  亚当(Emile Abossolo M'bo 饰)曾是一名非常优秀的游泳运动员,还得到过冠军的荣誉,如今,年近60的他早已经告别了赛道退出舞台,现在的亚当,是一家豪华酒店里的泳池救生员。因为酒店经营不善,导致遭人收购,被收购之后,一切亚当早已经习以为常的事情都开始发生了变化。首当其冲的就是他遭到了变相的解雇,需要将职位拱手相让给自己的儿子阿比代尔(Youssouf Djaoro 饰)。  这个国家此时正在进行残酷激烈的内战,政府强制性的规定每一家都必须出钱或者出力。亚当一贫如洗,想要出钱是不可能的,那么,他就只剩下阿比代尔可以“奉献”给他的祖国了。
  本片为侯孝贤向法国导演艾尔伯特•拉摩里斯(Albert Lamorisse)拍摄于1956年的短片、在电影史上有重要地位的《红气球(Le Ballon Rouge)》的致敬之作,也是他继《咖啡时光》之后拍摄的第二部致敬外语片。  Suzanne(朱丽叶•比诺什 Juliette Binoche)每日为一出筹备中的改编自中国元曲的木偶剧《求妻煮海人》中角色的声音演出以及其它琐事忙得焦头烂额,加上丈夫Pierre远在加拿大蒙特利尔写小说,儿子Simon(Simon Iteanu)成了“累赘”,无奈,她请了在巴黎念电影的中国女孩Song(宋芳 Song Fang)照料Simon。与Simon在一起时,Song双手始终不离摄影机,并向好奇她在拍什么的Simon提及《红气球》。  Suzanne的房客Marc(Hippolyte GirardotLouise)仗着是Pierre的朋友,时常做出一些令她愤怒的事,而房租更是借口生活贫困已经好几个月未交。Suzanne有心接在布鲁塞尔的女儿Louise(Louise Margolin)回巴黎念书,决定赶走Marc,却不得Pierre理解。将一切看在眼里的Song没有参与类似琐事,她与Suzanne保持着淡然的朋友关系,多数时间想的只是她的电影:Simon发现一个无人理会的大红气球,拉着它穿越巴黎的大街小巷的过程,被她记录在摄影机里,成了一部电影中的电影。之后,该红气球也似有生命般,始终在Simon出现的地点上空飘来荡去。
15岁的以色列小男孩莫塞斯(Pierre Boulanger 饰)和父亲(Pierre Boulanger 饰)住在巴黎蓝色大道一幢贫穷脏乱的公寓中。母亲(Isabelle Renauld 饰)离家出走,父亲整天沉迷于书本,还编造出一个并不存在的优秀的哥哥打击莫塞斯。本该享受童年快乐的小男孩压抑阴郁,在附近的流莺献出了自己的第一次。  莫塞斯去附近的土耳其穆斯林亚伯拉罕先生(Omar Shariff 饰)的杂货店里偷盗,被亚伯拉罕发现。和蔼的老人原谅了眼前这个小男孩,并亲切地向他传授知识,一老一少从此展开一段弥足珍贵的忘年交……
  Divided into three "kingdoms" -- Enfer (Hell), Purgatoire (Purgatory) and Paradis (Paradise) -- Notre Musique is an indictment of modern times.    頑皮老頭高達在新作挑釁如常,堅持如舊,對電影愛情如一,但從形式到內容,卻續有新境。比前作《愛之頌》更練達更擊中要害,是他近年最激的反思作品。三段結構的開篇〈地獄〉,戰地實錄與荷里活戰爭片交替,寓意彰甚:人類真會嗜戰。〈煉獄〉借薩拉熱窩做說書人,真實與虛構人物(包括高達自己)到此舉行文化圓桌會議,大家在寬恕迷宮中兜轉,唯有佇立已修復的莫斯塔古橋,才感一絲希望。高達最後領我們到〈天堂〉,人間竟有春色如許?但-有美軍駐守!全片最動人一幕:學生問 DV 可否打救電影?高達哀哀面向鏡頭,良久不語......  
