本剧集为《美国怪谈》(American Horror Story)的第二季。 这一季的故事发生在20世纪60年代新英格兰地区的Briarcliff疗养院。故事由生活在现代的新婚夫妇Leo(亚当·莱文 Adam Levine 饰)和Teresa(珍娜·迪万 Jenna Dewan 饰)疗养院的旧址探险拍照引发。当年住在这里的只有三类人:医生护士、牧师修女、精神病罪犯。这所疗养院由Jude修女(杰西卡·兰格 Jessica Lange 饰)和高级神职教士Timothy O’Hara (约瑟夫·费因斯 Joseph Fiennes 饰)共同管理。演精神病医生Thredson(扎克瑞·昆图 Zachary Quinto 饰)拥有他的超前思维,但是经常与Jude修女的管理方式产生矛盾。Arden医生(詹姆斯·克伦威尔 James Cromwell 饰)看起来很温和,但绝非好人。这群人都不像表面看起来那般,而鬼魅的疗养院中也隐藏着可怕而神秘的事物......
/Robert Michael Lewis
Major Palgrave, an idiosyncratic but charming mystery writer, reveals to Miss Marple that one of the guests at a luxurious Caribbean resort they're staying at is a Bluebeard-type wife murderer. Unfortunately, the Major succumbs to an apparently accidental overdose of alcohol and blood pressure medication before revealing the killer's identity. When it's discovered that the medicine belonged to another guest and the revealing photograph the Major was carrying is missing, Miss Marple realizes that the serial killer has struck again and more murders will follow.
The play tells the story of a young couple, Cathy (played by Carol White) and Reg (Ray Brooks). Initially their relationship flourishes and they have a child and move into a modern home. When Reg is injured and loses his well-paid job, they are evicted by bailiffs, and they face a life of poverty and unemployment, illegally squatting in empty houses and staying in shelters. Finally, Cathy has her children taken away by social services.
《青春无禁忌》共 10 集,每集时长半小时,是一部前卫的成人动画喜剧,由现实中的好朋友尼克·克罗尔(《克罗尔秀》《联盟》)和安德鲁·戈尔德贝格(《恶搞之家》)联手打造,围绕美好而又噩梦般的荷尔蒙发作青春期展开。 喜剧演员约翰·木兰尼(《木兰尼:逆转胜小子》《周六夜现场》)为安德鲁这个角色配音,而克罗尔(同时担任联合创剧人、监制)将为包括他好友尼克在内的许多角色配音。玛娅·鲁道夫(《玛雅与玛蒂》《伴娘》)、杰森·曼兹沃克斯(《联盟》《劲爆女郎》)、乔丹·皮尔(《基努猫》《基和皮尔》)、弗莱德·阿米森(《波特兰迪亚》《纪录进行时》)、珍妮·斯蕾特(《都市女孩》《劲爆女郎》)和杰茜·克莱因(《艾米·舒默的内心世界》)等演员都参与了剧集配音。 尼克·克罗尔、安德鲁·戈尔德贝格和编剧兼导演马克·莱文和珍妮佛·弗莱基特都是该剧的创剧人和监制。《青春无禁忌》由 Netflix 出品。
鲁斯(菲丽希缇·琼斯 Felicity Jones 饰)渴望成为一名律师,并且凭借着自己的努力考上了哈佛大学的法学院。在法学院里,鲁斯因为身为女性而遭到了来自各方面的歧视和压力,只有他的丈夫马丁(艾米·汉莫 Armie Hammer 饰)坚定的支持着妻子的选择,因为他明白,鲁斯充满了天赋和正义感。 马丁被查出患上了癌症,病愈之后,他带着孩子们前往纽约工作。为了能够和自己的家人们生活在一起,鲁斯向学校提出希望能够转去哥伦比亚大学完成学业,却被拒绝了。之后,鲁斯离开了哈佛,成为了罗格斯大学的法学教授,可即便她是这样的优秀,依然没有律师行肯聘用她,只因为她是一个女人。
Lynn and Lucy are life-long best friends, their relationship as intense as any romance. Neither has ventured far from where they grew up. Lynn, who married her first boyfriend and whose daughter is fast growing up, is delighted when the charismatic, volatile Lucy has her first baby boy. Lucy, however does not react to being a mother as Lynn expects. Soon, they find their friendship is tested in extreme circumstances.
/Rafael Monserrate
Abandoned by his father at the age of five and raised in near isolation by a loving, yet emotionally unstable and over-protective mother, the only life Peel Munter has ever known is within the confines of his childhood home. Upon his mother's unexpected death, 30-year-old Peel is left lost and utterly alone. With no job, family, or friends, he must make a choice; live as his mother did, lonely and unsettled, or change the course of his impending fate by breaking out into the unknown, facing the trials and tribulations of an outside world he doesn't understand. Unable to make the house payments, Peel decides to take in a couple of drifters as roommates. After forging what seems to be a burgeoning new family and brotherhood, one of the roommates betrays Peel's trust, compelling Peel to venture out in search of his long-lost, real brothers who had been taken away from him decades ago. Along the way, Peel's lack of cynicism and innocence has an inadvertent, yet powerful effect on those he meets, as he brings a group of marginalized misfits closer to their true home.
/Rhonda Baraka
班内特(Bennet)牧师的五个女儿仍然单身。 当非常有资格的威尔·达西(Will Darcy)到达镇上时,班内特(Bennet)夫人将目光投向了女儿丽兹(Lizzie)和那个英俊的单身汉。
/Tiffany Johnson
It's 1989 and Mo makes his first big "discovery" as a newly minted jazz producer. Dawn's still serving time for masterminding Black Monday, Blair learns the hard way how to play politics, and Keith discovers that the late Lenny Leighman has some big follicles to fill. Mo hatches a plot to get Dawn an early release.