/Harley Hefford,Evan J. Martin
It is Friday night and five friends gather at a house in rural Australia. Their parents are out of town and it is time to celebrate the end of another school week. No big deal; just a few drinks, a few laughs. As the night grows later, the teens reach a state of alcohol-induced openness. They reveal secrets, crushes and an unintentionally cruel streak. The final year of high school can be paradoxical. Having found some passions and close friends, you often begin to understand your own identity for the first time. And yet, still so young, you can't deny that you've so much to learn about yourself and the world. Maybe, despite thirteen straight years of schooling, you kind of don't know anything. A tribute to an awkward phase that we have all made it through and have powerful memories of, About An Age is a nostalgic coming-of-age film. With charm and authenticity, it examines themes of responsibility, first love and the passing of time via one single evening shared by a group of playful mates.
/Brian Klein,Gary Broadhurst
The boys attempt to turn an old Renault Espace people carrier and turn it into a convertible people carrier. Richard road tests a pink Nissan Micra convertible. James road tests the funky new Honda Civic. Jeremy road test Sweden's outrageous supercar, the Koenigsegg CCX. The boys said good buy to the Suzuki Liana and welcome the new Chevrolet Lacetti as the new Reasonably Price Car.
健吾(竹野内豊饰)是个普通的水族馆员工,他原本有个幸福和睦的小家庭,最近却为了妹妹玛利亚(北乃きい饰)罹患重病而愁眉不展。除了要支付巨额的治疗费用,若不能早日找到匹配的肝脏,妹妹便有生命危险。健吾的未婚妻美奈子(板谷由夏饰)因无法承受巨大压力而离开了他。 某日,健吾无意间救下一名欲轻生的女子,该女子名为梨沙(上戸彩饰),哥哥(稻垣吾郎饰)不务正业,拖欠高利贷巨款,梨沙只好去风尘场所工作为家里还贷,不堪重负的她已经丧失了对生活的信心。 情急之下,健吾突然萌生和梨沙假结婚,再让她移植肝脏救妹妹的念头……
巴勒斯坦难民莫·纳贾尔跨越了两种文化、三种语言和大量无稽之谈的界限,并且在获得美国公民身份的道路上不断地遇到各种阻碍。他的家人(包括坚强不屈的母亲、姐姐和哥哥)逃到了德克萨斯州的休斯顿。笑着摆脱痛苦,莫学会了适应他的新世界,尽管成功之路上会挫折不断。 这部打动人心的喜剧片由喜剧演员莫·阿米尔(《The Vagabond》《黑亚当》)和拉米·尤素夫(《拉米》《黑客军团》)担任创剧人和监制。该剧集由 A24 的拉维·南丹和哈莉·塞科夫、哈里斯·丹诺(《星星之火》《黛西与乐队》)、卢夫·拉赫(《说唱王戴夫》《费城永远阳光灿烂》)以及剧集导演索尔曼·纳伊姆(“滑头”)共同担任监制。
/Jeffrey W. Byrd,Tasha Smith
FOX宣布直接预订Karin Gist及Lee Daniels负责的剧《我们一族 Our Kind Of People》,这部剧灵感来自Lawrence Otis Graham所写《Our Kind of People: Inside America’s Black Upper Class》,讲述在马萨葡萄园岛的橡树崖镇上,这里有个已经超过50年历史的黑人富人家族,而单亲母亲的女主Angela Vaughn为了使家庭名誉再次发挥光芒而发明了一种给黑人女性发质用的护发产品。但这也使得女主母亲的秘密被发挖出来,并震撼了这个小社区。
The genre-busting series tells the story of Katie and Stefan who fall for each other at a wedding and begin an affair, despite Katie already having a fiancé. Two months later at Katie’s wedding, her new husband and his entire family are murdered. The police think Stefan did it. Stefan thinks Katie did it. And no one knows for sure what the truth is… The series is an action-packed romp across the UK and the US as Katie and Stefan go on the run, all while trying to prove their innocence. Streaming September 8, only on Hulu.