Shortly before he is to wed, millionaire John Willis is visited by Dr. Harry S. Blair, a psychiatrist who informs him that years before he was married to Nancy, John's wife-to-be, and warns him that she is mentally unbalanced. Blair then relates the following story: After a whirlwind romance in Florida, Blair marries Nancy and starts a psychiatric practice in New York. One day, artist Norman Clyde comes to his office and tells him that an innocent man is about to be executed in Sing Sing Prison and that Nancy is the cause of his unjust incarceration. A distraught Clyde then explains himself to a curious Blair: Three years before, Clyde meets Nancy, whose maiden name was Monks, when she enrolls in his art class. The moody Clyde soon falls in love with Nancy's honest charm and beauty. Nancy, a secretary, introduces Clyde to her boss, millionaire Andrew Bonner, and persuades Bonner to showcase Clyde's paintings at one of his private showings. To Nancy's delight, Clyde's painting, a depiction of the tragic figure Cassandra for which she modeled, wins first prize at the showing. The evening is perfect until an expensive bracelet is stolen from a guest, and Clyde later finds it in Nancy's purse. After Clyde confronts a confused Nancy about the theft, she relates the following story to explain her behavior: As a young girl, Nancy lives with her housekeeper mother in the lavish Willis home and plays with Karen, the Willises' little daughter. Although Karen wants to invite Nancy to her upcoming birthday party, Mrs. Willis refuses to allow the lower-class Nancy to attend. A true friend, Karen promises to give Nancy one of the pins her guests are receiving. When Karen realizes there are no extra pins, however, she offers Nancy the beautiful locket she has just received from her mother. Nancy's subsequent joy is soon crushed when Mrs. Willis demands that she return the locket. Later, the locket is discovered missing, and Nancy is accused of theft. Although Nancy's mother soon finds the locket in Karen's dress, Mrs. Willis refuses to believe Nancy and forces her to "confess." The adult Nancy then admits to Clyde that this childhood humiliation caused her unconscious desire to steal the bracelet at the party. After a forgiving Clyde returns the bracelet anonymously, he and Nancy continue their romance until the next party at the Bonners'. Suspecting that the absent Nancy is spending the evening in Bonner's arms, Clyde leaves the party to look for her and sees her exiting Mrs. Bonner's bedroom just after two gunshots are fired. Bonner is found murdered, and Mrs. Bonner's diamond necklace, stolen. Although Nancy and Clyde are questioned, valet Myron Dexter is eventually found guilty and is sentenced to die. Clyde, however, strongly suspects Nancy, but she angrily maintains her innocence and leaves for Florida. Back in his office, Blair defends Nancy to Clyde but invites him to his house that evening. When confronted, Nancy denies everything and tells Blair that Clyde is merely jealous. The next day, Dexter is executed, and a guilt-ridden Clyde jumps from Blair's office window to his death. To avoid scandal, Blair and Nancy move to England, and after World War II breaks out, Blair volunteers his medical services, while Nancy becomes an ambulance driver. Expressing concern over Blair's health, Nancy insists that they take a vacation at Lord and Lady Wyndham's manor house. Just as they are leaving, Blair learns that one of Lady Wyndham's valuable jewels has been stolen. Blair suspects Nancy but is unable to prove anything until a bomb destroys their flat and reveals her cache of stolen jewels. Although confronted directly, Nancy continues to deny any guilt and divorces Blair after he suffers a nervous breakdown. Back in John's study, Blair, like Clyde before him, tries to convince John to abandon Nancy, who now uses the name Patton. John, however, believes Nancy when she tells him that Blair is still suffering from his breakdown. Moments before the wedding is to start, Nancy's future mother-in-law, the unsuspecting Mrs. Willis, gives her the same locket that she once took away, and tells her that it is a precious family heirloom. The locket causes Nancy to be overcome with guilt, and she collapses at the altar in hysterics. As Nancy is later taken away to an institution, John sadly realizes the truth of Blair's story, but determines to see Nancy through her crisis.
