2000年,秘鲁总统藤森宣布辞职,他的极权统治也从此结束。然而,因连年的恐怖袭击和高压统治,底层百姓的身心已经承受无数创伤。 秘鲁境内某偏远山区,少女法斯塔(Magaly Solier 饰)的母亲年轻时曾遭到恐怖分子的强暴,继而感染一种名为“伤心的奶水”的怪病。病入膏肓之际,母亲独独担心因哺乳而可能受到传染的法斯塔。 母亲去世,法斯塔远离家乡和悲伤,来到小镇上一个女钢琴家的别墅打工。她似乎对周遭一切都不关心,只一心关注自己随时可能失去的生命,和前景模糊的未来…… 本片荣获2009年柏林国际电影节金熊奖及国际影评人费比西奖、2009年瓜达拉哈拉墨西哥电影节最佳影片和最佳女主角(Magaly Solier)奖。
/Sebastian Vigg
Toni Zweyer过着自己想要的生活。她是卡车司机Andy的贤妻,13岁孩子Lea的慈母,和丈夫共同经营自己家的货运生意。但当得知丈夫Andy死于车祸时,一切都改变了。公司债务日益沉重,她与孩子已别无他路,Toni只能自己握住了18吨卡车的方向盘。她很快意识到,跑国际长途货运对一个新手来说,是多么的残酷艰难。Toni一直觉得他的丈夫尚存人间,随着调查愈加深入,她便愈加确信这一点。她从一个声名狼藉的商人那得知了真相,但这个真相让她被劫持、被绑架,目睹军火走私,走上了被警察追缉的逃亡之路。这可能不是她想要的生活,但Toni永远不会放弃抗争。
/Ruth Borgobello
Marco (Flavio Parenti) is a 35 year-old ex-chef who has given up his career and any sense of hope to return to Udine in Northern Italy to nurse his ailing father. Even when offered a job at a restaurant in Melbourne, he declines using his father as the excuse. When tragedy strikes, the only glimmer of joy arrives in the form of Olivia (Maeve Dermody), a spirited Australian chasing her dream of working in design while on a family mission in Udine. Against the stunning vineyards, rugged mountains and blue Adriatic of Friuli-Venezia Giulia, these two very different people find themselves at a crossroads that will change their lives forever.
/Randall Stevens
Straight-laced, type-A personality Joy Miles has to take an unscheduled road trip to drive her forgetful, yet opinionated, mother-in-law, Loraine, from Louisville, Kentucky to Savannah, Georgia. Although initially impatient and frustrated, Joy begins to realize her true affection for Loraine as she takes a front-seat-view of how this strong-willed yet free-spirited woman manages the emotional transition of learning to live life after losing her spouse. Despite their many differences, and with light-hearted adventures at every turn, they discover how much they respect and even need each other.
/Ante Novakovic
Patrick Messina是一名专利律师,在他的专业领域他有着极高的权利及威望。然而他却被诊断出患了不治之症,这无疑是晴天霹雳。在面对他的最后一名顾客时,他得知这名顾客是一个医生,来自西西里岛,在那里有一颗生长了上百年的橄榄树,这棵树的叶子可以治百病。为了寻找到这棵树,也为了验证传说的真实性,Patrick踏上了旅程。包治百病的百年老树究竟是科学的谜题还是圣经中古老的传说?面对人生的疑惑与信仰,也为了探寻从前,现在以及过去的关系,Patrick不断前行着……
/Federico Moccia
卡洛琳娜(维洛妮卡·奥莉维亚 Veronica Olivier 饰)是一个样貌美丽又开朗乐观的十四岁女孩,这是刚刚开始对异性产生兴趣的年级,在懵懵懂懂之中,情与爱对她来说是可望而不可求的秘密果实。虽然身边不乏男孩子的追求,但这些看上去又傻又呆的男孩子自然不可能成为卡洛琳娜的选择,而眼看着身边的好姐们一个接着一个的脱了单,聊天的话题渐渐转向了恋爱生活后,卡洛琳娜不免的感到有些着急,自己的真命天子究竟什么时候才会出现呢? 一天,卡洛琳娜在书店里徘徊,此时,一个名叫马西(吉赛贝·马吉欧 Giuseppe Maggio 饰)的男孩走入了她的视线之中,他们之间会产生什么浪漫的故事吗?
/Nicholas Verso
Halloween 1997 – the last night of high school for Corey, Jango and their skater gang, The Gromits. Childhood is over and adult life beckons. But for Corey, his past has some unfinished business. When he encounters Jonah, a former childhood friend but now victimised by Jango’s cruel streak, Corey takes pity on him and agrees to walk him home for old time’s sake. What starts off as a normal walk through empty suburban streets descends into something darker and magical, as trip through their memories and ghosts of the past, and Corey is surprised to discover how much he still has in common with his abandoned friend. And even the most buried truths will find a way of coming to life. Best unproduced screenplay award at the 2011 New York Gay and Lesbian Film Festival.
