Preem将在剧中饰演一对性格迥异的双胞胎Pang和Puen。Pang是泰国的明星,而Puen生活在澳大利亚,她们并不知道对方的存在。 Pang和由Chakrit饰演的Kanlong是好朋友,两人处在友达以上、恋人未满的状态,但他们的母亲都不喜欢自己孩子的朋友。 Puen常和自己的妹妹吵架。她的朋友蓝菲是泰国一个明星Warat(Bomb Tanin饰演)的粉丝,因为Warat和Pang合作电视剧,蓝菲偶然在电视上看到了Pang,并惊讶于Pang和Puen的长相十分相似。蓝菲将她的发现告诉了Puen,Puen当时正和家人吵架,也对她和Pang长相相似这件事产生疑问,Puen和蓝菲决定一起去泰国探寻真相。 Puen和蓝菲去到了Warat下榻的旅馆还有拍戏的地方,Pang的经纪人误将Puen认作Pang。于是双胞胎相遇了,Pang不相信Puen和自己是双胞胎,还去做了DNA测试。 Pang和Kanlong去外府游玩,让Puen代替她在曼谷做大明星。Pang误会Kanlong要借此机会向她表白,但Kanlong其实是想Pang帮他拍摄广告,两人不欢而散。Pang回到曼谷后发现Puen惹了不少麻烦,擅自帮她签下了很多工作,包括参加一个烹饪的节目,因为Puen本人很喜欢做菜。尽管Pang对此很生气,但没说什么,因为Pang知道做菜是Puen的梦想。 DNA检测结果表明Pang和Puen的确是双胞胎。Puen为了让Pang和Kanlong重归于好,Puen便偷偷假扮成Pang。Pang对此很生气,对Puen撒谎说她们并不是双胞胎。Puen知道Pang在撒谎,于是替代Pang去拍摄Kanlong的广告,两人为此大吵一架,并发生了事故。Pang伤势较重,一直昏迷不醒。Puen醒来后觉得很惭愧,就替代Pang去工作和当Kanlong的女友。 Warat偶然得知Puen的真实身份,趁火打劫,让Puen做自己女友,不然就戳穿Puen的谎言。Puen其实也有点喜欢Warat,便答应了Warat的“要挟”。所以现在Puen既是Kanlong的女友又是Warat的女友。 Puen录视频向Warat表白,但大家无意间都看到了视频。大家认为Puen(其实是Pang,大家毕竟一直把Puen和Pang都认作Pang)脚踏两只船,是卡萨诺薇(即女版卡萨诺瓦,卡萨诺瓦是著名的意大利风流才子,后人通常用卡萨诺瓦形容花花公子)。公司为了保护Pang的形象,就说这是Pang为新戏拍的广告。 Puen忘记自己其实不是真正的Pang,答应了Kanlong的求婚。与此同时,真正的Pang苏醒了,但Pang对大家说自己是Puen,让Puen继续扮演自己。Puen不知该如何面对,开始乱想,到底是做Pang号好,还是做原来的自己好。 Pang无意中看到Puen手机里Puen和Warat的合照,知道他们彼此相爱,很失望(?)。Pang叫Kanlong出来见面,结果赴约的人却是Puen。Pang让Puen选择到底是当谁。 在婚礼当天,Puen决定取消婚礼,跟大家道歉并说明事实,然后飞回澳大利亚。当Pang赶到时,Puen已经离开了。
/Tassos Boulmetis
7岁的凡尼斯(乔治斯·科拉菲斯 Georges Corraface 饰)与家人生活在伊斯坦布尔,他的祖父拥有一家香料店,在那里,凡尼斯度过了他的童年。祖父通过类比香料的特性来教授凡尼斯关于生命、宇宙和地理的各种知识,年幼的凡尼斯还爱上了与他一起玩耍的土耳其女孩,姗美。然而不久后,政治的暴乱破坏了美满的家庭,凡尼斯和父母因持有希腊国籍而被驱逐出镜,迁往雅典,身为土耳其公民的祖父则得以留下。时光飞逝,不惑之年的凡尼斯已经成为了一名天文学教授,备受尊重,但他却觉得生活中充满迷茫,似乎总是缺少那么一点香料。离开家乡的35年来,他依然渴望着回到儿时的故乡,渴望着再见到那个美好的女孩…… 本片根据编剧、导演Tassos Boulmetis的真实经历改编。
伯克曼一家正面临一场家庭危机。老爸伯纳德(杰夫·丹尼尔斯 Jeff Daniels 饰)事业正在走下坡路,曾是畅销作家的他如今变得湮没无闻,反而是妻子琼(劳拉·琳妮 Laura Linney 饰)而今在写作上声名鹊起,令伯纳德倍感落差,并选择用尖酸刻薄嘴脸面对妻子的成功,二人不得不面临婚姻破裂的结局。两个儿子必定要因父母关系受到困扰。大儿子沃尔特(杰西·艾森伯格 Jesse Eisenberg 饰)16岁了,正值青春萌动,他坚决站在父亲一边,不料自己喜欢的女生竟然上了父亲的床;小儿子弗兰克(欧文•克莱恩 Owen Kline 饰)12岁,将父母离婚视作世界末日,甚至开始喝酒,因支持母亲变得和哥哥势不两立。一家四口的不知所措深深印在两个孩子的成长里面……
/Koo Ekkasit Trakulkasemsuk
San Kaew is a cunning girl who disguised herself as a boy to find her real dad. She then finally meets him. Panin, a player businessman, is shocked, then he remembered that he was once involved with a woman named Thipkesorn, San Kaew's mother. He thinks his son is a lady boy and tries to be a good role model to him, so he can be a man, but he doesn't know that she's a girl.