本片根据澳大利亚钢琴家戴维•赫尔夫戈特(David Helfgott)的真人真事改编。 生于犹太人家庭的戴维(Alex Rafalowicz 饰)自幼便展现过人的天赋,他的父亲望子成龙,逼迫戴维苦练钢琴,甚至不切实际地让儿子挑战号称“世界上最难演奏的作品” 《D小调第三钢琴协奏曲》。戴维在父亲的阴影下苦不堪言,而父亲为防止家庭破裂又千方百计阻止儿子外出求学,最终父子走向决裂。 长为青年的戴维(Noah Taylor 饰)远赴英国皇家音乐学院求学,在此期间,“拉三”仍然是他心中未了的情结,经过紧张筹备,他终于走向舞台挑战父亲为他设下的攀登极限…… 影片荣获1997年奥斯卡最佳男主角奖(Geoffrey Rush)。
Leopold Kroner, formerly of Colby Enterprises, is released after five years in prison for embezzlement. Andrew Colby, claiming that Kroner has threatened him, hires lawyer Bob Regan as a secret bodyguard. Sure enough, Kroner turns up in Colby's room with a gun, and Regan kills him. Then Regan, who sticks around to romance Colby's secretary Noel, begins to suspect he's been used.
After the film screening, five people hold a meeting. Director Jeong asserts that a film should move the heart. Actress Soo-yeon emphasizes on the message of the film, Film critic Tony just discusses about the current trend of Korean cinema. Tomiyama cannot fully express her thoughts because of the language barrier. And, the head of jury, Sung-ki can’t control the situation. Will this jury reach an agreement against all odds? A satire for those who make, watch, and criticize films is about to begin.
一架飞机,载着青春女孩麦肯兹(艾拉·珀内尔 Ella Purnell 饰)从西雅图来到了阿拉斯加。她的母亲因为个人问题,而将女孩送到了自己的弟弟家。这位陌生的舅舅(布莱恩·格拉格提 Brian Geraghty 饰)温和可亲,小心翼翼地打消麦肯兹的陌生感和怯懦之心,尽最大努力拉近彼此的距离,但在这一过程中他也越过了不该越过的底线。某次远足途中,压抑着无限情感的麦肯兹决定从舅舅手中逃离。她试图返回西雅图,一路辗转,途中邂逅了饱经风霜的背包客瑞恩•巴特利特(布鲁斯·格林伍德 Bruce Greenwood 饰)。 萍水相逢,忘年的孤独之旅,有些心情悄悄改变,有些人而注定离开……
1916年,阿拉伯大起义爆发。 英军中尉 Lawrence(Peter O'Toole 饰)受命登上阿拉伯半岛之后,决定带领阿拉伯人夺取亚喀巴。在穿越沙漠的过程中, Lawrence 力排众议孤身返回搭救了失踪的 Gasim(I.S. Johar 饰)。此举赢得了众人的尊敬,Ali ibn el Kharish(Omar Sharif 饰)沙里夫甚至让 Lawrence 换上了沙里夫的长袍,而 Lawrence 也欣然接受。可是阿拉伯部落间并不和睦,Harith 部的 Gasim 杀了 Howeitat 部的人,双方剑拔弩张。为了平息争端,Lawrence 亲手处决了 Gasim,而杀人的快感却让 Lawrence 感到不安。成功夺取亚喀巴之后,Lawrence 驼不停蹄地穿越西奈半岛回到开罗。Allenby(Jack Hawkins 饰)将军大喜过望,升 Lawrence 为少校,对其寄予厚望……
/Arthur Lubin
Walter Williams (Brian Donlevy) is a take-charge captain of industry who has worked his way up in a San Francisco steel company from a position as a sheet metal worker. He loves his wife Irene (Helen Walker) very much and they have planned a vacation drive together. Irene cancels at the last minute claiming a toothache, but asks that Walter drive her cousin Jim Torrance (Tony Barrett) as far as Illinois. Walter agrees and he and Jim take off together but later Jim knocks Walter unconscious and takes the car only to be hit himself by a truck and killed, his body burned beyond recognition. Walter comes to and suffering a concussion and deep confusion from feeling betrayed by Irene hides out in a small Midwest town until guilt and peer pressure force him to go back to San Francisco and tell his story to the Police. But by the time Walter returns to San Francisco a clever detective Lieutenant Quincy (Charles Coburn) has uncovered some facts about Irene and her cousin' Jim. The police have been holding Irene for the murder of her husband Walter but release her considering that Walter was hiding out because he had killed Jim. Along the way to uncovering the truth in Court Walter realizes some hard fact about what he holds valuable and the trust he has put in those around him.
