本片根据波兰著名同名小说改编,讲述了二战期间,华沙被纳粹德国军队占领,波兰童子军的年轻人们与德国占领者进行英勇斗争的故事。 Based on a well-known Polish novel with the same title the movie re-tells a true life story of a group of scouts called ''Szare Szeregi'' (Gray Ranks) during the Nazi occupation of Warsaw and the liberation of one of its members (imprisoned and tortured by the Germans) through a maverick military action in board daylight right under the enemy's nose known ''Action at the Arsenal'' which was the biggest single feat of the sort undertaken by a youth resistance organisation in all of occupied Europe during WWII.
帕姆(李海娜 饰)是一个年轻美丽的姑娘,早年间在外国留学,现下刚刚回到国内。帕姆生性热爱自由,向往无拘无束的生活,就在她以为这样的日子将要继续之时,一个从天而降的小侄女UK(Natthay Ongsritragul 饰)忽然来到了帕姆的身边,帕姆不得不承担起照顾UK的职责。 刚开始,帕姆对着UK这个古灵精怪的小家伙感到手足无措,闹出了不少的笑话,然而随着时间的渐渐推移,两人之间竟然产生了坚实的默契和亲情。与此同时,帕姆家隔壁的一位名叫百斯特(Anavil Charttong 饰)的英俊男孩,因为UK的存在而和帕姆渐渐产生了交集。然而,UK和帕姆之间的关系却并不如想象之中那样简单。
/陈芯宜,Kuo-Liang Chiang
Having grown up in the mountains Chiayi, installation artist WANG Wen-chih weaves his memories of mountains and forests into his work. Using natural materials such as bamboo, rattan and wood, WANG creates his art with hands and collective labor. The huge spaces he constructs emit such deep and strong power that surprise and move countless visitors. This film follows WANG on his journey of creation.
在一所普通的高中内,生活着一对“废柴”父子。父亲兰斯克•莱顿(罗宾•威廉姆斯Robin Williams 饰)渴望成为名利双收的畅销作家,然而书稿却无法逃脱退回的命运。他所教授的诗歌鉴赏课听者寥寥,虽然和同校的的艺术课女老师克莱尔•里德(阿丽克谢•吉尔莫 Alexie Gilmore 饰)谈恋爱,但恋情始终无法公开。兰斯的儿子凯尔性格孤僻古怪,这个正处在青春躁动期的男孩处处与父亲作对,每天惹是生非,性格内向的小男生安德鲁(Evan Martin 饰)是他唯一的朋友。凯尔对学习、音乐、电影全不感兴趣,唯有色情和手淫主宰着他的生活。 在一次超high的自娱自乐后,凯尔魂飞极乐。兰斯克沉浸在极度的悲伤之中。然而,兰斯克代为捉刀的遗书却在校内引起巨大震撼,所有人都渴望了解凯尔,兰斯克的人生也开始发生转变……
/Gnana Rajasekaran
'Ramanujan' is a historical biopic set in early 20th century British India and England, and revolves around the life and times of the mathematical prodigy, Srinivasa Ramanujan. Directed by the award-winning filmmaker Gnana Rajasekaran and with an international cast and crew, 'Ramanujan' is a cross-border venture. Considered one of the most romantic stories in the history of mathematics, Ramanujan, a college dropout from a poor family in South India, made extraordinary mathematical discoveries in isolation. He wrote a strange letter filled with theorems and formulas to Prof. Hardy of Trinity College, Cambridge, who immediately identified his genius and invited him to England to conduct further research. 'Ramanujan' chronicles the genius' journey across continents and cultures in search of recognition.
/Tara Miele
When seventeen year old Hannah stumbles upon a website about Thinspiration- an online community devoted to anorexia as a life choice - she becomes an obsessive follower of the site founder, ButterflyAna. By the time Hannah's family realizes what is happening and get Hannah the help she needs, the disease has fully taken hold and Hannah is refusing to eat. Will this family be able to exorcise the demon of anorexia from their lives, or is it too late?
We are in East Berlin, 1978. It’s summer, three years after Wassilly’s death. Nelly’s boyfriend and Alexei’s father died in a car accident in Russia. Since he is dead, Nelly wants to leave too. Away from the GDR, to leave the grief and the memories behind. To get a fresh start. That should be possible in the West, or so Nelly believes.
/Anthony Gaudioso,James Gaudioso
A man, Joseph, loses his wife at sea, then spirals deep into a world of confusion. The wife's brothers' need revenge! Joseph tries to tell anyone who will listen that a whale killed his beautiful Annabel Lee, but even he doesn't quite remember the truth. A journey into the depths of his mind, a conversation with a whale and blood thirsty brothers. Love is Forever, So is Revenge@www.molikan.com
/Michel Leclerc
巴娅(莎拉·弗里斯蒂 Sara Forestier 饰)是一名右翼人士,在当今的政坛上十分的活跃。她传播思想的方式非常独特——但凡跟她有过床笫之欢的右翼男士们,都纷纷投入到了左翼的阵营之中。从小就生活在多元而宽松的家庭氛围之中的巴娅自幼便是开放而又火热的性格,对待感情和性十分开放,这和保守又刻板的亚瑟(雅克·甘布林 Jacques Gamblin 饰)恰恰相反。 亚瑟是一名循规蹈矩的科学家,不幸的童年和家族里的悲惨历史让他不自觉的背负起了沉重的枷锁,一辈子都生活在压抑之中。这让的他在机缘巧合之下同巴娅邂逅了,大相径庭的两人之间居然还碰撞出了爱情的火花。
A dysfunctional family's heart of darkness is laid bare in the grimly humorous and then just plain grim meller "Members of the Funeral." Feature bow by Baek Seung-bin heralds a dark wit and sleek intelligence guided by a creatively secure humility. A standout from the substandard HD fodder that generally clogs up Pusan's New Currents competish and so-called cutting-edge fests, "Funeral" is quietly riveting. A tad too restrained for midnight sidebars or commercial release, pic possesses an intensity that should secure fest berths.