  曾经是朋友眼中的爱情楷模,而如今结婚业已15年的尼古拉(布鲁诺·托德契尼 Bruno Todeschini 饰)和玛丽(瓦莱丽亚·布诺妮-泰特琪 Valeria Bruni Tedeschi 饰)却突然宣告离婚,这令周围的人惊诧不已。在外人看来,他们的分手十分友好,似乎这好聚好散的样子也很让人羡慕。可是个中的痛苦几人知,即使离婚了,他们还结伴前往巴黎参加好友的婚礼,还延续着生活中各种各样的小习惯,还会歇斯底里地指责对方的种种不是,还会为了对方吃醋生闷气。厮守亦或分别,不能改变的是你在我心中决然不可动摇的位置。爱已成为习惯,我们无法停止……  本片荣获2005年洛迦诺国际电影节CICAE奖和评审团特别奖。
  以上世纪西班牙內战为背景的政治惊悚片,前沙皇将军菲欧多带着妻子移居巴黎后,过着神秘的生活,在公产主义者受到压制的法国,菲欧多却公开声称自己的真实身份是间谍,而且是个三重间谍,同时服务于俄国的白军和红军,甚至德国的纳粹军。  1936年的欧洲,正值西班牙内战时期。身为前任沙皇军队将军的费欧多携着他年轻的希腊妻子阿茜诺一同移居巴黎。法国人对战争漠不关心,只管取笑西班牙人。阿茜诺同情她的共产主义邻居,费欧多的态度却很暧昧,他频繁地外出,谁也不知道 他去了哪里,做了什么,他还公开宣称自己是间谍。他究竟是为谁工作的?他是忠于沙皇的白军?红军间谍?纳粹分子?还是个三重间谍?
  剧情简介  这是一部散文式的电影,表现的是生命在人群里的心灵孤单,影片通过时空交叉的手法,在看似杂乱无章的情节里以一个枪支经销商、一伙艺术品小偷、一帮疯狂的老男人、一个压抑的警察以及形形色色的怪人因为一幅被盗的19世纪的油画和一个 18 世纪破损的陶瓷餐盘落和入不同人手中的产生的不同故事,带出导演对艺术和生命偶然性的思索,导演让这种戏剧性匆忙了黑色幽默和人性的绝望,有着一种对流逝莫名的伤怀和法国电影特有的艺术情趣。  幕后花絮  影片以优雅的弦乐四重奏贯穿全剧和电影里险恶、卑微的人性的产生了鲜明的戏剧冲突。影片开始于18世纪同样结束于这个年代,影片以黑白画面表述18世纪女模特在画室的场景有着关于艺术永恒的追忆,而被砸碎的瓷盘则有着逝者如斯的感怀。影片以跳切手法剪接对观众理清头绪是个考验。  片子里导演以残垣断壁和马蹄下的碎瓷表明了战争对于艺术的无情践踏和损害。同样抽烟的孩子,争夺出租车的人们这些市井的场面是导演对当下法国人文环境的看法,有些细节十分有意思,那般狂人炸了街心花园后,警察局里按部就班传递公文的滑稽镜头是隐喻性的。同样,枪支经销商和他妻子举办沙龙,两人在客人面前的温文尔雅和客人走后各进各的房间和情人幽会的场面是对中产阶级虚伪假面的批判和辛辣讽刺。导演以寥寥几个划出镜头就已经表现了这类沙龙的造作和乏味,而经典的场景是出现在夫妇俩送客以后,各自回房各自偷欢,所以好的影像是可以通过画面本身说话的。看似凌乱的场面里有着作者对于历史和人生的独到见解。电影隐晦指证了资本主义婚姻的虚假,特别是警察局探长家里自己家孩子一起抽烟的场景有着对次序维护者的疑问,通过这些无人管束的孩子反映着成人世界的隔阂和伪善。同样通过枪械商人家的兴衰反映了人就是历史过客的主题,能够留存的是艺术品本身的价值,而不是艺术品占有者的名声。  影片情节安排上也是比较巧妙的,孩子们在街头玩耍将玻璃片放在汽车轮胎下为此后追捕时枪械商人的束手就擒形成了必然的联系。影片最后许多主人公因为各种原因被杀了,一方面表示了当代社会的动荡,另一方面又反衬了人是过客的主题。  影片结尾有着法式的忧伤,那代表着历史传承的老屋被推土机推倒,而黑白影像里前人的优雅只是记忆里的,导演在这部影片以瓷盘和一幅画在不同人手中的轮回,讥讽了人的贪念和偶然性里人的无奈。用一个物件作为线索贯穿整部电影的有很多,比如中国的早期影片《压岁钱》,但是,能够从中读解出深层人文意义的,此片导演的艺术见地无疑是高明的,此片是导演第一部法文影片,它在优雅的姿态下隐喻了生命的逝去…影片以它深刻的人生寓意而获1984年威尼斯电影节特别评审团大奖
  普泽(雅克·维列雷 Jacques Villeret 饰)是当地一名受人尊敬的小学老师,他还有另一个身份——小丑。一到星期天,他就带上家当,在戏团里表演令人捧腹的小丑独角戏。儿子鲁西恩十分不理解他这种行为,觉得父亲的表演令他难堪。普泽的好朋友安德(安德烈·杜索里埃 André Dussollier 饰)看出了鲁西恩的心思,于是向他讲起了一段往事。  二战期间,在法国的一个小镇上,普泽和安德为了讨好他们心仪的一个姑娘,决定当一回抗战英雄。夜里,他们把德军占领的铁路设施炸毁了,同时也炸伤了一名法国老工人。不久,德军为了揪出凶手,就随机抽取四个本地男人作为人质,如果真凶不来投案,就枪决人质。不幸的是,普泽和安德也被抽中。人质被囚禁在一个深坑里,就在他们又冷又饿之时,坑口上出现了一个德国士兵。他对着四人做出各种滑稽动作,还把食物扔给他们,他说自己以前是马戏团里的小丑……
