看似平凡的五金制造公司其实是一所铜金属一样冰冷无情的杀人公司。池炯道(苏志燮 饰)虽然整日西服革履,却是该公司业绩卓人的职业杀手。他为公司供职十年,没有一次失手,早已磨练出冷血气质和杀人不眨眼的狠心。但遇到来公司“打工”的新人罗勋(金东俊 饰)时,他突然看到了自己当年的影子。在和罗勋一起执行任务时,炯道有了片刻的恍惚。通过和罗勋的家人交流,他越来越感到亲情的温暖,更在遇到心爱的女人刘美妍(李美妍 饰)时,他的职业敏感发生了变化。在执行一次任务时,因犹豫而导致任务失败,这也让炯道第一次萌生退意,但事情远没有他想象的那样简单。一天之内,他从公司最有前途的职员变为公司的敌人,遭到原同事们追杀的“目标”……
陷入的瞬间,毁灭也随之到来。 韩国版《本能》情色系列《夏娃的诱惑》四部曲之三 恋爱七年结婚的英勋和静林是一对令人艳羡的夫妇。英勋是一个成功的摄影师,静林是一个位食品营养师。两个人住在宁静的郊外,生活安逸。相恋时的狂热渐渐平息,两人之间的关系更像无话不谈的好朋友。英勋的摄影作品一般以年轻的裸体女子为模特。静林虽然也会担心丈夫是否会和这些女模特发生暧昧,但两人之间始终充满了信任。 某天,和往常一样,英勋在家附近慢跑锻炼,巧遇新搬到此地的一对夫妇。丈夫贤哲表情威严,不可一世,妻子孝珍小心谨慎,不乏畏惧。这对夫妻的微妙关系令旁观的英勋十分好奇。从那以后,英勋无意识地开始通过家里的窗户偷窥邻居孝珍的一举一动,渐渐成瘾。一次偶然的契机下,孝珍夫妇受邀来英勋家做客。敏感无礼的贤哲令静林感到十分不快。 一天,外出散步的英勋和前往寺庙的孝珍同行。英勋被孝珍吸引……两人渐渐陷入一场无法自控的情欲漩涡。与此同时,静林对丈夫也产生了一种不祥的预感,惴惴不安。孝珍也不断受到疑心病困扰的贤哲的百般虐待和折磨。即便如此,仍无法阻碍英勋和孝珍,两人的感情一发不可收拾。但是,他们不得不面对最残酷的现实――蒙在鼓里的静林和贤哲终有一天会知道。
/Lee Kwang-ho
Jae-hyeon is about to return to university after military service and making moneny by selling sweet potatoes. One day a regular customer and call girl Hye-ri asks him to be friends and Jae-hyeon, who was interested in her, says yes. One evening he sees her getting beaten up by her pimp husband and Jae-hyeon rushes to help her. They get close from this point on and spends a night together. However, she's hurt the next day when she sees the money he's left for her and never sees him again. Time passes and Jae-hyeon gets a job at an insurance company, living a dull life when she appears once again. They fall in love like they met destiny and start living together. Jae-hyeon is exhausted supporting Hye-ri who suddenly wants to become an actress and their relationship starts to crack. To make things worse, she quit her night job so her pimp husband was looking for her everywhere and pressuring on Jae-hyeon....
/Ji Kil-woong (지길웅)
Tae joon(李相勋)和SEO妍(公园敏京)把自己生活的城市,开始在一个宁静的乡村。Tae joon还学习如何农场,他没有几年的水果丰收。他被强调和责备的土壤。SEO贤建议他们开始分享房子来减轻自己的压力。他们请了一个新的家庭为他们的房子为“分享”,Hwai(Lee Ja eun)。她是一个小说家,她写她与另一个男人的经验。她与Tae joon在过去的一个事件。她恨他还是爱他,无法超越他,所以她一路走下去。她接管这曾经是Tae joon和徐铉的空房子。怀的压力,Tae joon和被他引诱SEO铉的木工老师Jae边(Kim Seon hyeok)。Hwai摇了SEO贤试图让Tae joon她而SEO贤努力保护她的家庭。
/Choi Moo-yeon (최무연)
An experiment on the affect sex has on diet. Yeong-gyu and Tae-joon are making a documentary. The first week, they have sex once with one woman. The second week, they have sex twice with two women. The third week, they have sex three times with three women. Regardless of nationality, marriage or past?! Where is the end of this reckless project that goes on for 3 weeks with 6 women?
