/查尔斯·麦克道格尔Charles McDougall,莎拉·哈丁Sarah Harding
第五季相当好看,Michael和Ben买了房子过起夫唱妇随的小日子,Brian继续放浪的生活,他们两个人在同志生活观上发生了分歧,Brian对Michael他们模仿异性恋一夫一妻制的生活嗤之以鼻。不过Brian自己在Gay Bar的地位也受到了挑战,新出现一个金发的年轻帅哥不仅拒绝了他的挑逗更抢走了他的不少猎物,于是他借口对方在舞池里接受别人的口交而把对方驱除出Babylon,因为他现在已经买下了这个Gay Bar,是那里的老板。年轻帅哥被迫找他谈话,两人打赌列出10名俊男的名单,如果年轻帅哥在限定时间内Fuck遍10人快过Brian就算他赢,他将会重新回到Babylon,如果输了就让Brian干他。最后当然是Brian赢了,年轻帅哥来到他家说:“你现在可以得到我的身体,但是别想降伏我的心,今天我就已经把你击败了。干我的时候轻一点,我很少做0。”看着年轻帅哥结实、朝气洋溢的身体,Brian突然觉得好没意思,让他穿上裤子走了。这个新出现的帅哥脸上总有股无所谓的傲慢,表情很象前几年的Brian。 在第四季里出现的橄榄球运动员Drew又回来找Emmet了。他正在离婚,而且被一个和他发生性关系的球迷敲诈,在Em帮助下,他在电视上对全国人出柜,而且做了Em的男朋友。很多人都不相信象Drew这样阳刚威武的绝对man货竟然也是gay,不过他为此付出了非常惨重的代价,不仅被逐出球队,而且失去了代理内衣的广告机会,每天都被狗仔队包围。 Ted几年前遇到的一个运动型男又出现了。几年前的Ted没有自信,被当作“年度性乞丐”,那个帅哥干过他之后拒绝了他要求的电话号码,并且说:每年这个时候我都要找个“年度性乞丐”好让他记得我。Ted的自尊受到很大的伤害。这个情节一定很多人都记得吧?这次Ted整容后在健身房又遇到了他,于是计划勾引他进行报复。Ted成功了,用很多姿势干了那个帅哥多次,当帅哥又在嘲笑别的“年度性乞丐”的时候,Ted把自己的报复心理告诉了他。帅哥愣了好半天,表情极度难过“其实我是真的很喜欢你”,他说完就走了。Ted没有尝到报复的快感,反而非常落寞。 觉得第五集有点严肃起来了,好象在讨论同志生活出路的问题,毕竟剧中的角色已经年纪渐渐大了。突然觉得好可怕,同志都有老的一天,现在我们年轻还没有这种危机意识,可是真到了那一天会是怎么样的呢?有多少人真的模仿异性恋建立了一夫一妻制的家庭,并且这是同志幸福的唯一出路吗?仍然在寻找刺激的高龄同志们就真的快乐吗?在中国,现在30多岁的同志恐怕很多都结婚了,以后还会是这样吗?
