/Ranjit Tiwari
In 1984 Indian Airlines flight IC 691 is hijacked and taken to Lahore this is the fifth Indian Airlines flight hijacked in the last seven years in tenure of Prime Minister Indira Gandhi. RAW decides to appoint one of their undercover agent Anshul Malhotra known by his code name Bell Bottom who has done numerous research on the flights hijacked in last few years and the mission is personal to him as his mother succumbed to death during one of the hijacked flights.The ministry and officials rejects theories of Bell Bottom and observations but get him involved when his observation turns true.The hijacked flight is taken to Dubai where the hijackers want to negotiate with Indian officials Bell Bottom and his team arrive with the officials to Dubai where he has a set up plan but has to assure the Dubai government that there is no blood shed.
In 1909, amidst the dying old west, Willie Boy, a long distance Desert Runner by Chemehuevi tradition, falls in love with young native beauty, Carlota. Carlota's father, a Chemehuevi shaman and local tribal leader, refuses to let the young couple be together. In a fatal confrontation, Carlota's father falls dead to an accidental gun shot and the young lovers flee to the sun enslaved Mohave desert. The local sheriff leads a mounted posse armed with fire power and two Native American trackers seeking justice for their "murdered" tribal leader. Willie Boy and Carlota evade capture outlasting the men and their horses. However, fake news stories meant to sell papers adds to the mounting pressure to capture Willie Boy. In a desert that purifies all, the search for Willie Boy forces everyone to face their own demons in this tragic tale of love, death, and desert heat.
/Garrett Batty
1989年,西非利比里亚爆发了一场残酷的内战,政府通过不正当选举方式维护自己的权益,并对克拉恩民族的部落偏爱有加,国内反对派通过搜查和屠杀克拉恩人来表达反对,借机报复政府。部落间暴力升级引发国家内战,爱好和平的人士不得不远离故土。 六个利比里亚蒙罗维亚的传教士已经无法在祖国继续传教生活下去了,他们决定逃往邻国塞拉利昂的首都弗里敦。在逃离祖国的时候遭遇反对派暴力追杀。在当地教会领袖菲利普阿布巴卡尔(亨利·Adofo)的帮助下,传教士们充满信念乐观勇敢地踏上困难重重的旅程…… 基于真实事件改编,展示是一个令人激动、 鼓舞人心的希望和生存的故事。
星际联盟收到探索飞船发出的求救信号后立刻派遣星际精英特种小组前去营救,由于机器故障飞船迫降到那个荒芜且怪异的星球上。不久后,船员在星球上发现了那艘废弃的飞船,但里面的飞行员都莫名其妙的死去,为了防止尸体异变,他们决定把尸体全部销毁。随后船员们发现了金字塔般的巨大建筑物,然而噩梦从此开始,他们释放了金字塔中所有的嗜血星际怪兽,星球瞬间被恐怖包围,丧尸怪兽一并向人们袭来,他们该如何挽救自己…… (此片精彩的没话说,星球大战般的场景加异型的特效以及著名的cult片演员们齐聚在一块所产生的名词是什么?那就是经典~! 这部B级片的经典程度已经影响到未来科幻恐怖电影的发展前途,像黑洞表面之类的电影就是对其进行无耻的抄袭。影片甚至影响了*本成人动漫的一个类型,那就是触手系漫画~片中有经典的蠕虫强*金发奶霸的震撼镜头,这就是八十年代恐怖片的魅力……)
“瞧一瞧看一看,暗芝居表演开始喽~” 伴随着稀疏冷清的鼓声,江湖艺人(津田宽治 配音)鬼魅的吆喝声再度响起,充满好奇心的孩子从四面八方聚过来,一同观看哪一个有一个让人胆战心惊并且回味起来已经冷汗直冒的恐怖故事。承接第一季,《暗芝居》的故事继续以洋片(紙芝居)的表现形式讲述短小精悍的恐怖故事,而此次制作阵容得到壮大,在恐怖领域占有重要席位的清水崇(《咒怨》)、井口升(《无限富江》)等导演相继加盟,无疑提升了本作第二季的恐怖指数。片尾曲方面,初音带来的《四十九日目》,其邪典气息不逊于前作。此外,官网依然不定期提供恐怖短篇小说,让爱好者们继续在幽暗的世界里徜徉。
Emilia, 17, arrives at her Aunt Ines' hostel at the border between Argentina and Brazil, looking for her long lost brother. In this luxuriant jungle, where local myths and legends abound, a dangerous beast believed to be the spirit of an evil man taking the form of different animals seems to be roaming around. On a journey to sexual awakening, Emilia will have to confront her past in order to kill the beast.
