/Andy Hay,Jim Loach
Welcome to the official fan page for Hotel Babylon series 4! Check in here for the latest news, gossip and exclusive content courtesy of Carnival Film & Television Ltd. We hope you’ll enjoy your stay, and come back again soon - we’ll be posting exclusive new clips, photos and updates weekly, because whether you’re first-time visitor to Hotel Babylon or a regular guest, all our fans deserve five star treatment. The big news is Nigel Harman is Hotel Babylon’s new star this year. He plays Sam Franklin, a sexy suave and impulsive businessman, joining all your favourite returning characters; Anna, Tony, Gino, James, Ben, Emily and Tanya in the hit BBC One show which takes a tantalizing and seductive insight into the sexy world of the luxury five-star hotel industry. Hotel Babylon lifts the lid on the service industry. When people are paying upwards of three hundred pounds a night for a room, they’re prepared to leave real life at the door and play as hard as they want. Film directors rub shoulders with con-artists, child stars mingle with business billionaires and food gurus chat with glitterati. Weddings and Valentine’s Day, fashion shows and film shoots all combine to produce a heady, hedonistic cocktail where anything can, and does, happen.
/Andy Sidaris
Two drug enforcement agents are killed on a private Hawaiian island. Donna and Taryn, two operatives for The Agency, accidentally intercept a delivery of diamonds intended for drug lord Seth Romero, who takes exception and tries to get them back. Soon other Agency operatives get involved, and a full-scale fight to the finish ensues, complicated here and there by an escaped snake made deadly by Toxic Waste!
《格莫拉第二季》故事将从何处继续?自然会从上一季的结尾开始,可是我们的主角们身在何方呢?有什么样的剧情等着观众呢?由萨瓦托雷·艾斯波西托饰演的杰尼还活着,我们在最后一幕中看到了他手动了,他会回来复仇吗?很可能我们将看到又一次他和马可·达摩雷饰演“命硬仔西罗”的面对面较量。由弗尔图那托·切力诺饰演的堂彼得将试图重建萨瓦斯塔诺家族体系并结识新的盟友。 由玛利亚·皮亚·卡尔佐尼饰演的伊玛·萨瓦斯塔诺死了,母狮留下了众人觊觎的王位。重新塑造一个如此心狠手辣的角色并非易事。一个新的负面形象,长着长长指甲的坏女人的出现成了必要,克莉丝汀娜·多乃朵的舞台剧背景保证了她将会令这一新的大反派的形象深入人心。
At the start of his senior year in high school, Morgan's father has lost his company, so the family moves from Connecticut, where they've been in the yacht club, to an apartment in the San Fernando Valley. Morgan has grown up in the shadow of his high-achieving older brother, and he seems to have a knack for getting into trouble. He also has a stubborn streak, so when he finds himself attracted to Frankie, the girlfriend of the leader of a local gang of youthful thugs, he can't stop himself from pushing her for a relationship. The thug thinks of Frankie as his property and sees the cool, urbane Morgan as dead meat. Is this a struggle to the death?
/Gérard Kikoïne
Charlie, a young aristocrat in turn of the century England, meets a boy named Frank on the road to Portsmouth. What Charlie doesn't realize is that Frank is actually Frances, who's donned a disguise to escape working at a brothel. Charlie takes Frank/Frances into his home, and when he discovers her true identity, the two become lovers. He sends her to London to be trained by his mistress in the art of sex, but she learns much more about her identity as a woman. Before the opening credits, explicitly on-screen it reads: "Based on the famous Victorian erotic novel by an anonymous writer".
/Marat Sargsyan
入围2020年威尼斯电影节影评人周单元 A blue screen informs that war has begun. What will be needed? Collect the men, find guns, or maybe someone will give them. We need a location, a country where the war would take place. No problem, the Colonel is a real pro, he has caused wars to order, or on orders, on multiple occasions in different countries. Now his followers have grown up and caused a war in his country. He doesn’t want to, but he has to fight. He is old and tired of war. He wants to be at the table with a steaming pot of tasty mutton ribs and stare at an innocent TV screen with the news on, and the dressed-up news reporter announces that the war has begun.
