从表面上来看,美夕(长沢美树 配音)是一个普通的少女,但她还有着第二重身份——东方吸血鬼。但是,作为一个吸血鬼,美夕的猎物并不是人类,正相反,她的任务是解救被“魔神”侵蚀的人类,不惜一切手段,甚至是将人类送入地狱。“魔神”,是善于控制人类心智的一种魔物,它们潜伏在人类的内心深处,待到最恰当的时机突然爆发,而这种爆发,对于人来来说,往往都意味着死亡。美夕正是用吸血的方式,将魔神驱逐出人类的身体再加以消灭。同时,作为美夕一直的敌人,冷羽(绪方美惠 配音)一直在其后紧追不舍。 在战斗的进程中,美夕渐渐发现,魔神并不是真正的敌人,真正的敌人是躲在魔神背后的操纵者,只有消灭了操纵者,才能够使人类获得永恒的救赎。而当操纵者的真面目出现在美夕面前时,美夕受到了极大的震撼。
Young, bestselling author Eryn Bellow concludes her bookstore tour with her agent selling film rights and closing a six figure advance for her follow-up. Headwinds arise as critics get offended by the claims that Eryn is being declared a living literary legend.77mi.cc The storm gathers force as the assaults gravitate from bad reviews to a fake-memoir designed to obliterate her from the field. Through the noise, Eryn attempts to write her way out of the public fray, and reclaim her voice in the minds of her readers. Along the way, she hopes to prove a happy ending is not always a bad thing.
柯尔爵士(乔什·怀特豪斯 Josh Whitehouse 饰)本是生活在中世纪的一名骑士,哪知道却被女巫做法,传送到了现代的俄亥俄州,此时的这里正值圣诞前夕,整个城市都洋溢着欢快的节日气氛。可是 ,这气氛却半点都没有感染到生活在这里的女教师布鲁奇(瓦妮莎·哈金斯 Vanessa Hudgens 饰),她刚刚离开一段失败的感情,整个人都被阴云所笼罩。 在这样的情况下,不知所措的柯尔爵士和布鲁奇相遇了,善良的布鲁奇收留了无家可归的柯尔,教他如何在现代社会里生存下去,随着时间的推移,两人之间结下了真挚的友谊。柯尔爵士发现,自己被传送到现代,是为了完成某种使命的,只要完成任务,他就可以回到属于自己的年代。
《直到世界末日》讲述了两个年轻人意外地在世界的最后13天里生活在一起的故事。阿特是一个非常有吸引力的商科学生;不幸的是,一场事故使他失去了记忆。正因为如此,阿特依靠高尔夫帮助他导航,为世界末日做准备。作为一名医学生,高尔夫有着紧张的家庭和人际关系史问题。格斯,他唯一的兄弟也在监狱里,他已经没有人了。在阿特出事的时候,政府宣布将人们疏散到地堡,因为世界很快就要结束了。参与事件的高尔夫决定不去掩体,而是去帮助阿特。他们在外面的余生充满了混乱。他们都被龙和笑话追着跑,他们的目的是在世界末日之前尽可能多地杀人。高尔夫从来没有感受过什么是来自另一个人的深爱。他什么也不想要,只想在死前找到爱,趁他还有机会,阿特想回到他的家乡。他们的关系得到了改善,他们似乎知道他们都“恋爱了”。高尔夫和艺术需要在彼此混乱的感情中导航。因为他们都知道自己会死。 “Till The World Ends” is a story of two young men as they find themselves accidentally living together throughout the last 13 days of the world. Art a very attractive business student; unfortunately an accident caused him to lose his memories. Due to that, Art relies on Golf to help him navigate and prepare for the end of the world. Golf, a medical student, has a stressful history of family and relationship problems. Gus, his only brother also in jail, he has no one left. At the time Art has an accident, the government announces the evacuation of people to the bunker because the world will end soon. Golf, who was involved in the incident decided not to go to the bunker but to help Art instead. The rest of their lives outside were full of chaos. They both being chased by Long and Joke who had purpose to kill people as many as he can before the world ends. Golf has never felt what is a deep love from another person. He wanted nothing more, just to find love while he still has chance before he dies, Art wanted to go back to his hometown. Their relationship was improved and they seemed to know that they both are “in love”. Golf and Art need to navigate their confusing feelings for each other. Because they both know exactly that they are going to die.