/Martin Koolhoven
二战末,冬季的荷兰小城冰天雪地,战争让整个城市显得阴霾异常。小男孩米歇尔(马丁·拉克迈尔 Martijn Lakemeier 饰)和同伴跑去一架坠毁的飞机残骸附近玩,却被驻扎的德军抓住,还好米歇尔的市长父亲和德国人关系看起来不错,他很快便被父亲领回了家。 本叔叔的到来让米歇尔兴奋不已,但是本叔叔却警告他千万不要卷入到战争中去。德克在临出发去炸德军的军火库之前交给他一个信封,可是在行动过程中德克被德军抓住。后来米歇尔打开信封,根据信封里的内容,他发现了隐匿在树林里负伤的英国飞行员杰克,米歇尔开始了照顾并帮助他逃走的活动,其间得到了做护士的姐姐埃里卡(梅乐蒂·克拉弗尔 Melody Klaver 饰)的帮助。 杰克伤好之后,米歇尔几次帮助杰克逃走的计划都最终失败。而这段时间内,由于有德国军人被害的事情,米歇尔的父亲最终被德军杀害。米歇尔在万般无奈之下,只好找本叔叔帮忙,而本叔叔也乐意帮忙,但是要求米歇尔不再插手此事。 米歇尔看着本叔叔带着杰克和姐姐越走越远,他回想这个冬天的整个事件,发现本叔叔是隐藏在自己家的德军奸细…… 本片堪称战争少儿与冒险题材的经典影片,根据荷兰作家的同名小说改编。本片2009年3月份在阿姆斯特丹举行的Rembrandt年度颁奖典礼中被公选为最佳电影。
和许多平凡的家庭一样,丽莎(黛安·克鲁格 Diane Kruger 饰)和朱利安(文森特·林顿 Vincent Lindon 饰)安然享受着亲情和爱情带来的幸福时光,儿子奥斯卡(Lancelot Roch 饰)的聪明和伶俐为这个本来就很美满的家庭增添了又一丝的欢笑。然而,谁也没有想到,这所有的一切在警察到来那一天画上了句号。 警察逮捕了丽莎,霎时间,一个普通的女人成为了人人谈之色变的杀人凶手。从逮捕到定罪再到判刑,这其中的疑点重重令朱利安嗅到了阴谋的味道。坚信妻子清白的朱利安开始四处奔走,当他发现所有希望都被灭绝后,一个疯狂的念头浮现在了脑海之中。真相究竟是什么已经不再重要,对于朱利安来说,救出妻子就是他目前唯一要做的事情,哪怕不择手段。
/Betsan Morris Evans
Autumn 1977. Derek Springfield is an 18-year-old misfit, who 5 years earlier was plucked from his home in the industrial outskirts of Leeds to attend Public School on a scholarship. He has just returned home at the end of his studies to await his Oxbridge results that he's hoping will result in his permanent escape. Life at home is awkward for the brainy lad and embarrassing for his working class family who can't relate: his feckless dad, no-nonsense mum and two older brothers, one a football hopeful and the other a distinctly dodgy acquirer of flash consumer goods. Derek kills time by walking a no hope greyhound, Slapper, and loving out-of-his league Chrissie from afar. But under Derek's loving care Slapper gets faster - so fast she's stolen for her racing potential. Derek despairs at being completely alone once more but Chrissie gets the local community to keep watch. Slapper eventually escapes from her furious captors at an illegal flapper track. Exhausted, she somehow finds her way back and is reunited with Derek who tries to nurse her back to health his bedroom without his family finding out. Derek, Chrissie and Slapper disguise themselves to avoid the dognappers and try their luck at racing her at a proper dog track. The dognappers and all the Springfields converge on the stadium for the exciting climax. Its also the day Derek's results are due...
