Set at the turn of the century, the story concerns a Polish poet living in Cracow who has decided to marry a peasant girl. The wedding is attended by a heterogenous group of people from all strata of Polish society, who dance, get drunk and lament Poland's 100-year-long division of Poland under Russia, Prussia, and Austria. The bridegroom, a painter friend, and a journalist each in turn is confronted with spectres of Polish past. In the end a call to arms is called but turns out to be a hoax.
This is a very bizarre fairy tale. It commences with a wedding and singing and dancing but nearly the whole village is wiped out by wolves. The bride gives birth to a daughter several months later and promises her to the boy who saved her. Ten years later there is another disruption when Some circus folk come by and the villagers trick them into staying. Tragedy ensues... This has a strange cast, dwarfs, giants, priests and occasional intrusions from the modern world in the form of the police and a wonderer who returns bringing to the village the good news of Nostradamus. It is a long film but it honestly does not drag. and if you get bored of the plot you can always look at the sumptuous Countryside.
A great spanish cult movie!! This is one of the most astonishing films ever made. It has some scenes that it should be in the history of cinema. Like the filming by Fernando Fernan Gomez of the militias using a big roll of paper to win a positions. Or the begging of the film based on real events. The birth of the director inside the carp where the first cinematographer was showing "the train arriving to the station". Being shoot in really simple way it's amazing the proper use of the audiovisual language. The late Guillermo Cabrera Infante showed this film in a Canadian film festival in Spanish without subtitles when the projection finish the audience didn't move and they ask for seen the film again. The effect of this film in the audience is unbelievable. None a single person that has seen this rare Spanish movie could forget it. Except the main actor Fernando Fernan Gomez who never remember work on it.
/Lois Weber
The Professor dispenses the wisdom of the ages and does not make a living wage. The sons of the rich and powerful are students lacking any motivation. The next door neighbor of the Professor, businessman Olsen, has money and lots of food, while the Griggs have hardly any. Both Peter Olsen and Reverend Gates are taken by the beauty of young Amelia Griggs. When rich son Phil West falls for Amelia Griggs and befriends the poor Reverend Gates, he finally sees the difference in his life and theirs and tries to do something to change that.
Mannheim-Heidelberg International Filmfestival YearResultAwardCategory/Recipient(s) 1969 Won Grand Prize Dusan Hanák A government official in Czechoslovakia mistakenly believes he has cancer. He reasons his involvement in clandestine activities during the Stalin administration have fated him to die from a dreaded disease. He searches for inner peace as he feels the guilt of his past transgressions. This film tied for the Grand Prize at the Mannheim Film Festival in 1969. Slovak director Dusan Hanak was one of Czech cinema's brightest and best talents of the '60s and '70s, but because of censorship this was not manifest until the late '80s. Dusan made an impact on the film world with his auspicious debut 322 (1969). Though banned until 1988, when it was finally released, it earned international acclaim and the Grand Prix award at the Mannheim Film Festival. Hanak's sophomore effort, the documentary Obrazy Stareho Sveta/Image of an Old World (completed in 1972), was also not released until 1988 and neither was his 1980 film Ja Milujem, Ty Milujes/I Love You, You Love. Only Hanak's 1976 film Ruzove Sny/Rose-Tinted Dreams passed muster with censors and saw a timely release.
剧情 一个法国少年和一个阿拉伯少年自幼便是街头的混混,他们缺乏家庭的温暖和社会的关注,以偷窃为乐,但当他们自认为最愚笨的同学摇身成为大富翁时,他们目瞪口呆,习惯了街头恶习的两人在辞工后不久,又陷入了爱情的困惑,最终都被警察带走,但他们对生活已经绝望,剩下的是两人间不变的友谊。 更多剧情>> 幕后花絮 本片属于波尔电影,也就是反映在法国的阿尔及利亚后裔人的电影作品。导演沙里夫是阿尔及利亚后裔,本片根据他的自传体小说改编,非常直白地将当时法国社会的阴暗现实反映出来。影片最后点出主题,渴望拆除种族的藩篱,超越肤色和种族和平友好地生活下去。整部电影的叙事手法平平,只是倒叙一段类似“戏中戏”处理得较有复古味道,不失讽刺韵味,人物的心理描写也细致准确,属于一部表现社会底层青年生活的社会写实作品。
/Jonas Bak
入围第71届柏林电影节德国电影视角单元。 As she enters retirement, a mother leaves behind her solitary life in rural Germany and memories of a once perfect family life and travels to protest-ridden Hong Kong, a place that has kept her son away from her for many years.
