/Butch Lukic
暗夜下的高谭市,迎来新一年的万圣节。偏偏就在这样一个宁静的夜晚,银嗓女妖(Kari Wuhrer 配音)救出所罗门格兰迪,在闹市区繁华街道引发混乱,危机时刻蝙蝠侠(Roger Craig Smith 配音)、绿箭侠(Chris Diamantopoulos 配音)等正义战士出现,暂时化解危机。在此之后,稻草人、泥面人随同前面两个恶棍接连登场,而他们的幕后指使正是诡计多端、邪恶狡猾的小丑(Troy Baker 饰)。此时此刻,小丑正策划邪恶的阴谋,他试图在高谭市传播一种能令人狂笑的电脑病毒,足以使这座城市陷入前所未有的混乱。 蝙蝠侠、绿箭侠以及生化人(Khary Payton 配音)、夜翼(Will Friedle 配音)还有红罗宾(Yuri Lowenthal 配音)出动迎战……
A mad scientist grandfather invents a genetic transformation machine and his 4 year old grandson accidentally turns his body into that of a 30 year old man. Baby Bobby escapes and runs around town as his siblings try to catch him before their parents get back from vacation AND before the bad guys get to him first. The machine is worth a lot of money and they only have a day before the machine loses its capabilities to change baby bobby back.
/Carlos Portugal
故事发生在洛杉矶东区,迪哥(René Alvarado 饰)和皮德罗(David Berón 饰)是一对相恋多年的同性恋人,可是,皮德罗对于出柜的恐惧使得他们长久以来只能遮遮掩掩的生活,这让迪哥很是不满和沮丧。卫斯理(Steve Callahan 饰)和强森(Cory Schneider 饰)也是一对同性恋人,刚刚搬家到东区的他们以光明正大的作风在当地掀起了一股不小的浪潮。 随着时间的流逝,迪哥开始渐渐在意起了卫斯理的存在,而卫斯理同样特也被英俊的迪哥青睐有加。可是,情投意合的两人却并不能自由的享受恋情带来的幸福和快乐,一边是对于前男友的不舍的责任,一边是身份和地位带来的限制与非议,摆在迪哥和卫斯理面前的道路漫长又坎坷。
/Tilde Harkamp
The 13-year-old Iqbal is a charming, imaginative and fun boy, which, according to his father, is not enough if one is to succeed in the world. But when Iqbal, his little brother Tariq (11 years) and their friend Sille, accidentally blow up their school, his father is the slightest of his problems. The two crooks, Easelman and The Swine, want to get hold of the randomly home brewed explosive and blow up Tivoli to build the biggest parking facility in Scandinavia. To blackmail the kids for the recipe the two crooks kidnap the adorable little brother Dindua (6 years). The hunt to free Dindua and save Tivoli starts - and this requires cooperation, courage and a lot of imaginative ideas, which Iqbal is an expert in delivering.
/Eric Bugbee
A passionate 26-year old BMX dirt jumper, Phineas Cooper, gets the chance of a lifetime to compete at the regional level to qualify for nationals. But his pursuit of triumph sours with a crash that knocks him out of commission. Determined to get back on track for the next major competition, he undergoes physical therapy for a couple months. In the meantime, he is ordered by court to complete community service for many unpaid citations for reckless street riding. He is forced to volunteer at a local youth center for at-risk teenage boys, and meets Jordin Riley, a beautiful humanitarian. To impress her, Phin decides to sign up for mentorship and handpicks one of the toughest boys named Blue Espinosa, a 14-year old whose mother is a heroin addict, and whose father was gunned down. As Phin takes Blue under his wings, he and his friends lead him on adventures of riding dirt trails, big jumps and cityscapes..
/David Jaure Rosenbaum
From living a normal life to surviving homelessness in the city of Miami, Peter is a victim of the turbulent US recession during late 2000's. A drama based on true events. A heartbreaking chronicle witnessing a drastic character transformation when he is exposed to the harsh cruelties the streets reveal.
/Esa Illi
Four 18-year-old girls Jessica, Jenny, Taru and Aino are on the verge of adulthood as they lose their innocence and, at times, their faith. Based on the story of four 18-year-old girls from Helsinki who kept provocative video diaries about their lives during the course of a year, in 2011. 影片讲述四个18岁的女孩耶西卡、燕妮、达鲁和艾诺正处于成年的边缘,她们开始对未来产生迷茫,学业、生活以及懵懂的爱情。故事根据四个18岁女孩的故事改编。
23岁的白白(郭采洁 饰)怀揣着纯洁而又热切的音乐梦想,只身一人远赴音乐学院深造,充满了自由和新鲜空气的大学校园让长久以来生活在压抑之中的白白第一次体会到了什么叫做真正的快乐。在学校里,白白遇见了英俊的学弟木宏(黄远 饰),两人意气相投,彼此之间距离越来越近。 白白的单纯和可爱勾起了李教授(戴立忍 饰)对于自己岁月往事的回忆,受到欲望和占有欲的控制,李教授利用职务之便和年龄上的优势,将白白诱惑进了一段背德的师生恋情之中。恋情曝光后,社会、网络舆论如同排山倒海般席卷而来,涉世未深的白白该怎样负担这沉重的一切?
一辆老式轿车载着一男两女行驶在阳光明媚的山间公路上,谁知突如其来的车祸摧毁了看似美好的一切。不知过了多久,男人(韦斯•本特利 Wes Bentley 饰)从昏迷中醒来,此时他躺在一间空旷的大房子中央,窗边摆着医疗设备和仪器。清脆的脚步声响起,美丽而略带神秘感的女人(凯特•波茨沃斯 Kate Bosworth 饰)走到他的面前。男人似乎因车祸而大脑受创,他记不起眼前的女人是谁,而对方则声称是他的妻子。在昏睡的梦中,关于车祸的碎片时时闪现眼前,这令坠入记忆裂缝中的男人愈加无助。越是迷惑,他越是渴望了解这个家,了解他所谓曾深爱而如今却如此陌生的女子。 女人那矜持的神秘笑容背后,藏着可怕的秘密……
When retired East End villain Charlie Archer is murdered by a feral street gang, his brother Ritchie returns to London from Spain to investigate. With the police investigation drawing blank after blank, Ritchie decides to take the law into his own hands and bring his old school justice back to the streets of East London. Rounding up his old firm, he leads a vigilante crusade against the vicious young criminals, using every grizzly method at his disposal to find and punish his brother s killers. They're outgunned and outnumbered, but this firm has never been outclassed yet.