Women He's Undressed is a cinema length documentary that explores the life of Australia's most prolific costume designer. Until now Orry-Kelly has been unacknowledged in his country of birth and pretty well forgotten in the adopted country of his greatest success. During the boom years of Hollywood he was the costume designer on an astonishing 282 motion pictures. He designed for the stars like Marilyn Munroe, Bette Davis, Humphrey Bogart, Rosalind Russell, Errol Flynn and many more of the immortals. His films included Some Like It Hot, Casablanca, An American in Paris and Now, Voyager. Orry-Kelly (Jack to his friends) won three Academy Awards and was nominated for a fourth. Orry-Kelly was Head of Warner Brothers Costume Department during the richest period of American film, the establishment of the dream factory and its effect on mass culture. He was outrageous, witty, outspoken, a drinker and uncompromising but he survived partially protected by his friendship with Jack and Ann ... Written by Damien Parer
故事发生在一个名为“迷路镇”的小镇之中,在这里,居住着很多以占卜为职业的占卜师,他们被称为“Urara”。活泼可爱的少女千矢(原田彩枫 配音)千里迢迢来到迷路镇,她希望能在这里见到一直都在寻找的母亲,在这座拥有着神奇力量,因缘交汇的小镇,千矢的梦想能够化为现实呢? 出生于名门茶屋的巽绀(本渡枫 配音)、含着金汤匙出生但格外平易近人的千金大小姐雪见小梅(久保由利香 配音)、胆小害羞,擅长操纵人偶的枣乃乃(佳村遥 配音),千矢在迷路镇和这三位可爱的少女相遇了,志同道合的四人一拍即合,共同朝着目的地枣屋进发。
自 Arandas 联合王国(Kingdom of Arandas alliance)建国以来与 Ingelmia 诸国统合体(The Countries Unification of Ingelmia)的战事发生以来,二国一直以中间的不落要塞“Great Wall”为 分界陷入胶著的状态!在 Arandas 联合王国的东方山地有个驻扎于此的独立第八部队,其新兵 Susumu Tokimune 在初阵时即面临了袭击人民的 Ingelmia 军,不顾可能遭遇敌袭与陷阱的危险,Susumu 在前往支援的途中遇到了技师 Jamie Hazaford 以及她所乘载并运送着的 白银Trail Krieger“ARGEVOLLEN”;以此小小的偶然为分界,第八独立部队将大大的撼动“Great Wall”深闭的大门!!!
/Martin Hong
爱可能会令人困惑,但它永远不会错。 The Authority有史以来第一部时尚电影:在济州岛寻找自我并最终寻找爱情的发现之旅。
/Luke Cormican
“Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Rodrick Rules,” is an all-new animated movie based on the second book in Jeff Kinney’s wildly popular book series. The original song from the film, “Can You Smell Us Now,” written and produced by Jon Levine, with lyrics by Jeff Kinney, and performed by Jimmy Tatro, is also available. Be sure to check everything out, and don’t forget to watch “Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Rodrick Rules” on December 2, 2022, when it premieres on Disney+. The riotous antics of angst-ridden, disaster-prone middle school student Greg Heffley continue in “Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Rodrick Rules,” focusing this time around on his complicated relationship with older brother Rodrick. A spikey-haired high school student, Rodrick is lazy and undisciplined and spends way too much time practicing with his rock band, Löded Diper. While he loves to torment Greg, he ultimately has a deep affection for his younger brother. Directed by Luke Cormican (“Teen Titans Go!) and written and produced by Jeff Kinney, “Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Rodrick Rules” features the voices of Brady Noon (“The Mighty Ducks: Game Changers”), Ethan William Childress (“mixed-ish”), Edward Asner (“Up”), Chris Diamantopoulos (“Silicon Valley”), Erica Cerra (“Power Rangers”), and Hunter Dillon (“Deadpool 2”). “Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Rodrick Rules” features the original song, “Can You Smell Us Now,” written and produced by Jon Levine, with lyrics by Jeff Kinney, and performed by Jimmy Tatro.