影片主人公济辉在念高中时一直遭受同学的欺辱,即使毕业后济辉在心理上仍留有阴霾,十分害怕与社会接触,每天都躲在家里足不出户,在这样的生存空间里,性格有些懦弱甚至有些缺陷的济辉,他唯一的对话对象就是互联网,唯一的心愿竟是不切实际的瞬间移动。有一天,济辉认识了一个名叫张熙的女孩,济辉再与张熙交流中逐渐打开了尘封已久的心扉,而在此时他再一次面对在高中时曾欺负自己的同学彪,继而又遭到了彪的嘲笑和侮辱……为了摆脱困境重新生活,济辉决定向互联网虚拟世界中的“那个人”求助…… 一句话评论: 看着不安的灵魂在颤抖地寻找成长的阳光,观众的心也跟着越揪越紧,处处穿插的幽默可以看出导演的才气,甚至让人联想到了美国著名的科恩兄弟的黑色幽默喜剧。同时,林智奎、林智妍和尹绍时三个演员的发掘,是本片送给观众的最好的礼物。
/Jo Kyeong-hoon-I
"I want to be yours tonight..." Three men from a social club get together for intimate reasons, then a cute and sexy girl happens to fall in front of them! 'A sexy and rich' guy who has to go to the military giving up his school credits, 'a loser' who just got discharged dreaming of heated love and 'a goose father' who hasn't had sex in forever, join a paragliding club for other reasons. A hot and sexy girl appears in front of them and the three hyenas convince her to go to an overnight paragliding trip with them. Who will be the winner? This girl playing hard to get causes the three to shake and they start doing anything they need to get her to spend a night with them...
/Lee Soong-hwan (이숭환)
“Shall we go on a trip?” Jin-wook and So-ri couple have been dating for 6 years. So-ri randomly suggests that they should go on a trip along with her best friend Mi-ra and her boyfriend. It is because she promised with Mi-ra before that the four should go on a trip together once Mi-ra has a boyfriend. Jin-wook does not feel comfortable with her plan because he has not been interested in So-ri’s friend at all and has not had a meal even once with the friend together so far. However, he unwillingly decides to go on the trip. As Jin-wook heard that Mi-ra and her boyfriend would prepare all of camping equipment and fishing gadgets, he really does not prepare anything. He only packs the reading material for his thesis in his backpack so that he can work on the thesis that he has been preparing for the last few years continuously. While So-ri was not happy with Jin-wook who has been complaining about every single thing, she is surprised to see how sweet Mi-ra’s boyfriend is. Also, So-ri becomes tired of Jin-wook’s immature behaviors. Mi-ra’s boyfriend Gyeong-hoon has prepared everything for the camping trip including the tent rental, fishing, and cooking. He is just a perfect guy with such a considerate manner towards his girlfriend Mi-ra. Jin-wook, unhappy with the situation, makes a sarcastic comment about Gyeong-hoon for working as a DJ at a club. From Jin-wook’s point of view, Gyeong-hoon is nothing compared to his career as a teaching assistant, who is preparing for his master’s degree at the age of 35. Because So-ri feels sorry for not preparing anything for the trip, she helps Gyeong-hoon cooking the meal diligently, while Mi-ra, who is hypocritical often, stays inside their tent along with Jin-wook and shares her secret personal stories with him.
A dysfunctional family's heart of darkness is laid bare in the grimly humorous and then just plain grim meller "Members of the Funeral." Feature bow by Baek Seung-bin heralds a dark wit and sleek intelligence guided by a creatively secure humility. A standout from the substandard HD fodder that generally clogs up Pusan's New Currents competish and so-called cutting-edge fests, "Funeral" is quietly riveting. A tad too restrained for midnight sidebars or commercial release, pic possesses an intensity that should secure fest berths.
/Kyeong Seok-ho (경석호)
尹南和美爱(河智星 饰)的婚姻已经持续了八年之久,一开始的激情和浪漫早已经被世间消磨殆尽,尹南整日在家中无所事事,等着美爱赚钱回来养他,这令美爱感到十分愤怒。工作和生活的双重压力让美爱开始在其他男人身上寻找刺激,通过和陌生男人上床,美爱似乎能够发泄一点对现世的不满,久而久之,这已经成为了她的一种习惯。尹南家隔壁新搬来了一位名为伊尹(金智苑 饰)的美丽女子,伊尹发现和自己交往多年的男友竟然背着自己偷吃,悲愤之中离开了他独自生活。机缘巧合之下,尹南和伊尹相识了,两颗孤独的心迅速靠近。美爱发现尹南最近对自己的态度冷淡了许多,开始想研究背后的原因。
/Kyeong Seok-ho (경석호)
Eun-gi's eventful life in a boarding house has begun with the three ladies: a sexy owner of a boarding house, her daughter who is even sexier, and his innocent first love. Eun-gi, a freshman, has found his new place in a boarding house operated by mother and daughter when he came to Seoul to study. His only pleasure is to play along in the unspoken push-and-pull relationship with the mother or the daughter. One day, his first love, Soon-yi, who is innocent and docile, suddenly comes to visit him at the boarding house. With the sexy daughter of the boarding house behind the door, and the curvaceous lady owner of the boarding house in the bathroom next to his room, the 20-year-old virgin Eun-gi's sleepless night begins.
曾经是着名剧作家的俊熙(金英浩 饰)已经沉寂了7年之久,这期间,他的日子过得即郁闷又苦逼。在朋友的建议下,他决定通过谈恋爱的方式来重新激发起自己的创作欲望,然而,恋爱是双人运动,他那如花似玉的女学生成了首当其冲的人选。同时,厨师熙淑(金慧善 饰)也陷入了职业生涯的低谷期,不但对一直都热爱着的事业提不起劲,也再无热情去好好经营生活。就在这悲催的境地里,有人提议一场恋爱或许能够换来新生,灵光一现的熙淑将目光投向了自己年轻单纯的男弟子。然而,这四个人的关系并不如想象的那样简单,当感情脱离了理智的控制,他们该如何收拾这个烂摊子呢?