修女莫妮卡与一群年龄各异的牧师共同住在智利海岸边的一所房子里。在每天祈祷和做忏悔之余,他们训练灵缇犬(Greyhound)参加比赛。到底是什么把他们带到了这里,带到这块潮湿粘稠的微风持续吹拂的世界尽头。有一天,新来了一位牧师,但这位新牧师收到了来自他人的严厉指控。那个指控他的声音越来越响,直到它被一声枪响中断。年轻的牧师选择用自杀的方式来回避指控。上头派来了调查员,但这位调查员是不是真的希望查明事情的真相呢?也许他的出现只是希望继续维持着这里美丽的表象。 电影一点一点地将黑暗中的秘密揭示出来,挖掘了这些上帝仆人的过往,并无情地揭示了天主教堂里存在的许多矛盾。导演的剧本做到了教堂本身没有做到的事情,他并不是简单的惩罚一个替罪羊。影片实际上严格遵守了基督教中关于殉难的规则和仪式。
盖尔·加西亚·贝纳尔将主演帕布罗·拉雷恩([第一夫人])执导的[厄玛](Ema,暂译),吉列尔莫·考尔德隆([追捕聂鲁达])与亚历杭德罗·莫雷诺(Alejandro Moreno)共同操刀剧本,其他加盟的卡司包括玛丽安娜·迪·吉罗拉莫(Mariana Di Girolamo)、桑地亚哥·卡布瑞拉(《大小谎言》)。加西亚与玛丽安娜饰演一对夫妻,在经历了一场收养后,整个家庭都分崩离析。这也是继[智利说不]、[追捕聂鲁达]之后加西亚与帕布罗第三度合作。影片已在智利开拍。
凯伦(奥黛丽·赫本 Audrey Hepburn 饰)和玛莎(雪莉·麦克雷恩 Shirley MacLaine 饰)共同管理着一间私立学校,尽管身为女流之辈,但她们特立独行英明果断的作风还是赢得了许多学生和老师的喜爱,两人之间的友谊也十分坚固。玛丽(Karen Balkin 饰)从小就过着娇生惯养的生活,成长于溺爱之中的她逐渐养成了乖僻的扭曲个性。 在一次犯错之后,玛丽遭到了凯伦与玛莎的惩罚,可这种惩罚在玛丽看来简直是奇耻大辱,仇恨的种子在她幼小的心灵里生根发芽。玛丽告诉祖母,她无意之中看到了凯伦和玛莎接吻的场面,愤怒的祖母将这子虚乌有的诽谤公之于众。面对来势汹汹的欲加之罪,凯伦和玛莎先是奋起反抗,但很快她们便发现,她们手中唯一的筹码——真诚与坦荡竟然是这样的无足轻重。
/Irwin Allen
The boisterous, arrogant professor Challenger, a reputed biologist and anthropologist, dares the London Zoological Society to mount an expedition to verify his spectacular claim, without physical proof, that his previous expedition to the Amazonian basin found live dinosaurs. Apart from him and his 'socialite' counterpart, professor Summerlee, it consists of experienced discoverer Lord Roxbury, the young reporter Ed Malone -who got publicly struck down with Challenger's umbrella at his arrival- and Jennifer Holmes, Malone's news agency's boss's daughter, essentially as conditions for putting up the money. In Brazil they are joined by Jennifer's brother David and local 'guide' Manuel Gomez. They soon discover the dinosaurs are real and dangerous, like giant spiders, but loose their helicopter and thus are desperate for a way down from the isolated plateau. They learn Roxbury knew about the fate of Burton White, an explorer whose diary they find, thus presume to be dead, in search of diamonds, and confirmation of the local tribe being the lethal guardians of the plateau's secrets, but also get surprising help...
