故事发生在2003年的英国,凯瑟琳(凯拉·奈特莉 Keira Knightley 饰)是服务于英国情报机构的政府通讯翻译官,某日,她收到了一封加密邮件,该邮件揭露了美国国安局串通英国政府,企图入侵伊拉克发动战争的阴谋。 凯瑟琳过着人人羡慕的安稳生活,领着不菲的薪水,有着无量的前途。这封邮件让她陷入了纠结之中,究竟是视若无睹还是勇敢的站出来检举揭发,最终,正义感战胜了私欲,凯瑟琳和律师本(拉尔夫·费因斯 Ralph Fiennes 饰)联手将这封邮件公之于众,很快就引起了群情激奋。紧接着,凯瑟琳就因为违反了《国家机密法》而被指控为叛国罪。
故事发生在英格兰北部的纽卡斯尔,因为遭遇了次贷危机,瑞奇(克里斯·希钦 Kris Hitchen 饰)不仅丢掉了工作,还背负上了巨额的债务。为了维持生计,瑞奇贷款买了一辆小货车,准备靠送货来开启事业的第二春,哪知道他这一没有经过思考的举动给整个家庭都带来了无法挽回的伤害 。 瑞奇的妻子艾比(黛比·哈尼伍德 Debbie Honeywood 饰)是一名家政工,专门为残疾人和老人服务,如今,她不得不依靠公交车往返于不同的雇主家中,这令她感到非常的疲惫。为了偿还货车的贷款,瑞奇不得不将更多的时间花费在工作上,这令他们的大儿子塞布(瑞斯·斯通 Rhys Stone 饰)感到备受冷落。
艾丹·特纳(《霍比特人》《波尔达克》)要演大画家&科学家达芬奇了。他将主演新剧《列奥纳多》(工作标题,尚未正式定名),聚焦列奥纳多·达·芬奇在意大利文艺复兴时期的生活和作品。 这是一部英语剧,Frank Spotnitz(《X档案》)任运作人,Steve Thompson(《神探夏洛克》)编剧,Daniel Percival(《高堡奇人》)执导,Lux Vide和Big Light Productions等是出品方,意大利国家电视台(RAI)等也参与。共8集,今年内开拍。
故事发生在1845年的英国,安妮(查利·墨菲 Charlie Murphy 饰)、夏洛特(菲恩·阿特金斯 Finn Atkins 饰)和艾米丽(克洛伊·皮里 Chloe Pirrie 饰)三姐妹和他们年迈的老父亲一起过着相依为命的生活。弟弟布兰威尔(亚当·纳盖提斯 Adam Nagaitis 饰)的屡屡骚扰让这家人本就贫困的生活雪上加霜。 三姐妹都知道,如果父亲死了,她们或许就要失去赖以生存的房子,流落街头,为了避免这一事态的发生,她们用各自的方法努力着。三姐妹天生善于幻想,热爱写作,可是当时的文坛是不可能发表女性作家所写的作品的。于是,她们使用了男性的笔名写作投稿,并且最终获得了成功。
/Tony Wharmby,小詹姆斯·惠特摩,Terrence O'Hara,莱斯利·利伯曼,托马斯·J.怀特
CBS will be bringing back another one of its veteran dramas for the 2019-20 TV season. Announced this afternoon, the network has officially renewed “NCIS” for its seventeenth season. The news comes after star and executive producer, Mark Harmon, signed a new deal with CBS to reprise his role on the series. “NCIS has been a global juggernaut for almost two decades,” said CBS Entertainment President, Kelly Kahl. “Its viewers are clearly the most loyal of any drama on television. They are passionate about the characters, the plotlines and the storytelling. We owe a huge debt of gratitude to the gifted production team and the cast, led by the extraordinary Mark Harmon. We are delighted that the show will remain a linchpin of the CBS schedule this coming season.” In its current season, “NCIS” has been averaging 12.2 million viewers in the live + same day ratings, making it TV’s second-most-watched scripted series, behind only “The Big Bang Theory.” It has remained a strong performer for CBS, in both its ratings and viewership numbers, and was widely considered to be a strong renewal contender leading up to the announcement today. With this renewal, “NCIS” now joins “Young Sheldon,” “Mom,” “Criminal Minds,” “God Friended Me,” “Magnum P.I.,” “FBI,” and “The Neighborhood” on a growing list scripted titles confirmed to be returning on CBS for the 2019-20 season.