/Kim Sun-Ung
「就算地球今天要被毁灭,也要给我完成配音工作才能离开!」「超狂!超疯!超现实喜剧 诞生!!!」曾经有个时期,配音演员的地位非常重要,无论是动画、广播剧、纪录片,或各种需要旁白的电影,但曾几何时,他们的地位渐渐不保,开始被没有专业配音技术的明星、甚至是网红、YouTuber给取代,越来越少的机会留给他们,这些正统的配音演员为了争一口饭吃,也只能竞争得火热。一群来自不同背景的配音演员为了一个游戏案子,齐聚在电话亭大小的玻璃录音室裡,而他们的期限就是今天。遭受录音室外的众多压力,各形各色的崩溃挫折齐生,配音内容也开始荒腔走板,到后来一场不可思议的「英雄旅程」超展开……这是一封献给所有有尊严的配音员的情书,不,是挑战书!
/David E. Kelly
Ally McBeal and Billy Thomas were going steady throughout their childhoods. Ally even followed Billy to Harvard law school despite having no interest in law. But when Billy chose to pursue a career in law away from Ally, their relationship came to an end. In the present, an old classmate of Ally's named Richard Fish gives Ally a job at his law firm, where Billy and his new wife are also working. This puts Ally in a predicament since she still has feelings for Billy which she's laboring to get over. At the office, Ally puts up with a nosy, gossiping secretary named Elaine, and an oddball lawyer named John Cage never seems to lose a case. At home, Ally's friend and house-mate Renée regularly advises her on her love life. The series follows Ally's trials and tribulations in life through her eyes, and caricaturizes her personal thoughts and fantasies. Written by Ondre Lombard
/汉娜·巴洛,Kane Senes
Cecilia and Emma were tween-age BFFs who were going to grow old together and never let anything come between them, until Alex arrived on the scene. Twelve years later, Cecilia is a successful social media influencer living the dream of an independent, modern millennial woman... until she runs into Emma for the first time in over a decade. Emma invites Cecilia away on her bachelorette weekend at a remote cabin in the mountains, where Alex proceeds to make Cecilia’s weekend a living hell. #triggered
/Sri Kishore
科瑞斯纳(陈家宏 饰)从小跟着父亲从印度来到了香港生活,因为他的血统,科瑞斯纳常常遭到周围人的误解和歧视,这让他感到非常的愤怒,连带着也不喜欢香港这个城市。某日,一心想要离开香港的科瑞斯纳邂逅了请教杰思铭(陈欣妍 饰)的女孩,美丽的杰思铭一下子就吸引了科瑞斯纳的注意,也成为了他决定继续留在香港的原因。 谁知道,杰思铭早就名花有主,她的男朋友(张建声 饰)不仅家境殷实,还样貌出众,科瑞斯纳和他比起来,宛如一个小丑。可即便这样,科瑞斯纳还是对杰思铭展开了热烈的攻势,在他的不懈努力下,科瑞斯纳能否顺利的抱得美人归呢?