/查尔斯·麦克道格尔Charles McDougall,莎拉·哈丁Sarah Harding
和Ethan在一起的Justin(兰迪•哈里森 Randy Harrison 饰)去Brian(葛尔•哈罗德 Gale Harold 饰)家收拾自己的东西,一切都那么熟悉,可是现状却已变化万千。面对Justin的离去,Brian看似没事,可还是掩饰不掉他的落寞;Ted(斯科特•洛威尔 Scott Lowell 饰)和Emmett(彼得•派格 Peter Paige 饰)开始建立起关系,这让一直没什么自信的Ted心情好了许多;Michael(哈尔•斯帕克斯 Hal Sparks 饰)和Ben(罗伯特•甘特 Robert Gant 饰)维持着良好的关系;Lindsay和Melanie开始了她们新的造人计划。 看似稳定的状况却时刻在改变。Justin和Brian依然维持着工作上的关系,因为Ethan的出轨,让Justin又重新回到了Brian身边;Ted的色情网站被举报,这让他抑郁不止,进而向毒品靠拢;协助Stockwell市长竞选的Brian被对方发现自己的同志身份,进而被炒鱿鱼。匹兹堡的这群男男女女开始了反抗Stockwell的战争……
/查尔斯·麦克道格尔Charles McDougall,莎拉·哈丁Sarah Harding
接续着第一季的故事,在舞会结束后的停车场,被棒球袭击的Justin(兰迪•哈里森 Randy Harrison 饰)陷入了昏迷之中。看似正常的Brian(葛尔•哈罗德 Gale Harold 饰)却夜夜守候。最终Justin苏醒了,却不记得那晚发生的事。经过一番波折和努力,Brian让Justin克服了心理障碍,且重新拿起了画笔,自己也和Justin进入到一段全新的关系中。可对伴侣关系抱以不信任态度的Brian在不经意间让Justin伤了心。恰逢这时出现了才华横溢的小提琴家。艺术的共鸣,让Justin渐渐远离了Brian,进入到新的关系中。 这一边,告别了David的Michael(哈尔•斯帕克斯 Hal Sparks 饰)不忍受之前工作的同事奚落,开了漫画店,也因此邂逅了大学老师Ben(罗伯特•甘特 Robert Gant 饰);Ted(斯科特•洛威尔 Scott Lowell 饰)因为上班时看色情影片被逮住,经过低潮期的他因此开办了色情网站;替Ted网站做模特的Emmett(彼得•派格 Peter Paige 饰)因此在网络上爆红,有了许多的支持者,其中不乏大亨……
/Veronica Pivetti
16 year old Rocco's two aims in life are to get laid and to see his favourite pop star in concert with his best friends, sassy and tomboyish Maria and nerdy and quiet Mauri. When a bullying incident at school forces Rocco to come out to his divorced middle-class parents their liberal leanings are severely tested. Luckily his two friends stand by him and join him in running away from home (in his parents stolen car) to see their favourite singer in concert, followed hot on their heels by his neurotic mother and eccentric gran to hilarious effect. A vibrant , funny coming out tale,, A Little Lust is both immersive and totally life-affirming.
杰夫(阿兰·德龙 Alain Delon 饰)是一名沉默寡言的杀手,他住在一间旅馆里,仅与一只鸟为伴。独来独往的他接到委托暗杀俱乐部的老板,尽管行动天衣无缝,但警察还是扣押了他。钢琴女马蕾莉(凯茜·罗齐尔 Cathy Rosier 饰)认出了杰夫就是当天的可疑男子,但她却选择了包庇杰夫,这使杰夫心生疑虑。杰夫找到中间人结算工钱,没想到中间人开枪打伤了他。逃过一劫的杰夫暗中查明了雇主的身份,找到并且杀死了他,但同时,他发现,当初袒护他的马蕾莉,居然是雇主的情人。心情复杂的杰夫举着手枪来到俱乐部质问马蕾莉,却被早已埋伏在此的警察乱枪打死,事后,警察们发现,杰夫的手枪中并没有子弹,他这一行为的意义也成为了一个永远的秘密。
/Donal Lardner Ward
Upon moving into her husband's childhood home to help take care of his elderly relatives, Jean Copeland, an emotionally withdrawn wife and mother of two, becomes embroiled in an affair with a suicidal lover. Her husband, Gordon, is oblivious, too busy worrying that he's losing his most prized possession, his mind, after a run-in with an ex-girlfriend he doesn't remember. 19-year-old, Priscilla, is a fashionista desperate to become a reality TV star, while 9-year-old crossword fanatic, Otis, has fallen in love for the very first time. Otis (played by Noah schanpp) falls in love with Caterina (played by Caroline Mills) after, well, forever. With Gordon's father, Theodore, fading into dementia, and 95-year old matriarch, Vivian, desperately clinging to control of the house, the six family members, at five stages of life, distill the dreams, worries, and regrets, of contemporary America.
Best friends and lovers Miguel and Johnny have known each other since childhood. They spend their time skateboarding with their friends in throbbing Mexico City where they sell their own blood and get donors for the ER black market as a way to make money. But when an important transaction goes wrong, Miguel’s mother sends him out of the country. Away from Johnny, Miguel will find the path to his own destiny.