  Magdalena and Maria are two twin sisters who were separated at birth and know nothing of the other’s existence.  Maria runs away from the boarding school in which she was brought up and finds work as a cabaret performer in the cafés of Marseilles.  Magdalena lives with her adopted parents and works in an art gallery.  The two sisters are joined by an invisible bond which draws them towards the same tragic conclusion.  Director Werner Schroeter has acquired a reputation as an experimentalist filmmaker, hailed by some as an underrated genius, reviled by others for being a peddler of self-indulgent kitsch.  Deux is arguably Schroeter’s most ambitious, unsettling and repulsive work to date.  The director certainly wastes no time in alienating his audience; from the first ten minutes of the film it is clear this is not going to be an easy ride.  The narrative cuts haphazardly between seemingly unconnected events, alternating between realism and stylised fantasy dream sequences, periodically shocking the spectator with graphic images of lesbian sex and a woman being slowly disembowelled.  Having several actors playing multiple parts only adds to the sense of artifice and utter confusion, which is a pity as there is manifestly a lot of great acting talent on show – not least of which is Isabelle Huppert.  The film’s sheer relentless grotesqueness and self-indulgence is so extreme, so unbridled, so stomach-churningly provocative, that it is hard to take any of it seriously.
  Eric (Corin Redgrave) is a novelist whose imagination is unusually powerful. While exploring a run-down mansion in the French countryside, looking for sites for his stories, he meets a girl dressed in clothes from another time. Returning to the site, he encounters a modern woman who says he probably met a ghost. He is fascinated by the situation which cannot be what it seems.
  Iris, seize ans, vit la fin de son adolescence dans une petite ville de province lorsqu'elle rencontre par hasard Jean, un photographe parisien d'une quarantaine d'années. Au fil des rendez-vous, leur relation se transforme en une amitié amoureuse qui bouleverse leurs vies.
  This movie is also called "Dust of life" in English and was made by Alex Bouchareb in 1994.  In 1975, 3 kids decide to escape a reeducation camp in the Vietnamese equatorial forest near Cambodia where the Amerasians are imprisoned, tortured both mentally and physically. Son, the hero is sent in that camp after her mother fails to find his father to send him away to America.  Search the web for the title to find more information. You can find the poster of the movie on cineposters dot com.  Kind of reminds me of Papillon or the Killing Fields though maybe a notch down in terms of realization... This movie is based on facts from the after war.