/Breno Silveira, Vicente Kubrusly
《唐老大》讲述了来自里约热内卢里约热内卢中产阶级的英俊男孩佩德罗的故事,他在十几岁的时候接触了可卡因,使他走上了成为21世纪初统治里约热内卢小报的犯罪团伙头目的道路:佩德罗·唐老大。在动作、冒险和剧情之间切换,多姆还讲述了佩德罗的父亲维克多·丹塔斯(Victor Dantas)的故事,他十几岁时在海底有了发现,向当局报告,最终加入了警方的情报部门。该剧讲述了父子俩过着截然相反的生活,相互映衬、互补,但两人都面临着模糊是非界限的困境。
/David Dinetz,Dylan Trussell
查利(克里夫·罗伯逊 Cliff Robertson 饰)虽然已经是一名30岁的成年男子了,但是因为患有智力障碍,他的言行举止都宛若一个6岁的孩童。白天,查利在面包房靠着做清洁工来赚取微薄的薪水养活自己,这份工作除了非常辛苦以外,查理还必须忍受同伴们的嘲笑和欺侮。晚上,查利回去夜校上课,他的老师爱丽丝(克莱尔·布鲁姆 Claire Bloom 饰)对查利非常的好。 为了帮查利治病,爱丽丝找到了专门进行大脑实验的神经学家理查德(Leon Janney 饰)和安娜(莉莉娅·斯卡拉 Lilia Skala 饰),查利作为实验对象接受了两人的治疗,谁知道治疗效果拔群,查利不仅完全病愈,而且获得了超高的智商。
/阿伦·雷乃,Robert Hessens
1937年西班牙内战其间,德国战机应西班牙国民军政府的要求,向巴斯克城市格尔尼卡猛烈轰炸,造成严重伤亡。毕加索激于义愤,绘画了这有如炼狱般的惨状,着火的房子,惊惶失措的人畜,嚎哭的丧子之母,控诉着战争的残暴。为此,毕加索与独裁者佛朗哥决裂,流亡至巴黎,老死不还乡。这幅画原本收藏于美国大都会博物馆,佛朗哥Franco死后,遵毕加索遗言重返故国。 1936年,毕加索担任共和政府任命的普拉多美术馆名誉馆长期间,为保护艺术珍品,作出了自己的贡献。1937年初,他创作了蚀刻画《佛朗哥的梦和谎言》。这是一组连环漫画式的版画,共有18个画面,另加一首隐晦的、丑化佛朗哥的题诗。画家通过出售这组画的复制品将售款捐作共和政府的救济金。就在创作这组作品时,发生了"4月26日事件"。因此,这组画中的最后4个画面,与日后创作的Guernica《格尔尼卡》有关密切的联系。组画中的公牛在最后的画面中,抵伤了象征佛朗哥的马形怪物。该组画被复制后,法国当局作为宣传品,用飞机将其散发到了佛朗哥占领区。在此前不久,毕加索曾受委托为普拉多美术馆创作一幅大型壁画,作为该年夏季在巴黎召开的万国博览会中西班牙馆的装饰画。在他还未构思的时候,发生了骇人听闻的"4月26日事件"。这就是德国法西斯的空军,悍然轰炸了西班牙北部巴斯克的重镇格尔尼卡,造成了和平居民的伤亡。当这一消息传到巴黎后,愤怒的毕加索怀着"对那把西班牙沈浸在痛苦与死亡的海洋中的好战集团的厌恶和鄙视",立即以这一事件为题材,只用了6个星期的时间,于6月5日创作完成了351×782厘米的巨幅壁画《格尔尼卡》。该画以后期立体主义语言表现了战争带给人类的灾难,鞭鞑了法西斯。该画在巴黎亮相后,受到了广泛的关注。1938年,它还在挪威、英国、美国等进行了巡回展出。在德国占领法国期间,毕加索不向德国法西斯低头、不为利诱所动,表现了高尚的民族气节。表示以自己的绘画作为『抵抗和打击敌人的战斗武器』。