米卡(恩佐·盖尔 Enzo Gaier 饰)是同学们眼中的怪咖,整天生活在自己的世界之中,没有什么朋友,但米卡对这一切似乎并不在意。这一天,米卡家隔壁搬来了一位新邻居——数学家沙夏(穆拉桑·木苏鲁 Murathan Muslu 饰),和沙夏一起入住的,还有他买乐透彩所赢得的一匹骏马。 沙夏的经济状况非常的拮据,生性嗜赌的他负债累累,无奈之中,沙夏决定将马卖了抵债,然而,这个世代里,想要购买一批马的买家并不是那么多。虽然沙夏急于想要摆脱这匹马,但米卡却和这匹马之间缔结了深厚的友谊,骏马的出现慢慢的改变了米卡苍白的生活。就在米卡和骏马之间感情越来越深之际,沙夏的债主也盯上了价值不菲的骏马。
/Michelle Ehlen
Unable to make progress with her ex-lesbian conversion path, a neurotic "All American" Jill tracks down her butch ex-girlfriend Jamie to prove to herself that she is no longer attracted to her. Strung along by guilt and desire, Jamie agrees to the preposterous plan of "dating" Jill so that Jill can close this chapter of her life and move forward with men. Meanwhile, David and Lola compete for the affections of José , a sexually ambiguous and seductive man from Brazil, and they compare notes on their differing opinions of his sexuality. As complications arise with Jill and Jamie's relationship, Jill starts to see José as her ticket out. However, when the love triangles shift and realign, Jamie has her own identity crisis that she is ill-equipped to handle. A mix of over-the-top comedy, sharp wit, and pathos, "Heterosexual Jill" rides the edge of laughter and pain, desire and repression, and explores the complicated attachment to one's sense of self in the face of love.
/Alfredo León León
Three illegal drug dealers launched out on a voyage in a homemade submarine. The submarine worked well initially, but it started to malfunction. In attempting to reduce the weight somehow, they were investigating the cargo section when they discovered a young female, Reina, hidden there, and she looked appalling. As the situation gets worse, the tensions among the three men are heightened, and in the midst of this, Reina attempts to escape, but she has nowhere to go in the endless open sea. With an unusual setting of the submarine, where nothing can be seen other than the horizon, Submersible captures the tension of the conflicts between the characters and their struggle for survival, while the submarine environment itself arouses extreme claustrophobia and anxiety. The top star from Columbia, Natalia Reyes, who attracted the worldwide film industry’s attention with Ciro Guerra’s Birds of Passage (2018), and made her Hollywood debut in Terminator: Dark Fate (2019), once again draws attention in her role as Reina. (Jin PARK)
/Jon Brewer
Imagine what it would feel like to be the only black television star in Hollywood at a time when the KLU KLUX KLAN acted out violently against black people, when America groaned under the weight of segregation and prejudice. Imagine being in possession of a natural talent so great, so unique and disarming that these issues were seemingly swept to one side to allow you to perform and be acknowledged for this gift, yet behind closed doors they were trying to think of a way to package you as something you were not: white. This candid account of the actual happenings in and around the "fairytale" life of fame and fortune of Nat King Cole, are taken from the private journals of Nat King Cole and exclusive interviews with the widow of Nat King Cole, Maria Cole, as well as contributions from other family members, Tony Bennett, Buddy Greco, Harry Bellafonte, Nancy Wilson, Sir Bruce Forsythe, George Benson, Aaron Neville, Johnny Mathis and many more. Some of these shocking stories have never ...
/Sebastian Dehnhardt
/Germinal Roaux
Marie, 19, is attracted by easy money. Without really realizing it, she becomes involved in prostitution. She decides not to tell her friend, Vincent, a young, nonchalant, 21-year-old skater who owes everyone money and just can’t seem to grow up. The maelstrom of life seizes Marie and Vincent, caught up in a society where money, appearance and perpetual self-delusion are everything. Vincent’s mute, autistic brother, Mika, also gets caught in the trap.