  Fantômas makes it as the emperor of Crime. First is the robbery at the Royal Palace Hotel. Then he abducts Lord Beltham. As Fantômas' fame increases actor Valgrand creates the rôle of public enemy No.1 on stage. Eventually Inspector Juve, with a little help from Fandor, arrests Fantômas and he is soon sentenced to die on the guillotine. But... Written by viktor-18
  Voice 1 (male "professional announcer" type): This neighborhood(1) was made for the wretched dignity of the petty bourgeoisie, for respectable occupations and intellectual tourism. The sedentary population of the upper floors was sheltered from the influences of the street. This neighborhood has remained the same. It was the strange setting of our story, where a systematic questioning of all the diversions and works of a society, a total critique of its idea of happiness, was expressed in acts.  These people also scorned "subjective profundity". They were interested in nothing but an adequate and concrete expression of themselves.  Voice 2 (Debord, monotone): Human beings are not fully conscious of their real life - usually groping in the dark; overwhelmed by the consequences of their acts; at every moment groups and individuals find themselves confronted with results they have not wished.  Voice 1: They said that oblivion was their ruling passion. They wanted to reinvent everything each day; to become the masters and possessors of their own lives.  Just as one does not judge a man according to the conception he has of himself, one cannot judge such periods of transition according to their own consciousness; on the contrary, one must explain the consciousness through the contradictions of material life, through the conflict between social conditions and the forces of social production.  The progress achieved in the domination of nature was not yet matched by a corresponding liberation of everyday life. Youth passed away among the various controls of resignation.  Our camera has captured for you a few aspects of a provisional microsociety.  The knowledge of empirical facts remains abstract and superficial as long as it is not concretized by its integration into the whole "” which alone permits the supersession of partial and abstract problems so as to arrive at their concrete essence, and implicitly at their meaning.  This group was on the margins of the economy. It tended toward a role of pure consumption, and first of all the free consumption of its time. It thus found itself directly engaged in qualitative variations of everyday life but deprived of any means to intervene in them.  The group ranged over a very small area. The same times brought them back to the same places. No one went to bed early. Discussion on the meaning of all this continued...  Voice 2: "Our life is a journey "” In the winter and the night. "” We seek our passage..."�  Voice 1: The abandoned literature nevertheless exerted a delaying action on new affective formulations.  Voice 2: There was the fatigue and the cold of the morning in this much-traversed labyrinth, like an enigma that we had to resolve. It was a looking-glass reality through which we had to discover the potential richness of reality.  On the bank of the river evening began once again; and caresses; and the importance of a world without importance. Just as the eyes have a blurred vision of many things and can see only one clearly, so the will can strive only incompletely toward diverse objects and can completely love only one at a time.  Voice 3 (young girl): No one counted on the future. It would never be possible to be together later, or anywhere else. There would never be a greater freedom.  Voice 1: The refusal of time and of growing old automatically limited encounters in this narrow, contingent zone, where what was lacking was felt as irreparable. The extreme precariousness of the means of getting by without working was at the root of this impatience which made excesses necessary and breaks definitive.  Voice 2: One never really contests an organization of existence without contesting all of that organization's forms of language.  Voice 1: When freedom is practiced in a closed circle, it fades into a dream, becomes a mere representation of itself. The ambiance of play is by nature unstable. At any moment "ordinary life"� can prevail once again. The geographical limitation of play is even more striking than its temporal limitation. Any game takes place within the contours of its spatial domain. Around the neighborhood, around its fleeting and threatened immobility, stretched a half-known city where people met only by chance, losing their way forever.  The girls who found their way there, because they were legally under the control of their families until the age of eighteen, were often recaptured by the defenders of that detestable institution. They were generally confined under the guard of those creatures who among all the bad products of a bad society are the most ugly and repugnant: nuns.  What usually makes documentaries so easy to understand is the arbitrary limitation of their subject matter. They describe the atomization of social functions and the isolation of their products. One can, in contrast, envisage the entire complexity of a moment which is not resolved into a work, a moment whose movement indissolubly contains facts and values and whose meaning does not yet appear. The subject matter of the documentary would then be this confused totality.  Voice 2: The era had arrived at a level of knowledge and technical means that made possible, and increasingly necessary, a direct construction of all aspects of a liberated affective and practical existence. The appearance of these superior means of action, still unused because of the delays in the project of liquidating the commodity economy, had already condemned aesthetic activity, whose ambitions and powers were both outdated. The decay of art and of all the values of former mores had formed our sociological background. The ruling class's monopoly over the instruments we needed to control in order to realize the collective art of our time had excluded us from a cultural production officially devoted to illustrating and repeating the past. An art film on this generation can only be a film on its absence of real creations.  