二十年前,科索沃山边的库许村,一场残酷的大屠杀夺走了当地许多男性的生命,至今仍有不少人下落不明。独力照顾两个孩子和老丈人的法莉一肩扛起家中生计,在丈夫失踪多年后,她决定和镇上一群有着相似境遇的妇女们一起创业,靠着自制的美味红椒酱争取经济独立。在这民风保守、充满父权意识形态的厌女社会,不怀好意的小镇居民总在背后闲言闲语,甚至恶行相向。揣怀着丈夫骤然消逝留下的情感真空,法莉是否能够坚持信念,与伙伴们一起实践自我、寻找继续活下去的意义? 以真实人物故事改编,科索沃新锐导演聚焦经历南斯拉夫内战伤痛的女性,面对生活所展现的坚韧与勇气。镜头细腻而写实地勾勒主角同时身为母亲、妻子、媳妇、创业家等不同社会角色之间的冲突与内心挣扎,面对身后沉痛的历史与前方未知的未来,展现出令人动容的女性力量。
贝姬与丈夫都是极限运动爱好者,然而在一次攀岩中,丈夫意外坠崖不幸丧生,这场灾难给贝姬的内心带来了巨大的创伤,她疏远了周围所有人,沉浸在失去恋人的痛苦中。 同样爱好冒险的亨特为了帮助闺蜜走出悲伤,邀请贝姬同去攀登一座高达610米的废弃电视塔,出于对丈夫的怀念和对自己的挑战,贝姬答应了亨特的邀请,谁知这竟成为了噩梦的开始。 成功登顶后,却遭遇年久失修的扶梯坠落,身下是万丈深渊,二人被困于塔顶的方寸之地,开始了一场心惊肉跳的绝境求生……
/Nick Holt
该剧以真实事件为基础,分为两个时间段,讲述了导致谋杀和审判的事件。雷(巴勒特饰)和他23岁的弟弟内森(塔皮饰)在刺伤母亲的伴侣后被捕。无论什么情况下导致孩子杀人,法律是明确的:刑事责任的年龄是10岁,12岁时,雷必须在成人法庭接受审判。 搬到他母亲维罗妮卡的家和他23岁的哥哥内森在一起,雷目睹了一场争吵,升级为他母亲的伴侣斯科特对他的兄弟进行的暴力斧头攻击。 虽然被逮捕和审判,斯科特被无罪释放,并很快返回住在家里。家庭生活开始恶化,内森变得孤僻,不关心自己的健康和外表,而雷越来越承担起照顾的角色——为了内森,为了他的母亲,为了他的兄弟姐妹,维罗妮卡和斯科特的年幼的孩子。一天晚上,当男孩们听说斯科特威胁要再拿斧头时,兄弟俩对他发动了袭击,残忍地杀死了他。 谋杀发生后,两兄弟被逮捕,并被指控犯有谋杀罪。内森和雷是分开的,因为他们进入司法系统,并满足各自的法律团队。Ray的团队由辩护律师Kerry Stephens领导,负责Ray在寄养家庭的安置(由于他的年龄和“被照顾的孩子”的身份),等待他和他的兄弟一起在成人法庭受审。 克里和她的团队准备了雷的辩护——他们会争辩说,雷在袭击当晚失去了控制,应该被判过失杀人罪而不是谋杀罪。随着审判的开始,他们发现内森的辩护团队已经决定内森不应该作证,让雷独自站在证人席上,为自己的辩护提供证据。
As Batwoman continues to keep the streets of Gotham safe, Batwing joins in on the action, but Luke quickly realizes he hasn't quite mastered his suit. Meanwhile, as Alice sits hopelessly imprisoned in Arkham, Sophie fully enjoys her freedom. When Ryan pays Alice a visit to ask about the bombshell she dropped - that Ryan's birth mother is still alive - Ryan must decide if she should go down the rabbit hole of her past. As Mary prepares to finally graduate from medical school, she feels the absence of her family more than ever. But when an Alice admirer stumbles upon one of the missing Bat Trophies, Gotham and the Bat Team get mixed up in the madness, culminating in a shockingly gruesome graduation - and an equally shocking new partnership.
知名青少年恐怖片《我知道你去年夏天干了什么》将拍新剧集版,Amazon推出。温子仁担任制片人,deadline先报道他有望执导该剧试播集,让一些恐怖爱好者感叹温子仁终于重回老本行,不再“监制”而是导演了。而Bloody Disgusting随后表示:消息源称此报道有误,温子仁还是该剧制作人,导演尚未选出。 目前该剧确定了编剧为Shay Hatten(《疾速追杀3》)。原版电影讲述一群青少年出去玩,深夜不慎撞死(淹死)了一个人,他们隐瞒真相装作无事发生。但不久之后,一封写着“我知道你去年夏天干了什么”的信出现,恐怖的事开始发生……
/Harley Hefford,Evan J. Martin
It is Friday night and five friends gather at a house in rural Australia. Their parents are out of town and it is time to celebrate the end of another school week. No big deal; just a few drinks, a few laughs. As the night grows later, the teens reach a state of alcohol-induced openness. They reveal secrets, crushes and an unintentionally cruel streak. The final year of high school can be paradoxical. Having found some passions and close friends, you often begin to understand your own identity for the first time. And yet, still so young, you can't deny that you've so much to learn about yourself and the world. Maybe, despite thirteen straight years of schooling, you kind of don't know anything. A tribute to an awkward phase that we have all made it through and have powerful memories of, About An Age is a nostalgic coming-of-age film. With charm and authenticity, it examines themes of responsibility, first love and the passing of time via one single evening shared by a group of playful mates.
/Vandana Kataria
It is winter in a prestigious all boys' boarding school, where children continue to practice age-old rituals and codes bound by years of hierarchy of the popular norm. Shay is picked at constantly, the main perpetrators being Arjun, the tall athletic sports captain and his best friend Baadal. Shay and Prithi, the spunky daughter of the new Junior School Principal are cast as Bassanio and Portia in the Founders Day production of Merchant of Venice. Murali, the charismatic drama teacher unknowingly adds salt to Baadal's wounds by casting him as Shay's understudy. Indignant, Baadal vows to get Shay's part at any cost and turns to his buddy Arjun for help. Events take a sinister turn when Shay walks in on Arjun, Baadal and their cronies on a debauched night.
/Nigel Simpkiss
作为全球公认顶级汽车IP,《Top Gear巅峰拍档》至今已有40余年的节目历史,超3.5亿的全球观众,被吉尼斯认证世界最受欢迎的汽车节目。凭借其独一无二的节目风格,电影级别的制作水准,层出不穷的测评创意BBC旗下的《Top Gear巅峰拍档》为全世界的观众带来了一档颠覆概念的汽车节目。 《Top Gear巅峰拍档》第28季于2月25日开始在B站全网独播。本季继续沿用前季主持阵容:英国国民喜剧演员、知名节目主持人帕迪•麦吉尼斯(Paddy Mcguiness),英国板球传奇球员兼知名节目主持人弗雷迪•弗林托夫(Freddie Flintoff)与拥有“汽车百科全书”之称的克里斯•哈里斯(Chris Harris)。全季包含6集精彩内容:165米驾车蹦极;迈凯轮VS战斗机圈速赛;人车越野PK赛,等等。主持人携手走访瑞士、美国、墨西哥、秘鲁等国家,领略美景的同时应对全新的极限挑战。