宛若小兔一般的嘉莉·怀特(科洛·莫瑞兹 Chloë Moretz 饰)在妈妈玛格丽特(朱丽安·摩尔 Julianne Moore饰)的严格看护下成长起来,与学校那群开放浪荡的女孩相比,她就如同从纯洁的童话世界里走出来一样,一尘不染。在一次事件后,过分惶恐的嘉莉成为克莉丝 (波茜娅·道布尔戴 Portia Doubleday 饰)、休(加布瑞拉·王尔德 Gabriella Wilde 饰)等女孩们嘲笑和欺凌的对象。极度的压力和耻感之下,嘉莉意外发现自己仿佛拥有神奇的魔力。另一方面,深感惭愧的休劝说男友汤米。邀请嘉莉参加毕业舞会。而遭到校方惩罚的克莉丝则处心积虑要进一步羞辱嘉莉。 小魔女用魔力逃脱母亲所编制的樊笼,而她的人生充满更多的不可测……
/David Kennard
电影《在勃艮第的一年》描绘了在2011年这个伟大的勃艮第酿酒年份,7个葡萄酒酿造商从葡萄萌芽到收获的整个酿酒历程。 Leroy家族的Lalou Bize-Leroy——罗曼尼康帝的合伙人之一(另一位庄主为Aubert de Villaine),与其他6名庄主共同出演。包括Domaine Perrot-Minot庄的Christophe Perrot-Minot,Morey-Coffinet庄的Michel Morey和Fabienne Coffinet,Vosne-Romanée庄的Bruno Clavelier。 英籍导演David Kennard是纪录片大师,几年前与著名演员制作了电影《Wine for the Confused(献给葡萄酒菜鸟)》,一部以幽默轻松的方式介绍葡萄酒入门知识的纪录片。David Kennard希望借助《在勃艮第的一年》“展示一个独具匠心的酿酒师的内心与灵魂”。 影片邀请了美国勃艮第进口商Martine Saunier作为顾问,她可以轻易接触到Bize-Leroy等明星酿造师。Kennard说:“Lalou Bize-Leroy是一个完美主义者,她要求所有事都按照她的意愿完成。她在影片中给出了非常精彩的评论。” 导演表示,他不会追随著名的反葡萄酒全球化纪录片《美酒家族(Mondovino)》的脚步。“和《美酒家族》正好相反,我在影片里没有强加我想传达的信息。《在勃艮第的一年》比较像2004年的葡萄酒浪漫喜剧片《杯酒人生》,只不过我是个纯粹的观察者。” 《在勃艮第的一年》暂行剪辑版于7月份在美国俄勒冈州的国际黑比诺庆典上映,《洛杉矶周刊》称其拍摄的镜头“奢华美丽”。 影片由某投资银行家赞助,他已经同意继续拍摄《在香槟的一年》。Kennard表示,他计划借助首部的成功,将其拍成系列影片。
亚当(Andrzej Chyra 饰)直到21岁才发现人生的使命就是成为主的仆人。如今他已是波兰乡村的一位牧师,因帮助和挽救问题青少年而深受乡民爱戴。他拒绝了金发女郎伊娃(Maja Ostaszewska 饰)的求欢,表示已将此身献给上帝——然而这并不是全部原因。当他知道自己喜欢男性后,他就把从事牧师职业当成了对抗这种欲望的手段。直到遇见当地农户之子、沉默寡言的卢卡斯(Mateusz Kosciukiewicz 饰)后,亚当的禁欲心防终于决堤,迎接他的将是生命不能承受之重...... 作为波兰著名女性导演,玛高扎塔·施莫夫兹卡一直将镜头对准波兰的社会现实。《之名》聚焦“基督教内同性恋”这一禁忌话题,以宗教信仰对决欲望,反思神性与人性的对抗,是一部拥有情感厚度的佳作。电影入围第63届柏林电影节金熊奖,获得了同志电影最高荣誉泰迪熊奖。
/Ana Maria Hermida
Followig the sudden death of her estranged brother, Lucia finds comfort through her brother's fiancée, Mariana. Though strangers at first, the two women slowly bond over their loss, sharing memories and stories of the man they both loved. Eventually they fall in love and Lucia finds herself at a crossroad. She must chose whether to return to her old life with her husband or embark on a new journey with her new found love.
