It is an exclusive club that provides sex at night, not a brothel. It offers a fascinating story: a woman and two customers named Alex fall in love at the same time. They are treated equally in exactly the same way, except that they are a man and a woman, and the bar woman doesn’t know which way to choose. A mysterious man tells of his even more mysterious mother, who is rich, artistic, but a cat burglar, who one day steals sex at a writer’s house and gets the best steal of his life, “son”; A woman is celebrating her thirtieth birthday. Her friend gives her a mysterious gift. It is revealed that it is the body of a man she has long admired. Two lovers who have not seen each other for a year are dating again. Both of them are reluctant, but they can not forget the harmonious sex at that time. They almost miss it. One beautiful night, four stories, four wonderful sexual adventures. No credit information is available for this movie. You can help add!
An Eros drama about the shocking sexual experiences of ordinary women, based on a live-action version of the popular section of “Weekly Asahi Geino”. Starring Hitoe Otake, who created an era in the 1990s. The bonus footage includes “Kokuhaku-noteki, a resume that can’t be told to anyone” starring Kaori Asada.
Sexually lustful pizza delivery woman, Seung-ha VS customer who wants to swap, Yoon-yool The Hye-jin couple, who advocate free sex, yuankan.cc point to the pizza delivery man Ji-yeong and Dal-soo as partners to enjoy with them, and execute an erotic operation. When Ji-yeong arrives, Hye-jin's husband shows off his erection, and when Dal-soo arrives, he seduces her with his chest and erotic poses. During the delivery, Ji-yeong witnesses Hye-jin and Jeong-woo, a Chinese restaurant delivery man, having a love affair at the entrance of an apartment.
《巴黎Q娘》(QSexual Desire)是由导演罗虹布尼克执导,黛柏哈·海薇主演的一部限制级电影,于2011年9月14日在法国上映的。该片讲述了关于一名妓女的故事。一位身材姣好的妙龄女子赛西堪称欲望的化身,犹如帕索里尼经典《定理》中的访客般席卷众人,所到之处皆令人为之疯狂,一群被社会困境吞噬的迷惘年轻人,为她倾倒,奉她为“女神”,女人为之著迷,视她为“启蒙者”。背负丧父之痛的赛西,与好姐妹们徜徉在欲念横流的都市丛林,藉放浪形骸来检视自我,以性启蒙者之姿带领姐妹淘寻欢纵欲,然而抚慰自身的同时,她也释放众人心底蠢蠢欲动的灵魂,默默凑合一对对旷男怨女。渴望着爱或被爱、放纵与激情。然而他们所浑然不知的是,在浪掷虚度的鱼水交欢中,每个人的命运已逐渐改变…。导演透过大胆的情欲场面,探讨**、激情与爱情之间的关系,透过女主角对**的「坦诚」,表达人性对情欲最自然的渴望。片中的激情场面全都为演员真实**演出,游走于创作与真实之间的尺度限界,堪称大胆挑战电影艺术尺度的宣言。此外长相酷似茱儿芭莉摩的女主角黛柏哈海薇在片中大胆自然的演技也备受注目。《爱就爱到渗透肌肤,直达体内灵魂深处》导演挑战影坛情欲尺度的极限,游走在艺术与异色之间,大胆呈现都会男女迷失在肉欲激情的迷宫之中,堪称法国近代影史上最受争议的异色电影。性是爱情故事中最美丽的结晶。性是向亲密情人表达爱意的媒介。性不只是为了享受欢愉感,而是有更深层的存在意义。《巴黎Q娘》是探讨爱的故事,关于情感联结和生理上的种种快感,进而与爱人的肌肤、汗水融为一体。彼此二合为一的默契,逐渐成为肉体兼柏拉图式的享受,达到最终超脱世俗的心灵境界。《巴黎Q娘》毫不掩饰的坦裎相见在所有探讨**电影中独树一格,尤其在片中不加修饰的大胆**桥段,全都是演员真枪实弹上场,绝无造假之嫌,写实呈现香汗淋漓的**体验,挑起观众七情六欲之余,也令人沉思角色背后的情感、动机与心理状态。电影巧妙结合艺术性的口吻与情色的肢体语言,开创最禁忌动人的**旅程,让观众不费吹灰之力,就能搭上这班法国情爱列车,在体内最深处寻找自己最赤裸的一面。