Everyone unthinkingly followed the paths learned once and for all, to their work and their home, to their predictable future. For them duty had already become a habit, and habit a duty. They did not see the deficiency of their city. They thought the deficiency of their life was natural. We wanted to break out of this conditioning, in quest of another use of the urban landscape, in quest of new passions. The atmosphere of a few places gave us intimations of the future powers of an architecture it would be necessary to create to be the support and framework for less mediocre games. We could expect nothing of anything we had not ourselves altered. The urban environment proclaimed the orders and tastes of the ruling society just as violently as the newspapers. It is man who makes the unity of the world, but man has extended himself everywhere. People can see nothing around them that is not their own image; everything speaks to them of themselves. Their very landscape is alive. There were obstacles everywhere. There was a cohesion in the obstacles of all types. They maintained the coherent reign of poverty. Everything being connected, it was necessary to change everything by a unitary struggle, or nothing. It was necessary to link up with the masses, but we were surrounded by sleep.  Voice 3: The dictatorship of the proletariat is a desperate struggle, bloody and bloodless, violent and peaceful, military and economic, educational and administrative, against the forces and traditions of the old world.  Voice 1: In this country it is once again the men of order who have rebelled. They have reinforced their power. They have been able to aggravate the grotesqueness of the ruling conditions according to their will. They have embellished their system with the funereal ceremonies of the past.  Voice 2: Years, like a single instant prolonged to this point, come to an end.  Voice 1: What was directly lived reappears frozen in the distance, fit into the tastes and illusions of an era, carried away with it.  Voice 2: The appearance of events that we have not made, that others have made against us, now obliges us to be aware of the passage of time, its results, the transformation of our own desires into events. What differentiates the past from the present is precisely its out-of-reach objectivity; there is no more should-be; being is so consumed that it has ceased to exist. The details are already lost in the dust of time. Who was afraid of life, afraid of the night, afraid of being taken, afraid of being kept?  Voice 3: What should be abolished continues, and we continue to wear away with it. We are engulfed. We are separated. The years pass and we haven't changed anything.  Voice 2: Once again morning in the same streets. Once again the fatigue of so many similarly passed nights. It is a walk that has lasted a long time.  Voice 1: Really hard to drink more.  Voice 2: Of course one might make a film of it. But even if such a film succeeds in being as fundamentally disconnected and unsatisfying as the reality it deals with, it will never be more than a re-creation "” poor and false like this botched traveling shot.  Voice 3: There are now people who pride themselves on being authors of films, as others were authors of novels. They are even more backward than the novelists because they are unaware of the decomposition and exhaustion of individual expression in our time, ignorant of the end of the arts of passivity. They are praised for their sincerity since they dramatize, with more personal depth, the conventions of which their life consists. There is talk of the liberation of the cinema. But what does it matter to us if one more art is liberated through which Tom, Dick or Harry can joyously express their slavish sentiments? The only interesting venture is the liberation of everyday life, not only in the perspectives of history but for us and right away. This entails the withering away of alienated forms of communication. The cinema, too, has to be destroyed.  Voice 2: In the final analysis, stars are created by the need we have for them, and not by their talent or lack of talent or even by the film industry or advertising. Miserable need, dismal, anonymous life that would like to expand itself to the dimensions of cinema life. The imaginary life on the screen is the product of this real need. The star is the projection of this need.  The images of the advertisements during the intermissions are more suited than any others for evoking an intermission of life.  To really describe this era it would no doubt be necessary to show many other things. But what would be the point?  Better to grasp the totality of what has been done and what remains to be done than to add more ruins to the old world of the spectacle and of memories.  1. This film, which evokes the lettrist experiences at the origin of the situationist movement, opens with shots of the Paris district frequented by the lettrists in the early 1950s.
  1984年七月, Varda 在 Avignon 的一棟養老院裡看到一個名為《活生生與人造的》(Le vivant et l'artificiel)的展覽。展覽場裡,藝術品與動物、人工心臟、發霉的牆壁混亂地共存著。視覺上的震憾讓她久久不能自己,於是她決定帶領我們,重回險地。我們看到一間間住宅,或空的、或滿的。隨著時間流逝,卻留下奇怪的痕跡。另外, Varda 也在這家養老院裡遇到了即將是《無法無家》裡的「女僕」 Yolande Moreau 和「老太太」 Marthe Jarnias 。  Varda 曰:  『在高速火車的搖晃下,我無法讓自己不去想–那些我的精神正試著去吸納的不協調的影像。一到巴黎,我立刻打電話給 Louis Bec 和 Bernard Faivre d'Arcier ,要求他們讓我去拍這個展覽,不是為了去理解它,而是為了從中汲取靈感。他們答應了。幾天之後,我們出發前往拍片。在回到 Avignon 的高速火車的搖晃下, Nurith Aviv 要求看我的大筆記,好知道他將要拍的是甚麼。筆記紙幾乎還是空白的,我們只看到一些標題:廚房、父母的房間、用餐、窗戶。所有的家庭生活都註記到了,但沒有一樣是準備好了的。整部影片完全是以即興的方式去拍的,沒有標記、沒有脈絡。我只不過是跟隨著因參觀現場而感受到自己真實的心臟跳動,和那些仍然令人感到溫暖的老人的存在。』  A.   Varda,1993年, in Varda par Agnès, Ed. Cahiers du cinéma, 1994.
