着破碎的心离开了。在车站,Voula走向一名候车的士兵(Gerasimos Skiadaressis 饰),打算用最快捷的方式挣到385块……
年轻的克莱(海登•克里斯滕森 饰)拥有数十亿的身家,但父亲的逝世对他的影响太大,他也讨厌母亲莉莉丝(莉娜•奥琳 饰)变得爱管制他。克莱也一直回避让母亲知道他与母亲助手萨曼莎(杰西卡•阿尔芭 饰)恋爱这件事。越是反对,越是反抗,最终他还是与心爱的萨曼莎结婚了。 克莱有严重的心脏病,心脏移植才能活命,无奈他的血型鲜有,待终于找到了适合的心脏时,他拒绝让世界级医生给他做手术,而是选择了自己的好朋友医生杰克(特伦斯•霍德华 饰),一个医疗事故缠身的医生。 手术准备开始,克莱以为自己已被麻醉,令他恐慌的是自己的意识竟如此清晰,甚至能感受到身体被剖开,只是身体完全不能动弹。他听到了医生们的谈话,竟然听到了杰克与萨曼莎之间的阴谋,伤心欲绝的他想着自己将要离世了,却在这时候看到了自己的母亲,母亲告诉他不能就此死去……
由于工作和家庭问题一团糟,罗伊·所罗门(迪兰·麦克德莫特 Dylan McDermott饰)和妻子丹妮丝(佩内洛普·安·米勒 Penelope Ann Miller饰)带着正处在青春躁动期的女儿杰西(克里斯汀·斯图尔特 Kristen Stewart饰)和小儿子本(伊万·特纳 Evan Turner 饰),从熙熙攘攘的大都会芝加哥来到了荒凉的北达科他州。他们在当地购买了一座名为“向日葵”的废弃农场,打算在这里展开新的人生。 然而,美好的憧憬往往为残酷的现实所打破。在农场修缮过程中,诡异的事件不断出现,杰西和弟弟仿佛也能看见一些成人看不到的东西。阴森的气氛压得这家人几乎透不过气来,但真正恐怖的事情还远远不止于此……
(JAP/文)1986年4月26日,切尔诺贝利核电站的一个核反应堆发生爆炸,年轻的俄共官员瓦莱里在获悉内部消息后,决定赶紧带着自己的女友维拉逃离此地。当日正值星期六,阳光明媚,人们纷纷外出享受周末,瓦莱里很快发现,这里有一种无形的力量,在阻止着自己离开…… 周六的普里皮亚季镇,街上熙熙攘攘,不少人逛街购物,孩子们在外玩耍,还有人举行婚礼,整座城市显得无忧无虑,与此同时,一场看不见的灾难正在蔓延。人们从来到这里的那一天起,就戴上了无形的手铐,而开锁的钥匙却早已不知所踪。瓦莱里先是丢了护照,接着又崴到脚踝,然后又错过了火车;维拉要在婚礼上献唱,但乐队的鼓手却早已喝得不省人事,无奈又拉上瓦莱里顶替上阵……婚礼渐进高潮,当灾难的消息传来,人们决定继续狂欢。伏特加开了一瓶又一瓶,人们希望陶醉在前一秒那个欢乐的时刻,哪怕这一刻转瞬即逝。 所有人都记得,那是一个星期六,阳光明媚,绿草茵茵。然而一切都在那天定格。那本一个天真无邪的日子,但那一天,却有许多人被无情地卷入死亡的结局。
艾里克(安德鲁斯·威尔森 Andreas Wilson 饰)是一个让所有人都感到头痛的不良少年,逃学翘课打架生事,哪个都少不了他的一份。究其原因,还要归结到父亲的家庭暴力上去。在被公力学校开除后,爱子心切的母亲不得不将艾里克送入了斯特加伯格私立寄宿学校,可当艾里克来到这里后才发现,曾经满心欢喜的以为终于逃脱了家庭掌控的自己不过是从一个监狱被转移到了另一个监狱罢了,高年级的学生们称霸着校园,就连老师们也不敢越雷池半步。 没过多久,艾里克就和室友皮埃尔(亨里克·伦德斯多姆 Henrik Lundström 饰)成为了朋友,皮埃尔温和的性格渐渐改变了艾里克,他发誓要安安分分的念书,直到毕业。可惜天不遂人愿,初来乍到的艾里克很快就成为了校园混混们的欺负对象,在忍辱负重和全力反抗之间,他该如何选择?
/Binka Zhelyazkova
2005年索菲亚国际电影节回顾单元评选的“保加利亚影史十部最伟大影片”之一。 A large balloon suddenly appears above villages and fields and grabs the attention of the peasants. They start liking the sudden guest from nowhere for the beauty of the free existence. A policeman comes and the dreams of freedom vanish. A barrage balloon appears unexpectedly over a Bulgarian village. The startled villagers decide to knock it down with a fusillade. But the balloon flies off to the mountains. The villagers, armed to their teeth, set off after it. But they are not alone in this undertaking. There is another armed group that chases the 'wonder'. An argument whose property the balloon is breaks out between the two groups. It turns out that the balloon flew from Romania over the Danube River. In the turmoil following the argument, the balloon is destroyed. The police arrive and punish the villagers for meddling in other people's affairs.
A loving film tribute to Russian filmmaker Larisa Shepitko, who died tragically in a car accident in 1979 at the age of 40. This documentary by her husband, Elem Klimov, includes excerpts from all of Shepitko's films, and her own voice is heard talking about her life and art. Elem Klimov's grief-stricken elegy Larisa examines the life of his late wife—the film director Larisa Shepitko—through a series of direct-address interviews and photomontages, set against a mournful visual-musical backdrop. Typically, Klimov films his subjects (which include himself and several of Shepitko's collaborators) within a stark, snow-covered forest, its tangled web of trees standing in as metaphorical representation of a perhaps inexpressible suffering, the result of Shepitko's premature death while filming her adaptation of Valentin Rasputin's novella Farewell to Matyora. Interweaving home movie footage with sequences from Shepitko's work (Maya Bulgakova's pensive plane crash reminiscence from Wings takes on several new layers of resonance in this context), Larisa's most powerful passage is its first: accompanied by the grandiose final music cue from Shepitko's You and I, Klimov dissolves between a series of personal photographs that encompass Larisa's entire life, from birth to death. This brief symphony of sorrow anticipates the cathartic reverse-motion climax of Klimov's Come and See, though by placing the scene first within Larisa's chronology, Klimov seems to be working against catharsis. The pain is clearly fresh, the wound still festering, and Klimov wants—above all—to capture how deep misery's knife has cut.
/Aleqsandre Rekhviashvili
The film is set in southern Georgia, which until the end of XIX century was dominated by the Ottoman Empire. The tragic time to be born people of high strength of spirit, such as Antimoz Iverieli - the philosopher-educator. Having experienced in childhood cruelty and injustice, it becomes the path of serving others. Having been removed by the Turks in Romania, a hero at any cost wants to return home. However hard and long this way. Sentenced to death, Antimoz remains in the memory of his countrymen champion of justice.
/Valérie Mréjen,Bertrand Schefer
Iris, seize ans, vit la fin de son adolescence dans une petite ville de province lorsqu'elle rencontre par hasard Jean, un photographe parisien d'une quarantaine d'années. Au fil des rendez-vous, leur relation se transforme en une amitié amoureuse qui bouleverse leurs vies.