/Jorgo Papavassiliou
经过20多年,约翰娜返回到她青年时所住的前西德边境的村庄。她30岁初头,非常的迷人也很聪明,她被迫揭开了很早以前改变了她一生的秘密... 关于新幼儿园教师的消息迅速蔓延整个村庄。人们一点儿都不了解她,只知道她的名字叫约翰娜。她看起来很不错,待人友善,但她仍然是这个村子的陌生人,一个讨厌的,为了自己的事情问东问西的局外人。约翰娜想知道“过去”的一切,尤其是关于发生在许多年以前村庄的那桩死亡事件。她很快意识到可疑的村民们保持着一种神秘不愿谈论过去的某些事件。约翰娜固执的迎难而上。她利用自己的性感迷人,使村庄里一个又一个男人渐渐透露他们的秘密...关于隧道用于从东到西的地下运输,从东部走私古董,以及杀害一名男子的凶手反对这种行为。曾试图阻止肮脏贸易揭发走私行为的正是约翰娜的父亲,而他以自己的生命为揭发此事做了极大的努力。但是,村民的仇恨并没有就此停止。继她死去的丈夫被宣判为“共产主义背叛者”之后,约翰娜的母亲被关进了监狱。与母亲分开后,约翰娜当时已失去了她的整个家庭。 一步一步,约翰娜终于将事件拼凑完整。但是,约翰娜在玩的是一个致命游戏,她独自一人在这个村庄尽一切努力保护其黑暗的过去...即便是与她有着情愫的村庄警察也很难保护她。 这时发生了戏剧性的对决,约翰娜终于与杀害她父亲的凶手面对面...
精神科医师劳伦斯意外失踪,没有人知道他的去向,然而院裡的精神病患麦克却似乎握有其失踪的线索。已为医院其他丑闻焦头烂额的主管格林医师,为了在消息曝光前了解失踪案件的来龙去脉,不惜牺牲圣诞假期、抛下家中妻女赶到医院,与麦克展开一场猫捉老鼠的密室解谜心战。 改编自本片编剧尼可拉斯的同名舞台剧作〈Elephant Song〉,天才导演札维耶多蓝放下导演身分,与同样能演会编又导的导演查理斯毕南梅合作,于《忧伤大象之歌》饰演疯狂却聪颖的精神病患麦克,与布鲁斯格林伍德精彩对峙。两人在密室空间的来往诘问,随著主导权的转换游移,一层层揭露彼此不为人知的过去。
/Sigrid Hoerner
路易斯(艾芮丝·贝本 Iris Berben 饰)是一名分子生物学家,年岁已高但依然形单影只的她知道,改为自己的未来做打算了。而最靠谱的选择就是怀孕并且拥有一个孩子,以继承她优秀的基因。可是,生孩子可不是路易斯一个人能够完成的事情。 弗兰斯(埃德加·塞格 Edgar Selge 饰)经营着一家画廊,事业有成的他同样依旧孑然一身无依无靠。回溯这一生,弗兰斯发现自己做过了太多错误的决定,也犯下了很多无法挽回的过错,但是一切还不算晚,他决定重新开始自己的人生,去挖掘更多的可能性。命运把路易斯和弗兰斯抛向了他们彼此,最终,毫不意外的,两人坠入了情网之中。
/Christian Grillo
In this futuristic science fiction thriller, government security agent Jerry Hipple has been unsuccessfully tracking the city's most infamous criminal The Red Harvest Killer. When two nomadic lovers, Katia and Gladys enter the city the death count rises and are being credited as Red Harvest killings. Obsessive compulsive Adrian, the actual Red Harvest Killer becomes furious that the sexy serial killing duo are grabbing media attention under his alias. Not only does Adrian attempt to reclaim his rightful reputation but he also decides to cleverly aid his detective counterpart through the case. All the while, killers and victims alike are unaware the world is about to reach an abrupt catastrophic ending.
/Markus Busch
Tania is an actress, 43. Thore is 15, a misfit in a small village at the northern tip of Germany. At the beginning of winter, Tania escapes from her numb life to the village. They meet. She decides to steal him from his parents. The actress Tania travels from Munich to a village in the north of Germany. The skies are grey, just like the sea and the wintery plains. Her feelings are also covered in a grey veil of mist. Her painful past makes it impossible for this forty-something to feel anything at all. The arrival of the stranger is immediately noticed in the tight-lipped community, but she is hardly welcome. Only the teenager Thore, whose imagination is too much for this no-man’s-land, has contact with her. A fragile band develops between them - attraction, rejection and occasionally sexually charged. Thore reveals a need in Tania, one she didn’t know she had. She decides to ‘steal’ Thore to come to terms with her own loss. Rough is a directing debut filmed with great poise and with a sharp eye for this beautiful yet slightly depressing landscape and the people who inhabit it. The camera first functions as a detached observer, then as an accomplice, always very close to Tania.