/Niamh McKeown
Dinosaur follows Nina (Ashley Storrie), an autistic woman in her 30s, who adores her life living with her sister and best friend Evie. However, when Evie rushes into an engagement after only six weeks and makes Nina her maid of honour, Nina is floored. Forced to reconcile with her sister’s impulsive decision, Nina grapples with what this new challenge means. Nina’s relationship with her sister isn’t the only change that she’s navigating, as she explores new possibilities in her palaeontology career and a potential new relationship in her own life with the introduction of kind-hearted Lee, who helps Nina to see these new challenges in a more positive light. As their relationship blossoms, we see that Nina helps Lee just as much as he helps her.
/Lagueria Davis
It showcases the story behind the first Black Barbie. It started with the filmmaker's 83-year old aunt, Beulah Mae Mitchell and a seemingly simple question: "why not make a Barbie that looks like me?"
/Dallas Jenkins
The Chosen is a historical drama based on the life of Jesus and those who knew him. Set against the backdrop of Jewish oppression in first-century Israel, the series shares an authentic look at Jesus' revolutionary life and teachings.
由 Shondaland 和新剧集主管杰斯·布朗内尔打造的《布里杰顿家族》第三季回归。上一季中,佩内洛普·费瑟灵顿(妮可拉·考夫兰饰)听到了科林·布里杰顿(卢克·牛顿饰)对她的贬低言论,本季她终于放弃了长期以来对科林的迷恋。她决定是时候找个丈夫了,最好是一个能让她足够独立的丈夫,让她能够远离母亲和姐妹,继续过着维斯道恩女士的双重生活。但由于缺乏信心,佩内洛普在婚姻市场上的尝试以惨败告终。与此同时,科林结束了夏季旅行,面貌焕然一新,神气十足。但他沮丧地发现,佩内洛普这个一直欣赏他的人正在渐渐冷落他。为了挽回他们之间的友谊,科林主动提出指导佩内洛普培养自信,帮助她在本季中找到佳婿。但当他的课程开始奏效时,科林必须努力思考他对佩内洛普的感情是否真的只是友情。对佩内洛普来说,她与埃洛伊斯(克劳迪亚·杰西饰)之间的不和使事情变得更加复杂:埃洛伊斯在一个令人不可思议的地方找到了一个新朋友,而佩内洛普越来越引人注目,使得她更难保守自己作为维斯道恩女士的另一个秘密。
/Niamh McKeown
Dinosaur follows Nina (Ashley Storrie), an autistic woman in her 30s, who adores her life living with her sister and best friend Evie. However, when Evie rushes into an engagement after only six weeks and makes Nina her maid of honour, Nina is floored. Forced to reconcile with her sister’s impulsive decision, Nina grapples with what this new challenge means. Nina’s relationship with her sister isn’t the only change that she’s navigating, as she explores new possibilities in her palaeontology career and a potential new relationship in her own life with the introduction of kind-hearted Lee, who helps Nina to see these new challenges in a more positive light. As their relationship blossoms, we see that Nina helps Lee just as much as he helps her.
/Joelle Mae David,Makalla McPherson
Queenie Jenkins is a twenty-five-year-old Jamaican British woman living in South London, straddling two cultures and slotting neatly into neither. After a messy break up from her long-term boyfriend Tom, Queenie seeks comfort in all the wrong places, and begins to realise she has to face the past head on, before she can re-build.
2004年的圣诞夜,某高级公寓内,野口贵弘(德井义实 饰)及其妻子奈央子(小西真奈美 饰)双双遇害,现场则有四个惊慌失措的年轻人:杉下希美(荣仓奈奈 饰)、成濑慎司(窪田正孝 饰)、安藤望(贺来贤人 饰)和西崎真人(小出惠介 饰)。最后西崎认罪,入狱服刑十年。曾经在濑户内海某小岛担任驻警的退休刑警高野茂(三浦友和 饰)对此案存有诸多疑问,当年出生在该小岛的希美和慎司曾卷入神秘的失火事件,上京后的希美与安藤是大学同学,两人又和西崎租住在同一公寓中。千丝万缕将四个年轻人以及野口夫妇联系在一起,每个人都有需要守护的“N”,他们用谎言编制了扑朔迷离的爱恨迷局…… 本片根据凑佳苗的原作改编。