另类的爱情故事,肢体纠结的情色语言。 1957年,原纳粹军官Max(Dirk Bogarde 饰)隐姓埋名,在维也纳一家酒店当午夜守门人。某日,他遇到著名指挥家的妻子Lucia(Charlotte Rampling 饰),往事排山倒海而来。 原来,Lucia是纳粹集中营的幸存者,当年是Max的性奴,也是他的情人,Max对她一直念念不忘。 Max趁Lucia外出演出,和Lucia重逢,随即将她接到了自己的公寓,二人迅速恢复了往日的关系。 于此同时,Max所属纳粹余孽小团体也在寻找Lucia,想除掉这个有力的证人,Lucia的丈夫也因为妻子失踪而报警。Max走投无路,只能囤积了大量食品在公寓里,和Lucia足不出户,靠性爱彼此安慰,忘记现实的困境,等待终将来临的救赎或者毁灭。
在破碎家庭中长大、拥有极高舞蹈天分的年轻人奇普(瑞恩‧史提尔 Ryan Steele 饰),刚满18岁便独自奔赴纽约,在SOHO区一家舞团学习跳舞,追逐自己现代舞的梦想。身无分文的他每晚只能偷偷留宿舞池,直到某天清晨被女舞伴凯蒂(凯瑟琳‧米勒 Catherine Mi ller 饰)发现。凯蒂像大姐姐一样收留了奇普,然而奇普并没有过几天平静的生活。日夜陪伴练舞的英俊舞者西奥(里德‧路普劳 Reed Luplau 饰)不知不觉搅乱了他的心。害怕、抗拒、犹疑,同性异性之间对于爱情的吸引、性爱的欢愉、人生的徘徊,就在五支舞的翩然转折之间,传达出人与人渴望倾诉的温情。 《舞影随行》是一部关于舞蹈的电影,舞者肢体的伸张旋转背后是现实生活的各种困顿。通过抽象的现代舞蹈,让舞者获得超脱的勇气,让残缺的人生获得艺术的完整,这正是导演艾伦‧布朗创作的初衷。片中的同性感情,两位主角的进退、试探和亲密,调度恰如舞蹈般有着最微妙的文本对应。负责为《舞影随行》编舞的是美国复兴现代舞大师乔纳‧伯克,主角瑞恩‧史提尔和里德‧路普劳都是跨界演出的专业舞者,他们驾驭着线条匀称的身体,将现代舞的轻盈唯美展示得淋漓尽致。《舞影随行》获2013年特拉维夫同志电影节和里约热内卢同志电影节最佳剧情片奖。
来自廷布(不丹首都):宗萨蒋扬钦哲仁波切的第三部故事片注定要是全然不同的。不同于它的前两部电影——《高山上的世界杯》(The Cup)和《旅行家与魔术师》(Travellers and Magicians)——VARA,在梵语中意为恩赐或护佑,本片将会有一套专业演员阵容,其中有些还是宝莱坞的著名影星。 以印度著名诗人和小说家Sunil Gan-gopadhyay的小说《血与泪》(Blood and Tears)为蓝本,这部电影将会是印度式的。部分可能参演的主演包括Imran Khan, Shahid Kapoor, Shahana Goswami, Mamatha Bhukya, 以及Padmapriya Janakiraman。 片子在斯里兰卡或者南印度拍摄。VARA发掘理解、慈悲、牺牲、无我等在真实生活中的典范。它赞颂女性的坚韧,挖掘种姓制度和信仰的层次体系。 【Vara】讲的是一位年轻貌美的印度教寺庙舞者和一位低种姓的雕刻家相恋……冒着两个人的生命危险,她秘密答应成为雕塑家的模特……在一个偏远的村庄,女孩儿为了保护自己未出生的孩子不惜一切代价……电影中一些村民会卷入纠缠的恋情和社会期望,整部片子也充满了印度传统舞蹈的场面。 以他一贯的幽默感,仁波切说,由于使用一个偏僻的语言制作,片子或许会变得无聊以及在商业上失败。但是,他强调Vara是与众不同的。“我非常紧张,因为它是与众不同的,”他说。Vara的主题包涵了很多复杂的议题,诸如种姓制度,婆罗多舞蹈——一种极为玄奥、深邃、广大和无限的灵性舞蹈。演员将不会是他的学生或者与他有关系的人,而是宝莱坞的演员或者一些独立演员。他计划很快就在孟买会见演员们。“所有这些将会使这部电影让我紧张不堪,我不能再使用『仁波切的专政』了,”他笑着说。由于一直是婆罗门舞蹈和卡纳塔克音乐(印度音乐传统来自古老的「婆摩吠陀」(Sama Vedas)经)以及胜天(Jaya Deva)的《牧童歌(Gita Govinda)》的粉丝,仁波切此番确实准备接受挑战了。