芝加哥警署第21辖区分为两个部分,包括直接打击犯罪的行动组和负责调查城市之中犯罪团伙的情报组。汉克(杰森·贝吉 Jason Beghe 饰)是情报组的组长,他嫉恶如仇,将打击犯罪当做自己义不容辞的首要任务,在他英明果断的决策下,许多穷凶极恶的犯罪分子一一落网。 安东尼奥(乔恩·塞达 Jon Seda 饰)是汉克手下的一员要将,尽管他曾经和汉克有过一段不太愉快的过去,但他依然将在汉克手下工作当做是一种光荣。其他身在行动组的组员们亦是如此,能够跻身成为情报组中的一员是他们梦寐以求的事情。然而,情报组的工作谈何容易,加入了情报组,就以为这要和芝加哥最邪恶、最凶残的罪犯展开正面交锋。
Sergeant Voight tries to find out who is behind the murder of Jin, and come up with the unbelievable discovery and learned that Sergeant Edwin Stillwell playing a double game with the intention of getting out on the surface of the big fish along with Voight. In the meantime, all members of the intelligence departments receive death threats from an unknown group called "Shadow". At several places in Chicago in a fire, explosion, and robbery, for which "Shadow" take responsibility, bringing the city into chaos.
警探雷•维尔克鲁(科林•法瑞尔 Colin Farrel 饰)在加州芬奇市工作,跌入人生谷底消沉多年,他离异,酗酒,脾气暴躁。他是当地黑帮头目弗兰克•谢苗(文斯•沃恩 Vince Vaugh 饰)的手下,弗兰克多年前除掉了强奸雷妻子的男人。他为谢苗干一些零活, 比如殴打 了一个最近写了一系列组织犯罪事件的记者。维尔克鲁最近的活儿是找到失踪数日的市政执行官本•卡斯帕雷的下落。文图拉县警长安妮•贝德拉丝(瑞秋•麦克亚当斯 Rachel McAdams 饰)在工作上很成功,却疏远了她从事色情主播的妹妹阿西娜以及她身为新宗教领袖的父亲。加州高速公巡警保罗•沃德拉夫(泰勒•克奇 Taylor Kitsch 饰)得知他被停职处理,一个年轻女人谎称他要求和她性交易才能放行。 一天深夜,一男子被发现端坐在高速路边的长椅上已经离奇死亡,三位来自不同城市和不同政府机构警察汇聚在一起联手侦查此案。在调查过程中,他们逐渐发现案子远比他们设想的复杂得多。
16世纪,日本爆发应仁之乱,战火瞬时蔓延全国。国内征伐不断,百姓流离失所。是时妖魔邪祟趁虚而入,祸乱人间。吸血鬼在魔王鬼源真祖的率领下大肆屠害生灵,与之相对,另有一部分吸血鬼猎人挺身而出,与这群恶魔展开斗争,彼此缠斗近400年。 20世纪70年代,猎人集团以“红盾”的名义存在,他们中的少女猎人藤本小夜(全智贤 饰)尤其出众。小夜是吸血鬼和人类结合生下的女孩,她表面上是一个16岁的普通女高中生,实际上却是年龄接近400岁的吸血鬼猎人。她受命潜入美军基地内一所美国人学校,在此结识了将军的女儿爱丽丝(Allison Miller 饰),并将其从吸血鬼的手中救出。真祖及其手下蠢蠢欲动,他们和猎人绵亘了数百年的恩怨终于要做个了断……
/Todd Sheets
The goal with CLOWNADO is to make a damned good, scary and splatter-filled, nonstop roller coaster ride of a Horror movie. It's something new, fresh, original and unique but also familiar. Using only Practical Special Makeup Effects and old school styled Visual Effects, CLOWNADO has the vibe of Classic Horror movies we love. Think Evil Dead, Dead Alive, Bad Taste and Texas Chainsaw Massacre if Lucio Fulci was directing, all mixed in a swirling storm of insanity. Now add in scary supernatural Clowns and the cinematic visual style known as FILM NOIR. - intense composition with shadow and light. - and a bit of that incredible John Carpenter suspense (John was also influenced by Noir classics). - and you have an Ambitious, Over the Top Gorefest Epic!. Don't judge a book by it's cover - This is certainly no comedy.
After surgery glamorous actress, Veronica Ghent, travels with her nurse, Desi, to the remote highlands in order to attend a healing retreat. The other guests are eccentric and there is something different about the land; the nature seems to have a purpose of its own. Immersing herself in the dramatic surroundings, Veronica is given a new lease of life and finds purpose through the magical elements in the land. Desi must overcome her own battles to help Veronica make peace with herself. Veronica and Desi, the motherless child and the childless mother, find in each other a sense of family, and the future of a new dawn opens up to them.
艾德娜(罗苹·纳文 Robyn Nevin 饰)虽然年事已高但一直过着独居生活。一天,她的女儿凯(艾米莉·莫迪默 Emily Mortimer 饰)和孙女山姆(贝拉·希思科特 Bella Heathcote 饰)接到了警方的来电,告知了她们艾德娜失踪的消息。震惊之余,两人急急忙忙的赶回了祖宅。 搜索行动刚刚展开没多久,艾德娜竟然自己又出现了。对于失踪的这几天的经历,艾德娜只口不提,大家也只能够以她换上了阿兹海默症来解释这一切。艾德娜的回归让大家都松了一口气,但谁知道悲剧才刚刚开始,回家后的艾德娜一改往日的心性,就仿佛变了一个人一样,有时候她的举动甚至让凯和山姆感到恐惧。
A listless grand-daughter, Chance Sinclair (Avery Konrad), is sentenced to live with her draconian grand-father, August (Timothy V. Murphy) after a violent incident at school and begins to question the source of her families immense wealth and power. When Chance's scheming Mom, June (Annette Reilly), hires a troubled chef, Sydney (Johnathan Lipnicki), to poison August, the family's monstrous secrets are revealed over the course of one bloody night. Every soul is up for grabs as The Sinclair Family Games Night gets underway and Chance learns that being apart of this family is a blood-in, blood-out proposition.