ISABEL SULLIVAN (15) has just moved to a small town to live with her uncle PAUL who is the town's mayor. Isabel has recently lost her parents in a car accident. Feeling very alone and friendless, Isabel befriends a stray robot dog named ARCHIE. Though he looks like a normal dog, he is anything but. He can talk. He can run at blinding speed. He's got super strength and x-ray vision. Isabel and Archie become fast friends. She teaches him how to be a normal dog while he helps her to fit in with the cool kid clique. Most of all, Isabel can confide in Archie about what happened to her parents. Archie can relate. He's never had a family - until now. As the summer progresses, things start to get tricky. Paul is up for re-election and finds himself running against VERONICA TAYLOR who happens to be in cahoots with BURGERTROPOLIS - a national fast food franchise that has been trying to buy Paul out for years. What's worse, an evil man named HUGH JABLONSKI shows up in town claiming to be ...
/Mark Rosman
A group of middle school kids stumble upon a chest full of incredible toys from the future. The discovery takes them on an adventure using their newfound toys to save their neighborhood and ultimately the world from a maniacal corporate madman. In the process, these "loser" kids learn they have the qualities they thought they were lacking all along.
/Daniel Zirilli
美国人杰克(John Edward Lee 饰)和英国人山姆(Bryon Gibson 饰)是两位侨居泰国的外国人,两人是最好的朋友。一日,两人下定决心抢劫了一家柬埔寨的小银行,却不料其抢劫的正是黑帮老大希兰凯里(史蒂文•席格 Steven Seagal 饰)的黑钱,而 其手下尼伦(Sahajak Boonthanakit 饰)试图篡位,便借此控制杰克帮他做事,杰克为了保护女友阿瓦隆(佩姆•巴比尔 Pim Bubear 饰)只得从命,后来山姆和杰克暴露,山姆被枪杀,杰克杀死了尼伦,和阿瓦隆踏上了逃亡的旅途。
故事发生在1929年的德国柏林。埃里希(弗洛里安·大卫·菲茨 Florian David Fitz 饰)是一位小有名气的作家,创作过很多脍炙人口的作品。一天,一个名叫汉斯(尼科·拉莫·克莱曼 Nico Ramon Kleemann 饰)的小男孩出现在了埃里希的家门口,他告诉埃里希自己是他的超级粉丝。 刚开始,埃里希对于汉斯的存在并没有太过在意,但随着时间的推移,他发现这个脑袋里充满了奇思妙想的男孩能够成为自己创作的灵感来源。在埃里希的推荐之下,汉斯也得到了一个在电影里扮演角色的机会,一来二去之间,一老一少两人结下了深厚的友谊。二战爆发了,纳粹的铁蹄踏破了埃里希和汉斯的宁静生活。
/Charles Burmeister
Facing a bleak future, a young man runs away to Mexico where he is recruited by the mysterious captain of a paramilitary group of teens who fight drug cartels. Isolated at their desert camp and unsure what he's fighting for, he seeks to prove himself in this crucible of manhood.
/Tom Roberts
故事发生在二次世界大战刚刚结束之际,德国在战争中败落,大部分德军沦为战俘,被送入了战俘营中。在位于列宁格勒近郊的一间战俘营中,新来了一批德国战俘,负责看守他们的是一群英姿飒爽的俄国女人,她们的直系上司是巴普洛夫将军(约翰·马尔科维奇 John Malkovich 饰)。 娜塔莉亚(维拉·法梅加 Vera Farmiga 饰)是一名军医,她的丈夫因为在战争中受惊过度而精神失常,为了保护丈夫,娜塔莉亚不得不答应巴普洛夫将军的要求,来到战俘营,试图找出隐藏在俘虏之中的党卫军战犯。在这所阴森恐怖的战俘营中,无论是守卫还是囚犯,其身心都收到了战争所带来的深深的创伤,随着时间的推移,两方人马的立场和关系开始渐渐变得微妙起来。
/Sheree Le Mon
A true story of a family and town's effort to save a beloved and heroic dog named Semper Fi. The father, a Captain in the US Marines and his homemaker wife, contend with the "not so earth shattering" problems of their twin, fifteen year old daughter and son as well as the antics of their precocious six year old daughter. Their lives tumble along, as most families do, until they must face the grave diagnosis of their faithfully and very loved Golden Retriever, Semper Fi. The family cannot afford the expensive surgery the dog needs. The children jump into action with a plan, spear headed by the fifteen year old daughter. They plan a community yard sale, donating all of their most prized possessions. The family's grumpy neighbor plays an unlikely and unexpected part in the ultimate success of the fund raising. Before Semper goes in for his surgery, he displays a heroic act that almost ends his life. The story unfolds during the holiday season.