  Un professeur d’histoire qui habite avec son amie d’enfance part pour aller vivre avec une autre femme: sa vie se délite, il abandonne ses cours et se met à boire.
  Six unused scenes from WHERE LIES YOUR HIDDEN SMILE? One of the more priceless of the "bagatelles" in this collection features a lounging Jean-Marie Straub who gives a non-stop disquisition on liberty and filmmaking while Danièle Huillet busies herself with laundry, and their dog Melchior frisks in and out of frame.
  对于音乐家雷米(帕特里克·迪瓦尔 Patrick Dewaere 饰)来说,日子变得越来越不好过,不仅仅是职业上的停滞不前,妻子一成不变的容颜和乏味的婚姻生活也让他几近抓狂。就在这个节骨眼上,妻子车祸身亡的消息让雷米感到震惊却又有一丝解脱,而妻子留下的14岁的继女玛丽安(阿里尔·贝西 Ariel Besse 饰)也成为了一个包袱。  玛丽安的生父想夺回玛丽安的抚养权,没想到,小小的玛丽安却更愿意和继父生活在一起。同一屋檐下,这对没有血缘关系的“父女”之间的情感变得朦胧而又暧昧。对于玛丽安的火热表白,雷米从最初的果断拒绝到之后的欲拒还迎,他能否守住伦理道德的最后一条底线呢?
  A young mute woman, living in a small village, is expecting a baby. Her husband is at the same time writing a novel and using the villagers as his characters. In the creative process, reality and imagination are constantly intertwined.
  本片记录了西部非洲的乡下青年到城市打工的经历。许多尼日利亚青年离开位于内陆的家乡来到沿海国家象牙海岸打工,许多人在首都阿比让的平民区落脚。本片主人公是一位仿照美国电影明星取名爱德华·罗宾逊的年轻人,他在摄影机前讲述自己及其同伴的故事。The film depicts an ordinary week in the lives of men and women from Niger who have migrated to Abidjan, Cote D'Ivoire for work. After a short introduction by Rouch, "Edward G. Robinson"-Omarou Ganda, who like the film's other subject-collaborators plays himself under the name of a Western movie star-takes over the film's narration, recreating dialogue and providing freewheeling commentary on his experiences.
  Each night in Paris, hundreds of men and women anonymously use telephone lines that date from the German Occupation and are no longer listed to talk to each other, to love each other. These people, shipwrecked lovers, are dying to love, to escape the abyss of solitude...
  平民家庭的托托(Thomas Godet 饰)与隔壁富人家庭的阿尔弗雷德(Hugo Harold Harrison 饰)在同一家医院同一天内出生。托托坚信,因为医院的一场大火,导致他们两个婴儿被父母抱错。本该属于他的优渥生活被阿尔弗雷德夺去,当然,每当他提及此事时不免遭受阿尔弗雷德的一顿老拳。随着父亲的意外去世,托托对阿尔弗雷德一家的嫉恨逐渐加深。憎恨并未令他得到满足与补偿,反而使他的一生永远笼罩在阴影之中……  本片荣获1991年戛纳电影节青年奖最佳外语片奖、1992年法国凯撒奖最佳外语片奖、1991年欧洲电影节最佳男主角(Michel Bouquet),最佳摄影,最佳剧本和青年电影奖、1992年葡萄牙奇幻国际电影节最佳影片和最佳剧本。