Kaewsai just graduated from Faculty of Communications and started working at a broadcast station owned by Mutthana, who is her father's lover. Her parents got divorced when she was a child and she was raised by her grandparents. Mutthana had only one son, Siwa, who is arrogant and hates Kaewsai's father because he thinks that he stole his mother's love. Siwa came back to Thailand after studying abroad for many years and meets Kaewsai in a party. He's impressed with her strong and smart personality, but starts to hate her after he found out who her dad is. Kaewsai has to prove herselft to everyone who thinks she only got work at the station because of her connections, while facing many mean and selfish people. Other executives at the station have a grudge against Siwa's mother so he also has to prove himself when he's cast as the main actor in a lakorn directed by Kaewsai. He starts to fall in love with her unexpectedly, and she also falls for him after they get close.
The film follows the story of three girls in contemporary Paris. One searches for her lost mother since she knows she's adopted. The other has come out of a coma and needs to have a love relationship aside from his mysterious father. The third one is a crook who redeems herself through love. The action is commented by songs and dance routines.
A company that produces a toxic chemical tries to improve its image via a popular spokesperson, Ricky Coogan. Ricky travels to South America to get a first-hand look at the chemical's effects and finds himself at a mutant freak farm. Elijah, who runs the farm, is only too happy to have new subjects on which to try his freak machine. The very chemical that Ricky is supposed to promote is the one responsible for creating the great variety of freaks.
Maria (Paula Kalenberg), Nils (Jonas Nay), Janina (Nilam Farooq) und Ben (Louis Nitsche) erfordert starke Nerven: Vier Wochen lang tauchen die zwei befreundeten und von persönlichen Krisen geplagten Paare ihre Partner untereinander. Die einzige Regel in der Zeit ist dabei eindeutig formuliert: Alles ist erlaubt, außer Geschlechtsverkehr. Natürlich bleibt das Ganze nicht ohne Folgen. Nachdem nicht nur Versprechen gebrochen und Gefühle verletzt werden, beginnen die vier Experimentierenden damit, ihre eigenen Lebens- und Beziehungsmodelle zu hinterfragen. Am Ende sehen sie sich mit der schwierigen Frage konfrontiert: Wen lieben wir eigentlich wirklich?
/Jean-Luc Ayach
Léo, a contemporary artist, wants to reconnect with Élise, his former companion but Vincent Van Gogh, who returned to our time, fell in love with her. An over-realistic love triangle emerges and artistic issues appear in the background.
Classic British comedy adapted from a James Thurber story about a tweed manufacturer's elderly accountant who devises a plan to save the company from an American takeover bid. The arrival of an efficiency expert from the States causes enough of a stir but, when it turns out to be a woman, the old-fashioned number cruncher declares war. Man-eating businesswoman, Angela Barrows is sent by her US company to Edinburgh to investigate export opportunities. She meets businessman Robert MacPherson en route and he persuades her to help bring his company into the 20th century. The staff, lead by Mr. Martin, have other ideas and a battle between the old and new business methods breaks out.
/Sharon Maguire
年轻的母亲(Michelle Williams 饰)和拆弹专家的丈夫、4岁的儿子(Sidney Johnston 饰)幸福生活在一起,但一场灾难摧毁了这个小家庭。父亲在和儿子现场观看阿森纳足球的比赛时,球场遭到恐怖袭击,发生剧烈爆炸,而年轻的母亲目睹了这一切。 和她有过一夜之情报社记者加斯帕•布莱克(Ewan McGregor 饰)潜心寻找当天的线索,终于在录像中发现了爆炸的制造者,同时也得知这起事件早已为政府预知。年轻母亲按加斯帕提供的资料找到恐怖分子的遗孀和儿子,她在男孩身上得到了心灵的慰籍。 真相总然残酷,而生活仍在继续。是继续活在回忆中,还是勇敢面对未来……
在一场旅行之中,Chanachol(查克利·彦纳姆 Shahkrit Yamnarm 饰)邂逅了美丽的导游小姐Mekhala(卡恩皮彻尔·凯特玛妮 Karnpitchar Ketmanee 饰),两人一见钟情坠入了情网。然而,Mekhala拥有着神秘不可告人的身世,一条可怕凶猛的大蛇宛如她的守护者一般,会攻击每一个试图靠近它的主人的男人。灵蛇的存在并没有让Chanachol死心,却是他的妻子发现了丈夫的不忠,令Chanachol和Mekhala的恋情陷入了举步维艰的境地。最终,Mekhala选择了离开,与此同时,Chanachol亦发现妻子和自己的下属兼好友有染。心灰意冷的Chanachol想到了了断自己的性命,但在死之前,他唯一想最后再看一眼的人是Mekhala。最终,Chanachol死在了灵蛇的利牙之下,而Mekhala则开启了另一段似曾相识的情缘。
/Carlo Caldana
一位名叫奧義夫的聾啞畫家陷入戒酒及亡妻之痛,當他偷偷溜到一個私人招待會上為他的經紀人扮演間諜時,發現了一位與他已故妻子艾蜜莉有著驚人相似之處的客人,他試圖找出對方是誰的同時,也陷入了一場誤會、錯誤的身份和婚姻陰謀的旋風中。 其他人也看了