Several young girls were killed. Policeman Matthaei travels to the region where it happened and searches a child that looks similar to the ones that were murdered. He finds one and stays with her and her mother, not telling them that he is waiting for the killer to start his bloody work one more time ...
/Stepan Burnashev
Gosha is a trucker; he delivers goods to remote Arctic parts of Yakutia. He is a monopolist and his services are expensive. His greed lures him into making a run without a backup-driver. His truck breaks down in the middle of the road. Gosha is trying to fix it when an accident occurs. Now he is face to face with ruthless Arctic wilderness and death is only one breath away.
/Declan Donnellan,Nick Ormerod
根据“短篇小说之王”莫泊桑的同名小说《漂亮朋友》改编而成。 老兵乔治·杜瓦洛( 罗伯特·帕丁森Robert Pattinson 饰)退伍后从非洲只身来到巴黎,在铁道局打杂过着清苦交加的日子。偶然机会碰到昔日战友,在其帮助下进入《法兰西生活报》担任编辑一职,苦心钻营成为“瓦尔特帮”的重要写手,参与倒戈阴谋。凭借一张漂亮的外表和一些取悦女人的伎俩辗转于贵妇人之间,克罗蒂尔德(克里斯蒂娜·里奇 Christina Ricci 饰),玛德莱纳(乌玛·瑟曼 Uma Thurman 饰),瓦尔特夫人(克里斯汀·斯科特·托马斯 Kristin Scott Thomas 饰)都成为他平步青云的牺牲品,他无耻的利用女人来发迹,大搞投机冒险,步步为营跻身上流社会,并最终通过拐骗报馆老板瓦尔特的女儿苏珊(霍利·格林格 Holliday Grainger 饰),与之结婚成为报社总编辑,将权钱名并入囊中,成功得取远大前程。
/Thitipan Raksasat
泉仙生于日本最著名的娱乐圈家庭之一——但当全世界都在等待他作为新星的首次亮相时,泉只想成为一名杰出的漫画艺术家,实现他的宅男梦!尽管他一生都被明星所包围,但10年前在一次商业拍摄中的创伤经历迫使他情感隐退,最终投入他最喜欢的小说的怀抱角色,魔法少女拉鲁鲁。然而,事实证明泉还不清楚。考虑到他远没有成为任何类型的漫画家,他加入了拍摄他过去那个可怕的广告的续集。更重要的是,他过去的搭档,也是被邀请来扮演他的角色,不是别人,正是著名演员一久良。泉不再喜欢穿裙子了——但龙马渴望看到10年前俘获他芳心的美丽“女孩”。这次宿命的重逢会变成怎样?~~改编自日本最热门漫画《爱情舞台!!"(ラブ ステージ)作者:Eiki Eiki(影木栄貴)和赵太师的插画(蔵王大志). Izumi Sena was born to one of the most well known showbiz families in Japan—but while the world waits for his debut as a new star, Izumi just wants to become a distinguished manga artist and fulfill his otaku dreams! Despite being surrounded by stardom his whole life, a traumatizing experience at a commercial shoot 10 years ago forced him into emotional recluse and eventually into the arms of his favorite fictional character, Magical Girl LalaLulu. However, it turns out that Izumi is not in the clear yet. Considering that he is far from becoming a manga artist of any sort, he joins a shooting for the sequel of that dreaded commercial from his past. What’s more, his co-star from the past, who is also invited to reprise his role, is none other than the famous actor Ryouma Ichijou. Izumi does not fancy wearing a dress again—but Ryouma is eager to see the beautiful "girl" who captured his heart 10 years ago. How will this fateful reunion turn out? ~~ Adapted from the manga "Love Stage!!" (ラブ ステージ) written by Eiki Eiki (影木栄貴) and illustrated by Zao Taishi (蔵王大志).
/Don Christensen
The Tom and Jerry Comedy Show is an American animated television program produced by Filmation for MGM Television in 1980, on CBS for Saturday mornings. The show lasted two seasons (with season two consisting of reruns) and the individual episodes were eventually added to syndicated Tom and Jerry packages.