  这是史诗片巨匠冈斯的早期作品,原版长达九个小时。  影片讲述一个类似现在电视肥皂剧的故事:铁路工程师从一次车祸中救回一个女孩,把她当作女儿来领养。不料他自己和儿子都对女孩产生好感。为了不让儿子占有她,遂把女孩嫁给了一个富人。但儿子和养女之间有着压制不住的爱情。儿子跟她丈夫发生争执,不幸死亡。老人把儿子的死归咎于养女,不愿再见到她。后来他眼睛瞎了,养女偷偷回来照料他,直至为他送终。  影片的革命性表现在如下方面:开场的火车事故蒙太奇采用快速剪辑,极具震撼力;平庸的剧情中增加了大量文学典故,丰富了内涵;摄影和剪辑均具有一定的形式感,如镜头的节奏跟音乐相吻合,画面中的机器被用作现代化的象征等,开启了“纯电影”的先河。片名指命运的轮回、欲望的轮回,由车轮形象来暗示。
  以绝对遵循教条、荣誉和服从为原则的某法国驻东非殖民地志愿兵团,迎来一批新兵,其中最突出的当属有着英俊相貌和威猛身材的桑泰恩(格利哥力•格林),他同时吸引司令官布鲁诺(米修•苏宝尔)和中尉布格罗普(丹尼斯•拉凡)投来灼热渴慕的目光。  在接触中,桑泰恩与布鲁诺渐渐表现出暧昧的同性爱意,这引起布格罗普的不快,继而生出混杂了多种情感的嫉妒,最终,他设下圈套,迫使桑泰恩离开兵团,但他自己也因此结束了志愿军生涯。
  成长在贫穷的吉普赛营地的埃德蒙·维达尔,又名摩门,保有着一份对家庭的责任感,无限忠诚与骄傲。尤其是,他和因偷窃而入狱的瑟奇·舒特尔依然保存着 友谊。两人无可避免的卷入到犯罪组织,六七十年代昂匪帮因持械抢劫而臭名卓著。不断壮大的匪帮在70年代中期得以遏制。今天,已年逾60的埃德蒙欲将这段 生活抹去,找个地方从生意中抽身,转向过去因此而受苦的妻子以及儿孙,而妻儿长孙对这个男人所拥有的坦率、普遍价值、清醒的头脑、以及无限仁慈深表尊敬。 但瑟奇·舒特尔的到来,这无法抹去的历史又会掀起怎样的涟漪……  幕后制作  奥利维埃·马夏尔被认为是法国六七十年、梅尔维尔时代黑帮片的继承者。他的《36警局》、《MR73左轮枪》虽然属于一般的商业警匪范畴,但情节有着 强烈的现实感和宿命感,显示出导演的功力。他的最新作品《里昂黑帮》日前在法国上映,影片有着成为一部法国版“教父”和“盗火线”的野心,但得到的评价较 为两级。有的观众认为影片的故事讲得很真诚,有的则计较其风格过于刻意和不够统一。奥利维埃·马夏尔本人在从影之前就是一名警察,他的前两部作品也都是讲 述警察的故事,但《里昂黑帮》将镜头对准了他们的对立面,“我并不希望美化黑帮,相反表现了他们之间所谓神圣的不可侵犯的男人情谊只不过是一种幻觉。我的 黑帮最终不是横死就是落狱,没有什么好下场。”
  Akerman's Toute une nuit is a collection of vignettes depicting the fancies and dramatic moments of a number of people throughout one summer night. The film has little dialogue and relies on a remarkable series of contrasts for effect: a sultry night of deep, often painful depictions of passion visualized in a stark and grainy manner against the backdrop of a spiritless, bland Brussels.  被认为是仅次于让娜 迪尔曼的该导演另一部杰作
  Two children go behind the scenes of a small circus.
  因抢劫罪被判十二年徒刑的吉诺(阿兰·德隆饰)刑满出狱,在社工热尔曼(让·加宾Jean Gabin饰)的热心帮助和循循善诱下,他决心痛改前非,重新做人。但信奉“罪犯永远都是罪犯”的警长杰特勒(米歇尔·布盖 Michel Bouquet饰)却仍然不信任他,处处与他作对,最终逼得他走投无路,终于失控杀死了警长杰特勒。经过冷酷、教条的法庭的审讯后,吉诺最终被推上了断头台。  这是一部对专制暴政和断头台提出强烈控诉和谴责的人道主义电影,深沉的主题和场面常令观众陷入巨大的感情波澜之中。本片在巴黎及其近郊放映时,仅十周内观众人数就高达四十八万人次。1981年,密特朗总统上台后,通过了在法国取消死刑的新法令。
  Like his fiery study of a popular milieu in Fièvre, Louis Delluc's early masterpiece of impressionist cinema, La Femme de Nulle Part, is almost impossible to see outside of rare archival projections in Paris. Shot in natural settings, and stripped of all that is not cinema, Delluc's psychological drama featuring symbolist muse Eve Francis is an experiment in 'direct style.' A fascinating study in the relationship between past and present, memory, dream and reality, this revolutionary film would be a source of inspiration for successive filmmakers, from Francois Truffaut to Alain Resnais.