/Sonny Laguna,Tommy Wiklund
讲述漫画家Edgar在离婚后搬回家与父母同住,在他哥哥以前的房间里发现了一个魔偶,他于是动心想去纪念Toulon谋杀3 0周年的集会上卖掉它。当他和新女友Ashley一起到达后,发现并不是只有他们想卖掉木偶,所有的木偶都活了过来,步步紧逼,向那些少数名族下手。 虽然属于魔偶系列,这部至小帝国却和1968年的《活死人之夜》很类似,在室内如一家小旅馆里展开情节,游客和住户必须群起而攻之。Edgar的独白告诉观众,为什么Toulon要设计这些木偶,他们很小,却极易在最不可能的情况下击垮你。 影片让我们真实面对来自现实世界的恐惧,还构建了一个虚拟架构,让观众能置身在自己幻想的暴力世界里。
1960年代的泰國小鎮,冷戰的緊張氣氛蔓生,在軍政府獨裁統治下,不同政治立場的人們只能另闢蹊徑。家中經營鐘錶店的小梅,同時受到兩位性格南轅北轍的男性青睞,一位是善良但懦弱的人力車伕,另一位則是神采飛揚的軍官。半世紀後,車水馬龍的曼谷,當年倜儻的軍官成了臥病在床的昏庸將軍,小梅因無情的生命境遇歷盡滄桑。回望那段似水年華的時光,人生一切歡快、遺憾、憂傷與恐懼交織,眼前的場景卻未曾走出命運的輪迴。 導演揉合泰國著名作家查勾吉蒂的小說〈時間〉,以及自身家族經歷,將光陰解剖切片,以影像穿越時間,呈現女性角色面對時代環境的心境轉變。牆上未曾止歇的指針齒輪,滴答滴答地道出時光流轉,揭露政治的醜態、現實的殘酷,探討生命的本質,以及存在的意義。
墨索里尼(费立波·提米 Filippo Timi 饰)于第一次世界大战期间参军入伍,踌躇满志的他将情人达尔塞(乔凡娜·梅索兹殴诺 Giovanna Mezzogiorno 饰)和儿子埃博诺(法布里兹奥·柯斯戴拉 Fabrizio Costella 饰)忘在了脑后,发迹后,墨索里尼娶了蕾切尔(米雪拉·塞尚 Michela Cescon 饰)为妻,生儿育女,而就在此时,达尔塞找到了墨索里尼,希望能够讨个说法,得到属于自己的名分。 墨索里尼在政场中节节攀升,权利越来越大,这也导致达尔塞的存在成为了威胁到他仕途的绊脚石。墨索里尼派出了秘密警察监视控制达尔塞,并且最终将她送入了精神病院。可即便如此,执着的达尔塞依然没有放弃她的诉求。
/Karen Shakhnazarov
中学毕业之后,17岁的伊万(弗•杜纳耶夫斯基 Fyodor Dunayevsky 饰)来到了一家杂志社,成为了那里的通讯员。伊万虽然年纪轻轻,确实一个非常淡泊的男人,他对生命中的很多事情都抱有着无所谓的态度,工作也是随便糊弄一下就完事。 在杂志社里,伊万结识了名叫卡嘉(安娜斯塔西娅•涅莫里亚耶娃 Anastasiya Nemolyayeva 饰)的女孩,两人相见恨晚交谈甚欢,两颗心很快就紧紧的靠在了一起。卡嘉的父亲非常反对女儿和这个不上进的年轻人走到一起,于是伊万欺骗他说卡嘉已经怀上了自己的孩子,这让这个保守的老人大发雷霆。
/程小东 (Siu-Tung Ching)
杰克(史蒂文·席格 Steven Seagal 饰)曾是一位精明强干的CIA特工,一场意外让他和好友孙迪(文峰 Byron Mann 饰)双双选择辞职,孙迪看破了红尘选择出家为僧,而杰克亦因为妻子的去世而背负上了抚养女儿杰西卡(莎拉·玛卢库·莱恩 Sarah Malukul Lane 饰)的沉重责任。 一晃眼十年过去,杰西卡长大成人出落得亭亭玉立,而杰克也早已经习惯了安逸稳定的生活,曾经的腥风血雨已经仿佛是一个模糊的梦了。某日,杰克带着杰西卡和她的好友莎拉(Elidh MacQueen 饰)前往泰国度假,哪知道杰西卡和莎拉竟然被当地的恐怖组织绑架,用以要挟美国释放20名他们的同党。悲愤之中,杰克决定依靠自己的力量同恐怖分子们展开较量。