C. C. Baxter(杰克·莱蒙 Jack Lemmon饰)是纽约一个大公司的小职员,他的单身公寓经常被公司的高层们用去当作幽会的场所,Baxter也因此获得不少升迁的机会。Baxter暗恋着公司的电梯女郎Fran Kubelik(雪莉·麦克雷恩 Shirley MacLaine 饰),这天他终于鼓起勇气约了她晚上一起去看一出戏剧。然而Baxter等了一晚却未见Fran的踪影,原来Fran是公司的高管有妇之夫Jeffery Sheldrake(弗莱德·麦克莫瑞 Fred MacMurray饰)的地下情人,那晚他们还在Baxter的公寓幽会。Jeffery信誓旦旦向Fran表示,他将和他的妻子离婚然后和她名正言顺地在一起。Fran相信了,然而几个星期后她又从Jeffery的上一任情人知晓了Jeffery所说的不过是个谎言。另一方面,在一个夜里,当Baxter回到他家的时候,意外地发现Fran竟倒在他的床上,并且服了很多安眠药企图自杀...... 本片获1960年奥斯卡十项提名,赢得包括最佳导演、最佳影片在内的五项大奖。
女儿艾玛(德博拉•温格 Debra Winger 饰)是妈妈奥罗拉(雪莉•麦克雷恩 Shirley MacLaine 饰)的心肝宝贝,自小开始,奥罗拉就帮艾玛安排好一切,艾玛的言谈举止、修饰打扮、学习、玩耍、交朋友等等都必须经过奥罗拉同意。 在丈夫早逝后,奥罗拉操持起家里的一切,对艾玛更加“专制”。艾玛虽然表明很温柔、软弱,但是内心却十分倔强。两母女也因此多次吵架。奥罗拉一直没再接受其他男人的追求,艾玛也在和母亲相依相偎、磕磕绊绊中长大。 长大后的艾玛开始极力摆脱母亲的“专制”:她不顾母亲的反对,嫁给了一个工作不稳定的研究生……她花了三十年去摆脱母亲的“专制”,到头来却发现自己对母亲的始终不忘的依依亲情。
洛拉(琳达·达内尔 Linda Darnell 饰)同老板波特(保罗·道格拉斯 Paul Douglas 饰)结了婚,婚后,洛拉才发现波特对自己的海誓山盟全是谎言,他不过将自己当做了摇钱树。瑞塔(Ann Sothern饰)则要强悍的多,凭借着剧本写作收入不菲,甚至快要赶上了丈夫乔治(柯克·道格拉斯 Kirk Douglas 饰)。洛拉(琳达·达内尔 Linda Darnell 饰)拥有过人的美貌,却依然生活在怀疑和困惑之中。 某日,三位太太带着孩子们正在野餐,一封未写收件人的信不期而至,写信的是名叫艾迪(西莱斯特·霍姆 Celeste Holm 饰)的女人,信上说她即将和三位太太其中一位的丈夫远走高飞,而三个女人却并不知道究竟是谁被背叛了。
/Maja Vrvilo,奥拉顿德·奥逊山米,道格拉斯·阿尔尼奥科斯基,雷恩·威尔森
CBS网上频道CBS All Access的《星际迷航:发现号 Star Trek: Discovery》确定拍摄4集短剧《星际迷航:短途 Star Trek: Short Treks》,分别在四天放出,然后一月时由正剧第二季入替。 4集10-15分钟短剧《星际迷航:短途》中,每集皆为独立故事: 10月4日(美国时间,下同) - 《Runaway》 登上发现号后,Ensign Tilly(Mary Wiseman饰)遇上一名意料外的访客并被寻求协助,不过这对组合意外地有着不少共同点。 11月8日 - 《Calypso》 Craft(Aldis Hodge饰演)在一间不熟悉的病房醒来后,他发现自己是艘废弃船中的唯一人类,而唯一陪伴着他的是船上的A.I.电脑界面。 12月6日 - 《The Brightest Star》 作为第一名加盟星际舰队的Kelpien人Saru(Doug Jones),他过去与父亲及妹妹在母星过着简单的生活,不过拥有聪明才智及好奇心的Saru更渴望走出村庄,这将引领他走向新的道路。 1月3日 - 《The Escape Artist》 Harry Mudd(Rainn Wilson饰演,他本人执导此集)又一次回到当小偷﹑墙头草的生活中,而当他发现自己身在敌方飞船时,他决定要再一次进行新骗局。
畅斯(彼得·塞勒斯 Peter Sellers饰),一位头脑简单的老园丁。他一直生活在华盛顿的一间老房子里,从未离开过。他全部的生活就是看电视,看电视成了他唯一与外界沟通的途径。在长期的累积之下,他的整个思想行为和世界观已完全电视化。然而他的雇主突然去世,畅斯一下子变得无处可去,孤苦无依。面对陌生而又新鲜的世界,他顿时乱了方寸。在一场突如其来的车祸后,畅斯居然成为富有的华盛顿商人伊芙(雪莉·麦克雷恩 Shirley MacLaine饰)和本(茂文·道格拉斯 Melvyn Douglas饰)的座上宾。他凭借在电视上学来的“广博”知识,技惊四座,甚至当上了政客们倚重的智囊。 本部享誉70年代末期影坛的政治讽刺喜剧《富贵逼人来》,是笑匠彼得·塞勒斯的最后遗作。本片荣获1980年第52届奥斯卡金像奖最佳男配角并获得最佳男主角提名,入围1980年第33届戛纳电影节主竞赛单元-金棕榈奖。