Bob Ross brought joy to millions as the world's most famous art instructor. But a battle for his business empire cast a shadow over his happy trees.
受到歌剧院老板黑泽和马的邀请,金田一、美雪和剑持警部再次造访歌岛。金田一不知为何有种不祥的预感,他的预感果然实现了。和怪人幽灵寄来的预告书一样,在密室状态下的剧场里饰演卡尔罗达的女演员遭到残杀,从此揭开了连续杀人的序幕! 漫画的第一部《歌剧院杀人事件》里只是稍微提到了老板的女儿黑泽美歌,而在这部小说里则担任了一个重要的角色。这种关联的趣味性以及密室和不在场诡计,使用只有在小说里才有办法展开的“叙述性诡计”,很值得一读。不过最能打动读者的心的,应该是凶手哀痛的告白吧。剧情感人肺腑,不愧是小说第一版的力作!而作为改编的电影版结尾自有一套峰回路转,千万也别错过哦!
/Guillermo de Oliveira
In 1966 the Spanish Army built a huge cemetery with over 5000 graves at Mirandilla Valley in Burgos for the final sequence in the film "The Good the Bad and the Ugly". After the shooting, the whole place was left behind and for 49 years, nature covered every tomb. In October 2015 a group of film fans decided to start digging - and under 3 inches of ground they found the original paved circle. For months, people from all around Europe traveled to Sad Hill to unearth and rebuild the place. Sad Hill Unearthed is the amazing story behind one of the most important locations in film history. It explores the dreams and motivations behind the fans but also the transformation of art, music and film in a substitute for religion.
/Stacey Lee
Follow Olivia Rodrigo as she recounts the memories of writing and creating her debut album. Take a look on her journey from Salt Lake City to Los Angeles.
“亚人”是1980年代开始渐渐出现在人类视野之中的新人种,他们源自于人类,有着和人类一样的外貌,却有着不老不死的肉身,只有一个人类死亡之后,才能够判断他是否为亚人。人类恐惧亚人身上所蕴藏的强大力量,对他们发起了严酷的追捕和研究。 永井圭(宫野真守 配音)是一位平凡的少年,拥有高超的智商和优秀的成绩,某日,在一场交通事故中,永井圭不幸丧生,随后变为亚人,遭到了军方的通缉。在童年好友海斗(细谷佳正 配音)的帮助下,永井圭踏上了逃亡的旅途,期间遇到了身份神秘的帽子男佐藤(大冢芳忠 配音),虽然佐藤和永井圭同为亚人,但不知为何,佐藤将永井圭视为了敌人。
本剧改编自David Nicholls的同名畅销小说《一天》。 1988年7月15日,Emma Morley(安比卡·茂德 Ambika Mod 饰)和Dexter Mayhew(利奥·伍德尔 Leo Woodall 饰)迎来了自己的毕业之夜。尽管大学即将结束,不过这是两人第一次跟彼此说话,第二天早上他们便各奔东西了。第二年、第三年,以及接下来的每一年,在这平凡的一天,他们会是什么样子呢?每年的这一天,Dex和Em都大了一岁,他们见证了彼此的成长变化,经历了分分合合,体会了喜怒哀乐。
/Oeke Hoogendijk
It was a fateful coincidence that in 2014, just when the Allard Pierson Museum in Amsterdam was staging an exhibition of Crimean artworks, Russia annexed the region. So now the question arises of who should the artworks be returned to? To the museums in Crimea who had been so kind as to loan them out? Or to Ukraine, perhaps, the country Crimea belonged to before the annexation? What should the museum’s director Wim Hupperetz do? Veteran documentary filmmaker Oeke Hoogendijk (The New Rijksmuseum) is just the woman for the job when it comes to turning this complex issue into an exciting film, and finding the human dimension in a tangled judicial tug-of-war. Political, emotional, personal, cultural, and historical interests all jostle for position as lawyers arguing from a purely judicial perspective present their case and distressed museum directors face big gaps in their collections. While archaeologists in Crimea continue their groundbreaking historical work, it looks like their previous finds are going to be re-buried in the Netherlands—shut off from the world in a warehouse, they are perhaps the biggest losers in this conflict.