Sam et Stéphane, deux amis d’enfance fabriquent avec succès des skis haut de gamme jusqu’au jour où leur entreprise est menacée. Pour la sauver, ils se lancent dans un pari fou : qualifier Sam aux Jeux Olympiques pour l’Algérie, le pays de son père. Au-delà de l’exploit sportif, ce défi improbable va pousser Sam à renouer avec une partie de ses racines.
/N.D. Wilson
Diz (Joel Courtney) is a reckless teenage drifter living life on the run. Abandoned by his parents as a child, he looks out for himself and doesn't accept handouts. He takes whatever he wants and runs. Jaded and determined to answer to no one, Diz lives a life marked by thievery and abandonment. Things change for Diz when he floats into a small town on the Snake River. There he is confronted by an unflappable old man named Marty and falls for Marty's guarded granddaughter, Selah. When Diz robs a local drug-dealing crazy, he becomes the owner of a giant pile of cash and the target of two vicious killers. With more money than he knows what to do with, and criminals at his heels, Diz puts the people he's learned to care about in danger, still trying to win Selah. But some things can't be stolen or bought. The River Thief is a film about guilt, self-sacrifice, and accepting life as a gift.
/Adrian Tanner
A city PR girl goes on the run accused of leaking information from the military supply company where she works. Chased by ex-soldiers she hides with her brother, a member of a shadowy hacker group, and has to choose between her luxury life - and the Redistributors.
/阿敏·马塔广,Annemarie Jacir
A romantic adventure with an intriguing blend of modern and classic touches, THE RENDEZVOUS throws together RACHEL, a Jewish-American doctor and JAKE, an Arab-American government bureaucrat, who are trying to solve the mysterious death of Rachel's treasure hunting brother. Racing around the world, they find themselves being hunted by a doomsday group calling themselves the Armageddonites who believe Rachel and Jake possess an ancient script discovered by Rachel's brother that could bring about the end of days. Caught in the middle of a plot to hasten the end of mankind, Rachel and Jake need to solve a murder, save the world and discover for themselves that treasure is where you find it.
/Ludovic Colbeau-Justin,娜威尔·玛达尼
Lila had a dream to become a dancer since she's a little. She went to Paris trying to make her dream come true. But soon she found out it's not what she thought, her dream was disillusioned. Then she decided to be as a stand-up comedian and a famous one to make her father proud..
新一任龙骑侠,送花少年果果曾经在好朋友的帮助下封印了邪恶的黑都督。过久了平淡无奇的生活,果果的内心又开始躁动起来,然而追求速度和力量的他只能将一腔英雄热血用在与舅舅斗智斗勇上。伴随着一场离奇的大火,一个叫嘀嗒的水精灵彻底颠覆了他的生活,新的冒险也因此展开。 果果再次召集老搭档妙妙和小头四,一起勇闯神秘的水精灵工厂,却发现精灵工厂看似地上天宫般繁华兴荣的背后,其实隐藏着可怕的秘密!面对热情好客的火魔和行踪成谜的精灵印哥,究竟谁才是工厂真正的主人?而等待果果的是误会一场还是生死未卜的宿命对决?曾经可爱胆小的小火苗又是如何变成狂妄自傲的大火魔?难道真相的背后还隐匿着更多不为人知的神秘力量?这一切纷争和谜底都等待着龙骑侠果果用心灵的智慧一一揭晓。 野心勃勃的幕后黑手步步为营,请君入瓮,果果陷入生死危机!他和伙伴们能否解开心结,让清冽可口的泉水再次流淌在水之洲美丽的山川之中?虽然成长伴随着无限的烦恼,但是少年英雄龙骑侠必定会在艰险的旅途上,再次证明自己可以用爱和勇气改变整个世界!
/Anne Hamilton
When 11-year-old Gitty discovers that her beloved father is hiding a wealthy man in her family's silo in order to save their struggling farm, she is forced to choose between saving the man's life or protecting her family from the consequences of their actions. AMERICAN FABLE is a fairytale thriller set in the 1980s rural Midwest about a courageous girl living in a dark - sometimes magical - world.
/Katie Cokinos
Instead of chasing boys on the beach with her friends, recent college grad Dora finds herself caring for her reclusive Great Aunt in snowy upstate New York. When the imaginative girl discovers her aunt's hidden romantic past, Dora dreams that their revelation will pull Aunt Vera and herself from their mutual depressions.
Directed by Florence Miailhe, a specialist of animated painting and winner of the 2002 César for her short film Au premier dimanche d’août, The Crossing is her first feature film, wholly painted. Written with bestselling French writer Marie Desplechin, the script is about two children on the roads of exile.
/Rick Bota
Appraiser Rachel (Lindsey Shaw) receives the news that her top-notched client wants to buyout a small town's beloved library to build a resort and spa on the land. Rachel is completely against the idea of leaving NYC but loses the argument to her boss. So Rachel packs her bags and flies out to California. During her first visit to the library she runs into writer, Jake (Derek Theler), who is researching the tale of Captain Black Bart's hidden treasures for his next novel. With hopes of saving the library, Mrs. Archer (Rachel Ticotin), the librarian, pushes Jake to show Rachel what the library means to the town. Jake's already got a lot on his plate with his research and taking care of his niece, Hailey (Chiara Aurelia), and nephew, Noah (Max Page), for the summer but he agrees to help out. As Rachel learns what the library means to the community she must find away to save it before it's too late.
/Jan Haering
西蒙(弗罗里安·巴西奥罗麦 Florian Bartholomäi 饰)是国际食品安全集团的总裁,负责集团内的安全防范工作,他要将在这里的雇员看得死死的,以防他们泄露集团的机密消息。西蒙是个非常谨慎和严谨的男人,这样的性格让他在工作方面十分得心应手,但相对的,公司里没有一个人喜欢他,因为他在潜意识里将所有人都当成告密者一般的严刑审查。 西蒙的公司研发出了一种0卡路里的食品配方,这个配方一旦被公之于众,势必会掀起革命的浪潮。糟糕的是,一位名叫李(娜塔莉亚·别利茨基 Natalia Belitski 饰)的员工偷走了这份配方,西蒙必须在她带着配方投奔其他公司之前将其拦截。