  皮埃尔(哈迪·克鲁格 Hardy Krüger 饰)是一名前法国空军飞行员,在一次战斗中他的飞机坠落,他也因此失忆,约莫而立之年的他战后回到巴黎,和女友玛德琳(Nicole Courcel 饰)过着单调平淡的生活,却被失忆和战后综合征所困扰。直到一天,他遇到了一个被父亲送往修道院的小女孩西贝尔(Patricia Gozzi 饰),得知了西贝尔被双亲遗弃的身世,皮埃尔开始在每周末都冒充其父亲去修道院接她,他们在塞纳河畔一起玩耍,他们有自己的密语,甚至有自己的仪式,西贝尔的单纯清澈仿佛给皮埃尔的苦闷生活注入了阳光,他的心灵创伤也慢慢地被治愈。然而,这段纯真友谊却引来外人的猜疑、误解和非议,甚至是修道院的投诉和警察的介入。在一个安详的圣诞夜,皮埃尔和西贝尔相互依偎在河畔,然而他们谁也不知道,黑夜背后等待他们的是什么……  本片曾获1963年奥斯卡和金球奖最佳外语片。
  利奥克斯是一个狂热的古董收藏家和资深的文物鉴赏家,正因为他对古董和文物的狂热,以至于利奥克斯干什么事都风风火火、来去匆匆。就在他刚从一位卧床不起的老人手中购得一处老宅子,即将准备飞赴非洲洽谈购买另一批珍贵文物的时候,卖宅子老人的孙女洛斯小姐找上门来。洛斯小姐以爷爷没有完全法律权利出卖宅子为由,想退回款项、收回宅子。然而,在几次简短的接触以后,洛斯小姐却被已年过四十的利奥克斯那种敢做敢为的个人魅力所征服,不久就决定嫁给他,并在利奥克斯飞赴非洲临登机的前几分钟内以身相许。  利奥克斯带着助手加斯丁来到非洲,但当他见到阿卑部落首领,首领却以盗窃和非法走私文物罪将利奥克斯和加斯丁逮捕入狱。在付出二百六十余万法郎的罚款后,利奥克斯回到了洛斯小姐的身边。不久,洛斯发现自己已怀孕在身,可利奥克斯却正为一只公元前六百年的绝世花瓶和弗里曼展开激烈的竞争。而此时在医生的诊断下,利奥克斯患有的冠状动脉供血不足将会时刻威胁着他的生命。但是,为了得到那只花瓶,利奥克斯不顾一切,倾其所有,当经过他精心布置并以两千五百万法郎的天价击败所有对手,得到那只花瓶的时候,利奥克斯在餐厅的电话机旁轰然倒地,从此再也没有起来。
  The Crucible的最早版本,比Daniel Day Lewis的版本早了四十年
  Claudie, a young French woman, inherits her uncle's property in Algeria, much to the disappointment of her scheming cousins Diane and Manuel. On the ferry she meets and falls for Pierre, an idle young man who has squandered his inheritance and is on his way to beg from Christian, his rich but rough-and-ready uncle, who owns a neighbouring farm to Claudie's. Made to work on the farm by Christian as a loan condition, Pierre is soon a changed man, and proposes to Claudie. But when his Arab friend Zoubir invites the Europeans on a hunting party, Diane and Manuel see their chance to move against their cousin.
  获奖:2003年布宜诺斯艾利斯独立电影节最佳电影  2003年戛纳影展法国文化奖年度最佳外国导演  2003年戛纳影展“一种注目”最佳电影  介绍:在广阔的毛里塔尼亚沙漠的边缘座落着一个叫Nouadhibou的临海小镇。在那儿,17岁的阿布达拉在移居欧洲前准备去探望母亲。这位忧郁的年轻人觉得自己在家乡格格不入;不会说当地语言;躲避乡村的风俗习惯和传统节日;相比传统服饰,他更喜欢最新的欧洲款式。但是阿布达拉还是融入到这片陌生的环境和当地居民的生活当中。他遇上忧伤而魅惑的娜娜;年长的巧手工玛塔;还有浓眉大眼的乐观小孤儿卡特拉。导演这部充满诗意,摄影优美的电影细致地观察并尖锐地对发展和传统之间的冲突做出尖锐的分析。
  主授英国文学的大学教授玛丽(夏洛特·兰普林 Charlotte Rampling 饰),在其端庄切不可侵犯的外表下,隐藏着沉睡已久的蓬勃欲望。她与丈夫让(布鲁诺·克雷默 Bruno Cremer 饰)几十年的生活平淡如水,波澜不惊。这一切,却被丈夫的失踪击得粉碎。某个海滨的早晨,让独自离开度假小屋,一去不返。在此之后,玛丽似乎竭力控制着自己的情感,她设想丈夫仍在身边,每天陪她逛街、采购、聊天,生活一如既往。  不久,一具尸体被打捞上来。玛丽的自我麻痹结束,她开始试图了解丈夫的一切,却发现夫妻俩的隔阂与疏离如此之深。而在这一过程中,关于让的行踪也变得扑朔迷离,或生或死,永无定论……