/Kivanc Baruonu
Having weathered marriage pressures from family and friends in the first movie of the series, Efsun is now with the man of her dreams, Sinan. But the complications facing her love life don't get any less. As if her own chaotic family wasn't enough, she now has to contend with Sinan's - his grandmother, Cavide, in particular - and things quickly spin out of control. Will she make it through hell and high water to fulfill her dream of a peaceful life with Sinan? Does she really want the wedding everyone else has decided on for her? Written by BKM(
/Adrian Tanner
A city PR girl goes on the run accused of leaking information from the military supply company where she works. Chased by ex-soldiers she hides with her brother, a member of a shadowy hacker group, and has to choose between her luxury life - and the Redistributors.
/Temple Mathews
Exuberant CHLOE is a whirlwind of energy who acts purely on impulse and has never quite grown up. Industrious JEFF is a hard-working guy who plans his future, step by step. When the two fall in love, they inevitably quarrel and break up. But when they decide to pretend to still be together so that their holiday season won't turn into a pity party, they soon realize that opposites, after all, do attract -- and that, despite their differences, they are still very much in love...
/Marc Evans
本(科林·费斯 Colin Firth 饰)和妻子艾丽莎(娜奥米·哈里斯 Naomie Harris 饰)遭遇了一场可怕的车祸,本身受重伤,而艾丽莎则不幸命丧黄泉。从昏迷中醒来的本得知了妻子的死讯,陷入了绝望之中。康复后的本尝试着回归正常的生活,身体上的伤总会随着时间的流逝渐渐痊愈,但心灵的伤痛呢? 夏洛特(米娜·苏瓦丽 Mena Suvari 饰)是本的邻居,她的存在让本总算看到了一点点恢复正常的希望。可就在这个节骨眼上,艾丽莎的身影忽然再度出现在了本的生活中,无处不在的她让本开始怀疑艾丽莎根本就没有死。更糟的是,本成为了一场凶杀案的最大嫌疑人,而所发生的的一切都和艾丽莎有关。
/Kari Skogland
This is basically a tale of one woman's (Vanessa Williams) rebellion against tradition and racism in the south. In a time when it is against the law to marry outside your race, Henriette (Williams), and Gerard (Bellows), fall in love and face trials of the law of the land of the day. They plan on moving to France where Gerard is from, where they can marry without any restrictions. Until Henriette's sister falls sick and they are forced to stay in the states. Henriette starts fighting with all her might for the rights of her people and her place in the church. I don't want to give away the ending so I will end this here.
/Bryar Freed
Young Emma Miller (Danielle Chuchran) would appear to be lucky. This beautiful Amish girl has a loving family and the community's most eligible young man, Jacob (Kellen Boyle), wants to marry her. But she has more on her mind than buggies, bonnets and making her special goat cheese - Emma is secretly obsessed with Jane Austin's Pride and Prejudice and restlessly longs for adventure and travel. When given the opportunity to spend the season helping her widowed cousin Lydia (Meg Wittman) in scenic Charm, OH, Emma jumps at the chance. There she meets an Englischer, librarian Kelly Bennett (Tiffany Dupont), who has come to town to escape her chaotic life. Despite their differences, the two become fast friends. Settling into her cousin's farm, she finds Noah (Trevor Donovan) - a striking, well-read Amish young man who helps work the farm - intriguing, yet vexing. So when Emma's cheese attracts the attention of a local bed-and-breakfast and a handsome wine-and-cheese blog editor, Andy
/Vanessa Parise
故事发生在车水马龙川流不息的大都市纽约,杰克(小弗雷迪·普林兹 Freddie Prinze Jr. 饰)是生活在那里的一名广告人,光线的工作和生活背后,是他日复一日付出的辛劳汗水。吉尔(塔恩·曼宁 Taryn Manning 饰)初来乍到,一切都像无根浮萍,然而,外表甜美内心单纯的她却坚定的相信自己能够在这里闯出一番天地,甚至遇到一段感情。 就是这样一对个性和境遇都截然不同的男女,他们走到了一起,彼此之间的巨大差异反而让他们相互吸引,最终两人成为了同居室友,签订了“同居条款”。然而,随着时间的推移,杰克却开始越发在意起吉尔的一举一动起来,他觉得行踪诡异的吉尔一定有什么秘密瞒着自己。