The gripping true story of a young man’s journey from hero to alleged war criminal, the determined lawyer on his tail, and their search for truth in the fog of war. Anthony Boyle plays the real-life soldier Brian Wood, accused of war crimes in Iraq by the tenacious human rights lawyer Phil Shiner, played by Toby Jones. The two men go head to head in a legal and moral conflict that takes us from the battlefield - at so-called Checkpoint Danny Boy - to the courtroom, and one of Britain’s biggest ever public inquiries, the Al-Sweady Inquiry. Memory, evidence and trauma collide, as Brian finds himself caught on the fine line between war and unlawful killing. After his service in Iraq and years of legal investigation, will he ever be able to look his family in the eye again and be the husband, father, and son, they need him to be? Danny Boy is an urgent and thought-provoking drama that questions what we ask of those who fight - and kill - for their country. Danny Boy is made by Expectation for the BBC. It is written by Bafta-winner Robert Jones and directed by Sam Miller, and also stars Alex Ferns, Leah McNamara, Pauline Turner, Kiran Sonia Sawar, and Tom Vaughan-Lawlor. Executive Producers are Colin Barr and Susan Horth for Expectation, with Lucy Richer, Jo McClellan and Clare Sillery for the BBC.
1940年,波兰冠军拳王泰迪参与华沙围城保卫战的武装部队,华沙被破,他在逃亡法国途中被捕,成为第一批被送往奥斯威辛集中营的战囚。集中营里朝不保夕,纳粹士兵视为游戏的地下拳击赛,成为泰迪为生存而拼搏的重要战争。然而,一次次激励人心的胜利,却让纳粹长官警觉到囚犯的反抗意识,转而强化管制,眼见冲突逐渐升温,获胜已然成为集中营里残酷的生存之路。 波兰新锐导演马西耶·巴尔切夫斯基首部剧情长片,将战后被忽视的华沙拳王故事搬上大银幕,背号“77”的囚犯在三年内赢了40战,他的奋斗故事成为奥斯威辛囚犯幸存者的集体记忆。波兰金奖演员彼得.葛洛瓦兹基透过长时间密集的身体训练,精采演绎波兰影史最“痛”的角色。 “我的爷爷是集中营幸存者,这个故事一直存在我的血脉之中。”――马西耶·巴尔切夫斯基
/Joshua Tickell,Rebecca Harrell Tickell
生活在现代的雪女后代冰室君,是个一有情绪波动,就会引发暴风雪并制造出雪人或者雪屋的新社会人。由于他对有些独特但很善良的同事冬月小姐的暗恋之情变得越来越强烈,有时候甚至会将周围冰冻起来。另一方面,被周围人认为很高冷的冬月小姐也对神秘的冰室很感兴趣。 两人的关系通过日常工作和公司活动逐渐发生变化,私底下也开始有了交集,然而两人都不擅长谈恋爱,还差一步就能拉近彼此的距离… 由两个看似很酷的人所编织的感人“工作系奇幻爱情喜剧”开幕了!
/Sun-ung KIM,Kwang-soo SON
In a small motel in remote area, two hoodlums and a girl have a sex and they broadcast live the whole thing on mobile. They are interfered by an unknown killer and their lives are in danger, but they don’t stop broadcasting because of the increasing viewers. Now, the brutal killing is watched by a million.
/Vladislav Khesin
"Alone" follows a writer seeking peace and solitude in the countryside in an attempt to recover from tragedy and finish her book. However, as the welcoming country house turns into a living hell, she soon realizes that her inner demons are not the worst of her problems.
/Niki Stein
1779. Eight-year-old Ludwig van Beethoven, called "Louis", is already known as a musical prodigy. He learns to go his own way - much to the dismay of the people around him. Some years later, he meets Mozart during times of political upheaval. The unconventional genius and French Revolution are sparking a fire in Louis' heart; he doesn't want to serve a master - only the arts. Facing times of family tragedies and unrequited love, he almost gives up. However, Louis makes it to Vienna to study under Haydn in 1792, and the rest is history. Who was this man, whose music has since touched countless hearts and minds? At the end of his life, the master is isolated by loss of loved ones and hearing. Surely though, he was way ahead of his times.
《海角上的兄妹》日本新锐导演片山慎三再探人性道德争议之作,发想自轰动日本真实血案『座间九尸命案』,一名女孩四处找寻离家的父亲,竟发现一名模样神似连环杀手的年轻男子顶替了父亲之名,她决定从这名男子身上取得父亲踪迹。 「爸爸今天看见那个被通缉的连环杀手了喔,抓到他就可以有三百万悬赏金。」父亲前晚才跟女儿这样说着,隔天就人间蒸发。焦急的女儿四处追寻,循线来到父亲打零工的地方,用父亲的名字一喊,出现的却是一名陌生年轻人,而那人的样貌竟神似公布栏上的连环杀手! 影片从寻父、寻凶到寻死,既成功捕捉父女间亲密的生活气息,也在调性突转的猛烈暴力中深藏社会批判。实力派演员佐藤二朗一改搞笑形象,细腻诠释复杂纠结的父亲心境;新生代演员清水寻也,看似无害却又冷血残酷的演出,令人不寒而栗。