A Special Ops military Force, led by expert sniper Sergeant Jake Chandler (Steven Seagal), are sent to a remote Afghan village to extract an American congressman being held by the Taliban. The rescue mission is a success, but Jake, separated after a firefight with the enemy, stays behind to help an injured soldier. Sergeant Vic Mosby (Tim Abell) desperately tries to convince Major Jackson (Dale Dye) to let him go back and save the soldiers, but is ordered on a mission to retrieve a truckload of munitions which could be vital for the military base. In direct violation of orders, Vic and his Special Ops Team decide to head back to the village to rescue the stranded soldiers. Outnumbered and out gunned, Vic and his men engage in a massive shootout against the enemy, while Jake uses his expert skills to save them all from certain death.
本部震撼人心的人物传记纪录片《战地摄影师》,忠实地记录下了国际著名战地摄影师詹姆斯·纳切威冒着生命的危险,深入世界各地炮火前沿,用一张张视角独特、构图精美的珍贵影像讲述,一次次战火纷飞中触目惊心的痛苦与伤痛。瑞士著名电视制片人C·弗雷,从1999年6月到2001年6月,一路跟踪采访纳切威的足迹。弗雷将一架特制的超小型摄像机挂在纳切威的照相机上,不仅使观众可以看到这位著名摄影师如何观察、如何拍摄,甚至可以使我们听到他的每一次呼吸和每一次按下的快门声,现场感极强。 这位当今最著名的战地摄影师詹姆斯·纳切威,被誉为“最勇敢、最重要的战争摄影师”之一。自20世纪70年代初,他开始从事战地摄影工作。他的足迹几乎覆盖世界的每个角落,从阿富汗、波斯尼亚、卢旺达、萨尔瓦多,到北爱尔兰、库尔德斯坦、索马里、南非……本片荣获2002年第74届奥斯卡金像奖-最佳纪录长片提名,这是首次以摄影师为题材的影片问鼎奥斯卡奖。
本片是美国“垮掉派”诗人艾伦·金斯堡(詹姆斯·弗兰科 James Franco 饰)的传记片,片名《嚎叫》沿用了金斯堡的同名长诗。 艾伦·金斯堡,是美国战后“垮掉的一代”文学流派里的代表性诗人。他的代表作《嚎叫》出版后备受争议,其出版社甚至被起诉出售淫秽资料。金斯堡的父亲是个无名诗人,他的母亲后被送往精神病院。金斯堡是个同性恋者,他有过三段同性恋情,前两次都无疾而终,而第三段与彼得·奥莱斯基(艾伦·特维特 Aaron Tveit 饰)的恋爱,使他感到无比幸福,这段经历成为他的长诗《嚎叫》的部分灵感来源,而彼得成为了他的终身伴侣。 本片主要以法庭审判长诗《嚎叫》、金斯堡剖白自己、金斯堡在众人面前朗诵长诗这三个场景,来表现传主金斯堡50年代的生平经历以及他的思想,金斯堡的合作者、漫画家埃里克·杜克还会以动画形式来展示诗歌《嚎叫》的内容。
When a family of four rent a beautiful house for their summer vacation, the price seems too good to be true. Unbeknownst to them, the lascivious owner has set up a series of spy cams throughout the house, documenting their most intimate moments and live streaming them to the dark web.
某座城市的鬼屋地狱之夜,吸引无数寻求刺激的男女来此探险。这一天周末,娜塔莉(艾米·福赛思 Amy Forsyth 饰)找到了她的朋友布鲁克(格·爱德沃兹 Reign Edwards 饰)、泰勒(贝克斯·泰勒-克劳斯 Bex Taylor-Klaus 饰)、加文(比·阿特尔 Roby Attal 饰),他们和另外两个男孩约在游乐场见面,准备去鬼屋挑战一番。鬼屋内阴森恐怖,工作人员扮成的鬼怪交替出现,男男女女大呼小叫,好不过瘾。 未过多久,三个女孩和男孩们走散,当她们来到一间教室的场景时,竟意外目睹一个女孩被真实杀害的场景。目睹这一幕的娜塔莉半信半疑,但从鬼屋出来后,她却发现那个凶手仍紧紧跟随着他们一行人……
A boy named Harley and his family (brother Austin, mother Beth, and father Mitch) attends a taping of The Banana Splits TV show, which is supposed to be a fun-filled birthday for young Harley and business as usual for Rebecca, the producer of the series. But things take an unexpected turn -- and the body count quickly rises. Can Harley, his mom and their new pals safely escape?
Three college students, Ryan, Jake, and Erica, set out to film a great horror movie for one of their class projects; but during filming, something goes terribly wrong and the students suddenly find themselves in their own worst nightmare. Some of the events are caught on tape by the camera that Jake continues to record with, a camera that is later retrieved by two detectives, Adams and Dalton. It's now a race against time, and the detectives must use the video to rescue the students. As the case goes deeper, the detectives eventually find themselves in the middle of a dense forest on the outskirts of town, and what they uncover is far worse than what they could have ever imagined
/Steve De Roover,鲁杰罗·德奥达托,Sonia Escolano,伊萨克·厄兹本,Florian Frerichs,Rémi Fréchette,Sadrac González-Perellón,特伦特·海伽,Ama Lea,李尚宇,John Lynch,Andreas Marschall,宝拉雅娜·麦金托什,拉齐·马凯,Chelsea Stardust Peters,Bob Pip
A collection of 24 films that take a look at the dark side of the festive season. 24 international directors with the most diverse ideas and styles; linked by short animated segments that deal with the Advent calendar itself.
/John C. Lyons,Dorota Swies-Lyons
A fracking horror story, "Unearth" follows two neighboring farm families whose relationships are strained when one of them chooses to lease their land to an oil and gas company. In the midst of growing tension, the land is drilled, and something long dormant and terrifying, deep beneath the earth's surface is released. "Unearth" is about the horrifying repercussions sown by shortsighted decisions, and what our children reap from our actions.